Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by Fu453

u/foxhoundfps I've been meaning to tag for this bug, it's very annoying and it involves going from Zombies to Multiplayer, but anything beyond that I can't find a solid way to replicate it on command.

It's so subtle, I can only assume there's a vast amount of players who are hindering their own gameplay without knowing it's a bug.

We're investigating this one. You're correct that it seems hard to repro 100%. I made sure to forward the latest threads and we're currently taking a look at it.

06 Jun

05 Jun

04 Jun


Originally posted by corona_kid

Literally every time after I get killed

Can you tell me what you're doing when this ocurrs? I understand that you're dying, but are you mashing any specific buttons? Trying to change classes?

03 Jun

02 Jun


Jumping in to share that our team is aware of this item and looking to address it. I'll update here if I get any updates.