almost 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Greetings Everyone,

As mentioned many times before, all player reports are first investigated and if the team finds any evidence of rules being broken, a suspension or a ban (depending on the gravity of the offence) will be given to the offending clan/player.

The team is not just giving suspensions or bans without investigating and verifying the validity of the report.

If you have any additional question regarding the status of your own account, please feel free to reach out to our team over on Zendesk as they will be able to provide you with the inforamtion.

As for the official servers rules, you can check them our here: Official Servers - Terms of conduct, guidelines and procedures
Also feel free to check out this post on abusive land claim: Land Claim Abuse on Official Servers

We are always working on improving and adding even more clarity to the rules so please keep an eye out for that.