


Our patented answer for just about anything haha. It's certainly possible! We've actually added plenty of futuristic designs in the past, but like others noted it is usually in the form of blueprints altering the weapon into something that looks futuristic, but we do have a few weapons (and operator skills) already from COD: Infinite Warfare.

Originally posted by mrbrightsideryu

Hi when will you guys get fixed to the bot situation? Especially the bots in rank. They are legit better than a lot of legendary players

They are running and hit firing and killing you cross maps with the type 19, type 25, asval, m13, rus etc

Simplify step slightly in the open you are dead before you had a chance

Hey, we've actually checked into quite a few of these whenever they look like it might be bugs and most of the time we've got the match results back, and playbacks, with no obvious issue based on the high rank of that match where the high rank players were still beating them (despite them being hard to fight). There were of course a few bugs we did confirm too though, which we'll try to fix whenever it pops up, so if you have any clips or info showing that we'd be happy to check it.

Originally posted by Golden_Ronin


I'm just checking in on the issues regarding the American Bulldog and Legendary Hidora Kai operators, I've reported bugs with these skins multiple times over the past several months and haven't seen anything yet. If you could check with the dev team on this issue I would appreciate it thanks.

These are the issues BTW

Also have a few questions Is The global version of the app not going to receive the Red Action bruen blueprint? I believe other versions already did but we have not yet received it. Same with the Tang knife Dao melee blueprint

Are there going to be going to be more secret caches In the foreseeable future?


Heya again Golden! Familiar with those issues. However, apologies if you already shared (we can't find it in the previous convos), but could you share what device you are on and what graphical settings you are using? We tried to replicate both of these before and couldn't get either issue to show up.

Tang Dao we've seen come up a few times and we believe that's planned to release in some form in the future, but no specifics yet. However, for the Red Action Bruen do you know what kind of event that was released in originally? We do see that as a China version only release on our end.

Originally posted by Matteo_05112

got the exact same problem, prolly server limit reached

Hmm, could actually be that the limit got hit on iOS. We'll check with the team. Thanks for sharing both.

05 Mar

Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile community,

We are halfway through Season 2 and we are here to throw some surprises your way with a brand-new public test build full of upcoming content! Here is that basic info below:


  • Live today on 3/5
  • Most likely to close on 3/15 (usually live for one week)
  • Available for Android Devices and IOS devices
Read more External link →

Originally posted by Zestyclose-Echidna18

I actually like these maps. The only one I absolutely hate in snd is Terminal, like for real I despise that shit.

Terminal is a classic, you take that back!

27 Feb

Originally posted by nyanpao

it only started acting up yesterday, here's a screenshot! anytime anyone uses a chinese character on their profile or even in messaging, it comes out blank.

Hmm, thanks we aren't seeing any other examples of this so it might be something wrong with the installation. On the login screen, before it auto-selects your account and loads you in, could you try the repair option and see if it finds any missing files or issues?

26 Feb

Originally posted by nyanpao

this particular one is for chinese words and not blank names, though! the clan shown is the one i'm in, and it has a chinese name. my game friends with chinese names are all appearing blank as well. :(

Hey, would you mind sharing some more screenshots of other areas where it isn't showing up either? Also, is this new to the latest season or it's been a long-term problem?

No info on that one yet, but we have regularly seen asks for it and have no doubt that it is planned for one of these redux draw returns in a future season. We try to call all of that out in those community updates at the launch of each season, so we'd just recommend checking back on those each time to see if we have it in the schedule.

Originally posted by Who_Am_I_97

Yep only getting tokens now 😞😞

Congrats! Not about the tokens but you know, the Surge Baton haha. For the tokens though, we are working on changes and adjustments to all of that to hopefully help that flow just overall be better. We'll announce that through community and social posts once we have that locked down and tied to an upcoming update.

25 Feb

Originally posted by Ok_Macaron8021

I wondered that too but my 1v1 was a regular TD match in killhouse (that's were I tested it with a friend). I played all the modes (regular and ranked) and the speciality modes and it was the same across all of them. 

Hmm, on our end we haven't seen any recent updates that adjusted anything significantly like that. More just the normal smaller buffs and nerfs to individual weapons. Did you check the practice range as well to see if the damage values of your weapons supported what you were feeling in-game where it was taking more shots than normal?

For cheaters, that's something every game (especially popular ones) always has to fight long-term with ebbs and flows in anti-cheat detection and successes. We've seen more reports of that recently too and are trying to work with the team to see if anything is abnormal with the number of reports, detections, or anything. So hopefully we'll find something there and help ban the latest wave.

Others already dropped some great comments about controllers + separate lobbies, which might actually increase the number of bots you are seeing, but we just wanted to say welcome as well and thanks for trying it out again. To your point, there is generally a lot added every year and we still have a wealth of content planned for 2025 as well.

Heya, normally that's the approach to everything to make it inclusive of multiple modes and options so that you don't feel locked into something for challenges. However, this is something that was just added in S2 specifically to Ranked, so it's meant to reward those trying out the mode in Ranked (which helps us get feedback on it).

We definitely didn't already do exactly this vibe with Season 6: Once Upon a Time in Rust

Fun fact for that one, but that season was one of our most popular seasons ever and also one of the first heavily themed seasons we did for CODM.

21 Feb

Congrats OP!! We know this conversation lately has mostly been dominated by discussion around tokens, which we hear everyone on, but it's lovely to see many players starting to earn these free legendaries. Next up the AMAX and AK117!

Originally posted by Environmental-Air444

Hi Devs

Last season, it was mentioned that Tang Knife was supposed to be available for Global users according to unofficial leaks. Just to clarify if it will be made available in future season?

Heya, we are aren't actually sure when or if that one is coming. We know the weapon you are talking about, but haven't gotten any confirmation on a specific plan, event, or offer that will bring it into the global version.

Originally posted by Tobycaceres11

Hello, how are you? I wanted to know about the return of the mythical switchblade because I don't see the return date for it, thank you

Heya, that one is actually the Fuscian Nights Redux and it is coming close to the end of Season 2. We'll confirm some specific timing once we get closer to that releasing.

Originally posted by HOLA3100

Please remove the red tokens from the legendary and mythic chests, I have opened over 50 chests this season and most of them have given me tokens...

And then in the official description of the legendary chests they say that they will only and exclusively give legendary or mythic fragments...

Heya, we've heard all of the feedback on that and are looking into a bunch of options for adjusting that in some way to help that process flow better. We'll share details once the improvements are close to releasing and completely finalized.

Originally posted by Admirable_Grass1004

When is the next test server coming out for global?

Should be coming sometime in March before we get to the next season.

Originally posted by 2Dteapot

Very neat season, but, any news on a fix for the Hunter Killer Drone - Dart skin? It has the correct model when the skin is equipped on-hand, but once you deploy it, it appears as the base hunter killer drone. Wish this gets a fix soon.

Hey there, happy to check into that but do you have a thread or visual example we can reference? Should be an easy one to fix and check out though assuming it isn't only happening on certain devices or graphical settings.