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about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by St0rmO1

Every character with capes have the same problems, it got worse since the "Roger Roger" update. Since that update, Lando, Vader, Dooku's cape gone broken. There's way too much clipping issues with the heroes right now. The old players might remember that Vader didn't have any problem with his cape at launch, it was perfectly animated and there were no clipping, now his arms goes through his cape with every movement he does. Even Phasma's cape is weird though there is no clipping, it's sort of distorted. Han has his gun holster clipping through his leg with the Yavin ceremeony skin.. This may be nitpicking but if there's more and more as skins are added, Kylo's Supreme leader appearence suffer clipping issues too, except it's very minor.

u/F8RGE u/T0TALfps please Can these clipping issues be flagged? It's getting annoying to play characters because of that...

Someone had reported this to me a week or so ago and it was forwarded through to the team to investigate at that time. Unsure on the status of it and when/if it may get resolved, but it is definitely in our system :)
