over 1 year ago - Ignasi - Direct link


This is a work in progress build and as such, neither of the changes and implementations found in it are final. Neither is the patchnotes document, which will be updated, corrected and completed over the Public Beta Client period to better reflect the work in progress nature of this build.

Exiles of the Public Beta Client lands!

Steel your nerves, for The Age of War Chapter 3 arrives on December 14! In this major free update, you will finally show the Stygians whose land they seek to conquer. Gather everyone – allies and subjects – and bring down the invader’s stronghold.

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You can test out the new content in our public Beta. Remember that this is an early access build and you will experience bugs. Your feedback, as always, is massively appreciated.

Thank you for showing interest in our public beta, and don’t forget to send us feedback if you try it out!


Please remember that updates can mess with the functionality of your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.


Fortress Assault

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Have you ever looked at the purge enemies charging your fortifications and longed for the glory of assaulting a castle yourself? In Chapter 3, you can.
Among the ruins of al-Merayah, the Stygians have raised a mighty fortress from which to squeeze every drop of wealth from the Exiled Lands.
Crush their defenses, fight your way into the inner chamber, and face the Commander of the Stygian forces. Gold and glory await the victor.

Open your own Tavern

Fine I will open my own tavern3840×2160 667 KB

What are legends for without a place for them to be shared and celebrated. Open your own tavern and then bring it to life.
Once the barkeep has been freed from an enemy purge camp and settles down in your tavern, this dynamic area will over time fill with NPCs that you can hire as guards or workers.
No longer does the wheel of pain need to be the main source of followers!

over 1 year ago - Ignasi - Direct link


This is a work in progress build and as such, neither of the changes and implementations found in it are final. Neither is the patchnotes document, which will be updated, corrected and completed over the Public Beta Client period to better reflect the work in progress nature of this build.


Currently known issues1800×200 20.3 KB

  • The Siege of al-Merayah building will not respawn if the player logs out while inside the base after their encounter with the base Commander.


  • Fixed the crash that would occur when The Siege of al-Merayah building rebuilt itself.

New additions1800×200 17.2 KB

  • The Siege of Al-Merayah!
    • The Stygian invasion has occupied The Ruins of Al-Merayah! A new, fully destructible base filled with Stygian enemies awaits those brave enough to raid it!
    • Use the new Battering Ram and assorted other methods (explosives, trebuchets, climbing, whatever you can imagine) to infiltrate the base and combat the Stygian army and their Commander!
      • The Battering Ram can be found in different places. Go forth, slay and find out where to acquire this new Siege equipment!
    • Once the Commander has been defeated and all players have left the immediate proximity of the base, the entirety of the Structure and encounters will reset allowing the experience to be played through again!
  • Tavern and Barkeeper!
    • Free a Barkeeper from captivity in the Purge!
    • Speaking to the Barkeeper will unlock the new Tavern Bar buildable that serves as the centerpiece of the new Tavern functionality!
      • Assign the Barkeeper to the Bar to act as a new vendor of both items and special Patron Contacts that can be hired temporarily in your base (Currently Issildur the Sellsword can be hired once freed from the Purge, and more Special Patron Contracts will be added in future updates!).
    • Once the Barkeeper is manning the Bar, randomized Patrons will begin to visit your Tavern and all nearby seats/chairs will become available for Patrons to sit back and relax in good company.
      • Some of these Patrons can be persuaded to join you as a Thrall in exchange for some gold should you desire their services.
  • New Purge Items
    • Siege Cauldrons can now have Thralls assigned to automate their combat functionality.
    • Archer Post has been added! (Slot a thrall with a bow into this new placeable to have them act as a stationary overwatch archer).
      • Archer Post can be unlocked as a Purge Reward both as individual drops and as a schematic at higher Purge Difficulties.

Building and placeable fixes1800×200 20.8 KB

  • Reduced weight for taxidermized animals and trophies.
  • The Stygian War Drum will now correctly align with terrain, allowed it to be placed on angled surfaces.
  • It’s no longer possible to place floor decals in the exact same spot as another decal, although some overlap is allowed.
  • The Ivory Warhorn and the Stygian War Drum are now placed in the “Instruments” category of placeables as intended.
  • Illusionist painting should no longer block players placing objects in front of it.
  • Added new categories to the construction hammer for several placeable types.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to build fence foundations through other foundations.
  • It should now be easier to place wooden storage boxes on top of Nordheimer shelves.
  • Fixed lance placements in weapon display racks.
  • Shields can no longer be placed on weapon display racks.
  • Rough Timber now has its own section in the construction hammer menu.
  • Rough Timber Foundations now have 10k health, just like Sandstone foundations.
  • Aesir Blacksmith bench and Turanian Camp Cook Stove now have particles and lights on them.
    • Note: Only while the stations are active/running.
  • Stygian War Drum should now have a smaller contact box, and will no longer float.
  • Crystal Statue of Conan should now be returnable to inventory in single player as well as dedicated server.
  • Removed “Interact” option from Medicine Jar, Mortar, Incense, and Scale placeables.
  • Adjusted placeable coin piles to prevent floating appearance and generally improve the textures.
  • The Turanian Curved Ceiling can now be placed on top of walls.

Crafting fixes1800×200 17.1 KB

  • Reduced crafting cost for T1 Furnaces to 250 stone.
  • Increased the amount of oil from pressing items in the Fluid Press to a minimum of 2 instead of 1.
  • Reduced the amount of resources required to produce ichor in the fluid press to approximately half.
  • Most equippable items should now be possible to dismantle, even if they’re not craft-able. This includes legendary items and champion weapons.
  • Journey Steps which require crafting tools or weapons should now automatically. resolve if players have tools or weapons of equal or higher tier in their inventory.
  • Added “Give All” and “Give” buttons to the Improved Dismantling Bench.
  • Items that cannot be dismantled can no longer be placed inside Dismantling Benches, making “Give All” more useful.
  • Fixed an issue where Gurnakhi Vandal armor required Medium ingredients to craft despite being a heavy armor.
  • Blood Crystal weapon crafting costs have been unified and now cost 50% of the normal main material (Iron/Star Metal) and 50% Blood Crystal.
  • Crafting The Keystone should no longer leave ghost remnants of ingredients behind.
  • Pictish Rite Dancer Footwraps now requires the correct workbench to be crafted at.
  • The Stygian Invader Armor recipe is now correctly marked as armor in the Armorer’s Bench.

Combat fIxes1800×200 17.1 KB

  • Humanoid and Animal enemies will now rotate during their attacks to better track players when fighting.
    • Tweaked some rotational values to improve the look and feel of new attack rotations.
    • Made some changes to prevent undesired rotations during certain attacks or emotes.
  • Reduced “Leash” or “De-Aggro” ranges for most wildlife.
    • Dungeon Creatures, Bosses, and Humanoid/Intelligent creatures have retained their former leash-ranges.
  • Enemy NPCs should no longer snap rotate towards players but instead smoothly rotate.
  • [Due to a Cease and Desist from the Jackson Estate] enemy NPCs should no longer moonwalk between attacks.
  • NPCs now use weapons with some semblance of intelligence when it comes to picking what combos to use. More NPCs now also use Great-Axes, Short Swords and Claw weapons.
  • The following spears now have a new move-set:
    • Spire.
    • Reach of the Warrior.
    • Nkosi’s Pike.
    • Pike of Prince Kraxus.
    • Warspear of the Black Circle.
    • Spear of the Grey Ones.
    • Kingslayer Polearm.
  • Resurrected Corpse can no longer be affected by Bleeding and Poison status.
  • Thunnha Javelin is now marked with the “Bleed” descriptor.
  • Fixed an issue where attacking while mounting prevented the mount from rotating properly.
  • The fist attack can no longer be unequipped. Please show your hands at all times.

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  • Reduced damage modifiers for The Darfari Elite (most notably the Cannibal Brute) from x6 to x3.
  • Tamed lions are now named “Lion” and “Greater Lion” in the admin panel instead of both being named “Tamed Lion”.
  • Deformed bear, Iron Hound Construct, and Zar Tiger collisions have been adjusted.
  • Armored Hyenas can now also be crafted from Striped Hyena pets.
  • Bearer Packs should no longer have invisible parts.
  • NPCs should no longer leash when an emote ends.
  • Fixed several issues where NPCs were laggy or rubberbanding when just a short distance away from the player.
  • HP and Armor Scaling are changed to be consistent between normal and battle pass pet variants.

Balance updates1800×200 17.3 KB

  • Upper damage range for variable Champion weapons reduced from 1.2 to 1.1.
  • Changed Potion of Midnight crafting location to a crafting station near the Werehyena that teaches the recipe.
    • This station is the only place where the Potion of Midnight can be crafted.
  • Removed the “Respawn with all loot” function from Kurak’s dungeon.
  • Legendary loot will no longer drop from the Asura and/or Sorcery Cave chests.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sobek chest piece granted half of the intended health-bonus.
  • Fixed an issue where the non-epic Turanian Bandit Helm granted too much stamina.
  • Warpaint - Boar, Warpaint - Stygian, and Warpaint - Bear now require the correct type of dye instead of black dye to be crafted.
  • Removed the dismembered leg and arm from harvesting humanoids. These items can still be obtained in other ways, but you will no longer find multiple legs and arms while harvesting dead humanoids.
  • Removed food drops from Wights.
  • Lowered cooked food drop chances from NPCs in general.
  • Ymir’s Targe now properly grants cold resistance instead of heat resistance.

Qol Improvements1800×200 18.8 KB

  • Musashi’s Black Blade is now appropriately black.
  • Armor Mannequin inventory has been updated so that it shares an appearance with the player character equipment window.
  • The Armor Mannequin now has a hot-swap button for changing between equipped armor sets.
  • Thralls can now be assigned to chairs.
  • Players will now be prompted with a message upon entering an invalid admin password.

General Bugfixes1800×200 17.7 KB

  • The Witch Doctor Mask will now drop from Darfari Witch Doctors in the Exiled Lands.
  • Characters can now teleport as normal after using the ctrl+Admin Teleport command on the map menu.
  • Explosive jars can now be triggered with arrows, and players may now perform chain explosions with multiple nearby explosive jars on PVE servers.
  • Fixed an issue where events were causing crashes when approached.
  • “Unstable ???” item no longer drops when skinning the guards of the Demonologist Witch Hunt event on the Exiled Lands map.
  • Removed double borders from several weapons that had their rarity updated.
  • Fixed an issue where several weapons dropped from the Surge would have incorrect (0) damage stats.
  • Fixed a number of weapon gameplay tags and weapon types.
  • Composite Obsidian can now be placed inside “Storage Container: Metalworking”.
  • Skinning Storage container now accepts all types of hides and fur.
  • Foraging Storage container now accepts all types of seeds, vines and coral.
  • The “Vanir Chieftain Horned Helmet” no longer removes the character’s facial hair while equipped.
  • Aquilonian Scout Saddle bridle now properly attaches to the head.
  • PVP/PVE Damage to Player Structures will now persist after server restart.

Terrain and environment1800×200 22 KB

  • Flotsam crates should no longer appear to be floating when stuck in ice.
  • It should no longer rain in any of the Children of Jhil caves on the northeast border.
  • Fixed an issue where players could reach certain unintended spots in the Kurak Dungeon by double-jumping.
  • Missing Sepermeru bridge textures have been corrected.

Animation and cinematic fixes1800×200 22.1 KB

  • The 2h Spear heavy opener animation has been adjusted.

Ui and text1800×200 16.9 KB

  • Removed Legendary tag from Godbreaker armor set.
  • When consuming a Fragment of Power, it will now correctly say “Knowledge point” instead of “Feat point”.
  • King Ctsephon is no longer misspelled as King Ctesphon.
  • Stygian Trebuchet Frame and Arms are now labeled correctly in game when crafting them at the Trebuchet.
  • Removed outdated loading tip about repairing items.
  • “Harvest Bloodstone” challenge is now, correctly, named “Harvest Blood Crystals”.
  • Ophidian Magi Saddle should now appear under the correct Ancestral Knowledge section.

Audio fixes1800×200 15.9 KB

  • Removed water sound from hitting the Turanian Stove.
  • Snakes have been asked to lower their volume, and should now be quieter.
    • Note: Even Set has gotten the memo and will temporarily be lowering his own volume in solidarity. Thank you, Set.

over 1 year ago - Ignasi - Direct link


We will update this section with any changes and fixes applied to the patchnotes document post-release.

Changelog entries


  • The Siege of al-Merayah building will not respawn if the player logs out while inside the base after their encounter with the base Commander.


  • Fixed the crash that would occur when The Siege of al-Merayah building rebuilt itself.


  • The Turanian Curved Ceiling can now be placed on top of walls.


  • The Stygian Invader Armor recipe is now correctly marked as armor in the Armorer’s Bench.


  • Fixed an issue where attacking while mounting prevented the mount from rotating properly.
  • The fist attack can no longer be unequipped. Please show your hands at all times.


  • Fixed several issues where NPCs were laggy or rubberbanding when just a short distance away from the player.
  • HP and Armor Scaling are changed to be consistent between normal and battle pass pet variants.
