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Capital Supremacy is essentially DICE's spiritual successor to Pandemic's Battlefront II Galactic Conquest mode. While it isn't exactly the same thing, it is still a mode that offers a lot of prequel trilogy fun. Overall, DICE did a really good job with Capital Supremacy, but with a few tweaks and fine tuning, this mode can truly shine. Below is a mash of my own suggestions along with some community suggestions on how to improve Capital Supremacy. I encourage everyone to either add or comment within the discussion.

  1. Command Posts : This is one request I see pretty frequently and it just makes sense. For those of you who haven't played the older Battlefront games, you always had the ability to spawn at command posts, but for some reason this feature was never implemented in CS. If added, this would add a layer of strategy to the gameplay and it would make losing and taking command posts feel more important (right now it feels pretty frivolous). Furthermore, like in the old Battlefront games, we should have the ability to first neutralize a command post and then capture it.
  2. Transport Ships: Currently the boarding phase is a little wonky, but making some tweaks could make things a lot better. First, the opposing team should have the ability to destroy transport ships- for every transport ship that is destroyed, the size of the boarding party will be reduced. If all transport ships are destroyed, the attacking team will have to wait a couple minutes for new transport ships to arrive and during that time if they lose a command post the boarding phase stops. The boarding team will have to defend the transport ships and from inside the transport ship they will also have the ability to use the ship's own defenses i.e. the ship's weapon system to supplement the defenses of the ground troops. Similar to how the MTT and AT-AT work, a short timer would be given to the player who first boarded the ship. When the timer expires, the control of the weapon system would be given to someone else and this would continue until the transport ship is either destroyed or the boarding phase as been complete. I think a timer of 30 seconds would be good to start and this could always be adjusted for balancing purposes.
  3. Capital Ship Phase: This is probably CS's weakest part and even the devs have voiced that they are not happy with this phase. Droidekas shouldn't be available on the capital ship until a timer of 2 minutes has expired during the second phase. This means that they won't be available at all during the first phase and during the first 2 minutes of the second phase. The attacking team (especially the Separatists) should spawn further away during the second phase. The defending team has to be given more time to set up their defenses before the blast doors of the first phase open and the attackers rush in. Both of these measures would prevent the unfair objective grabbing, which we have at the moment. In addition to this, the defending team should be given the options to set up destroyable fortifications like crates, barricades or turrets (imagine the Siege of Kamino in TCW). The top 3 players of the defending team should be given this ability (for balancing purposes). In Pandemic's Battlefront 2, the objective areas inside of capital ships were protected by auto-turrets.
  4. Capital Ship Variety: One of the big complaints that I keep hearing is that the capital ship phase gets extremely repetitive and I think this is indeed true. I think to remedy this issue there should be different capital ships on different maps; every variety would have different layouts and different objectives. According to Wookieepedia, both the Republic and the Trade Federation had a multitude of different capital ships (please see ***notes*** at the bottom of the page for details)
  5. Heroes and Reinforcements: During the ground phase if you are currently a hero or a reinforcement, you will have to re select them once you reach the capital ship which is a major bummer. Instead of being forced to re select your hero or reinforcement, we should have the ability to keep our hero or reinforcement for the capital ship phase. Some have argued that this would only make getting a hero harder, but DICE has talked about adjusting how heroes are gotten. Perhaps once someone dies as a hero that there is a wait timer of 3 minutes before they can be a hero again. This would not apply to the Droideka has they would not be available during the first phase.
  6. Original Trilogy: As of right now CS is only available for the Prequel Trilogy era, but I think it would make sense to make it available for the Original Trilogy as well. Maps like Hoth, Endor, Tatooine, Yavin 4 and even Deathstar II would be prime candidates for an Original Trilogy CS mode and if Rogue One content is ever released for Battlefront II, Scarif would also make a great edition.

***Notes*** Capital Ship Variety:

During its active history, the Republic Navy made use of several types of capital ships. Such starships included Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ships,[47] and Star Destroyers such as Venator-class Star Destroyers[48] and Victory-class Star Destroyers.[49] Dreadnoughts and other cruisers were also deployed.[14]

The Separatist navy made use of several classes of capital ships, including frigates,[1] heavy cruisers,[12] dreadnoughts, destroyers, and battleships.[1] Vessels included the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, the Bulwark-class battle cruiser,[2] battlespheres,[44] Lucrehulk-class Battleships, Providence-class dreadnoughts, Recusant-class Commerce Guild destroyers, and Munificent-class star frigates.[1]

This will be an evolving list that I will update and maintain with the input from the community. If we manage to get over 100 upvotes , I will tag F8RGE.

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Mighty-Lu-Bu

/u/F8RGE , we have compiled a list of proposed changes and tweaks we would like to see in Capital Supremacy. We think that if these changes were implemented, that Capital Supremacy would be in a much better state. Please take a look and pass along the info, we would greatly appreciate it and we appreciate everything DICE does and everything DICE continues to do in the efforts of supporting Battlefront II. The community has spoken!

We have some plans ourselves, watch this space. Will be discussing these changes this month.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

Most likely this month, they never go into specifics about mode changes before it's actual update is out.

We always detail the changes before it's out.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

Are they related to the ship phase? That's the weakest part of CS imo.
