Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

04 Nov


We released an update today which addressed this particular issue.

LAPA SMG unlock challenge in Multiplayer now displays the correct requirements

03 Nov


For reference: The way that this thread is treating its peers and upvotes/downvotes are why this is a touchy subject.

For context: I suggested that OGKrushz reread the thread because the POV they brought regarding weapon balancing was effectively flawed. I outlined how it happens (mixing player data, social data, and testing), how it is touchy (which community is right vs. which is wrong), and established that a single person's playtime is not the crux of decision-making. The reality that players have different opinions and that feedback is shared with the team, in both situations, is something that I believe should be reread for verity. Standing alone, this image appears aggressive, but with context, it makes a bit more sense.


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02 Nov