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Hello everyone. In light of the recent news regarding David Rutter, we would just like to make our stance a little more clear about posts regarding this topic.

  • A few of you guys have had your posts removed for being unrelated to battlefront. In the rules page, it states under rule 1 that:

    EA and DICE news is not inherently related to Battlefront by virtue of Battlefront being an EA/DICE game. News that does not directly concern Star Wars: Battlefront is not allowed.

    Given how some of these posts were not about battlefront specific news, and more about how David is "overseeing DICE", some of these have been removed per this ruling. No, saying "but it DOES affect the game, it's about DICE" does not make your post automatically related especially given the wording of the rule. That being said, we took a closer look at the article being spread around here, and noticed that it did bring up the fact that he will be overseeing "EA Studios Europe, including DICE Stockholm". Given how DICE Stockholm does make the game, we've decided to allow some of these under this premise. Please attempt to make your posts adhere to the above bullet about the rule.

The mod team is not being paid by EA in any fashion. We were only removing some of these posts under the above clause which has existed for months now and that we have used many times previously. If I was being paid by EA, I probably wouldn't be living off of rice and noodles.

  • Please stop with the fear mongering. Spreading misinformation about how David is going to "kill the game" or how Battlefront is going to turn into a "lootbox infested p2w sh*thole" only contributes to a toxic environment on the sub where nobody is interested in having actual discussions about what this could possibly mean for the game. Not only would it be moronic for DICE to reintroduce lootboxes after what happened at launch, it does not help anyone to fear monger about how the game is going to die now because a new guy is overseeing multiple European studios.

  • Rules about witch hunting and targeted harassment exist. Earlier there was a post on the front page with an image of David saying "This guy can go f*ck himself". This behavior will not be tolerated, and targeting specific people on reddit is against sitewide rules. We will not allow anyone to harass, insult, or berate people regardless of who they are or what they have accomplished. Further posts similar to this will result in a warning, and if the behavior continues, we will start handing out bans to those who received a warning prior.

Please remember to remain civil in your posts, and to promote healthy discussion by not engaging in fear-mongering behavior, and by instead engaging in thought out, well meaning discussion. Saying how the game is going to "die" or what have you with no evidence or reason behind that statement is the kind of negative interactions that help nobody on the sub. Finally, remember at the end of the day it's still a video game, and there are humans behind the scenes putting in a lot of effort to make the game you guys want to see.

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by LokiLaufeyson98

It's sad that a mod team even has to say that they are not paid by a company.

Worth noting that the sub is 100% run by the mods, we have no interference at all. We abide by the rules as much as the next person.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by EnemyAdensmith

Call some one a doofus. Do it.
