over 1 year ago - Mayra - Direct link

Greetings and welcome to our forums!

Thank you for your report. Can you please share more details with us?

Would you be able to send us your saved file and logs folder?
You can find it by following:

\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved

The saved file should be “game.db” if Exiled Lands or “dlc_siptah.db” if it’s an Isle of Siptah map.

Feel free to reach out in private if you prefer, by sending a direct message to @Community.

Thank you in advance.

over 1 year ago - Mayra - Direct link


Apologies about that, in the Gamepass version it would be in:

[Drive]:\Users\[Your User]\AppData\Local\Packages

Thank you for assisting us in this investigation. :slight_smile: