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over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by ZaleckDahn

It’s sad when you realize that a lot of people who initially reported on Battlefront 2’s launch controversy never followed up on that reporting a year later to actually give an update to everyone on how the game has changed and improved, how it’s not dead, how the developers and the community moved on, etc.

That one YouTuber, YongYea, was essentially making a new “Battlefront 2 bad” video almost every other day of the week throughout late November/December of 2017. Never did make a video around, say, November of 2018, a full year later, to talk about how the game is actually way different and better than it was a year prior. Because that would hurt his image of always being the critic and giving the juicy coverage on controversial games.

He’s doing this sort of thing with Anthem right now actually, and the poor launch that that game has had. I’ll bet you anything that if Anthem does make a comeback (which I doubt it actually will, but that’s a separate discussion entirely, let’s just talk hypothetically here), he’d stop making videos on it.

It sucks, because sometimes those games, games like Battlefront 2, do actually make a great turnaround, but they never get enough coverage because they know it’d never get the same amount of attention, the same amount of clicks or views, as the more controversial articles/videos always talking about shit like “LOOK AT HOW BADLY THIS GAME LAUNCHED! WITH LOOTBOXES AND PAY TO WIN AND SCUMMY DEVS!

Because "It's good" doesn't drive hit or clicks.

over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Obiwanus_Kenobicus

This dude takes no risks. He's positive about stuff literally everyone loves and he's critical on everything thats currently in the spotlight of controvercy. He's basicly r/gaming personified.

My comment was about the wider gaming community, not against any one person. Same way you don't see real world news channels reporting on feel good stories, it's all doom and gloom.