almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Hey Reddit,

I've seen a lot of posts over the last few days asking for more communication on our upcoming update so here it is!

I wanted to address some concerns that I have seen, so here we go…


  • "Why don't they just tell us what they are working on?"

This is a deliberate choice - I personally don't want to reveal any information until we have a bit more polish and a solid date for release.

As you can see, even releasing a teaser image early has lead to a lot of negativity when the update has not materialised etc.


Those of you that remember the BIGGEST UPDATE EVER! (Touchdown) know how important it is to not overhype things and we want to manage expectations accordingly. Yes, not releasing an update for a while by default sets expectations, but that's a separate topic. Marketing also plays a role when revealing info - it’s harder to make a big splash with a huge trailer etc if all the info is already released elsewhere.

And last of all - we want to make sure that what we show or reveal is going to be an accurate representation of what appears in-game. This is obviously easier closer to update completion.


Developing takes time. Developing a brand new feature takes longer than modifying existing features.

Taking an existing feature, removing it and turning it into something completely new takes even longer!

When we started developing this update - the BIG problem to tackle was "We have so many cards in the game, but players only use 8. The game becomes infinitely more fun when you experiment with different decks and play with different cards, so how can we make players play with more than 1 deck. Oh, also this other thing needs some work.".

As we worked on our main vision for this update, we also created an entirely new way to play Royale that we ended up liking so much we wanted to put it in alongside the originally planned features.

Alongside this, the covid situation has provided new challenges for development, with ALL employees at Supercell working from home. This causes it's own problems especially for those with kids (no daycare = team members with young children have had a rough couple of months!).

The way we develop is very organic, we sit next to eachother and talk a lot, trade ideas, show eachother stuff regularly. While not at all a major reason for the update taking a long time, being apart has created its own unique issues.

At the end of the day, we want to make an update that we as a team are proud of and is up to the standard players have come to expect from Supercell games. If it takes a bit longer than usual, then that is something we are willing to let happen to get out a polished product.

  • "We don't want balance changes or new cards, we want an update!"

That's a fair enough response and opinion to hold. But some people do want new cards & alance changes!

In our minds when there is a long wait for an update it is better to keep introducing small changes (balances, new cards) than just have nothing change in the game for the duration of an update cycle.

  • “Stop making Seasons and focus on the update!”

Making new cards or seasons doesn't impact our ability to deliver Seasonal content or new cards - our team has people that are 100% working on the new update and others who are working on both the update AND the new Seasonal content. So it is never either/or.

The only time this changes is when stuff breaks (servers, app store issues, legal things) and we need to resolve those issues as a matter of priority.

  • “Well why don’t you just release a smaller update?”

Sometimes smaller updates might be good, but we have this time decided to focus on a bigger feature that requires more thinking and development. Bigger features are more complex and sometimes you have to throw stuff out and go back to the drawing board to deliver the best feature possible.

  • "We haven't had an update in 11 months/1.5 years/2 years."

I see this a lot on Twitter lol, there seem to be varying opinions of when we released our last update.

Our last update was the end of November 2019. This is around 6 months ago and is for sure a long time to go without an update, I agree.

However since that last update we have released:

  • 5 x new cards (inc Skeleton Dragons)
  • 7 Seasons (all with balance changes/game modes/new cosmetic content)

This will continue until the update is out.



We are still working on the update. It’s taking a while but we will be revealing more in the future and are hyped to share it with you. Thanks for reading - it was a bit of a long one!


I respect that this is not an ideal situation for fans of the game, but I can only ask you for your patience, and if you can give that then know that it is greatly appreciated by myself and the rest of the team.

I know there will still be a lot of questions after this so I’ll be sticking around tonight for a little while (it’s Friday evening Finnish time) but will be popping on over the weekend to answer other questions as well (some of the most upvoted & others).

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Pokerface735

Thank you for taking the time write this post. I understand that the update is taking longer than expected and you can't tell us the exact date, is the update going to be ready before August? Or will we have to go through this summer with no update?

I love the game, but it is getting stale and I was wondering if you could give us an estimate on when it will be released. The biggest part of the disappointment is when we as a community just expect the update to come out the next month if it didn't come out this month. We just get our hopes up only to seem them get crushed. If we were provided a vague ETA (ex. after summer, before September) it would be greatly appreciated.

i wrote this answer to go in the main post but removed it - so here it is!


As you are probably aware, we don’t like to give release dates far in advance, or at all! We work VERY differently to AAA game developers, who have a release date set months or even years in advance. This has it's pros and its cons - the pro is for the developers who have less pressure and stress to crunch and deliver an update.

The cons are that you (the playerbase) and me, the bridge between the playerbase and the dev team get stressed and angry that there is no information or seemingly, any progress.

Our initial plan for a May release of this update was unfortunately missed due to the changing global situation, alongside in-team decisions about update progress & direction.

If we had said BIG UPDATE COMING MAY 4TH! And then not hit it, it would cause more harm than good.

A lot of other games that I am a fan of (and maybe you are too) have also ditched the ‘release date’ formula in favour of big surprise drops with subtle hints a few days or weeks before (CoD Warzone is a more recent example that I really enjoyed the release of).

I personally like this approach, and while we will 100% be releasing info closer to the time and ahead of time, we will not be giving a release date until we are ready.


TL;DR i don't have the answer for you - but here are my thoughts behind the comms. thanks for the question

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by TanPlayZFN

What about Spawner game-modes? I know they are simple and easy to make, but they have gotten repetitive. Maybe they would've been more fun if you released a new one as much as you release touchdown. (maybe like once every 2-3 seasons) And I know all about the spreadsheet backend you guys have, why doesn't the season team make some better game modes? (ones involving capturable buildings, maybe pre-made decks for new balance changes in a ramp-up mode, neutral characters, global buffs, buffing specific cards just for the hell of it etc) They only take an extra 15-30 minutes to make a prototype for, and they are much more fun. Hell, I'd be willing to whip up a couple of gamemodes and send you a CSV patch to test out.

I love what you guys do and I'm excited about the update, but I wish a little more effort was put into the new seasons if possible so the game won't get any staler...

simple answer - a lot of the more fun or creative stuff simply isn't possible without an update.

i agree with you that spawn modes aren't the most creative, but there are some that can also prove to be the exception to that rule.

> They only take an extra 15-30 minutes to make a prototype for

just want to point out that in game dev, comments like this simply aren't true - nothing takes as long as you think it will! sure a prototype might be quick, but bringing that to a live environment is a totally different kettle of fish

for example, a lot of what you just mentioned wouldn't work in the current build of the game and would cause out of sync errors for players etc.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by edihau

Would you say the team’s philosophy leans more towards improving the parts of the game that we have, or creating new, fun things to replace the old?

good question. a bit of both tbh. we know that there needs to be a big change and some of this comes from designing entirely new - whereas some things just need some quality of life changes to get them to their full potential

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Rydogg93

If new cards, balance changes, and seasons doesn’t impact rolling out updates from what you have said above, why include examples of 5 new cards and 7 seasons have been implemented into the game in supercells defense of not having an actual update since November?

it wasn't in defense of - it was directed at these comments that usually accompany those "there hasnt been an update since 2018" saying there has been no new content added to the game etc

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Nitro_the_Wolf_

They arent developing towards a deadline, they are developing towards a good update they can all be proud of. I'd rather wait extra months for a high quality update than get mediocre updates every 2-3 months. This will probably be the biggest change clash royale has seen, so they want to make sure things are done right

i hate when people on reddit say this but


you hit the nail on the head

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by TheNightRain68

Respectfully though, they aren't really wrong. In my eyes and for many, the last true content filled update was back when the Pass was added in July 2019, and for some even farther when Trophy Road was added in April 2019. The 2 updates that followed the July update changed quite literally nothing, just honestly big quality of life changes but nothing truly NEW that keeps the game fresh.

I don't mind small updates, but adding a card booster or a Party button that just rotates existing game modes won't really reel people in looking for something fresh and new.

this is exactly the point that i am addressing though, the whole "it's not an update unless i say it is"

the facts are we did an update in november. if people don't count it as an update, it doesn't change the fact that it was an update. dev time went into it, work was done on it, we had to do the whole approval/submission app process etc.

if you didn't like the update? that's cool - i respect that.

don't think the update had enough content? that's cool, i totally see your point of view and take that feedback onboard. but it was still an update.

i wrote a comment explaining this a bit more a while back - let's see if i can dig it up:

(the below was in reference to the party button and trophy road)

i always see a lot of people that don't count these as updates ("they're just UI changes!!!" & "we haven't had an update for 10 months" which i can totally understand) but in reality they have helped to massively advance our casual players to more levelled up decks enabling them to play the game more competitively, and increased the amount of play choices for these casual players past just 2v2.

this whole comment sounds argumentative and i'm sorry for that - it's just because it's a typed comment - irl i'm sipping on a coffee and enjoying reading players thoughts. no ill will meant!

i'm just trying to explain what i obviously did a bad job of in the original post and the downvoted comment above. i hope that this helps you to understand what i meant, even if you don't agree.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by MissStealYoTrophies

I have two questions.

I think that what this post is saying is that the release date of the update is still unknown, and you can’t exactly tell us what is in it, but when it does drop, it’s going to be the single best update ever. Is that right?

Also who do you think is best girl

that's right - release date will be revealed when we are ready!

best girl = misato katsuragi

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Dingus568

Will there be any QoL improvements this update? Can we just have a yes/no to if there’s going to be more than just a clan war rework, pass royale & balance changes?

yes there will be more QoL improvements this update

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by DestroyerofClash

No offense, but isn't the role of the Community Manager to manage the community. What other roles and stuff do you do that causes such a lack in communication. If your not able to communicate with the community, what other things have you been doing? A little insight into what you actually do might help the community understand the lack of communication

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by MeteorologyMan

Drew doesn’t develop. He’s the community manager.

this is actually untrue!

i do develop - i am part of the game team and present in a lot of discussions for what goes into the update, as well as every playtest session.

every member of the royale team (be they artist, live ops, data scientist) ALL help design and develop the game. developing a game isn't just physically coding etc (i don't touch the build in that respect! although i do write all of the game texts).

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Anonymous_0110

Thanks for answering, communication is appreciated. My questions are:

1 Do you think the update will be ready before September?

2 How much resources do Seasons consume?

3 With the recent Tornado rework, will you take a look at splashers? Especially Wizard, Executioner, Bowler and Bomber.

  1. see answer here
  2. balance changes & new cards take the most work. settling on the card idea can take months! but again - they are being worked on alongside other things. seth & an artist aren't spending 100% of their time designing a card.
    then artists will come up with the concept and theme of the seasons and start work on the tower skins, emotes & arena at least two months in advance, maybe more
  3. yes we have some reworks we want to test for wizard & bowler
almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Fishbrain77

Bro, go answer the most voted comment, why are you skipping it? Why you don't want to face the truth? This game is in decline, and you are only helping it to become more hated with this behaviour, stop all this bullshit and answer honestly

bro, this comment is exactly why i am taking my time writing a proper response to that comment... i'm not skipping it.
it is the comment that has attracted the most toxicity (which you've just proved) and i want to give it a proper, well written response. i've already started drafting a google doc for it.

it will take the same amount of time to answer that question than all other questions combined just because of the toxic behavior & comments surrounding it - i need to nail my response and will reply to that comment tomorrow.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by JCorby17

Hey, u/Supercell_Drew , thank you so much for the info, it really is appreciated so we finally know what’s happening with the update.

But, Since we now Only need 1 Common Card for Electro Valley and 1 Epic and 1 Legendary (Building perhaps?) Card for Jungle Arena, will the team focus on new Game Modes, QoL Changes, and Balancing/Reworking cards so they are more Standardized (which you seem to be doing more and more now, which I really like and commend on your end for doing that. It creates better gameplay)? Or is it a wait and See approach?

Speaking of Standardizing, I made a post on Standardizing Card Stats in game. I worked really hard on it for over 3 weeks and hope you consider checking it out on my profile. Keep Up the Excellent Work man, Clash On!

i already read your standardisation post and thought it was great!

we actually will be standardising ALL troop deployment types in the season 12 balance update so i found your post even more interesting. seth will probably be able to go into this better however - i'll show him your post and see what he thinks.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by doubledude456

A big thanks for finally communicating (not sarcastic, im serious). I just did a long post on supercells lack of communication (no hate to anyone on the team or to you and Seth), and I'm glad we got something. From what you said, the update seems huge, and if it's a success then it would really bring back the game, and renew a lot of our love in it. Now this was what I wanted, you've given us valid reasons for why the delay, and I'm really pleased, the update sounds amazing and I can wait if it will be good enough to spend a year on.

My question is, Why do you only communicate like this occasionally, couldn't you have just stated some of these reasons on twitter and Reddit, even a mere sentence would have satisfied a lot of us.

Anyway, regardless of that I'm glad that we got some valid points and I can't wait for the update.

i touched on this in the main post. but i guess a good way to think about it is like a movie release. if actors etc posted constant updates from the set including plot points etc - would the movie still be as fun when it came out? would as many people still watch it? where would the excitement be etc.

this is different to something like, a kickstarter game where a player has already bought into something that is not released yet, and they want a result. from there dev diaries and week by week updates on what is being worked on make sense.

royale is live and it is in everyone's best interests to create new and exciting update content. i guess a level of trust towards the developers (us) is needed in this case to trust us that we are working on the update (until we release more info).

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by shneezn

it is the comment that has attracted the most toxicity

But that's probably due to the top comment obviously gathering the most attention of the people, resulting in the top comment receiving the most replies. Of course a comment with 50 replies is more likely to have more toxic replies than one with 5 replies.

Imho this comment is well written and summarizes the concerns most of the people in here have been having for a long time.

yeh i didnt say it wasn't well written, and as it is most upvoted it obviously means that people want an answer. i am not disputing that.

however the tone of the comment (i can see its now been edited and even a message added which is great - thanks for that u/iDetroy! ) was one that could welcome toxic behaviour and you can see that in the comments. there's even an upvoted comment complaining about me needing to sleep for example lol

i reddit a lot in my spare time, have an 8+year old account so i know that a big part of the way a comment is received is the way it is written and this is a good example of that. not that it was in any way intentional by the author.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by Andreas00Tm13

1.Half a year ago, I've compiled a list of many things that the community has requested over time. You have replied to this post with a checkmark. Do you guys plan on implementing any of those things?

2.After this update, are we going to get a list of things you're planning to work on in the future, like we did in 2017?

3.Will the next update make progression easier? Progression right now is very, very slow. I'm not entirely sure the dev team comprehends this. If a new player joins today, he/she is literally 4 years behind everyone else because there is no way to farm consistently and catch up.

4.Where is the epic chest?

5.Where is gem rush?

6.This ties with number 3, but does the dev team plan to implement a farming system, like CoC has?I think we need a way to farm cards/gold if our chest slots are full and the current challenge is finished.

Look.. the fundamental flaw of this game is its progression. With every new card, it's getting harder and harder to max your account. Or, if you're a new player, it will take you months and years to be able to grow a certain archetype. Why? Because the card pool is getting bigger and bigger and of course the lower level arena are filled with bots (you can't deny that, there's concrete proof to back up this claim), there is a low influx of new players.

It's not that we don't want new cards, we want to be able to grow our accounts faster without spending hours grinding every day and spending money.

Let me tell you what feeling is inherently present in this community.. futility. It feels futile to play this game. Even if you're 100% consistent with your chests, you buy pass, you complete all the challenges, you get 15+ wins in a global tournament, it will still take you YEARS to see some actual progress. After 4 years of playing daily I still can't switch from beatdown decks. I'm sick of playing golem and giant, I want to play x-bow, giant skeleton balloon, 2.6 hog, miner cycle. Who wants to be dedicated to a game where it gets progressively harder to be competitive with each new card, and that values new cards and cosmetics over content?

  1. yes! the tick was also responding to say i had seen it.
  2. maybe, it depends how this update goes. i would love to get a roadmap out to you guys.
  3. we have actually increased progression MASSIVELY since 4 years ago. i would actually disagree that if you start the game today you are 4 years behind everyone else in terms of progress.
    if we ever implement a new level then we will also adjust progression accordingly. i did already comment on progression in the main post with our view on getting people to use more than 8 cards.
  4. not quite sure what this means? an epic chest appears in the shop for 10k gold every so often
  5. myself and seth wrote a post about gem rush that we didn't end up publishing but it explains that we have instead added gems into a lot of other places (pass royale track chests, challenges, quests) all of which are a more effective and fair way of distributing gems to players rather than one event that players miss. maybe i'll post it if i see another flair up of gem rush posts, but it died down so seemed odd to respond to something that wasn't really a 'hot topic' at the time.
  6. not at this current moment in time (that i can think of)
almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by iDetroy

My question is why you didn't feel the need to communicate more frequently and way earlier than now?

People have been expecting a Major Update to drop since March (not even necessarily the upcoming Big Feature, just literally any new content), and this Subreddit has been filled with complaints about the stagnant state of Clash, as well as critics about you guys not communication enough. It's obviously not you guys fault that people had their expectations up each month, but you still could have stepped in since you obviously knew the update won't be ready any time soon.

I can't believe how many times I've quoted you guys by now in which you claim that you will "Step up your communication game", which is the same sentence you've repeated multiple times the past 2 years in one way or another without actually ever improving. At least from my subjective perspective I can't really spot a difference in more communication compared to 1 or 2 years ago, but for sure the amount of Seths Design Posts etc. dropped down to 0.

There has been one great thing you guys did in order to keep the community aware of what is happening, and that have been your Weekly Communication Topics, which you've abandoned after only a couple of times, claiming the reason for that was the Community backlash apparently telling you these posts don't contain enough information to be useful, despite when checking the comment section below those most of the comments I see are either positive and thanking you for the post, or just normal content related questions. And personally I also loved these posts for a quick update on what's happening.

Around 1 year ago you've replied to somebody explaining how important communication is with the sentence:

"i agree - this is why we are also in contact with you guys through comments and other threads - weekly threads were not the only place we respond to you."

Why did neither you, nor Seth comment here on Reddit for literally the whole past month? The past few weeks have been nothing but a shitshow (here on Reddit), and people obviously starting to get real pissed at this point for a good reason.

Also, a couple of months ago you've hired a new Community Manager "Daria", so obviously you felt the need to have a second person responsible for staying in contact with the community, but as far as I can remember she only staid for a couple of days / weeks here on Reddit and quit the job afterwards. Why is this second position still open after all this time?

I feel like Brawlstars as well as Clash of Clans Community Managers are way more active and interactive towards the community here on Reddit, as well as on Twitter.

Are there like any restrictions on what you guys are allowed to post here on Reddit? Are you not allowed to speak about your Roadplan and what some of the things currently being worked on are? Wouldn't it make sense to gather Community Feedback on a planed feature before introducing it, so the risk of the community disliking it could be lowered and weeks / months of work wasted saved?

There are so many things nobody has any idea of on what's going on. What about Star Levels? They have been introduced 1 1/2 years ago and ever since we only got a handful of new ones, still no preview, disable function or more ways to gain them. Did this concept get abandoned completely? What about Gem Rush?

There are so many other things which could be talked about which seemingly have been abandoned, but don't wanna make this too long.

This is not supposed to be a rant or anything, but without knowing the exact backgrounds it's hard to judge without being biased, but if I was the community manager of a game I had a passion for I would interact with the people here on Reddit 24/7 and share as much details on what's going on as possible.

It’s taking a while but we will be revealing more in the future and are hyped to share it with you.

This is exactly what everybody gets pissed at. You keep telling us "more details later, we're working on this, we're working on that, more information will be shared next time", and then there's silence for another couple of months. This would be fine if it actually would be monthly steps between the news, but usually if you say that, we don't hear about the topic for many months anymore.

EDIT: Since some people think this comment was made in order to spread toxicity or increase the hate against Supercell, it definitely IS NOT. I love this game, obviously I wouldn't put that much effort into a single comment if I wouldn't care about it. I just wanted to write down my personal feelings on some of the current flaws (which in my opinion are the same flaws as 1 year ago, so excuse me if I tend to repeat myself with my comments). This is absolutely no attack against Drew, Seth or any person in general, since none of them is single handedly responsible for the miscommunication between Supercell and the Community. So yeah, please keep it civil everybody, stuff like "incompetent team" or other insults towards the team are unnecessary. Also excuse myself if some of my wordings sounds a bit harsh, definitely not meant in a bad way.

Thanks for the question. Let's get into it!

Communication vs Update info

From this comment, I think the real issue that you are getting at here isn’t communication in general - it’s what you want communication to be - which is actually update news etc.

To go back to a comment I saw posted by yourself when I did an interview with KFC Clash - and others that I also read recently where you claimed the interview was a joke because it didn’t contain any new information.

This was in response to a 30min long interview. For me, this interview is communication. For you - it wasn’t communication, and I shouldn’t have bothered.

That’s fair enough and that’s your valid opinion.

It is obviously an opinion shared by others in the sub as the posts are upvoted etc so please don’t take this as a personal issue - it's just you asked the question and these are examples from yourself that are valid to the context of this post.

However, I would counter the above with:

If there is no point giving out information because it’s ‘not the right information’ (and causes a negative response) - then why give out this information? Surely then we should only hop on Reddit when we have news to share?

To me that doesn’t sound like a great way to communicate with the playerbase. Judging from the reaction to my comment absence the past month (I wasn’t absent - I have been lurking and reading posts every day, gauging the sentiment of the playerbase without commenting), it is clear that if I don’t communicate (without update info), then we get situations like this on the sub.

I think until we can separate the two (Communication vs Update info) then there will always be an issue with communication in its current form.


Resolving this problem

The answer is easy right? Just give out info on the update!

Wrong - the fact of the matter is you aren’t going to get update information all the time in every single piece of communication.

I tried to explain why this was in my post but it obviously was not clear enough. I know this will always be the point of conflict. Fans and players of games will always want to know what is coming next immediately (which is awesome - I love this passion and I'm the same) but they should also know that it isn't a realistic possibility.


Potentially boring 'inside baseball'

I’ll give you an example of what the original plan for communication was going to be before the update was delayed.Step 1TV Royale teaser in February for birthday month

Mores subtle hints in-game and Trophy Road

Step 2

A series of 8 videos over 2 months (1 per week March - April) detailing the information of the update (there's a lot).

Step 3

Launch update in May or June

As you know, we only did Step 1. Now, imagine I’d made all the videos and posted them all, and then we pushed the update back. We would still be in the same situation, except people would be more frustrated.

Unfortunately managing a community also involves managing a lot of other things such as co-ordinating marketing, not damaging an existing playerbase, not setting deadlines that can’t be hit etc (again I touched on these in my main post), not revealing too much info and ruining a surprise etc. At the end of the day it comes down to what is best in the long run and also what we the team think is best (we might be wrong but we gotta try).


I guess all I can say is, delays happen in software development for a multitude of reasons, especially when creativity is involved.

I will take the L and say YES I should have communicated that there was going to be a delay earlier. So you’re right in that regard.

And to add to that - we didn't ever actually give a release date, so clearing up all the fan theories & speculation about the update etc should have also been done earlier.


I guess there isn’t really a TL;DR for this one - sorry!

As for your other comments about Star Levels etc, this post is already long as it is so maybe I’ll make another post in the near future where I can answer some smaller questions.

Any more questions, please feel free to drop them below this post and I might respond to them either later today while I'm watching CRL or later in the week.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by charlie239273

This update isn’t coming before September. We haven’t even began the 2 months of teasers yet which were supposed to start in March and now it’s basically June,and even if they released them over a shorter period of time, there was atleast 1-2 months after that before he said the update was actually planned to be released. Don’t get your hopes up guys it’s coming in November.

not necessarily - my job requires me to be very flexible when it comes to stuff like this. if for some reason the update was ready in 2 weeks, i would have to adjust any release plans accordingly.

for example, 2 months of teasers was planned because i knew we would have that big period of time before release.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by EmilianoDTH

So no improvements on progression at all? Jeez, i cant understand how you guys cant see how much important this subject is. You say the fun in this game comes from using different decks. But then, you are forcing all players to use the same deck for years in ladder just because it takes an eternity to max out another decks.

I know you need to make money, buts theres a middle line between making money and make the game less attractive and appealing to players because of the slow progression.

> So no improvements on progression at all?

not sure where you got that from? as said in the main post our goal is to get players to be able to level up more than 8 cards easier

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


all community managers at supercell work differently, and have different communities. i talk to the other CM's at supercell daily and i am aware of how they work.

me and darian run communities for two completely different games with two completely different development structures and pipelines. all of which affects the way we interact with the community.

thank you for the feedback!

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by UserSrivatsan

One question brother. I know this will be unanswered but still.

How do we know that you guys lurk on this sub reddit? There was literally no comment from you side in the month of May. At least some of the best posts that you see by dropping a small comment so that we know that hey, CM does read the posts.

I'm not accusing you of anything here, but from our point of view we genuinely don't know for sure, whether you read some of the posts or not.

i guess you'll just have to trust me on that! it's not in my best interest to not come on the subreddit, it's a pretty important source of info for a lot of things. plus what would i do in my spare time if i'm not on reddit lol.

i will say however that one problem i find with this subreddit is that if i comment on anything that doesn't reveal update info (fan art/new card ideas for example), i get lots of toxic responses "why are you replying to fan art, why are you replying to this but not addressing this?".

this leads to the point i made of communication vs update information.

for the health of the sub and community it is sometimes better to just not respond to smaller posts at all if it just makes people more toxic in the long run.

hope that clears up the thought process there

almost 4 years ago - /u/Supercell_Drew - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

I think Drew, that you should stop being scared of negativity. I think majority of the community would be happy if you responded more.

it's not being scared of negativity - it is trying to reduce toxicity on the sub.

if i was scared of negativity i am in the wrong line of work lol