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Instant Action has a ton of potential to be an amazing sandbox experience, so here's my list for modifiers I believe should be added.

A) I have a post saying that I believe we need a "match my skin" option for the Clones with three options:

• Random - any clone legions will appear on the field, just like online.

• Choose a legion - Easy, pick a legion that all troopers will wear.

• Planet Accurate - takes most of the work out for you, it's whatever legion belongs on that planet, 41st on Kashyyyk, 327th on Felicia, shinies on Kamino, etc.

• Additionally, a phase selector with three choices - random, I or II.

Also an ability to change the player's skins mid game would be nice

B) Gameplay modifiers - these will change the overall gameplay and how things work.

• Add all modifiers from Arcade, Enemy health, number of AI, minimal, unlimited battle pounts etc.

•Allow for players to have unlimited health and instant ability recharge.

• A checklist for what units/reinforcements/vehicles/Heroes appear in the fight. If a player wants to play with nothing but troopers and Hero AI, that should be possible. If I only want to fight specialists, I'll uncheck everything but specialists. I say this should be a literal checklist to allow for a vast amount of customization, unlike the limited class selection in Arcade.

• Eventually allow all eras of Heroes and Villains to be played, and allow 20 v 20 matches. This goes to say that we would have a double of every Hero and Villain on the field, and honestly I don't think anyone will mind.

• Ultimately a cross era option for all maps. Vehicles can stay native if constrains call for them, but if possible, a mix of factions should be able to fight on all planets, a popular example being the Empire vs Clones on Kamino.

C) Other options

• Weather and Time of day options

• Ability to make a playlist/choose next planet at end of round

Please add on to this if you can think of anything! I'm excited for the mode! I'm glad that Ben wants our input and I think we should give it to him! If you agree please upvote to get this more visible and we can get more people's thoughts.

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Tagging, this is the thread. Let's see what you've got.