over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/1263070/announcements/detail/4459080278578629981]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - SlowWolf - Direct link
For those who are Blightbound...

Patch 0.2 is out, which is super exciting for a whole list a reasons: this list of reasons, to be precise! Take a look at the patch notes below, grab a favourite beverage, and get settled; there's a lot of stuff to go through. It's so jam packed that we're pretty sure it might explode!

Khuliath Rising: Update 0.2 patch notes New Features
  • A new area is ready to be explored by your heroes in the Blood Ridge: Khuliath, the Humongore. This area features a new boss and new boss music.
  • Creen's personal story can now be completed.
  • Ezzouhn the Seeker can now be found and rescued to join your band of heroes.
  • Nilbous Flann can now be found and rescued to join your band of heroes. (Note that his story can’t be completed yet: only his first story beat is included.)
  • 11 new items have been added to the game for you to loot, craft and experiment with.
  • The elite enemy “Golem Eye" can now be encountered when adventuring.

  • System error windows now show 'Blightbound' in the title instead of 'Awesomenauts'.
  • Tweaked the wretch shout visual effect.
  • Different visuals have been added for elite Blood Magii, the Meatclots, the Iron pursuers.
  • Loading control schemes will now no longer potentially crash the game.
  • Improved impact effects for all forge-related abilities.
  • Reduced texture size by a small amount.
  • PS4 icons are now shown in the configure controls menu when using a PS4 controller.
  • Reduced stutter at start of game for character positions.
  • Early access information panel now shows teasers for update 2.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a player leaves the party.
  • Fixed a number of potential crashes related to party interactions.
  • Slightly reduced network load with spotty internet connections.
  • Fixed that some menu interactions like dragging items didn’t function properly for some players.

And a sneaky quick hotfix: we made some changes to the way Cooldown Reduction is calculated this patch, but item and character builds heavily invested into CDR became way too spammy as a result. We’re toning down Cooldown Reduction across the board.

  • Nerfed cooldown reduction across all items: all items now grant reduced cooldown reduction.
  • Nerfed the amount of cooldown reduction the Will stat grants: it now grants 2% per stat point instead of 5%.
  • When you have Dena’s Lemna equipped, you no longer enter a new room with a portion of your health missing.

  • The popup that asks to try Korrus' two skills in the tutorial now fades out properly.
  • The Meatclot at the end of the Tutorial is now correctly named Ramkraak instead of M'Glord.
  • The Meatclot at the end of the Tutorial no longer spawns items on death.

  • Increased the difficulty a little bit. The goal is to increase it incrementally instead of in one go to see how players react to the new changes without immediately overdoing it.
  • Improved pathfinding for larger characters.
  • The bloodspawn modifier no longer has projectiles shoot upon taking damage from the named enemy.
  • The bloodspawn modifier now has visual effects.
  • Added visual effects for corpse heal enemy modifier.
  • Enemy cooldowns should no longer be unnaturally low.
  • The Horrid's projectile will now spawn a Tentacle Trap when hitting collision instead of terrain.
  • The Blood Magus' beam should now no longer easily miss the player.
  • Blood Magus' clones should now no longer leave their life drain skills in mid-air after dying.
  • The Blood Magus now no longer turns around to try and hit his beam attack before shooting when the player was standing close to the Blood Magus.
  • The Blood Magus in the Ominous cave now only shows up once all party members are present.
  • Blood magus' bloodpools should now no longer persist after the Blood Magus dies.
  • Enemies inside of cells are now invincible, preventing players from killing and interacting with them before they start the encounter.
  • Kromn now correctly triggers his sunburnt effect when using his Bull Charge.
  • Tweaked the warrior charge targeting visual.
  • Adjusted the cooldown reduction calculation to ensure the cooldown reduction coincides with how much is communicated to the player.
  • Reversal shield no longer has a grammatical error in it's description.
  • Clarified Kujuk's Fast passive skill description.
  • Spirit shot now has proper spacing between damage percentages.
  • Sword strike now has proper spacing between damage percentages.
  • Summon Spirits now has an indication of how much damage it deals when used in it's description.
  • Death from above skill now properly resets it's cooldown when intended if you are not the host.
  • Improved the Phalanx ability's visual effects.
  • Prevented that survivors that were revived, killed, and revived again counted as two separate survivors rescues. This process could be repeated indefinitely.
  • Removed silence status effect on NPCs.
  • Characters will now no longer be able to suddenly fly off to the side when interacting with a lever or pushable block.
  • Creen now uses the correct animation when using his Warcry skill.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when first loading into a new level.
  • Dena’s Lemna’s ability now works correctly for non-host players.
  • Dena’s Lemna’s ability now gives the correct amount of bonus health for warriors and mages.
  • Dena’s Lemna’s ability now also procs on self-heal by Rage attack for warriors.
  • Sunrise and Sunset’s abilities now trigger correctly for non-host players.
  • Passive abilities now works correctly for non-host players for Malborys, Creen, Kromn, and Triss.
  • Creen’s passive ability now deals 150% increased damage as indicated in the description, instead of 200%.
  • Updated Desert Mouse’s passive ability description to be more accurate.

  • Improved the general crafting experience by adding more crafting recipes for existing items.
  • Legendary story goal rewards are no longer sellable at the merchant.
  • 50% blight potions now no longer recover way too much blight.
  • Bonecut's description now has been improved.
  • Increased Bonecut explosion damage from 100 to 300.
  • Bonecut now gives the player a critical explosion damage based on crits instead of based on interrupts.
  • Sunstruck staff now gives players a haste effect for the appropriate amount when the reversal shield's lifetime is extended by perks.
  • Improved Bonespike's visual effects.
  • Blightbane now casts an additional shield on your own location.
  • Made Skullpiercer piercing.
  • Gorman Root now has the following added effect: snare enemies around you every 5 seconds.

  • When buying multiple items shop items no longer overlap.
  • The Refuge now shows build spots where artisans can be purchased.
  • The resource panel in the in-game escape menu now shows the correct amount of Aetheri Sparks.
  • Added a percentage symbol for a couple of perks and passives.
  • Various fixes to button indicators at the bottom of the Refuge.
  • Closing a Refuge panel by clicking outside of it should now always work.
  • Renamed "quartermaster inventory" to "inventory".
  • Improved controller navigation.
  • Focus on the refuge's sidebar using a controller will now darken all menu elements correctly.
  • You now need to actually reach the right prosperity level before being able to select a single character.
  • The prosperity level for unlocking for playing with a single hero has been moved to a lower prosperity level.
  • Removed the ability to to skip the elder's dialogue immediately.
  • Repositioned the notoriety icon above the nodes in map select.
  • Added a tooltip for the notoriety icon in mapselect.
  • Fixed difficulty bar spilling out of area when picking a random map while having notoriety
  • Swapped Elder dialog and reward popup when completing a quest (dialogue now comes first).
  • Added indicator for when a dialogue is skippable.
  • Completing a refuge quest now no longer shows broken text.
  • The Mentor's activity log should now no longer have pixelated/grainy images.
  • Meatclot is now no longer referred to as devourer in his bestiary entry.
  • The hover-over and active state for refuge buildings in the left sidebar should now be a little more clear.
  • Made the colours used in skill description texts more consistent.
  • Tooltips should now no longer show for items that are outside of the inventory window's view.
  • Closed off the goals section in map select as long as bounties aren't available.
  • Items now allign properly in the region reward section of mapselect.
  • Increased scrolling speed for quartermaster items, heroes and craftable items.
  • Increased scrolling speed for the mentor menu.
  • The Early Access information panel at the bottom of the refuge screen now properly layers behind all other popups that might show up when expanded.
  • Updated all character portraits to better reflect their in-game appearance.
  • The unlock popup for 'Mentor' now no longer uses the incorrect name 'Sage'.
  • Reaching prosperity level 19 now correctly shows what you've unlocked.
  • Removed refuge occupancy limits, and replaced related prosperity rewards with other rewards (Aetheri sparks over time, blight reduction per run, hero statpoints).

  • Replaced a missing texture popping up when disconnecting a local player's controller.
  • Portraits that show when party members are off-screen should look less choppy.
  • In 'For whom the bell tolls' the 'bell chimes left' popup no longer has an empty image at the top.
  • In 'For whom the bell tolls' the 'bell chimes left' popup now has a space between the text and the amount of tolls left.
  • Warriors should no longer sometimes show 2 rage indicators instead of the intended 3.
  • Prevented instances where wizards and rogues had 4 class resources by default instead of the intended 3.
  • Quest communication now blocks other popups until complete.
  • Enemy health bars should now show their intended colours.
  • Restored interact visuals to all pushable blocks.
  • Made interact visuals to describe their actions instead of simply saying 'interact'.

  • Improved collision on several locations.
  • Updated visuals for switches.
  • Added dust effects when pushing pushable blocks.
  • Switchable block obstacles now no longer have their collision linger around when lowered.
  • Added more visual flair to locked gates.
  • Added more visual flair to wooden gates in Blood Ridge.
  • The visual of the lasers in the Elevator sequence in The Descent will now no longer show up for a fraction of a second when it has reached its end-point.

  • Sounds created by the Pyroblast ability, the Blood Magus and Maggots will no longer be affected by the music volume slider.
  • Tweaked sound effects for the elevator sequence in 'The Descent'.
  • Tweaked sound effects for the Blood Magus.
  • Tweaked Meatclot's voice.
  • Backstab sound effects should now play properly.
  • Changed walking and impact sounds for warriors in their Awaken Ancient form.
  • Updated wretch voices and sound effects.
  • Pursuer's charge sounds and voices have been improved.
  • Added extra sound effects to blood pools.
  • Added ducking when voice lines are being played.
  • Converted all music and sound sample rates to 44.1kHz.
  • tweaked several interface and menu sounds.
  • The loading screen music now properly fades into game music.
  • Rescued heroes now no longer play voice lines for other characters when rescued.

That's it! That's the whole list of changes. We know that there might be other issues that have cropped up as a result of all of these changes, but we'll be ready for them and squash them the best we can. This, on top of beating one of the biggest Desync bugs out there last week, bring Blightbound into the best form it has EVER been!

We hope you enjoy your time in the Blight, hero. There'll be Roadmap news soon, as we begin to move forward with our plans for the game.

Stay safe,
Community Manager for Ronimo Games

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