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Weren't the dev streams promised over a year ago? And didn't F8rge say that they will pick up in 2019? So i wonder, what actually happened to them? I know that the communication is probably better than ever, but i would still like to see that. Don't get me wrong, i am very gratefull for the communication we are getting and i honestly think that the communication is really good. But a dev stream would be something special.

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

It's one of those things that will constantly follow me around, etched into my gravestone. Definitely a case of us talking about something a bit too soon. Communication can come back to haunt us at times.

In between Transmissions, Community Update Videos and everything in-between we do feel that things have improved. You tell us as much in the surveys we send out. Naturally there will always be ways we can push things further.

That said, when we do streams I want to ensure it's not something that is done one month and then dropped the month after. It needs to be something that we're confident we can continue on a regular basis. Now, that's if we went down the regular route.

The other alternative is that we do it around certain specific times. Maybe we do a stream around The Rise of Skywalker content dropping for example.

In short, it's still on our backlog. Appreciate it's something that many people would like to see.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Nyzam45

I'm probably over-simplifying things so forgive me please, but I really don't get why this is such a hard thing to do? I mean, I know you guys say your busy and all, but is it really that hard to scheduled one to two hours per month just to play the game on a livestream? That really doesn't seem like it should be so complicated.

Throw in getting a required build (which is a task in itself). Then we consider how we do it. If we're showing anything that's an online component it means we'd have to do things once it's launched and not pre. We could of course do something custom but that then adds to the complexity.

Then we'd have to align with the marketing team in case we spoil anything. For example, we wouldn't want to do a stream that drops ahead of a community update video or trailer as that would then spoil it.

Games are complicated.