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over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

What you don't see is a good discussion taking place afterwards with good points from both sides. Constructive. That's the message I'm getting across here. Be constructive, it's better than just "sucks".

over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Lord-Lukefj

I didn’t expect that

It's why things should always be looked at in context.

over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by nobodyGotTime4That

Oh is that the message? Because I see an immature response from a "professional". Your message is lost. And as a I consumer, this person, me, anyone has the right to speak however they want about the game. We have paid for that right. We don't owe you "constructive" feedback.

Your response is immature. It literally reminds me of Ben Shapiro's BBC interview where he "clapped back"

I'm popular and no one knows you

Which he has now been dealing with the backlash from. The difference being his audience is adults, who see that behavior as abhorrent and inappropriate. And some of your fan base is barely in high school, so playground insults are their bread and butter.

But the adults in the room, see this behavior as childish and stupid.

And I rather enjoy, how you went after the critic for having a small fan base. What exactly is your claim to fame? You are the community manager for a game that was a critical and financial failure?

I mean if you search news on google about Battlefront right now, you get an article giving players 10 reasons to go back. Written only 2 days ago.


Your game was so bad, people are still writing articles telling gamers to give it a second chance.

If a customer has feedback that is less than constructive, be the bigger person and just ignore it. (hell laugh to yourself about how you still got their money)

Read the Twitter thread.