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So as you may have noticed, this game has been has been filled with more bugs than Geonosis for the past two months. I decided to compile a list for DICE to (hopefully) see and fix. I’ll do my best to include most of them, let me know if I missed any.


Server side lag

Particularly bad on Xbox servers, but occurs on all platforms. My internet is fine, but the game still continues to lag out and rubber band.

Aim drift

Has been a problem since launch, can occasionally cause a player to do a 360


During CS cinematics, Capital ships and interiors won’t load in.



If a player uses a different attachment in arcade, the player won’t be able to change it in multiplayer or in the collection menu.

Hit detection

The player’s hit box will slightly lag behind them, leaving them open to attack even after they run behind cover.


The player’s chosen skin will not appear at the start of the match.


Lag can occasionally freeze a player in place and forcibly put them in first person

Barrage and DC-15LE

Barrage will still cause dual zoom reticle to disappear.

Scan dart

Won’t always scan enemies

Squad system

Won’t always put a player with their preferred friends


BX Commando

Vibrosword will occasionally be stuck to a player’s weapon

Vibrosword will sometimes not stagger an enemy with its third strike


Rocket launcher will sometimes be deactivated when a player uses the jet pack.

Using horizontal jet pack ability will cause a player’s camera angle to be stuck lower than the player’s head


Retribution can cause a Droideka to shake uncontrollably

Saber attacks can stagger the Droideka heavily

Melee strikes can stagger the Droideka heavily

Force attacks stagger the Droideka heavily



Will shake violently when coming in contact with any object

Scan will not always work


Will occasionally be able to “jump”

Reticle does not always align with target

Feels very clunky


AV missile will one shot heroes.


Ugh, this is not where the fun begins. The Roger Roger broke way too much, DICE.


Hit detection is f*cking wack.

Heroes can be rubber banded back into an attack, even when dodging out. Luke and Maul have been big problems in particular due to fast swing speed.

Blocks can still be broken

Abilities can still go through blocks

Heroes can be frozen into the ground by poor connection

Hit detection

Hit detection


HM can be canceled out by Darth Maul’s attacks.

PD goes through blocks and dodges

Passionate Strike can be canceled out by Grievous’ Unrelenting Advance

Obi Wan

RMT doesn’t always cancel abilities

All Out Push can be canceled by falling over a small ledge

All Out Push doesn’t always register

On a positive note, Obi wan is much better now than at his launch, good job to DICE on that.


Push doesn’t always register

Repulse doesn’t always register


Chokehold sometimes only deals damage and doesn’t give the effect

His dash is not very smooth


Thrust Surge doesn’t always lock on

Thrust surge occasionally cause helicopter spin

Claw Rush cancels out when going down slopes

Unrelenting Advance cancels many other enemy abilities, most notably Anakin’s HM and PS.


Dooku’s lunges can’t lock on occasionally

Swings from his Duelist ability won’t hit occasionally

Sith Lightning will not deal the knockdown effect

Kylo Ren

Pull breaks through blocks, deals extremely heavy stagger (Rare)

Frenzy attacks can the dodged but still deal damage (HIT DETECTION)

For god sake DICE, please do a Bacta month!

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Thanks. Many of these (if not all) are already known, being tracked and subsequently worked on.

The lightsaber hit detection is without doubt our biggest focus right now.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMightyBoushh

When are we getting info on the Luke skin?

Closer to the time

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Lenlfc

Particularly bad on Xbox servers, but occurs on all platforms. My internet is fine, but the game still continues to lag out and rubber band.

Aim drift

I would greatly appreciate if you put this into the post. But I play on Xbox One X, and the drift can be pretty bad at times. However, I also have an SSD for my most played games, Battlefront II loads so fast on it, however... NEVER EVER install Battlefront II on an SSD, on Xbox. The game becomes unplayable. The aim drift is amplified severely. Please /u/F8RGE could you at least acknowledge this, and try and look into it? thank you.

Interesting to know about the SSD, thanks.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by KungFuSkywalker

I'm on an SSD and have been since day 1 and I've never experienced aim drift so not sure it's an SSD issue. Could be but not in my experience.

We don't think it is either, but was interesting to hear. I play on an SSD with no problems (albeit on PC).

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by CLUTCH-7

I play PC as well on SSD. Is there a reason this game often takes between 10-20 minutes to load? Sometimes it is pretty quick but other times it hangs up and says “optimizing shaders” for a long while.

Its not my hardware, i have a Samsung SSD and plenty of RAM with a decent CPU.

10-20mins to load sounds off. I run on a Samsung Evo SSD and it loads pretty quick.