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I think something that would be pretty easy to implement into this game is an expansion to the Hunt game mode. Ewok Hunt is a very fun game mode, but there is no variety. The following should be added to expand the Hunt game mode.

Wookie Hunt

Night on Kashyyyk. Clones vs. Wookies. Wookies are not equipped with bowcasters. This would be pretty sweet because it'd be the first time we get to play with the clones post-order 66.

Geonosian Hunt

Dusty night on Geonosis. Clones vs. Geonosians. Geonosians have the ability to fly, but have a height limit. They don't have weapons.

Wampa Hunt

Snowstorm on Hoth. Rebels or Empire vs. Wampas.

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over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by brooksmc5

Younging Hunt u/F8RGE?
