over 1 year ago - EA_Leeuw - Direct link

@Natilla4Real wrote:



1- Now I can only see conquest 32 vs 32, but before i could play 64 vs 64. Is this normal or is just me?


2- Now the game is including me even in matches that are about to end, before I only entered new or recent matches. What happend?

Hey @Natilla4Real,


You can't see this?



Are you playing on a PS4 or Xbox One by any chance?


- Active on the Dutch speaking and English speaking AHQ forums.
- Protector of penguins.
over 1 year ago - EA_Leeuw - Direct link
@Natilla4Real, alright. Standard smile EA_LeeuwAHQ.png

- Active on the Dutch speaking and English speaking AHQ forums.
- Protector of penguins.