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Hello there!

After over 7 years since creation, /r/StarWarsBattlefront has reached a total of 200,000 subscribed users. Here a few notes and milestones about the subreddit and its history of milestones:

  • First created on June 12th 2012
  • Reached 100 subscribed users in mid August 2012
  • Reached the 1,000 mark either in June or July 2013
  • 2015 was the year that 'kickstarted' the subreddit; The subreddit jumped from 6,000 users on March 24th 2015 to 17,000 on May 2nd 2015, then again to 20,000 on June 24th from 40,000 on November 12th 2015, later reaching 50,000 by the end of the month.
  • From there, the subreddit maintained a steady growth, finishing 2016 at 59,000.
  • The next 'big' jump came in with Q3 and Q4 of 2017; jumping from 69,000 on August 2017 to 74,000 on October 5th 2017, then to 92,000 on November 13th 2017 (along with 72,000 users active at the same time IMAGE HERE ). The month finished up with 131,000 users, and the year with 136,000.
  • 2018 and 2019 were both fairly stable years, with the biggest activity spikes coming in on October and November 2018, and March 2019.
  • Reached 200,000 users on September 25th 2019

The subreddit has had a fairly eventful history in its 7 years, with a steady flow of memes, discussion posts, wishlists and suggestions. We've survived through many different controversies and ingame bugs (announcement of OT-only content for BF2015, helmetless stormtroopers, power-blasting Lando, November 2017) and its amazing to many of us to see how far the subreddit has come. So to celebrate this event, we're going to be introducing our Community Awards.

Community Awards

For those who aren't aware, Community Awards are system of custom user-given awards (similar to Reddit Premium Silver, Gold and Platinum awards) that are specific to each subreddit. We've taken a few of your suggestions from the 190k announcement as well as our own ideas to make this set of awards. Here's a list of a few of the awards:

  • DICE PLS (Awarded to posts that you believe deserve extra attention from the developers.

  • Just Like The Simulations (Awarded to outstanding posts that features the older games in the franchise.)

  • Iden Lul (Awarded to excellent memes on Sithpost Saturday.)

  • Chosen One (Awarded to posts which feature cool clips/plays.)

  • Pride and Accomplishment (Awarded to people who should have a sense of pride and accomplishment for their post.)

  • Armchair Developer (Awarded to users who clearly know more about game development than actual game developers.)

  • Drew The Commando (Awarded to outstanding artistic posts.)

  • Inferno Approved [Mod-Only Award] (Awarded to posts that the subreddit moderators want to recognize.)

Even though those are the intended uses for each Award, you can still give posts any of the above awards (e.g giving an art post a 'Chosen One' award.) Award suggestions can be sent to the Moderators via modmail, but each award must have an intended purpose.

From all of the subreddit moderators, it's definitely been a unique opportunity to be able to be apart of an online community that's so dedicated to the Battlefront franchise. We've witnessed so many changes in the games and in the subreddit over the past few years, but it's still great to see some of the same faces around - and lots of new ones! From all of us, thank you to making this subreddit one of the best places to discuss the Battlefront games.

May the Force be with you.

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Good luck!