almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to drop a quick update with regards to a few things. First up, we're pleased with the way the latest update has gone, bar a minor issue with some PC's experiencing a black screen upon boot. The hotfix we released yesterday has done the job well and we consider this to now be fixed.

Ajan Kloss was released today and we are seeing it appear in both Co-Op and HvV map rotations. Please do let us know what you think about this new planet.

We do have some issues we are currently tracking:

Aerial Star Cards

As you are aware, we replaced a couple of the Star Cards for aerials. What we should have mentioned is that we have bumped all cooldown times from the replaced Star Cards to represent them at a Rare level. Instead of having to equip 2 Star Cards, all Aerials have Rare level cooldowns on their Jetpacks and Rocket Launchers by default. Apologies on that, we should have mentioned it within the release notes.


Players have noticed a couple of issues with Bossk since the latest update. We can confirm we have a number of fixes for him and these will be included within the next update.


We have plans to prevent from Jetpack characters from picking up the package.

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Acydor

Damn, nothing on the AI shooting while incapacitated bug?

We will hopefully have that fixed in January too! Hopefully.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by 5al3


Jan fix.