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over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatRandomWhiteBoy

u/f8rge, look at this thread please. There’s still lots of love for GA, don’t do this.

Appreciate this might not be what you want to hear, but there are currently no plans to revert any of the UI changes made in today's update.

Modes are placed together based on their in-game popularity, and Co-Op and Supremacy are our focus.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by nicholasr325

Yeah DICE has a habit of not reverting things back to the way that a majority of the community wants.

Looking at you BFV

I don't think that's necessarily true. We reverted / changed an absolute ton of Clone Trooper appearances based on community feedback. Quite a lot of our changes are driven by what the community wants.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Kaiser_Dooku

how about a server browser and this? show us you really base stuff on our feedback, you have continuously ignored requests for a server list, so im sorry but i have trouble believing you

Not ignored, just development time is being used elsewhere. No team can ever deliver absolutely everything, unfortunately.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by F8RGE

Appreciate this might not be what you want to hear, but there are currently no plans to revert any of the UI changes made in today's update.

Modes are placed together based on their in-game popularity, and Co-Op and Supremacy are our focus.

Poor comment from me above, chalk it up to getting caught up in amongst the update deployment. Apologies for that.

Some further insight on this and a few other things.

We are always looking at game mode popularity, and for this we primarily focus on our in-game telemetry. This allows us to see not only how many matches of a specific game mode are played but how many players are joining any specific mode. There are a whole host of things we can check telemetry for, and it's not always a case of "total number of players". It's things like what those players are doing once they play, how quick they quit out and various other elements.

It's no secret that some modes aren't as populated than others, this happens to all games, let alone those who have been live for 2+ years. We can take Ewok Hunt for example, it has a spike around Halloween but other than that it remains one of the low populated modes.

Supremacy, Co-Op and Heroes Vs Villains are our primary focus.

Since March last year we've been focusing on Supremacy and HvV, and then later in 2019 we added Co-Op into the mix. Each of these modes offer players something unique, whether that's the large scale combat of Supremacy or the hero element of HvV.

Supremacy has become our primary mode, it's received numerous updates throughout last year, has just received another major update today and will shortly be joined by an Original Trilogy update with Scarif at the forefront. As a result of this it makes sense for us to focus on this mode, which is why I'm sure you can understand why it has the place it does within the UI.

Heroes and Villains continues to be a much played mode and we know it's one that players enjoy. It's why we've brought a number of maps to the mode over the last year or so. The key here is that it's the big (popularity wise) multiplayer mode that is vastly different to supremacy. No Troopers, no Reinforcements, no vehicles, just light vs dark.

We've seen Co-Op become a huge mode for us, not only is it great for those short fire bursts of time when you might only have 15 - 20mins to spare but it has become a place where people who don't feel like the full PvP experience can have some fun. It's also a great place for newcomers to the game. We've seen plenty of times people calling out newcomers running around and not playing in the 'optimal' way, Co-Op allows those to jump in and get familiar with things first. This is why we have Co-Op on the front menu next to Multiplayer and Single player.

With regards to Galactic Assault, this isn't to say that nobody is playing it. It still retains a healthy player base. You shouldn't be having a problem finding a lobby anytime today. The only change here is the position within the overall UI setup. We're confident those that enjoy GA will continue to do so.

We'll continue to monitor to see how it goes, and as always, thanks for the constructive feedback.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by xHybridTurtle

The problem is that GA is the optimal gamemode for a lot of players. Quick games, full hero selection, smaller areas of play and most importantly, It's PURE pvp (no additional bots like in Supremacy). Sure, people want modes to escape the "full PvP experience", but Supremacy isn't really a "full PvP" experience and it feels a lot less competitive than GA.

We understand CS, Co-op and HvV are very popular. Nobody is saying they aren't and we wouldn't want those hidden away either. We just want GA to be one of the "main" gamemodes, even if it gets less content. As I and many have said, relatively smaller regions struggle a lot with the smaller gamemodes. I could queue up all day every day for Starfighter Assault in Australia and never find a game. Hiding GA, one of the biggest modes in Australia WILL hurt the playerbase numbers and make queues harder than they already are.

People aren't downvoting your comment because you said it in a certain way, people are downvoting it because they love GA and don't want it gone.

...don't want it gone.

GA isn't going anywhere, we're still confident it'll be played and enjoyed by those that want to play it.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Szaby59

But will it get more maps/updates ?

Future content has always been announced when it's ready. Right now we've announced what's next for us, and that's OT for Co-Op and Supremacy.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by GerionsCodpiece

If you can track things, then maybe keep an eye on how GA's numbers change after this needless alteration to the menu UI.

Absolutely. As with all updates, we'll be keeping an eye on how things go over the next week or so, and in particular through the weekends (which are usually the busiest days).

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by fuzzman02

244 downvotes currently. Yeah I’d say the community definitely agrees with you.

Downvotes, upvotes, it doesn't matter. I'd rather talk to the community and keep that communication going, than just staying silent.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by WVgolf

That’s BS. You all haven’t added a map in what? 2 years. Admit it, you all just don’t want us to earn credits. Supremacy sucks something terrible for credit earning

Maps in general? We added Felucia towards the end of last year and Ajan Kloss in December. Those are two brand new maps, as well as the Capital Ship interiors that we've done.

We have no problem with people earning credits, we know full well that players already have more credits than they know what to do with. The vast majority of players get appearances and other cosmetics through credits, and we're fine with that. It's also why we dropped the credit cost of the heroes and made them unlocked for everyone.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by WVgolf

I’m referring to no GA maps in 2 years. People have been begging for supremacy to get a credit balance pass because games can last hours and you only get a couple hundred credits. Whereas a GA match can literally last 5-6 minutes and you’ll get more than a hour long supremacy game

I don’t play supremacy because it’s just not worth the time if I’m going for credits. It’s a great mode but it doesn’t respect your time like GA does

Regarding the Supremacy games lasting a long time. We did a number of tweaks to the mode in the tail-end of 2019 which put the average game down to 20-30 mins. There are still some which last longer, but for the most part the different should now be a lot shorter rounds of the mode.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by WVgolf

So there’s no intention of buffing the credits in supremacy? :( and thanks for responding 👍

No plans to make any changes to credit payout right now. We can see that players are making quite a few credits, and most people have sizeable balances.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by PGombi

u/F8RGE, are you aware and willing to admit, that a decline in playercount in some modes is a direct result of lack of content for those said modes? I'm mainly speaking for Extraction and Starfighter Assault, but in the recent months voices within this reddit community became louder requesting Felucia for GA, and there was no response from your side.

Content being released is always going to drive some players to check things out, Ewok Hunt in October is a good example of this. The real insight would be would players stick around to play within the mode after the 'new' feeling has worn off. That's the really difficult question to answer and it will likely vary based on game mode, the content being added and more.

We had such a huge outcry for a game mode along the lines of Supremacy to be added, the desire to go back to capturing a command post.

It was always one of the biggest requests we had, which was a large reason why we put our development time behind it. Once it came out, and Supremacy was well received, we updated it further and from there requests came for more Eras to be added.

The release of the Age of Resistance updates proved a great point in time to add the Era to the mode and of course OT content for Co-Op and Supremacy has been amongst the most requested features we've ever had.

That said, we know there are those players who are requesting other elements, and one of the hardest things of game development is picking which road to travel down. We made commitments to Supremacy and Co-Op (as well as IA and HvV) and that's the direction we are currently headed.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by TroutGrub

Modes are placed together based on their popularity, shouldn't you be trying to make all the game modes more popular, not less popular? Of course GA is going to grow less popular, you guys haven't updated it in over a year. If you don't update modes and push them away people stop playing them. I'd love to see some focus on the less popular modes so they can become more popular again.

I'd love to see some focus on the less popular modes so they can become more popular again.

Would come at the expense of working on OT Content for Co-Op and Supremacy. In which case we would be replacing this thread with multiple "stop ignoring the OT era" style threads.

Making decisions like this is a frustrating part of development, we know we can't please everyone so we at least try to please as many as we can.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by MorgulValar

Looks like you guys are going back to the old ways of EA. Focusing on the numbers and what you want to do instead of what the community is asking for.

We're adding OT because of the requests from the Community, as well as Scarif. We're making changes to Geonosis HvV because of feedback too.

Don't take one UI change to be indicative of us turning our backs on the community.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by arm76683

Is there a way to not have to replay the ground phase after a failed ship phase? It draws the game out and folks end up leaving

We've looked at ways of implementing this, toying with ideas such as if the attackers fail during the ship phase then the game is classed as a "draw".

When we made previous changes we saw that repeat visits to the ship dropped drastically and the vast majority of games are over within one ship phase now. We'll continue to monitor.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by arm76683

Ok, thanks for the reply! Maybe you could try your idea out as an event and see how the reception is? :)

Changes like this are a bit out of scope for a weekend event sadly as it needs core mechanics of the mode to change.

over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I was referring to back in late 2018 - early 2019. No changes in this update.