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This is a post a friend named Scoundrel (yea not the best username) wrote on the Battlefront forums that says exactly why we need the PVE modes to be playable offline as well as what the modes would ideally be.

This is a long wall of text that I hope F8RGE and the others read.

"I've been trying to see the silver lining with an "online connection needed" PVE mode, hence my earlier post. But honestly I can't. If I had my way, I'd prefer DICE to give us these PVE modes COMPLETELY OFFLINE. I don't particularly care if the AI bots are "challenging" or feel like I'm playing against real players. I don't need that but understand why others do.

We want these modes to be completely offline so we can be the star of our own Star Wars adventure. So we can pick up and play whenever we want in whatever scenario we want. So we can enjoy the same mind-blowing fun that Battlefront 2 provides on a daily basis long after the servers have gone dark and the game's population has moved on the "bigger and better" games.

The single most important reason, above and beyond all else, is so that we don't lose content. This game is amazing. No one posting here or reading this forum would disagree.

BF 2015 had some truly glorious maps and modes that we'll never get to play again, unless by some miracle they are ported over to BFII. Death Star Trench Run, Scarif, the Carbon Freezing Chamber on Cloud City, Extraction on Jabba's Palace Garage, just to name a few... All gone. permanently. The lobbies are empty. Barren. Desolate like the Jundland Wastes (which was an incredible map as well). If not for the efforts of two intrepid devs who worked on BF2015 and gave us the flawed yet glorious SKIRMISH, we'd be missing out on the best large scale maps in that game (and some would argue BOTH games) like Outpost Beta, Sorosuub Centroplex, Forest Moon of Endor, etc.

That's why we clamor for maps to be ported over. To enjoy them again. If this new PVE mode is NOT offline, then the same fate will befall BF2. Maybe not immediately. I have a hunch that these servers will stay on for quite a while. But that's not enough, obviously. When the player base wanes (as it eventually will), those live servers will not be populated. Hence the game will die a slow agonizing death. And if this PVE mode is an online connection (as I suspect) the servers may actually stay on for at least the lifespan of the PS5. By that time, my guess is that a core of players will still want to play BFII, but the majority will have moved on.

A truly OFFLINE PVE can mitigate all of that.

To make things simple (and to maximize player enjoyment) the core game modes that are currently available should all be moved offline with some tweaks and modifications (in some cases). Give 'em new names, that's cool. Just don't skimp on the content. And any additions to the online game should continue to be added to this PVE mode.

STARFIGHTER ASSAULT should be added to OFFLINE PVE. It's perfect as is. No changes necessary. Just add in Death Star Trench Run and Bespin Airspace and aid be ecstatic.

GALACTIC SUPREMACY (LARGE SCALE PVE MODE) Combine the best parts of CAPTIAL SUPREMACY, GALACTIC ASSAULT, and WALKER ASSAULT into one glorious OFFLINE SANDBOX PVE mode. Essentially take the wide open CS maps with command posts, have an era-specific Walker marching down the battlefield (which side depends on held command posts) and have uplink stations to hold and call in bomber support to take out the walkers. No need for Ion Disruptors to be targeted with AI.

STRIKE If all other small modes (minus blast because that already handled in Arcade) are combined into one playlist online, do the same for OFFLINE PVE. To be fair, I've wavered on this one a bit. There's nothing new content-wise that you gain by adding the small modes to PVE, since the current STRIKE MAPS are cutouts of the large maps. But there are some great maps and fun the be had. STRIKE is a lot of fun. EXTRACTION is key here. Adding Kessel and Jabba's Palace (and hopefully eventually the Outer Rim Extraction maps and Carbon Freeze Chamber for Sabotage) would be ideal. THE R2D2 Extracion from the Death Star would be perfect here. Point is, I don't want to lose the small maps here too like we lost them in BF2015. For that reason STRIKE/OPERATIONS need to come to PVE too.

HEROES v VILLAINS??? Flip a coin. Some days yes, for me, some days no. I personally play SO little of it online that I think it would be a fun distraction from the other modes, but not one I'd play often. It doesn't add much by way of maps. And I'm more than happy if they can add Hero AI into the LARGE SCALE MODE. NO.

EWOK HUNT (and any other Hunt modes added the future) I think it would be fun to play these modes without the majority of the team hiding in the cave for the duration of the match, or running off and hiding where they know the shuttle is going to land so they can make a quick exit. You know... Actually hunt and be hunted by ewoks. Or wampas. Or geonosians. Or hunted by Vader. Or whatever else they cook up.

CUSTOMIZATION and PLAYLISTS The online customization currently in-game is pretty good and would need very little modification. Give us the ability to determine troop types for both sides, troop counts, troop skins (I.e. A certain clone skin or skins for different maps), hero skins, similar to the options in ARCADE. Let us Era-Lock Heroes and Villains for immersion nuts like me, or choose to "Free for All" with any heroes and villains. Let us CHOOSE the number of heroes on the battlefield at any given time. Want to limit it to two? Great. Want to have Han, Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie, Vader, Palpatine, Boba Fett, Bossk, and Iden all at the same time with no other Eras represented? Perfect! Then let us create our own playlist of maps and modes to be played.

Let me go to Kamino in Starfighter Assault, then in Galactic Supremacy. Let me set up an all OT Playlist. Let me decide to use only the 327th Phase II in the defense of Naboo. You get the point.

And for the love of the force... Give us back our beloved maps like OUTPOST BETA, FOREST MOON OF ENDOR, SOROSUUB CENTROPLEX, GRAVEYARD OF GIANTS, CLOUD CITY. Give us back SABOTAGE on CLOUD CITY (it's really a GALACTIC ASSAULT mode anyway). And let us Relive the Excitement at our own pace of the DEATH STAR TRENCH RUN.

I'm confident that we'll get a surprising amount of this content, eventually. I'm talking over the course of the next few years (this game isn't going anywhere). But how much of it will truly be OFFLINE?

Never tell me the odds...

But can DICE do it?"

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Just a note, while I don't have the answers for you today (you'll get them next week), I just wanted to say that I have read your post. Not in the habit of saying seen but can tell a lot of time and effort went into it.

Thanks for being passionate about the game.