about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Seeing a lot of the same questions posted over and over again since yesterday so figured I would gather a bunch of them up as it's becoming problematic to answer them repeatedly.

The below are just some of the questions I've been asked, and answered a few times over the last 24 hours. As always, the search button is your friend.

Q) When can I get the Farmboy Luke appearance?

A) Community event which starts on October 11

Q) When can I get the Maul KENOBI! emote?

A) Community event which starts on October 11

Q) What about AI vehicles?

A) We're working on it. We have them up and running internally but they still need a few more tweaks before being ready to be deployed onto the battlefront.

Q) Where is NVIDIA Ansel in Instant Action?

A) Due to the way our new AI system works they wouldn't actually stop / pause when you enabled Ansel. We are considering enabling this as an experimental option.

Q)What about Hero AI?

A) We've already got some improvements lined up. For example, some tweaks are coming to Yoda to make him even more of a formidable foe.

Q) Reinforcement AI when?

A) Being worked on. We currently have the Commando AI operational and are working on Droidekas. Would like to get them both online at the same time.

Q) Have you seen this bug?

A) Most likely, we have multiple eyes looking at things. If you do encounter an issue a few things that really help are a clear description of the problem, what you did to cause it and if possible a video to showcase it.

Q) When will this content come?

A) The only content we're talking about is that which is on the roadmap.

Q) When will we hear about the October update?

A) October

Q) Any plans to update Instant Action options?

A) Something we are looking at. As always, be sure to let us know what options you'd like.

Q) Can we have control over the AI Appearances?

A) We're currently working on a system which will give AI a planet appropriate appearance. This is our first step towards this.

Q) Have you thought about this piece of content?

A) Most likely yes.

Q) Starfighters in Instant Action?

A) Nothing to confirm on this right now

Q) Other eras for Co-Op and Instant Action?

A) As soon as we have something to officially confirm on this, we'll let you know.

Q) CT When?

A) Early October to fully detail the Community Events for the Maul emote and Luke appearance.

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