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almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Definitely not like the simulations. Just a heads up but from our side the ideal time we'd like a game of CS to last is around 45mins.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by red_hawkx21

Apparently, the objective health and timer adjustments won’t fix the match lengths. Your team should reconsider how you go about balancing CS. Why not go back to two objective areas per ship?

When we made the changes to objective health recently it had a big impact on the average duration of games. We don't feel we're far off from having CS in a place we are happy with - timing wise.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by MrChilliBean

Might I suggest introducing a timer like in Battlefield? Set it for 60 minutes so that we won't be stuck in a stalemate for multiple hours, or leave and lose out on our credits. I want to like CS but the time it takes to play a match is a real turnoff sometimes.

A timer could work, but we don't want it to be a case where you're in the middle of game and then you get some arbitrary message come up and say "game over". We'd like it to have an actual win / loss state, so regardless of what happens you know why. The changes we made recently (over a week ago) to the health of the ship objectives worked rather well. We can see the average time spent in a game of CS has dropped. Our goal is with the changes we made on Friday last week, this should push this further in the direction that we're looking for.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by MrChilliBean

That's very true, completing a game is always more satisfying. I'll need to test out these changes, I've been avoiding the mode due to the long matches, so these might be the change I've been hoping for. Glad that this mode is getting plenty of attention, it has the potential to be a lot more fun with a few more tweaks.

Our goal is to get the mode down to an average game time of somewhere in the region of 45mins.