almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hello there

Just a quick status update on a few things that we've seen discussed over the last 24 hours.

Crashes on PS4 and Xbox One

We are aware of this and are currently working to resolve. This is one of our biggest priorities at the moment. Work has already been underway for many hours now into looking for a cause and potential fix and we feel we have some strong leads. As soon as we have more information we'll be letting you know. Rest assured, we want to fix this as soon as we can.

Clone Commando Battle Point Cost

This has been reverted to its post update status of 2,000. This change was conducted via a server tweak and is currently live in the game.

Co-Op Starting

We have made a change which will allow Co-Op games to start with 2 players. This was made at the same time as the Clone Commando above, and is already live.

We'll keep you posted as more develops. Thanks again for your continued feedback and support.

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