over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back once again today to announce that the latest update has released and is now available to download. If you don’t see it yet in your Apple Store or Google Play Store then just keep checking back as the update can take some time to roll out to all regions and stores. With that said, today we are happy and excited to announce that the new season is called Season 10: Shadows Return!

Season 10: Shadows Return

This new season features the return of Templar as his search continues and with a whole line of comics, and in-game events, that allow you to explore more of his story. Templar makes his way to your hands as a new playable operator in the S10 Battle Pass as Templar - Unredeemed. We’ll have more to share about the BP and new season soon, but here is a glimpse:

Templar - Unredeemed

One new piece of content we wanted to call out in advance, because it is a community favorite, is weapon inspection! As many of you who participated in the Public Test Build noticed, it is here and it is comprehensive. Now you can use this extra flourish in-game to enjoy (via the emote menu) and appreciate the intricate designs of your weapon, especially those high-quality weapon blueprints. Additionally, Mythic weapons will be getting unique weapon inspections in the future!

Weapon Inspection

This update has plenty other than weapon inspection though, like map changes, new content, improvements, and much more! As per usual some of that will be available immediately, like balance changes, while pieces of new content, like new maps or weapons, will be released throughout the season. You can find the full patch notes below, so let’s jump in and we hope you all enjoy the update!


Season 10: “Shadows Return” brings new contents including:

  • New Map: Vacant, a map that focuses on playstyles and gaming strategies
  • New Weapons: Introducing CBR4 SMG and SVD semi-automatic sniper rifle. Fight and conquer with these new weapons!
  • New Scorestreaks: Orbital Laser, let the storm take control!
  • MVP Replay: Show off your highlighted in-game plays to your teammates and opponents!
  • New MP Mode: Control, a mode that emphasizes teamwork, is now available.
  • New BR Mode: Warfare Mode is now available in Blackout.
  • Weapon Inspection

Log in to the game and enjoy the new contents after the update!


New Maps


The Vacant map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available on mobile!

  • The Vacant Map embraces two different play styles, where close combat should feel more visceral and ranged combat focuses more on targeting skills. Players should be able to opt into their style of choice, those who make the right decision will be rewarded with victory!

New Score Streaks

Orbital Laser
Orbital Laser launches a laser in the direction indicated by the player. The laser deals continuous damage to enemies situated in the center of the beam, and slows enemies on the outer area

New Game Mode


  • Each Control Game consists of multiple rounds where players rotate between playing offense and defense to score points. Number of revives are shared amongst teammates. The team scoring the most points wins the round, and the team that wins the most rounds wins the game.

MVP Replay

  • New MVP replay system will now highlight the MVP player’s two most mind-blowing skill shots instead of their final kill in game.

Map Updates

Hackney Yard

  • Lighting in Hackney Yard has been improved to spot nearby enemies
  • The railing at point A has been updated to resolve parkour glitches


  • Wooden walls in the Nuketown previously did not reduce bullet damage properly, this issue has been fixed and now damage is matched with player’s expectation.

Hovec Sawmill

  • Halloween has faded back to darkness, Hovec Sawmill is now back in the limelight (the map is now daytime)! A visual update is implemented for the water wheel.

Other MP Updates

Mode - Payout S&D

  • Players can now use Payout S&D currency to purchase customized backpacks ingame.
  • Winning condition has been changed to winning a total of 6 rounds instead of winning the most rounds per game.


  • Fixed the issue where players cannot hip-fire their weapon while sprinting when Gung-Ho perk is equipped.

Operator Skill - The Tempest

  • The Tempest has been modified that when it is fired towards the ground or wall area, the bolts of electricity will deal damage in a small area to the surrounding enemies

Scorestreak – UAV

  • Updated the UAV visual where when the scan reveals the position of enemies, the red dot will appear simultaneously.

UI Adjustments

  • The Operator Skills is updated now an operator of player’s choice can be selected in their loadout.

Push Notification Update

  • Fixed the issue where some IOS players were unable to turn on push notifications in game.

Battle Royale

New Loot Box Effects

  • BR loot-boxes received a visual update to help players spot higher tiers of loot boxes in game.

New Game Mode


  • Warfare mode is now available in Blackout.

Game Mode Adjustment

Alcatraz - Mechanism adjustment

  • Alcatraz no longer includes common and uncommon attachments.
  • Classes and legendary attachments may appear in the high-value crates.
  • Increase the number of Classes and Class Drivers in the air drop.

Alcatraz - Class refresh rotation

  • Updated the Classes that can be picked up in Alcatraz. The current rotation list is:
  • Trap Master, Hacker, Poltergeist, Refitter, Desperado, Pumped
  • The above content will be updated on November 26th

Other BR Updates

UI Adjustment

  • Fixed the issue where the guard deck or roulette wheel will interfere the virtual joystick when used
  • Fixed the issue where scopes cannot be equipped or swapped when backpack is full
  • Improved backpack management by cancelling prioritization on storing enhanced attachment.
  • Additional HUD animations were implemented when equipping an armor plate.

BR Battle Adjustment

  • Fixed the issue where auto picked up weapons were unable to fire.

BR Map Adjustment

  • Collision is modified in Blackout to reduce the chances of vehicles and airdrops getting stuck between trees.

SE Adjustment

  • Sound effect is updated for Kinetic Armor.

Action Update

  • Action sequence for Wingsuit when players land has been modified.

New Weapons


  • CBR4 is a controllable SMG with a large magazine, its 5.7mm bullet brings stronger penetration and smaller recoil, which can exert a strong dominance in the mid-to-close range.


  • SVD is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that is highly mobile. It has a medium-to-high firing power, dealing slightly lower damage. Opponent can be easily eliminated if shot in the upper chest area.


  • Another new and agile melee weapon is coming! The nunchuks, a weapon synonymous with masters of martial arts, will be available through the Hand to Hand Combat Seasonal Challenge coming later in Season 10.

Clan Wars

In the past three seasons, we have noticed that some players did not receive enough tokens to exchange for the season rewards. In order to prioritize player’s gaming experience, we have made the following changes:

  • Adopting what was implemented in 12.0, we will continue to increase the amount of weekly obtainable tokens.
  • Tokens will reset every season. Previous seasonal rewards will be removed from the store and replaced by current season’s listed items. Players are guaranteed to spend their tokens before the end of each season!
  • Don’t worry if you missed the chance to claim your season rewards, missed-out opportunities will make an appearance in various fashion starting the next Clan War update.
  • Clan borders will now display the final rank of the clan war in the previous season, this border will remain unchanged until the current season ends.

Balance Adjustments

Multiplayer and Battle Royale


Shorty’s dominance in close-range combat continues to overrule secondary shotguns. To balance out secondary shotgun options, we have adjusted Shorty’s damage, increased its shooting interval and recoil recovery, and shortened the range for lethal shots.

  • Single damage: 28-20-17-15 -> 28-14-13-12
  • Slightly increased recoil: base 3.57 -> 6, max 6 -> 12


The 600ms TTK has been incompatible with the current meta, we increased 1911’s close-range damage, shortened TTK to 400ms in close-range combat, and TTK to 200ms in face-to-face combat (160ms with Lightweight Trigger).

  • Damage Range: 20-25-30 -> 9-20-25-30
  • Damage: 26-20-17-16 -> 35-26-20-17-16
  • Headshot damage ratio: 1.4 -> 1.75
  • Chest and abdomen damage ratio: 1 -> 1.15


The penta burst mode tends to affect aiming accuracy, which creates a skill barrier for players. Therefore, we shortened the burst interval and increased the magazine capacity to increase accuracy.

  • Burst interval: 0.2 -> 0.16
  • Default magazine capacity: 36 -> 40
  • Expanded magazine capacity: 44 -> 52

Halberd Mag

  • Magazine capacity: 40 -> 50
  • Damage to the chest and arms: range within 0~40m: 24 -> 26, range 40m or further: 21 -> 23

Type 25

We are buffing Type 25 because it is lacking damage even with a Stopping Power Reload, its TTK also did not show an advantage in close combat.

Therefore, both fire rate and damage to the abdomen have been increased to improve close combat effectiveness. The damage of Stopping Power Reload is increased without affecting the MP’s original TTK.

  • Decrease in horizontal recoil by 30% and the vertical recoil by 20%
  • Fire Rate: RPM 790 -> 857
  • Damage to the abdomen: 24 -> 26

Stopping Power Reload

  • Vertical recoil: +8% -> +20%
  • Horizontal recoil: +0% -> +15%
  • Damage: 25-23-20-19-16 -> 28-24-21-19-16
  • Remove reload time debuff


Man-O-war's high damage spread, low firing rate and high recoil is making the actual TTK differ from the theoretical value.

  • The trajectory of the first 6 bullets is slightly adjusted to fix this issue.
  • Adjust vertical recoil
  • Decrease the ADS bullet spread: about 5%


MX9 was initially designed for players to gain a suppression advantage at close range when optimizing combat positioning and recoil control during high movement speed game plays. However, its high base damage and smooth recoil curve drastically increased its accuracy, making it easy to hit the upper body area during combat.

Therefore, the base damage is slightly reduced and recoil curve is adjusted to put a higher emphasis on player positioning during combat.

  • Base damage: 30-24-16-15 -> 25-21-18-16
  • Increased horizontal recoil


R9-0’s long sprint-to-fire delay and unique pumping mechanism seems to give players a sense of lag during combat. The sprint-to-fire delay and pump time are slightly reduced to improve player experience.

  • Sprint-to-fire delay: 0.25 -> 0.2
  • Bolt time: 0.5 -> 0.4


In order to adapt to the hp in Payout S&D, DLQ33’s damage to the chest, abdomen and arms is slightly increased to ensure a fully armored target can be killed. This adjustment will not change the TTK in MP mode.

  • Damage to chest, abdomen, and arms: 135 -> 150

Perk - Speed Up Kill

We are adjusting Speed Up Kill Perk because its movement speed bonus is allowing mechanical players to take on multiple opponents at once.

Therefore, the movement speed bonus of the perk will remain unchanged, the player's movement speed bonus will be removed, the reloading bolt action remains unchanged, and player tactics such as slide jumping will no longer scale with movement speed bonus.

  • Movement speed bonus: 10% -> 0%

Recoil recovery adjustment for semi-automatic weapons

Players can change camera angle to cancel recoil recovery animation while using marksman and sniper rifles.


Launchers have always been a tricky weapon to balance in CODM. We want our players to utilize different launchers based on tactical decisions, and not abuse its power in game. Therefore, each launcher’s mobility and damage stats are now shown separately to assist players in analyzing in-game situations. We hope this change opens up more opportunities for strategic gameplay.

● Fixed the issue where AOE damage did not take effect simultaneously after launcher weapons were used.

● Weapons that were previously affected by this issue: War Machine, Sparrow, FHJ-18, SMRS, Thumper, AMR with Explosive Mag.


FHJ-18 is the best countermeasure to Scorestreaks and vehicles, we hope the following adjustments enhance its performance against them.

● Initial flight speed: 30m/s -> 60m/s, maximum speed unchanged.


SMRS has become a popular launcher due to its accessibility in different game modes. However, we noticed an underperformance of SMRS when it is used to fire at vehicles in MP, and an overpowering situation when it is used in BR mode. The following adjustments are implemented to balance the weapon performance.

● Direct Hit Damage in MP: 160 -> 300

● Explosion Range in MP: 3.5m -> 2.1m, the range for lethal damage remains unchanged.

● Direct Hit Damage in BR: 300 -> 290

● Initial flight speed in BR: 120m/s -> 80m/s, maximum speed unchanged.


We have been reluctant on buffing the Thumper because it could easily turn the tables on many situations. However, we noticed that the Thumper has been underperforming especially when being used against vehicles and during streak kills. Therefore, the damage of the Thumper has been cautiously adjusted to meet player’s expectation.

● Direct Hit Damage in MP: 130 -> 160

● Minimum Damage in MP: 10 -> 1

● Explosion Range in MP: 4m -> 3.5m, range for lethal damage increased by 30%


Map - Terminal

  • Airport restaurant sofas and aircraft seats are often used as a powerful defensive mechanism. Models and collision of these items are now adjusted to increase counterplay measures.

Map - Scrapyard 2019

  • Fixed the issue where the actual collision of the wing debris was larger than the designed model, and was blocking bullets in the midfield of Scrapyard.

Map – Crossfire

  • Fixed the issue where players vanish when they’re in certain positions on the second floor of the Crossfire Laundry Room and become visible when they are on the bus.

Perk - Martyrdom

  • Slightly shortened the explosion delay time.

Perk - Quick Fix

  • Fixed the issue where Quick Fix continues to regenerate health despite taking damage. In addition, players are now limited to a single instance of Quick Fix every 2 seconds regardless of successive kills.

Tactical – Gas Grenade

  • Reduced the deceleration rate; slightly reduced the range of action.

Score Streak – Hawk X3

  • Slightly reduce firing spread.

Operator Skill – K9 Unit

  • Increased K9 Unit’s movement speed.

Battle Royale

Nova Gas

  • The damage of Nova Gas has been adjusted accordingly to deduct only the hp and not the armor.

Safe Zone Shrinking adjustment

  • The first Safe Zone shrinking time is delayed to allow a slower pace in the early gameplay. We also reduced the damage of the first three outside safe zone fields in Blackout and Isolated.

Character Movement adjustment

  • Swimming speed is decreased and ADS movement speed is increased while character is in water

Match/Ranked Match Update


  • Additional highlight clips are available for top 5000 legendary players.
  • Adjusted ranking algorithm where defeated teams in a very close matchup will lose fewer rank points
  • Shortened queue time for evening players
  • Updated Rank Lobby screen allowing players to have easier access to see the start and end date of the season.
  • Fixed the issue of long queue time for certain MP rank matches.
  • Player’s win streak will no longer be affected if they queued into the middle of a MP match and lost that game.

Battle Royale

  • Improved the matchmaking function by grouping players with similar skill-level in the same BR.
  • Updated Rank Lobby screen allowing players to have easier access to see the start and end date of the season.

Other System Updates

Weapon Inspection

Weapon Inspection feature is added. Players can use this feature by holding down the inspection button in the center of the emoji wheel or turn on the independent inspection button in the settings.

Friend Reservation

Players may send invitations to reserve their friends when their friends are still in game - team up with a friend and play 5 games to unlock this new reservation function!

Like Players

A new praise system is added allowing players to give a thumbs up to the most outstanding teammate or opponent after the game.

FOV setting

A new FOV setting is available for players to adjust their FOV while using different weapons.

Realistic Scope

A more realistic transition for the aim through scopes is added to provide a better FOV when aiming.

  • After the update, players can experience this feature by switching on the "Realistic Sight Effects" in the Audio and Graphics Settings.
  • The weapons and sights that were not implemented with this effect will be included in future updates.

Shader Preload

A new Shader Preload setting is available in audio/graphics settings to help enhance player gaming experience.

MEMC Setting

Players who routinely experience frame drop due to overheating devices can enable MEMC function in the audio/graphics settings. This additional function is implemented to help such players experience a higher framerate in game.

For the time being, MEMC only supports BR game mode when frame rate is set to ‘Max’ or above and is limited to certain Android devices. MEMC will gradually be introduced to all devices in future updates.

- The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link


Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back once again today to announce that the latest update has released and is now available to download. If you don’t see it yet in your Apple Store or Google Play Store then just keep checking back as the update can take some time to roll out to all regions and stores. With that said, today we are happy and excited to announce that the new season is called Season 10: Shadows Return!

Season 10: Shadows Return

This new season features the return of Templar as his search continues and with a whole line of comics, and in-game events, that allow you to explore more of his story. Templar makes his way to your hands as a new playable operator in the S10 Battle Pass as Templar - Unredeemed. We’ll have more to share about the BP and new season soon, but here is a glimpse:

Templar - Unredeemed

One new piece of content we wanted to call out in advance, because it is a community favorite, is weapon inspection! As many of you who participated in the Public Test Build noticed, it is here and it is comprehensive. Now you can use this extra flourish in-game to enjoy (via the emote menu) and appreciate the intricate designs of your weapon, especially those high-quality weapon blueprints. Additionally, Mythic weapons will be getting unique weapon inspections in the future!

Weapon Inspection

This update has plenty other than weapon inspection though, like map changes, new content, improvements, and much more! As per usual some of that will be available immediately, like balance changes, while pieces of new content, like new maps or weapons, will be released throughout the season. You can find the full patch notes below, so let’s jump in and we hope you all enjoy the update!


Season 10: “Shadows Return” brings new contents including:

  • New Map: Vacant, a map that focuses on playstyles and gaming strategies
  • New Weapons: Introducing CBR4 SMG and SVD semi-automatic sniper rifle. Fight and conquer with these new weapons!
  • New Scorestreaks: Orbital Laser, let the storm take control!
  • MVP Replay: Show off your highlighted in-game plays to your teammates and opponents!
  • New MP Mode: Control, a mode that emphasizes teamwork, is now available.
  • New BR Mode: Warfare Mode is now available in Blackout.
  • Weapon Inspection

Log in to the game and enjoy the new contents after the update!


New Maps


The Vacant map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available on mobile!

  • The Vacant Map embraces two different play styles, where close combat should feel more visceral and ranged combat focuses more on targeting skills. Players should be able to opt into their style of choice, those who make the right decision will be rewarded with victory!

New Score Streaks

Orbital Laser
Orbital Laser launches a laser in the direction indicated by the player. The laser deals continuous damage to enemies situated in the center of the beam, and slows enemies on the outer area

New Game Mode


  • Each Control Game consists of multiple rounds where players rotate between playing offense and defense to score points. Number of revives are shared amongst teammates. The team scoring the most points wins the round, and the team that wins the most rounds wins the game.

MVP Replay

  • New MVP replay system will now highlight the MVP player’s two most mind-blowing skill shots instead of their final kill in game.

Map Updates

Hackney Yard

  • Lighting in Hackney Yard has been improved to spot nearby enemies
  • The railing at point A has been updated to resolve parkour glitches


  • Wooden walls in the Nuketown previously did not reduce bullet damage properly, this issue has been fixed and now damage is matched with player’s expectation.

Hovec Sawmill

  • Halloween has faded back to darkness, Hovec Sawmill is now back in the limelight (the map is now daytime)! A visual update is implemented for the water wheel.

Other MP Updates

Mode - Payout S&D

  • Players can now use Payout S&D currency to purchase customized backpacks ingame.
  • Winning condition has been changed to winning a total of 6 rounds instead of winning the most rounds per game.


  • Fixed the issue where players cannot hip-fire their weapon while sprinting when Gung-Ho perk is equipped.

Operator Skill - The Tempest

  • The Tempest has been modified that when it is fired towards the ground or wall area, the bolts of electricity will deal damage in a small area to the surrounding enemies

Scorestreak – UAV

  • Updated the UAV visual where when the scan reveals the position of enemies, the red dot will appear simultaneously.

UI Adjustments

  • The Operator Skills is updated now an operator of player’s choice can be selected in their loadout.

Push Notification Update

  • Fixed the issue where some IOS players were unable to turn on push notifications in game.

Battle Royale

New Loot Box Effects

  • BR loot-boxes received a visual update to help players spot higher tiers of loot boxes in game.

New Game Mode


  • Warfare mode is now available in Blackout.

Game Mode Adjustment

Alcatraz - Mechanism adjustment

  • Alcatraz no longer includes common and uncommon attachments.
  • Classes and legendary attachments may appear in the high-value crates.
  • Increase the number of Classes and Class Drivers in the air drop.

Alcatraz - Class refresh rotation

  • Updated the Classes that can be picked up in Alcatraz. The current rotation list is:
  • Trap Master, Hacker, Poltergeist, Refitter, Desperado, Pumped
  • The above content will be updated on November 26th

Other BR Updates

UI Adjustment

  • Fixed the issue where the guard deck or roulette wheel will interfere the virtual joystick when used
  • Fixed the issue where scopes cannot be equipped or swapped when backpack is full
  • Improved backpack management by cancelling prioritization on storing enhanced attachment.
  • Additional HUD animations were implemented when equipping an armor plate.

BR Battle Adjustment

  • Fixed the issue where auto picked up weapons were unable to fire.

BR Map Adjustment

  • Collision is modified in Blackout to reduce the chances of vehicles and airdrops getting stuck between trees.

SE Adjustment

  • Sound effect is updated for Kinetic Armor.

Action Update

  • Action sequence for Wingsuit when players land has been modified.

New Weapons


  • CBR4 is a controllable SMG with a large magazine, its 5.7mm bullet brings stronger penetration and smaller recoil, which can exert a strong dominance in the mid-to-close range.


  • SVD is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that is highly mobile. It has a medium-to-high firing power, dealing slightly lower damage. Opponent can be easily eliminated if shot in the upper chest area.


  • Another new and agile melee weapon is coming! The nunchuks, a weapon synonymous with masters of martial arts, will be available through the Hand to Hand Combat Seasonal Challenge coming later in Season 10.

Clan Wars

In the past three seasons, we have noticed that some players did not receive enough tokens to exchange for the season rewards. In order to prioritize player’s gaming experience, we have made the following changes:

  • Adopting what was implemented in 12.0, we will continue to increase the amount of weekly obtainable tokens.
  • Tokens will reset every season. Previous seasonal rewards will be removed from the store and replaced by current season’s listed items. Players are guaranteed to spend their tokens before the end of each season!
  • Don’t worry if you missed the chance to claim your season rewards, missed-out opportunities will make an appearance in various fashion starting the next Clan War update.
  • Clan borders will now display the final rank of the clan war in the previous season, this border will remain unchanged until the current season ends.

Balance Adjustments

Multiplayer and Battle Royale


Shorty’s dominance in close-range combat continues to overrule secondary shotguns. To balance out secondary shotgun options, we have adjusted Shorty’s damage, increased its shooting interval and recoil recovery, and shortened the range for lethal shots.

  • Single damage: 28-20-17-15 -> 28-14-13-12
  • Slightly increased recoil: base 3.57 -> 6, max 6 -> 12


The 600ms TTK has been incompatible with the current meta, we increased 1911’s close-range damage, shortened TTK to 400ms in close-range combat, and TTK to 200ms in face-to-face combat (160ms with Lightweight Trigger).

  • Damage Range: 20-25-30 -> 9-20-25-30
  • Damage: 26-20-17-16 -> 35-26-20-17-16
  • Headshot damage ratio: 1.4 -> 1.75
  • Chest and abdomen damage ratio: 1 -> 1.15


The penta burst mode tends to affect aiming accuracy, which creates a skill barrier for players. Therefore, we shortened the burst interval and increased the magazine capacity to increase accuracy.

  • Burst interval: 0.2 -> 0.16
  • Default magazine capacity: 36 -> 40
  • Expanded magazine capacity: 44 -> 52

Halberd Mag

  • Magazine capacity: 40 -> 50
  • Damage to the chest and arms: range within 0~40m: 24 -> 26, range 40m or further: 21 -> 23

Type 25

We are buffing Type 25 because it is lacking damage even with a Stopping Power Reload, its TTK also did not show an advantage in close combat.

Therefore, both fire rate and damage to the abdomen have been increased to improve close combat effectiveness. The damage of Stopping Power Reload is increased without affecting the MP’s original TTK.

  • Decrease in horizontal recoil by 30% and the vertical recoil by 20%
  • Fire Rate: RPM 790 -> 857
  • Damage to the abdomen: 24 -> 26

Stopping Power Reload

  • Vertical recoil: +8% -> +20%
  • Horizontal recoil: +0% -> +15%
  • Damage: 25-23-20-19-16 -> 28-24-21-19-16
  • Remove reload time debuff


Man-O-war's high damage spread, low firing rate and high recoil is making the actual TTK differ from the theoretical value.

  • The trajectory of the first 6 bullets is slightly adjusted to fix this issue.
  • Adjust vertical recoil
  • Decrease the ADS bullet spread: about 5%


MX9 was initially designed for players to gain a suppression advantage at close range when optimizing combat positioning and recoil control during high movement speed game plays. However, its high base damage and smooth recoil curve drastically increased its accuracy, making it easy to hit the upper body area during combat.

Therefore, the base damage is slightly reduced and recoil curve is adjusted to put a higher emphasis on player positioning during combat.

  • Base damage: 30-24-16-15 -> 25-21-18-16
  • Increased horizontal recoil


R9-0’s long sprint-to-fire delay and unique pumping mechanism seems to give players a sense of lag during combat. The sprint-to-fire delay and pump time are slightly reduced to improve player experience.

  • Sprint-to-fire delay: 0.25 -> 0.2
  • Bolt time: 0.5 -> 0.4


In order to adapt to the hp in Payout S&D, DLQ33’s damage to the chest, abdomen and arms is slightly increased to ensure a fully armored target can be killed. This adjustment will not change the TTK in MP mode.

  • Damage to chest, abdomen, and arms: 135 -> 150

Perk - Speed Up Kill

We are adjusting Speed Up Kill Perk because its movement speed bonus is allowing mechanical players to take on multiple opponents at once.

Therefore, the movement speed bonus of the perk will remain unchanged, the player's movement speed bonus will be removed, the reloading bolt action remains unchanged, and player tactics such as slide jumping will no longer scale with movement speed bonus.

  • Movement speed bonus: 10% -> 0%

Recoil recovery adjustment for semi-automatic weapons

Players can change camera angle to cancel recoil recovery animation while using marksman and sniper rifles.


Launchers have always been a tricky weapon to balance in CODM. We want our players to utilize different launchers based on tactical decisions, and not abuse its power in game. Therefore, each launcher’s mobility and damage stats are now shown separately to assist players in analyzing in-game situations. We hope this change opens up more opportunities for strategic gameplay.

● Fixed the issue where AOE damage did not take effect simultaneously after launcher weapons were used.

● Weapons that were previously affected by this issue: War Machine, Sparrow, FHJ-18, SMRS, Thumper, AMR with Explosive Mag.


FHJ-18 is the best countermeasure to Scorestreaks and vehicles, we hope the following adjustments enhance its performance against them.

● Initial flight speed: 30m/s -> 60m/s, maximum speed unchanged.


SMRS has become a popular launcher due to its accessibility in different game modes. However, we noticed an underperformance of SMRS when it is used to fire at vehicles in MP, and an overpowering situation when it is used in BR mode. The following adjustments are implemented to balance the weapon performance.

● Direct Hit Damage in MP: 160 -> 300

● Explosion Range in MP: 3.5m -> 2.1m, the range for lethal damage remains unchanged.

● Direct Hit Damage in BR: 300 -> 290

● Initial flight speed in BR: 120m/s -> 80m/s, maximum speed unchanged.


We have been reluctant on buffing the Thumper because it could easily turn the tables on many situations. However, we noticed that the Thumper has been underperforming especially when being used against vehicles and during streak kills. Therefore, the damage of the Thumper has been cautiously adjusted to meet player’s expectation.

● Direct Hit Damage in MP: 130 -> 160

● Minimum Damage in MP: 10 -> 1

● Explosion Range in MP: 4m -> 3.5m, range for lethal damage increased by 30%


Map - Terminal

  • Airport restaurant sofas and aircraft seats are often used as a powerful defensive mechanism. Models and collision of these items are now adjusted to increase counterplay measures.

Map - Scrapyard 2019

  • Fixed the issue where the actual collision of the wing debris was larger than the designed model, and was blocking bullets in the midfield of Scrapyard.

Map – Crossfire

  • Fixed the issue where players vanish when they’re in certain positions on the second floor of the Crossfire Laundry Room and become visible when they are on the bus.

Perk - Martyrdom

  • Slightly shortened the explosion delay time.

Perk - Quick Fix

  • Fixed the issue where Quick Fix continues to regenerate health despite taking damage. In addition, players are now limited to a single instance of Quick Fix every 2 seconds regardless of successive kills.

Tactical – Gas Grenade

  • Reduced the deceleration rate; slightly reduced the range of action.

Score Streak – Hawk X3

  • Slightly reduce firing spread.

Operator Skill – K9 Unit

  • Increased K9 Unit’s movement speed.

Battle Royale

Nova Gas

  • The damage of Nova Gas has been adjusted accordingly to deduct only the hp and not the armor.

Safe Zone Shrinking adjustment

  • The first Safe Zone shrinking time is delayed to allow a slower pace in the early gameplay. We also reduced the damage of the first three outside safe zone fields in Blackout and Isolated.

Character Movement adjustment

  • Swimming speed is decreased and ADS movement speed is increased while character is in water

Match/Ranked Match Update


  • Additional highlight clips are available for top 5000 legendary players.
  • Adjusted ranking algorithm where defeated teams in a very close matchup will lose fewer rank points
  • Shortened queue time for evening players
  • Updated Rank Lobby screen allowing players to have easier access to see the start and end date of the season.
  • Fixed the issue of long queue time for certain MP rank matches.
  • Player’s win streak will no longer be affected if they queued into the middle of a MP match and lost that game.

Battle Royale

  • Improved the matchmaking function by grouping players with similar skill-level in the same BR.
  • Updated Rank Lobby screen allowing players to have easier access to see the start and end date of the season.

Other System Updates

Weapon Inspection

Weapon Inspection feature is added. Players can use this feature by holding down the inspection button in the center of the emoji wheel or turn on the independent inspection button in the settings.

Friend Reservation

Players may send invitations to reserve their friends when their friends are still in game - team up with a friend and play 5 games to unlock this new reservation function!

Like Players

A new praise system is added allowing players to give a thumbs up to the most outstanding teammate or opponent after the game.

FOV setting

A new FOV setting is available for players to adjust their FOV while using different weapons.

Realistic Scope

A more realistic transition for the aim through scopes is added to provide a better FOV when aiming.

  • After the update, players can experience this feature by switching on the "Realistic Sight Effects" in the Audio and Graphics Settings.
  • The weapons and sights that were not implemented with this effect will be included in future updates.

Shader Preload

A new Shader Preload setting is available in audio/graphics settings to help enhance player gaming experience.

MEMC Setting

Players who routinely experience frame drop due to overheating devices can enable MEMC function in the audio/graphics settings. This additional function is implemented to help such players experience a higher framerate in game.

For the time being, MEMC only supports BR game mode when frame rate is set to ‘Max’ or above and is limited to certain Android devices. MEMC will gradually be introduced to all devices in future updates.

- The Call of Duty: Mobile Team

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over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Vinod_cr7

Hello Team, I just want to ask you 4 simple questions and hoping that you would answer.

  1. Will you guys bring back the old bundles in For You section
  2. Can we expect Ghost Plasma and GKS Tactical Unicorn to be return again anytime soon
  3. Is Shipment 1944 ever going to comeback or it has been removed for permanently
  4. Can you pls fix this emote. Earlier, red eyes were 4. lowing inside skull but it's not glowing anymore. Check below link for your reference.


Hello! Appreciate the questions. Here are some quick answers:

  1. Yes! As of Season 10 we should start to have some bundles in there too.
  2. We aren't sure about those two in particular, but for Ghost we do return him pretty frequently in one way or another, so it seems like there is always another variant of Ghost on the way in the near future
  3. Unknown. Most likely it wouldn't return until (IF) we have another WWII themed season, which is definitely possible thanks to Vanguard
  4. Yes! We've had that on our bug fix list since S9 thanks to some call-outs in previous community updates. Just checked again and it is still being looked into actually, but hopefully fixed relatively soon.
over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Vinod_cr7

Thanks a lot for replying. Last question, is there any hope for Ghost's voicelines? I would request you to plz answer so that some people including me will stop asking

Haha, yeah we hope you know we are extremely aware of that question. No news on that front though. Sorry.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by reddittenjoyerr

hey, first of all much appreciate for your hard work on the game, and what about zombies mode, you guys haven't talked about anything regarded to zombies in patch notes, and thanks for the great game

Heya, yeah we were going to dive into this a little more in the S10 update on Wednesday, but Undead Siege is gone again as of this update and will return in S11 with some considerable updates to it (assuming all goes well).

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by PvP_Champion

4 seasons I need help. Please address my issue, I have repeatedly contacted support and bug feedback page.


LK24 Antivenom is missing details on the gun not ported correctly

Hey, thanks for the ping on that! Unfamiliar with that one, but it sounds pretty easy and straight-forward to check out. Quick question, but you are presumably on the Global version of the game based on how you talk about the China version being separate (not on Garena either)?

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by lonewolfcrazzyy

i heard that you can find out how people got ban if you can help that be awesome

I got ban later today for some reason I don't know why. I don't cheat when I play. if you can let me know why I was, plz inform me so it don't happen


sincerely, lonewolfcrazzy

Heya, sorry but we don't have extra information on that either. Security & Enforcement is generally meant to be secretive so that folks don't know exactly why they got banned, which is ideal for people who are trying to exploit the game (so they can't repeat that behavior or get around the ban), but obviously rough when it is something like what you are describing where you have no idea how or why. Is it a short term ban at least?

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Mercenary_Sniper

I'm hoping and begging for garena to not delay update again just like s4 update with the wild west stuff I'm pray and hope and beg they don't :(((

It all should be relatively coming out around the same time (or at least within 24 hours). Usually Garena actually releases before the Global version.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by ReverseGiraffe120

When will we be able to change our clan names?

Also, even with the SMRS changes it will still one hit 150 armor+100 HP. This doesn’t really help against the one shot potential. (Granted a projectile speed drop will help to a degree.) Unlike OG S1/S2 this won’t stop people from people from using it as a secondary one hit.

Thank you for the updates guys! The seasons and new content have been really great. 👍🏼

We hope to add that someday and it is definitely a common topic in relation to Clan & Clan Wars related updates. However, we can't give an ETA at the moment. We'll check in with the team who manages that though and see if we can sneak out any info!

Also, thanks for the weapon balance note. Hopefully if that is the case many people keep echoing the same sentiment since that will make it very easy to relay that back to the team.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by joao_H2000

Can you tell us what is the best way to report a bug? Reddit or in game? What is the guaranteed way that my report will reach the devs?

Do you guys look reddit posts of bug report that isn't upvoted too much? Because i report some bugs but people don't care so it don't get attention, i find a lot of small bugs sometimes make some video editing pointing precisely what happens, i just want to know if it worth the time i spend doing it if you guys will see it.

Good questions and greetings! There no guaranteed way technically, but if it is something personally happening to you (like an account issue) then in-game is by far the best choice. However, if it is a bug related for something like a weapon skin or in-game glitch then it is generally easier for us to report it from Reddit or a community area, especially when there is a video attached or clear info.

For the rest of the week after this in-game update and then the subsequent S10 release all of our teams are going to be extra alert for any bugs through anywhere. Our team primarily will be looking through Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram for any reports, and will immediately share up anything assuming we don't need to ask a bunch of follow questions. We see the large majority of issues come in during this first week of release period, but we are always looking in general (even at low upvote threads).

Anyways, we hope that helps explain a little. You can always drop or reference bugs here too in response to community updates! We see those very often.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by No-Reason9236

Will there ever be an option to change day and night in BR?

Hey, no probably not any-time soon since we currently tie day/night to modes. Adding in a day/night system to the game would be a pretty hefty feature (surprisingly) and if we did add that it would be far down the road in development.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by PranjalAcharya

Any chance of the old round based zombies mode coming anytime soon?

No news on anything like that. We are pretty focused on just trying to support Undead Siege at the moment as a primary ZOMBIES related mode. We wouldn't ever rule it out though! There is still plenty to come for CODM throughout the rest of 2021 and of course into 2022.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by PvP_Champion

I have always been on global in North America. I thought at first it was a Chinese removal that hit the global server as well.

Please fix my LK24 😍

Thanks for confirming! We'll send that out and have the team check into it.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by codm_bot

Why only M13 has unique Weapon inspection but other are looking pretty basic?

Heya, we don't have the specifics of what does or does not have unique ones at the momebt, but basically that feature is new and we still plan to add more unique weapon inspections (especially for Mythic's) in the future.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Crafty_Good_4455

If there's a petition for the BR SMRS nerf, sign me right up.

Haha, you joke but we really do share threads a lot from Reddit. Anything that gets semi-large tends to get noticed regardless of whether or not our team shares it too, so your feedback (especially collaborative feedback) really does matter.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Onion_woods

Heh thanks for the weapon inspection but can u guys scale up the bundles quality?? You guys avoiding answering about bundles. Why it's been only recycled bundles nowadays? What happened to the quality like it used to be(ex:Ghost loose ends,Frank woods)? You guys have to give more love to bundles only purchasers!!!

Hey, we do see those questions but those are the types of questions that hard to answer since we either just flat out don't know anything about quality changes to bundles in particular or because it is a very internal thing that we can't share. For example on the second one, if it is was something like our bundles (or anything) dipped in quality in X season because there was a technical issue with a bunch of the designs or items so they got pushed to a later season - we aren't going to share that type of information with the community.

All of that to say if you feel that way about bundles please do keep sharing. Keep posting! Feedback does matter and it has made a difference many many times throughout the history of CODM, and it will continue to do so.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by RENBOOO

Oh my brother have just come back and he likes undead siege alot

Definitely next season then! Not to say don't have him jump into S10 if you dig it too, but Undead Siege should have plenty to interest him then.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by PvP_Champion

It also begs the question, I had over 100 upvotes on my post here on reddit without you guys seeing it. Where can I get better communication about things that get out of whack, it would be great for a pretty intense fan base and fans of codm.

We generally look through Reddit and try to spot anything, but to your point we don't see everything and we rely on information coming through various different places to help make sure we catch most issues and reports. For instance, we grab community reports from Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Discord.

It is a lot of places, which is great, but it also means there is no way to see everything. We also have reports sent to us by various community leaders from those areas (and others) too. On the other side, our support teams also grab and check for issues via the in-game chat and through the support website here: https://support.activision.com/contact_us

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by Calm-Obligation3069

Hello devs,i have question. Why As val Mythic not have unique holding animation?

Hey, we actually have this mentioned specifically in the patch notes above and referenced in the comment you are replying to, but the TL:DR is not everything has a unique animation with this first release and in particular for Mythic blueprints we plan to add more and more in future releases.

over 3 years ago - /u/COD_Mobile_Official - Direct link

Originally posted by XMetalGhostX

Does that mean all operators, ronin, firebreak and farah will be removed from the clan store next season? u/COD_Mobile_Official

We'll double check on specifics, but we don't believe it is all of them, just most so that it is only one or two at a time instead of 3+. However, it is meant to focus the rewards more per season and cycle them with greatly increased currency distribution on top of various other changes that are meant to make it far more plausible to actually snag some of those big ticket rewards (especially for those dedicated Clan Wars players) in a single season of it.