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When Fallen Order releases, this playerbase is probably going to have a large, hopefully temporary, drop in people. Why not release the quality-of-life updates then?

First and most importantly, bug fixes. The game-breaking ones, the small ones, and the funny ones all need to go. It’s definitely going to help everybody’s experiences when they can actually play a stable game.

This is also a great opportunity for customization updates. Imagine this: Aliens that are unlocked are available for both the Rebels and Resistance without having to buy them twice. They’re not locked to specific classes anymore. Clone armor can be customized to have visors, kamas, pauldrons, and anything else in addition to their legion colors with no class restriction.

There are a few things that could really make this game amazing, and November would be a great time to release something like this. What do you all think? Any ideas?

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Heavyweighsthecrown

It would. But won't happen anyway. Since launch, we never got such a thing. These "bacta update" posts fall on deaf ears.

TBH and put it bluntly, I'd prefer if the "bacta update" posts stopped - they give players a false sense of hope that we could receive extensive bug fixes. If you're an old player, you know these things don't happen.

It would. But won't happen anyway. Since launch, we never got such a thing. These "bacta update" posts fall on deaf ears.

Doesn't fall on deaf ears. The notion of a "Bacta Update" or similar has been discussed but right now we're looking at putting more effort into fixes and QoL each month, rather than waiting for one specific month to do it.

Edit: I can't spell

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by DarthPepo

Sad to hear that, it's obvious that the monthly fixes aren't really enough, you guys really need to have your efforts focused on just bugfixes for a time

We've put more focus on fixes.