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almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by SmokeDeathsticks

everyone just tag u/f8rge theres no way they can ignore this shit!

This will probably not get you very far. As before, unfortunately I am not allowed to comment on cheats publicly. These are legal stipulations that I simply cannot break or even bend.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by celebradar

How could it possibly be a legal mandate holding you back from commenting? Do you mean a EA policy (to bury their head in the sand) is holding you back at the risk of employment instead? It seems like a far stretch to say it's a matter of legality to make a statement on blatant cheating.

Nope, it's a legal thing. Simple as that, frustrating I know - as frustrating for me as well.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by SmokeDeathsticks

Im sorry man i think your great but that just sounds like some PR bullshit i love battlefront 2 but you guys cant keep letting this happen. i just cant wrap my head around you guys not updating your anti-cheat because of legal issues im sure you know that sounds absurd. And keep in mind all DICE games have this issue on PC its not just Battlefront. This kinda shit should not be allowed to happen. More specificaly to players like me that have stuck with yall since the beginning. You guys ban players for changing blaster bolt colors but not players who modify damage output settings? what the f**k is up with that shit? If the subreddit didnt have the mods take down these types of posts you guys would've never of acknowledged it.

We do acknowledge it. For some grounding, we have the lowest cheat reporting rate of any EA title, and when I say low it is very low. We are working on stuff, we do ban people. We made changes recently and that report rate dropped over 30%, so things are happening.

We will not talk about what we are doing though, because that then gives people a heads up.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by NexusPatriot

I’m not calling you a liar Ben, but would it be possible in some way for you, or somebody higher up to link what exactly is “illegal” about this?

I don’t see how the punishing of players for abusing a product by negatively impacting the integrity of the experience for others, makes it “illegal” to discuss.

I can maybe understand anonymity for sake of defending their identity from public scrutiny, but in terms of discussing what steps you are taking, “illegal” doesn’t sit right.

Just give us something to work with, or at least read about so maybe we can understand better.

I can maybe understand anonymity for sake of defending their identity from public scrutiny, but in terms of discussing what steps you are taking, “illegal” doesn’t sit right.

But if we talk about what we are doing, that gives those making cheat software a leg up. It's a no win situation for us.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by mandoskippy

Sorta, I do data analytics for fraudulent connections in banking as well as internet security. Certain things we talk about because it helps low level criminals move on to a different target, for other things we randomized the ban/punish action to help hide what were are doing.

There is value in discouragement especially for entry level folks. I would imagine there is actually an advantage in gaming because the payout of negating countermeasures gets lower and lower. As a hacker has to work harder, just cheating at a game seems like a poor payout. In banking fraud, negating counter measures pays off in cash.

At the end of the day, you (Dice) have the advantage. Not only do you define the parameters of the game, but you have data on trend analysis of what is normal. Finding anomalies in that is pretty straight forward, combine that with added logging for minor deviation from the norm, and you should be able to stay a step ahead.

My day job is fraud/security data analytics and threat intel, my dream job is applying that to the gaming world. If a position like that ever opens up, I'd love to talk!

Not sure where you are based but head to https://www.ea.com/careers/careers-overview

Hit search and see if anything pops up. I just did a search for "security" and quite a few results appeared.

Best of luck!