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Right now, the Droideka at close range is completely fine. At long range though, they do little to no damage to enemies. I understand this, as Droidekas are not a long range enforcer, rather a short range one to get close and personal with your enemies, or to flank them. I think that if DICE buffs the Droideka like people are asking though, long range capabilities could use a teeny tiny buff. The animation speeds are fine too, just don't roll or get out of roll form in the middle of the battlefield and you'll be fine lol. The shield may need a slight buff as well but nothing too major. It holds well against one person, but if there's more people I don't think it should last forever. I don't think that just because you can't go into a room and completely wipe out a team with them makes it warrant a buff. My worry is that DICE will see all the buff comments and think that they suck, which they don't. At close range, they are good, but poodoo at long range. I like the position they are in right now, they feel balanced. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they stay the same. But I see people left and right asking for buffs, so that probably isn't going to happen. So, I don't want them to ruin how they feel against troopers and such with tons of buffs. I think only slight buffs to the shield and long range blaster damage are needed. That is all.

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over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Don't think we have any plans to change them right now.