over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/1263070/announcements/detail/2737579858115671190]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - SlowWolf - Direct link
For those who are Blightbound...

As we continue work on the Wolfpack Patch, here's a quick hotfix for you folks. The big news is for folks with lower end GPUs and intel cards, we have a new low texture option and should have eliminated the majority of on-launch-crashes, respectively. Take a read!

Hotfix 0.2.3 patch notes 20 August 2020

New Features
  • Added option for Low texture quality.
  • Fixed that many Intel GPUs couldn't start the game because High texture quality uses too much texture memory (they run on Low now).

  • Fixed an issue where enemies would become and stay invulnerable after spawning, causing a softlock. If you still run into one of these, please fill out a report.
  • Fixed an issue where client players did not acquire any survivors at the end of a dungeon run, resulting in little to no Prosperity gain.
  • Fixed an issue where one of Ezzouhn's Phalanxes would sometimes not spawn when the skill was used near collision.
  • Fixed an issue where players could become trapped by Tentacle traps while using Lawbringer, causing some weird behaviour as well as making the Warrior invincible until the next room.

  • Updated Gorman's Root: it now makes use of a new animation, and the item effect only triggers when you are in combat.
  • Fixed an issue where Bloodrain's item passive triggered on switches and destructible barrels and chests.

Hopefully this fix ends up being a little boost to your experience!

Stay safe,
Community Manager

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