over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back after last week’s Season 1: Heist release and with another big batch of content launching this week thanks to the Lunar New Year holiday (abbreviated LNY later on in this post). It is the Year of the Tiger and to help celebrate this exciting, vibrant, and distinctive holiday we have a variety of events, modes, and maps all launching between now and early February! To start it off, we have a short trailer to help highlight some of those Lunar New Year themes:

Lunar New Year Trailer

All of our Lunar New Year events aren’t available right now, but we’ll go into all of them in detail in the rest of the update. Also, just to help give you a glimpse of what will be available overall here is a quick list of Lunar New Year related events or releases:

  • Battle Royale Map Updates - Live Now
  • Snowboard Challenge in Isolated - Live on Feb 4th
  • Lunar New Year Puzzle - Live on Feb 4th
  • Winter Wish themed event - Live Now
  • Nuketown Temple - Live Now
  • Red Envelope Confirmed - Live on January 31st
  • Year of the Tiger Draw - Live on Feb 4th
  • The Tiger Pact (exchange event) - Live Now


We also have some unique events launching for Lunar New Year that you should keep an eye out for, especially if you like free rewards that require little to no effort on your part 😉. We should have that dropping on our social channels on the actual Lunar New Year start, February 1st, so be sure to keep an eye out for that! For the rest of the update we’ll go over events, draws, feedback, bug reports, the Call of Duty: Mobile Creator’s Club, and of course some highlights of upcoming content releasing throughout the season. Let’s jump in!


Here is a quick look at all of the newest events and others launching throughout the next week:

  • 01/20 – 02/03 ~ BR Alcatraz
  • 01/25 – 01/30 ~ Capture the Flag (MP)
  • 01/25 – 01/30 ~ Gungame Moshpit (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/14 ~ Featured Event - Winter Wish
  • 01/28 – 02/03 ~ Nuketown: Year of the Tiger (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/03 ~ Attack of the Undead 20 (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/06 ~ Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop
  • 01/31 – 02/06 ~ Swords & Stones (MP)
  • 01/31 – 02/17 ~ Rust 24/7 (MP)
  • 01/31 – 02/10 ~ Red Envelope Confirmed (MP)
  • 02/04 – 02/17 ~ Year of the Tiger Draw
  • 02/04 – 02/17 ~ Hacienda 24/7 (MP)

*All Dates UTC

While there are clearly many events and modes available right now and throughout the next week, we also still have more coming throughout the season! Get one last look at the Season 1: Heist Roadmap below to see what else is still on the way.

Season 1 Roadmap

Call of Duty: Mobile Creator’s Club
Two weeks ago we announced that the new Creator Club and how it is is the premiere Call of Duty: Mobile incubator program built to promote and celebrate our awesome community of content creators! This program is designed to help a variety of our Creators - big and small – to grow and to build up our amazing and diverse group of creators.


While we won’t have a community update just for the launch of this program, it is just a few days away and if you are based out of the United States or Mexico you’ll be able to apply to the Creator Club on January 31st (PT)! We have the website up now and full of information, and that’s where you’ll be able to apply.

If chosen to join the Club, you’ll be able to earn COD points, exclusive seasonal sneak peeks, a variety of workshops on how to grow your channel, and access to Call of Duty: Mobile devs! This launch is essentially a beta of the program, so don’t worry if you don’t get accepted right away. Additionally, we’ll open it up to more regions in the future. Keep an eye on future community updates where we intend to share about any changes or news related to the program in future!

Lunar New Year Events Begin

While we’ve held events for Lunar New Year each year of Call of Duty: Mobile, we’ve never had anything on the scale of what we have in store for you all for The Year of the Tiger! We have a mixture of modes, events, maps, and store offers all available throughout the next week. This section will be dedicated to detailing all of that as much as we can. First, let’s start with something you’ve all been waiting for!

Nuketown Temple Arrives
We are truly thrilled to be able to bring another iteration of Nuketown to you all, with Nuketown Temple being brand-new map not seen before in any Call of Duty title. In this new snow-covered refuge you’ll find lanterns, art, signage, and decorations to help fit that Lunar New Year theme. Behind all of those gorgeous new visuals is the same old and beloved Nuketown that promises that combat is always just a moment away. Get a glimpse at the full map below:

Nuketown Temple Flythrough

While trying out Nuketown Temple via the Nuketown: Year of the Tiger MP Playlist, make sure to check out the similarly themed featured event! That event offers you rewards just for doing normal tasks while playing the map, like getting kills or winning matches. The rewards consist of the M21 EBR - Cityscape and the SMRS - Hazy Light Weapon Blueprints, Calling Card - To the Light, plus credits and Weapon XP.

Tiger Pact
This exchange event is running throughout the entire Season and offers up some of the best rewards available from all LNY events. You can grab various epic items by collecting Tiger Coins from playing Battle Royale. In particular, you can snag the Epic Swordfish - Cool Tiger and the Ice Axe - Cool Tiger Weapon Blueprints. Just head to Featured Events, find Tiger Pact, hit that reminder for the weapon you want to earn first, and start playing any BR match!

Tiger Pact Event

Battle Royale Map Updates & Events
As you have likely already seen, this season came with new map updates to both the Blackout and Isolated! Primarily, you can find an updated Hydro Dam area of Blackout with snow everywhere, a mysterious new floating platform full of loot and arcade machines, and a variety of Lunar New Year themed easter eggs like balloons to shoot down and snowball fights. If you haven’t seen it yourself already, then have a glimpse of some of those new additions:

New To Battle Royale Maps

While many of these events and easter eggs are just purely added for enjoyment, they also are often another way to earn Tiger Coins for the Tiger Pact event. There is plenty going on in Blackout, but you can also find some updates and events over in Isolated. In particular, there is an updated Ski Town, a giant holographic Urban Tracer, and starting on 2/4 there will be a Snowboard Challenge event!

Once the event is live, head on over to Ski Town, talk to Urban Tracker, and you’ll get a prompt to start the Snowboard Challenge. Your snowboarding skills will be put to the test as you race down the course while hoping to hit as many CODM logos as possible. By completing the challenge you’ll be entered in a leaderboard and you’ll be given a supply crate to help you take home that win! Here is a quick look at how that event will work and it will run from 2/4 until the end of the season:

Isolated - Snowboard Challenge

Winter Wish Themed Event
As of yesterday our main themed event for the season, Winter Wish, has released and it allows you to uniquely select what rewards you would like to acquire. When you first come to this event page you’ll be asked to select a certain number of rewards from each row (of three rows), with a total 7 rewards selected. These can be anything from epic weapon blueprints to charms.

Winter Wish Event Page

Once you’ve selected those rewards you’ll be taken to a new page with all seven laid out like you see above. Once there, you can check out various tasks that will reward you with tokens that you can use to unlock those rewards via Wishing. This is fairly similar to a lucky draw in the way the Wish mechanic works, except all tokens for it are earned through tasks and are refreshed daily. Check it out in-game now and start collecting those tokens while playing BR or MP!

Lunar New Year Puzzle
If you were around back during our 2nd Anniversary we had a similar event that asked you to complete a puzzle while earning rewards based on how much you’ve completed. Like all nearly all of the other events that are part of Lunar New Year, this one rewards you just for doing regular tasks like logging in, playing in BR, sliding for X amount of time, or other common types you are used to seeing in Seasonal Challenges. For completing all of these, you can earn the following:

  • (Epic) Death Angel Alice — Laughtrack
  • (Epic) Calling Card - Laughtrack
  • (Rare) CR-56 AMAX - Winter Cheer
  • (Rare) Helicopter - Winter Cheer
  • (Rare) Thermite - Winter Cheer

Red Envelope Confirmed (1/31 – 2/10)
As you may already expect based on the name, this is a LNY themed version of 10v10 Kill Confirmed that replaces dog tags with red envelopes. Despite the simplicity of that description, there will be some surprises in store to help make it feel fresh Additionally, there are many tasks with Seasonal Challenges, the Lunar New Year Puzzle, and Winter Wish that will can be completed by trying out this new mode. Be sure to try it out when it launches on 1/31 UTC!

Red Envelope Confirmed - New Mode

Year of the Tiger Draw (02/04 – 02/17)
You’ve seen her in various pieces of art, the login screen, and nearly plastered all of our Season 1: Heist images – Urban Tracker - Pale Prowler is almost here! This new version of the beloved Urban Tracker is decked out in snow cameoed combat armor and equipped with the legendary Arctic .50 - Zodiac Beast. This new draw will be releasing on February 4th UTC and be jam packed with Lunar New Year themed weapons blueprints, camos, emotes, and more!

Year of the Tiger Draw - Live 02/04

New Weapon - Kilo 141
The latest assault rifle has arrived in Call of Duty: Mobile and it comes with some strong full auto firepower. However, like all weapons it has its balance in terms of low control, recoil, and a lack of long-range stopping power. It released yesterday with the common version as a part of the Seasonal Challenge – Kilo 141 - Locked & Loaded, but if you are looking for something with a lot of graphical flair then look no further than the Mythic version in the Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop.

It’s only been one day but we’ve already many threads, posts, and more discussing different ways to build out this assault rifle. However, if you haven’t tried it out yourself and would like to see a breakdown then look no further than this latest weapon breakdown video:

Kilo 141 Introduction Video

Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop
The queen of the damned has returned to Call of Duty: Mobile with a fiery new look and a Mythic a weapon at her side. Dame – Shotcaller leads this new Mythic Drop! She was seemingly dead or missing in action after her confrontation with Templar in the comics during Season 8: 2nd Anniversary, but she is back with all of the intelligence, sass, and ferocity she once had. However, now Dame is the leader of a criminal ring and she’s acquired some new tools and weapons to help her with this endeavor.


A demonic weapon has called out to her soul and only Dame was strong enough to be its match – the Mythic Kilo – 141 Demonsong. That new mythic weapon blueprint, like the others before it, has its own unlock tree full of attachments, charms, and death effects once you acquire the weapon. The new drop also comes with a variety of other unique items, like a legendary Molotov and the DL Q33 – Doom.


Find Dame, that new mythic, and all of those other high-quality cosmetics available in-game now as a part of the Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop! Get ready for us to rotate back to a Legendary Operator next season and with someone many of you have frequently asked to see again 😉.

Ground Forces - Battle Pass Subscription
We covered this new subscription in the last community update, but we’ve seen frequent questions and posts about it so we figured we would highlight it once again. First, the basics! This is subscription version of the Battle Pass that comes with a bunch of extra perks for a slightly higher overall price. There will be new rewards each season, which might include items but also benefits like what you see below:


Like many new features, we wanted to be careful about this and have launched it only in select regions during Season 1. We are very relieved we did so since as some of you have noticed there have been a few fun bugs that have surfaced for the BP Subscription already. For instance, BobbyPlays is definitely and unquestionably banned from using this feature ever haha.

Seriously though, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to already leave feedback or report bugs related to the subscription. For all of you asking for it to release in your region, just hang tight as we’ll likely (assuming all goes well) release it to more regions in Season 2. Lastly, for anyone seeking more information about the service or how to unsubscribe please head to our Ground Forces Term of Use web page: https://www.callofduty.com/mobile/bpsub-terms-of-service

We are still monitor a variety of feedback related specifically to Season 1, with no updates on those just yet, but we also have a few quick responses for some common topics that are not specific to this season.

Bans: We’ve noticed an increase of ban reports across the community. While we can’t investigate each individual case, when there are these overall noticeable trends, we are able to check in with the security team to make sure everything is going as it should be. Because of the increased ban report trend, we are in conversations with the team to make sure everything is working as it should and are frequently checking reports.

Balancing – While we don’t have any updates (yet) on any new balancing changes, we just want to acknowledge that we are aware of conversations and requests around the Persistence Perk, melee, and K9 Unit.

Lag – We are continuously investigating any spikes or perceived issues with lag, whether it is something like ‘my lag increased after Season 1 released’ or something like ‘everyone in X region seems to be having issues today’. We have a team regularly monitoring the servers, but we also ping them whenever we see evidence of something unusual or a spike in issues. We are continuously working to improve servers and add new servers to populated areas that are struggling to get a low average ping.

Mythic Drops Returning – One of the most frequent questions we get is ‘when is X returning’ where X might be a Mythic weapon, Legendary operator, Scorestreak, Operator Skill, or Battle Royale Class. There is a different response for all of those, but recently we’ve seen quite a few questions about Mythics in particular. We are still discussing and looking into different options for returning Mythics, whether it is through For You, Mythic Reduxes, or some new mechanism. Nothing concrete to share yet, but we’ll be sure to call it out once we can.

Incorrect Ranked Text – The Ranked information tab shows that players in the legendary rank are matched with master ranked players, seems to be false. The team is aware and working on a fix.

Chopper Gunner – We’ve been seeing reports of players getting the Chopper Gunner scorestreak from care packages. The team is looking into it so enjoy the Chopper Gunner while you can! You might be able to use it easier sometime in the future 😉.

Character Models Changing in BR Lobbies when Equipping Certain Items – We’ve seen a variety of reports abut this and have shared it up with the team. Thanks for reporting them and hopefully it won’t be long until we are able to put out a fix!

PPSh-41 Glitching in BR – Thanks to quick community reports we identified an issue with the Legendary PPSh-41 – Emberwing showing a graphical glitch in BR when switching between third person and ADS. This should be fixed now, so if you are still experiencing this please let us know.

D13 Sector Damage Issues – We saw a few reports after Season 1 released that the D13 Sector was not inflicting damage when hitting certain parts of enemies. The team is looking into it to get you firing discs again with full lethality in no time!

Fennec Verdant Drum Mag – After the latest update the Drum Mag attachment has magically disappeared. This seems to be unintended. The team is aware and looking into this.

Apple 2FA Login Issues – At the beginning of the season we saw players signing in through Apple have issues getting into the game. This issue should be resolved now. If you are still having issues logging in with Apple, make sure you have downloaded the latest updated from the app store.

Coil Wrench Skin – It’s rare for someone to report something being too strong but thank you for doing so! Previously, the Coil Wrench Skin was dealing way far too much damage in BR. This should be now fixed in-game, if you still see this weapon being OP please let us know.

Ground Force Subscription Bans – We mentioned this earlier jokingly, but it is real and there was a message that went out to some players that they were banned from using this service. The team is aware of this issue and looking into a fix. In the meantime, if you were someone who received that message please go ahead and DM us your UID so we can forward to the team to help them out, thanks!

Kilo 141 Negative Stats - We've seen clearly not correct stats being displayed for the new Kilo 141 (both the basic and Mythic version). Are negative stats a new part of the game? No, we don't believe they are haha. We are checking into this one and thanks for the screenshots & reports!

Support Options
It’s another season so that means new opportunities for issues, so whether your issue is new or old please make sure to report it through our official channels or even just via community posts. Our teams are regularly monitoring both, so thank you to anyone who takes the time to report any issue (big or small) and in the end helps make the game better for everyone.

Lastly, outside of community channels, which are not great for individual bugs just affecting you (like a COD purchase error or account issues), our two main two official support options are below:

  • In-game support chat
  • Player Support Website: Contact Us

Final Notes
When we set out to write this update we promise it was not meant to be as jam packed as this one, but we apologize for nothing and are thrilled to be able to highlight, discuss, and share so much with you all once again. Next time we come back it will be right around that halfway mark through Season 1, which means we’ll already be close to our first teasers for Season 2.

What are we trying to say with that old piece of art for Blackout? Maybe something, maybe nothing, but also maybe that we have a lot coming up that we can’t wait to share about the future of CODM throughout 2022. That could be new features, new improvements, new collaborations, or of course some amazing seasonal themes. We’ll keep sharing that out through teasers but also through upcoming public test builds and community updates. Keep an eye out for all of that in future updates!


With all of that said, happy Year of the Tiger and Lunar New Year to everyone out there who celebrates! Even if you don’t celebrate, we hope you enjoy all of the great in-game events, rewards, and theming for this holiday. Take care and see you next time.

-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

External link →
over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back after last week’s Season 1: Heist release and with another big batch of content launching this week thanks to the Lunar New Year holiday (abbreviated LNY later on in this post). It is the Year of the Tiger and to help celebrate this exciting, vibrant, and distinctive holiday we have a variety of events, modes, and maps all launching between now and early February! To start it off, we have a short trailer to help highlight some of those Lunar New Year themes:

Lunar New Year Trailer

All of our Lunar New Year events aren’t available right now, but we’ll go into all of them in detail in the rest of the update. Also, just to help give you a glimpse of what will be available overall here is a quick list of Lunar New Year related events or releases:

  • Battle Royale Map Updates - Live Now
  • Snowboard Challenge in Isolated - Live on Feb 4th
  • Lunar New Year Puzzle - Live on Feb 4th
  • Winter Wish themed event - Live Now
  • Nuketown Temple - Live Now
  • Red Envelope Confirmed - Live on January 31st
  • Year of the Tiger Draw - Live on Feb 4th
  • The Tiger Pact (exchange event) - Live Now


We also have some unique events launching for Lunar New Year that you should keep an eye out for, especially if you like free rewards that require little to no effort on your part 😉. We should have that dropping on our social channels on the actual Lunar New Year start, February 1st, so be sure to keep an eye out for that! For the rest of the update we’ll go over events, draws, feedback, bug reports, the Call of Duty: Mobile Creator’s Club, and of course some highlights of upcoming content releasing throughout the season. Let’s jump in!


Here is a quick look at all of the newest events and others launching throughout the next week:

  • 01/20 – 02/03 ~ BR Alcatraz
  • 01/25 – 01/30 ~ Capture the Flag (MP)
  • 01/25 – 01/30 ~ Gungame Moshpit (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/14 ~ Featured Event - Winter Wish
  • 01/28 – 02/03 ~ Nuketown: Year of the Tiger (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/03 ~ Attack of the Undead 20 (MP)
  • 01/28 – 02/06 ~ Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop
  • 01/31 – 02/06 ~ Swords & Stones (MP)
  • 01/31 – 02/17 ~ Rust 24/7 (MP)
  • 01/31 – 02/10 ~ Red Envelope Confirmed (MP)
  • 02/04 – 02/17 ~ Year of the Tiger Draw
  • 02/04 – 02/17 ~ Hacienda 24/7 (MP)

*All Dates UTC

While there are clearly many events and modes available right now and throughout the next week, we also still have more coming throughout the season! Get one last look at the Season 1: Heist Roadmap below to see what else is still on the way.

Season 1 Roadmap

Call of Duty: Mobile Creator’s Club
Two weeks ago we announced that the new Creator Club and how it is is the premiere Call of Duty: Mobile incubator program built to promote and celebrate our awesome community of content creators! This program is designed to help a variety of our Creators - big and small – to grow and to build up our amazing and diverse group of creators.


While we won’t have a community update just for the launch of this program, it is just a few days away and if you are based out of the United States or Mexico you’ll be able to apply to the Creator Club on January 31st (PT)! We have the website up now and full of information, and that’s where you’ll be able to apply.

If chosen to join the Club, you’ll be able to earn COD points, exclusive seasonal sneak peeks, a variety of workshops on how to grow your channel, and access to Call of Duty: Mobile devs! This launch is essentially a beta of the program, so don’t worry if you don’t get accepted right away. Additionally, we’ll open it up to more regions in the future. Keep an eye on future community updates where we intend to share about any changes or news related to the program in future!

Lunar New Year Events Begin

While we’ve held events for Lunar New Year each year of Call of Duty: Mobile, we’ve never had anything on the scale of what we have in store for you all for The Year of the Tiger! We have a mixture of modes, events, maps, and store offers all available throughout the next week. This section will be dedicated to detailing all of that as much as we can. First, let’s start with something you’ve all been waiting for!

Nuketown Temple Arrives
We are truly thrilled to be able to bring another iteration of Nuketown to you all, with Nuketown Temple being brand-new map not seen before in any Call of Duty title. In this new snow-covered refuge you’ll find lanterns, art, signage, and decorations to help fit that Lunar New Year theme. Behind all of those gorgeous new visuals is the same old and beloved Nuketown that promises that combat is always just a moment away. Get a glimpse at the full map below:

Nuketown Temple Flythrough

While trying out Nuketown Temple via the Nuketown: Year of the Tiger MP Playlist, make sure to check out the similarly themed featured event! That event offers you rewards just for doing normal tasks while playing the map, like getting kills or winning matches. The rewards consist of the M21 EBR - Cityscape and the SMRS - Hazy Light Weapon Blueprints, Calling Card - To the Light, plus credits and Weapon XP.

Tiger Pact
This exchange event is running throughout the entire Season and offers up some of the best rewards available from all LNY events. You can grab various epic items by collecting Tiger Coins from playing Battle Royale. In particular, you can snag the Epic Swordfish - Cool Tiger and the Ice Axe - Cool Tiger Weapon Blueprints. Just head to Featured Events, find Tiger Pact, hit that reminder for the weapon you want to earn first, and start playing any BR match!

Tiger Pact Event

Battle Royale Map Updates & Events
As you have likely already seen, this season came with new map updates to both the Blackout and Isolated! Primarily, you can find an updated Hydro Dam area of Blackout with snow everywhere, a mysterious new floating platform full of loot and arcade machines, and a variety of Lunar New Year themed easter eggs like balloons to shoot down and snowball fights. If you haven’t seen it yourself already, then have a glimpse of some of those new additions:

New To Battle Royale Maps

While many of these events and easter eggs are just purely added for enjoyment, they also are often another way to earn Tiger Coins for the Tiger Pact event. There is plenty going on in Blackout, but you can also find some updates and events over in Isolated. In particular, there is an updated Ski Town, a giant holographic Urban Tracer, and starting on 2/4 there will be a Snowboard Challenge event!

Once the event is live, head on over to Ski Town, talk to Urban Tracker, and you’ll get a prompt to start the Snowboard Challenge. Your snowboarding skills will be put to the test as you race down the course while hoping to hit as many CODM logos as possible. By completing the challenge you’ll be entered in a leaderboard and you’ll be given a supply crate to help you take home that win! Here is a quick look at how that event will work and it will run from 2/4 until the end of the season:

Isolated - Snowboard Challenge

Winter Wish Themed Event
As of yesterday our main themed event for the season, Winter Wish, has released and it allows you to uniquely select what rewards you would like to acquire. When you first come to this event page you’ll be asked to select a certain number of rewards from each row (of three rows), with a total 7 rewards selected. These can be anything from epic weapon blueprints to charms.

Winter Wish Event Page

Once you’ve selected those rewards you’ll be taken to a new page with all seven laid out like you see above. Once there, you can check out various tasks that will reward you with tokens that you can use to unlock those rewards via Wishing. This is fairly similar to a lucky draw in the way the Wish mechanic works, except all tokens for it are earned through tasks and are refreshed daily. Check it out in-game now and start collecting those tokens while playing BR or MP!

Lunar New Year Puzzle
If you were around back during our 2nd Anniversary we had a similar event that asked you to complete a puzzle while earning rewards based on how much you’ve completed. Like all nearly all of the other events that are part of Lunar New Year, this one rewards you just for doing regular tasks like logging in, playing in BR, sliding for X amount of time, or other common types you are used to seeing in Seasonal Challenges. For completing all of these, you can earn the following:

  • (Epic) Death Angel Alice — Laughtrack
  • (Epic) Calling Card - Laughtrack
  • (Rare) CR-56 AMAX - Winter Cheer
  • (Rare) Helicopter - Winter Cheer
  • (Rare) Thermite - Winter Cheer

Red Envelope Confirmed (1/31 – 2/10)
As you may already expect based on the name, this is a LNY themed version of 10v10 Kill Confirmed that replaces dog tags with red envelopes. Despite the simplicity of that description, there will be some surprises in store to help make it feel fresh Additionally, there are many tasks with Seasonal Challenges, the Lunar New Year Puzzle, and Winter Wish that will can be completed by trying out this new mode. Be sure to try it out when it launches on 1/31 UTC!

Red Envelope Confirmed - New Mode

Year of the Tiger Draw (02/04 – 02/17)
You’ve seen her in various pieces of art, the login screen, and nearly plastered all of our Season 1: Heist images – Urban Tracker - Pale Prowler is almost here! This new version of the beloved Urban Tracker is decked out in snow cameoed combat armor and equipped with the legendary Arctic .50 - Zodiac Beast. This new draw will be releasing on February 4th UTC and be jam packed with Lunar New Year themed weapons blueprints, camos, emotes, and more!

Year of the Tiger Draw - Live 02/04

New Weapon - Kilo 141
The latest assault rifle has arrived in Call of Duty: Mobile and it comes with some strong full auto firepower. However, like all weapons it has its balance in terms of low control, recoil, and a lack of long-range stopping power. It released yesterday with the common version as a part of the Seasonal Challenge – Kilo 141 - Locked & Loaded, but if you are looking for something with a lot of graphical flair then look no further than the Mythic version in the Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop.

It’s only been one day but we’ve already many threads, posts, and more discussing different ways to build out this assault rifle. However, if you haven’t tried it out yourself and would like to see a breakdown then look no further than this latest weapon breakdown video:

Kilo 141 Introduction Video

Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop
The queen of the damned has returned to Call of Duty: Mobile with a fiery new look and a Mythic a weapon at her side. Dame – Shotcaller leads this new Mythic Drop! She was seemingly dead or missing in action after her confrontation with Templar in the comics during Season 8: 2nd Anniversary, but she is back with all of the intelligence, sass, and ferocity she once had. However, now Dame is the leader of a criminal ring and she’s acquired some new tools and weapons to help her with this endeavor.


A demonic weapon has called out to her soul and only Dame was strong enough to be its match – the Mythic Kilo – 141 Demonsong. That new mythic weapon blueprint, like the others before it, has its own unlock tree full of attachments, charms, and death effects once you acquire the weapon. The new drop also comes with a variety of other unique items, like a legendary Molotov and the DL Q33 – Doom.


Find Dame, that new mythic, and all of those other high-quality cosmetics available in-game now as a part of the Rock & Requiem Mythic Drop! Get ready for us to rotate back to a Legendary Operator next season and with someone many of you have frequently asked to see again 😉.

Ground Forces - Battle Pass Subscription
We covered this new subscription in the last community update, but we’ve seen frequent questions and posts about it so we figured we would highlight it once again. First, the basics! This is subscription version of the Battle Pass that comes with a bunch of extra perks for a slightly higher overall price. There will be new rewards each season, which might include items but also benefits like what you see below:


Like many new features, we wanted to be careful about this and have launched it only in select regions during Season 1. We are very relieved we did so since as some of you have noticed there have been a few fun bugs that have surfaced for the BP Subscription already. For instance, BobbyPlays is definitely and unquestionably banned from using this feature ever haha.

Seriously though, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to already leave feedback or report bugs related to the subscription. For all of you asking for it to release in your region, just hang tight as we’ll likely (assuming all goes well) release it to more regions in Season 2. Lastly, for anyone seeking more information about the service or how to unsubscribe please head to our Ground Forces Term of Use web page: https://www.callofduty.com/mobile/bpsub-terms-of-service

We are still monitor a variety of feedback related specifically to Season 1, with no updates on those just yet, but we also have a few quick responses for some common topics that are not specific to this season.

Bans: We’ve noticed an increase of ban reports across the community. While we can’t investigate each individual case, when there are these overall noticeable trends, we are able to check in with the security team to make sure everything is going as it should be. Because of the increased ban report trend, we are in conversations with the team to make sure everything is working as it should and are frequently checking reports.

Balancing – While we don’t have any updates (yet) on any new balancing changes, we just want to acknowledge that we are aware of conversations and requests around the Persistence Perk, melee, and K9 Unit.

Lag – We are continuously investigating any spikes or perceived issues with lag, whether it is something like ‘my lag increased after Season 1 released’ or something like ‘everyone in X region seems to be having issues today’. We have a team regularly monitoring the servers, but we also ping them whenever we see evidence of something unusual or a spike in issues. We are continuously working to improve servers and add new servers to populated areas that are struggling to get a low average ping.

Mythic Drops Returning – One of the most frequent questions we get is ‘when is X returning’ where X might be a Mythic weapon, Legendary operator, Scorestreak, Operator Skill, or Battle Royale Class. There is a different response for all of those, but recently we’ve seen quite a few questions about Mythics in particular. We are still discussing and looking into different options for returning Mythics, whether it is through For You, Mythic Reduxes, or some new mechanism. Nothing concrete to share yet, but we’ll be sure to call it out once we can.

Incorrect Ranked Text – The Ranked information tab shows that players in the legendary rank are matched with master ranked players, seems to be false. The team is aware and working on a fix.

Chopper Gunner – We’ve been seeing reports of players getting the Chopper Gunner scorestreak from care packages. The team is looking into it so enjoy the Chopper Gunner while you can! You might be able to use it easier sometime in the future 😉.

Character Models Changing in BR Lobbies when Equipping Certain Items – We’ve seen a variety of reports abut this and have shared it up with the team. Thanks for reporting them and hopefully it won’t be long until we are able to put out a fix!

PPSh-41 Glitching in BR – Thanks to quick community reports we identified an issue with the Legendary PPSh-41 – Emberwing showing a graphical glitch in BR when switching between third person and ADS. This should be fixed now, so if you are still experiencing this please let us know.

D13 Sector Damage Issues – We saw a few reports after Season 1 released that the D13 Sector was not inflicting damage when hitting certain parts of enemies. The team is looking into it to get you firing discs again with full lethality in no time!

Fennec Verdant Drum Mag – After the latest update the Drum Mag attachment has magically disappeared. This seems to be unintended. The team is aware and looking into this.

Apple 2FA Login Issues – At the beginning of the season we saw players signing in through Apple have issues getting into the game. This issue should be resolved now. If you are still having issues logging in with Apple, make sure you have downloaded the latest updated from the app store.

Coil Wrench Skin – It’s rare for someone to report something being too strong but thank you for doing so! Previously, the Coil Wrench Skin was dealing way far too much damage in BR. This should be now fixed in-game, if you still see this weapon being OP please let us know.

Ground Force Subscription Bans – We mentioned this earlier jokingly, but it is real and there was a message that went out to some players that they were banned from using this service. The team is aware of this issue and looking into a fix. In the meantime, if you were someone who received that message please go ahead and DM us your UID so we can forward to the team to help them out, thanks!

Kilo 141 Negative Stats - We've seen clearly not correct stats being displayed for the new Kilo 141 (both the basic and Mythic version). Are negative stats a new part of the game? No, we don't believe they are haha. We are checking into this one and thanks for the screenshots & reports!

Support Options
It’s another season so that means new opportunities for issues, so whether your issue is new or old please make sure to report it through our official channels or even just via community posts. Our teams are regularly monitoring both, so thank you to anyone who takes the time to report any issue (big or small) and in the end helps make the game better for everyone.

Lastly, outside of community channels, which are not great for individual bugs just affecting you (like a COD purchase error or account issues), our two main two official support options are below:

  • In-game support chat
  • Player Support Website: Contact Us

Final Notes
When we set out to write this update we promise it was not meant to be as jam packed as this one, but we apologize for nothing and are thrilled to be able to highlight, discuss, and share so much with you all once again. Next time we come back it will be right around that halfway mark through Season 1, which means we’ll already be close to our first teasers for Season 2.

What are we trying to say with that old piece of art for Blackout? Maybe something, maybe nothing, but also maybe that we have a lot coming up that we can’t wait to share about the future of CODM throughout 2022. That could be new features, new improvements, new collaborations, or of course some amazing seasonal themes. We’ll keep sharing that out through teasers but also through upcoming public test builds and community updates. Keep an eye out for all of that in future updates!


With all of that said, happy Year of the Tiger and Lunar New Year to everyone out there who celebrates! Even if you don’t celebrate, we hope you enjoy all of the great in-game events, rewards, and theming for this holiday. Take care and see you next time.

-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

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over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by iMarkoYTsm

Add some new comeptions camos.

Ranked camos? If so, we should have more coming with Season 3 since we do a new Ranked Series every other season. Or do you mean something else?

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Mxrder

Will Ground Forces subscription be available in more countries?

Yes, eventually! It is just launching in limited regions first as a beta.

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by DespacitoEndGame

I think he means completionist camos. Like gold, platinum, damascus, diamond and aether camo

Ah, yeah that would make sense . Thanks. If so, sorry to say but no news on that front at the moment.

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by tripps_a_lot

Will we be able to apply aether camos to our blueprints like we can with the rest of the conpletetionist camos in the future? Also thank you for bringing another 10v10 event, can't wait to dive into that meat grinder soon.

Also to add to the D13 issues, I seem to not be able to hip-fire it. Whenever I switch from my primary to the D13, my hip-fire button switches to ADS-fire. It only happens to the D13, and I can't seem to change it in my settings. Another bug or am I doing something wrong on my end?

Hope you and the rest of the team are doing well, and Happy Lunar New Year!

Heya, thanks for the well wishes, and Happy Lunar New Year to you as well! Unfortunately, we have no info at this time on if you will be able to apply Aether camos to blueprints in the future.

For the D13 issue, that definitely sounds like something isn't working right. When did you start noticing this happen? Did it change at the start of season 1? If you have a video of this happening that would be super useful to the team. But regardless, we will relay this to our team so they are aware and can work on a fix if need be. Thanks!

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by sunnyseaa

Happy Lunar New Year! 🥳🐯

Will there be an event to acquire the items from Winter wish we couldn’t select?

Will Nuketown Temple be a permanent map?

Heya, Happy Lunar New Year! 🥳
With this event we weren't able to make it that way. It is essentially a one & done approach where those ones you select are the only ones you can acquire. However, we don't really like that mechanic and want to make it repeatable in the future so if you manage to complete your first batch you can start it over again for the other rewards.

We'll likely have Nuketown Temple around for a couple of seasons and then switch it back out with the original (just like we did with Nuketown Russia). However, all of that just depends on how the map is received and if it is popular long-term like the original map.

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by LordAnsh

Can we please get an Alex Mason or Frank Woods skin in BP please! There are the main characters in two COD games and I think they deserve more love!

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Seva555

Developers please release this subscription in other regions because I want to get Manta Ray because in season 2 it will no longer be.

Hey there, so the plan is to expand to other regions soon! And don't worry, there will be plenty of other awesome content included with the subscription down the road

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Trashcan5000_

Another slight bug I’ve noticed is that pistol trigger attachments are still visible even if you have default look on. Also the PPSh mags have weird handling when default look is on.

Heya! Hmm, are you noticing the pistol trigger attachment issue on multiple weapons? And what exactly do you mean by weird handling? Do you happen to have a video or something that might help? We'd love to send these over to the team with as much info as we can provide them with, thanks!

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Zain1980

Heya, thanks for bringing these to our attention. We'll send these on over to the team. Did all of these issues start with the start of Season 1? Also, do you happen to have any posts that show a screenshot or video of these? Thanks!

over 2 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by VictorDeAzevedo

Holger 24 and legendary characters are without voice, please return them

Hey there! Hmmm, which legendary character are you referring to? Also, can you clarify what is missing for you with the Holger? Thanks!