over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hey everyone,

Want to drop you all a note regarding the inflated experience that some players experienced after the update that brought Kamino into Capital Supremacy, back in May. We have been working on a solution to this and are now ready to begin rolling it out, something we plan to do over the next few days.

If a player had a jump in their class rank after the May 22nd update, they’ll notice their class ranks decrease when they next log in. Any player affected by this will not lose progress that they’ve made since May 22nd. For example, if you were capped at class rank 70 before the update but jumped to rank 800 when the update was deployed and have since progressed to rank 810, your class rank will decrease to 80.

These changes are expected to begin rolling out over the next few days and will be done per player. This means that if you have two players with inflated exp levels, one of them may get changed before the other.

Thanks everyone for your patience on this. As we are working directly with player data within a live environment we have been taking every precaution we can. It is not something we wanted to rush into.

We’ll keep you posted as this develops.

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