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I rarely post on Reddit so please excuse my formatting choice to present my thoughts. and observations This is my journey with the Battlefront Series for the current-gen.

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  • Looking back, I remember loving Star Wars the first moment I saw it on TV (The Phantom Menace). I was around 12 then, had no clue what was going on. Qui-Gon's light saber hooked me.
  • I have been gaming ever since I was old enough to hold a controller. I am 25 as of 2019 and have played on every PlayStation console generation. I loved the BattleFront series since the PS2 days.
  • With time divided between my IT job,GMAT studies and life I don't get to play as often as I would like so any game I buy I genuinely make sure it's something I would hopefully enjoy for over a longtime ( at-least 15 months)

BattleFront (2015) Launch ( Return of the Franchise):

  • I was overjoyed when this game was announced. DICE making a Star Wars Battlefront game!?! It was a match made in heaven. T
  • he hype was real but as we approached the launch, all that changed. The costly season pass, lackluster reviews, lack of content made this an easy skip.
  • Credit where credit is due: The graphics and sound design were incredible!! *_*

BattleFront 2 (2017) (The Dark Side of the Force clouds your judgment):

  • The presentation of the game during E3 surpassed all of my expectation which at the time were pretty low. Beautiful graphics? Check! Amazing Sound? Check! No season-pass? Double-check!! It's pre-order time Baby!
  • This game was the chosen one. It was all I could hope it would be and maybe even more.Everything looks perfect, what could go wrong?
  • The Pay-2-Win mechanics, Gacha game style Loot boxes, Bad press, Poor community mismanagement stirred up the gaming community like never before.
  • During this sh*t-storm, I canceled my pre-order. Cautiously waiting to see how the game does a month post-launch.
  • Spoilers: It didn't fare any better. 80k something for Darth Vader at the time? EA's response was terrible at best.
  • Sadly this reached a point where I felt I'd be wasting my time and money playing a game that would die soon. (So glad I was wrong!)
  • I was heartbroken that I was not getting this one. I felt this had real potential compared to the previous installment, it had the foundation to be a true GOAT.

2018-2019 ( A New Hope?):

  • After giving up on buying this game, From 2018-2019 August I would keep stumbling upon articles about the development team interacting with the community, The revamped systems, The sheer passion and love for this game by the community and developers.
  • The sorta monthly updates even with a shrunk development team.
  • This could be the next Rainbow Six Siege Comeback story. I wanted to join that fun. I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted to play the MEME-LORD himself(Obi-Wan). I needed it.
  • I went and bought EA Access for PS4. Downloaded a thicc 100 GB game.
  • 20min into the game, I sent my manager a message saying that I was sick and wouldn't come to work on Monday.
  • The game had me hooked.

BattleFront 2 (2019): Hello there!

  • Gameplay*:* I'll be honest with you here. It's filled with bugs and glitches. No getting around that! After around 50 hours of gameplay, I'd say I have encountered plenty of minor bugs and glitches to cause intermittent inconveniences but nothing game-breaking yet However the pros outweigh the cons. The game is genuinely fun. I can't pinpoint what exactly it is but the more I play the more I enjoy the nuances of the game, Even getting bodied by the heroes constantly and wanting to end their never-ending god-like Rampage has a charm to it. HvV is straight-up addictive.
  • Graphics: Beautiful. 10/10. It feels like I'm immersed in the movie. Need I say more?
  • Sound: God-Like. 11/10. They nailed the sounds. The ambient sounds are stellar too. Hats-off to the voice acting. Better than most of the recent games like this.
  • Immersion & Experience : Fun! Fun!! Fun!!!You will definitely feel like a storm-trooper with terrible aim for the first 6 hours but after that its all out war, Struggling to compensate for terrible team-mates or being carried hard by the Anakin on your team. Being slashed in half by a jumping yoda or trying to shoot down those pesky AT&T's, You will definitely feel like a soldier in a galaxy far far away trying to achieve those sweet 4k battlePoints to become the Jedi/Sith/Blaster god you were meant to be!

If you love StarWars or Battlefield type games you can't go wrong here. BattleFront 2 has evolved to be a really enjoyable game. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you skipped on this. The game in its current form is value for money. I understand the efforts and growing pains this game and community has seen and I truly respect what it has taken to be the game it is now minus the bugs. Hopefully, the developers don't give up on this anytime soon. It's been the most fun I have had in any game during 2019.

PS: I haven't tried the campaign yet, Waiting for the next weekend to give it a go.

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Originally posted by slagerthauhd

Hey ben was there any stability fixes in the Last patch? Yesterday when i played the lightsaber Hits were pretty good, felt a lot better than the Last few weeks. Maybe a silent fix?

Only things that went in were the fixes we detailed.