over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
19s hello hi welcome
22s it is another Friday here in the entire
26s world I mean there might be Saturday
28s where you are I don't know maybe you're
29s watching this from you know those other
31s times I'm time zones anyway hello my
34s name is sensei dick I'm your community
35s manager for Conan exiles and as you can
38s see I'm flying solo this Friday because
40s of various reasons I hope you like the
44s hoodie because I figured I would you
48s know kick it up a notch after people
50s haven't really liking my t-shirts Nicole
55s and Andy are in the chat taking care of
58s business there and apparently they're
60s going to be interacting with me as much
62s as they're interacting with every
63s everyone else so I think that's gonna be
67s funny yes it is indeed a rainbow it is a
69s rainbow of paint etc etc etc so yeah
74s it's been it's been a while since we
77s last spoke mostly because I've been away
80s on vacation for for three weeks and that
85s is that is a fact of life of living in
88s Norway where we have mandatory vacation
90s time
93s so
97s I completely lost my train of thought
99s train of thought already so this is
100s gonna be his the flying off to a great
102s start
103s alright I'm back as you can see I hope
107s everyone's having my summer I know a lot
109s of us have had my summer I had a really
110s great summer and so now we're back in
114s full production again my vacation was
116s great by the way
117s I spent some time in Denmark and then I
119s spent a lot of time just being in the
121s ocean swimming around and it's been it's
125s been good so now it's now it's finally
127s time to get back to work it's time to
129s you know start up the streams again
130s start up doing all that all that good
132s stuff but yeah okay so today's stream
138s what are we gonna do to home today
139s stream I'm going to recap a bit what's
141s gonna be what's been happening lately
143s and what's gonna be happening in the
144s future I'm gonna show off some of the
146s aquilonian DLC that we recently released
149s on Thursday a unicorn's threw up on me
153s yes absolutely
155s or I dropped a bucket of paint whatever
157s you know I'm glad to see people are
159s excited about the the stream and the
161s aquilonian deal I think that's really
163s good so thank you for that thank you for
165s being excited thank you for being you
166s know a rad community and all that kind
169s of stuff and Wasabi's neuters thanks um
172s congratulations on : X as being the most
174s successful fun calm game thus far thank
175s you very much it's been really cool to
177s be a part of this project and know that
179s you know that's been we've done some
182s really great stuff like it sold
184s incredibly well so thank you very much
188s all right let's see what else we're
193s going to talk about the fan art and fan
195s fiction contest that's going to be at
197s the end of the stream and yeah like I
201s said since I'm since I'm flying solo
202s since it's just back from vacation since
204s like the production schedule is going up
206s again the the stream might be on the
210s shorter and I'm not really sure I'm just
212s gonna slightly wing it and just see what
215s happens as we go but yeah and also hey
220s if you if you want to buy this it's on
222s the internet just go to serpent urban
225s clothing and yes it's actually called
226s that so just you know go there and you
229s can buy it there
230s right as I mentioned production is back
234s in full swing and like even though a lot
238s of us went on vacation because Norway
242s and all that we didn't we haven't like
244s shut down completely like there was
246s still stuff happening behind the scenes
248s even though we didn't put out patches
250s all the time
251s we still had people working here who
253s were working on fixes we still had
255s people working here who were working on
257s you know new content new weapons new
261s armors all that kind of stuff and like
264s so they will get their vacation time at
267s a later point of course so yeah we've
271s been working on things for future
272s patches we had a quick PC patch earlier
275s this week on Thursday at the same time
276s that we dropped the the new DLC and in
280s case you missed the announcement we are
281s targeting next week for a console Perry
284s batch which will then bring the consoles
287s in line with what's currently on PC in
289s terms of fixes updates and all that kind
292s of good stuff that was that was
295s announced on our forums on our forums
297s forums not phone come come I think we've
299s had and we have you might have mentioned
305s that we have might have noticed that we
308s have a news and announcements section
311s like on top when you first go to the
312s cone and excellence forums and we we
314s posts basically almost every week or
317s every two weeks depending on like how
319s often were able to get a schedule going
320s we will post announcements there that
323s says hey this is our next couple of
325s weeks worth of
328s patches and like patch planning so keep
332s an eye on our forums on social media I
333s kind of suck because we'll always link
335s to link to that stuff when we when we
337s have when we have things to say you know
340s so yeah like I mention production is
343s back going again and my chat is kind of
349s there we go
351s going by and say sweaters you do force
352s casual Fridays at the office no we don't
354s actually I'm I always dress like this
358s seriously but it's like when you work
363s for a video game company it's always
364s casual Friday like every single day is
366s casual because you know it's it's all
370s like good fun stuff like we we had a guy
373s who's to work for us who every every day
375s when he came in he would he would change
379s into shorts and sandals because that's
381s what he wanted to wear and that's what
382s he felt comfortable with so that's how
385s we do it
386s I heard from comm in the video game
387s industry as always keep your feedback
391s and bug reports coming in because that's
392s the only way we can make the game better
394s of course and you know try to try to
398s keep you constructive try to give us as
400s much information as possible because
402s that will help us out build that was
404s help us with building a test case and
405s figure out you know what what might be
409s wrong with the game my machine of my
412s machina rock overall mixer asked what
415s about Xbox as mentioned earlier you
417s might have missed it because maybe you
418s came in late who knows we're targeting a
422s parody patch for the consoles which will
425s bring all the consoles in line with
426s what's currently on PC in terms of fixes
429s and updates and we are also still
431s looking at fixing the the crash fixes
435s the crashes on the on the Xbox version
439s because we know it still has some issues
441s like we are still keeping track of
442s what's going on and like we know the
444s game isn't working perfectly for
446s everyone and of course we still want the
448s game to run as well as it possibly can
450s for as many people as possible right
454s [Music]
455s the pet system I'm gonna switch over to
459s that now we've been working on it for a
463s while now and we're finally able to well
465s I'm finally able to talk about it at
467s long last and in case you missed the
471s like unfortunately I'm not gonna be able
473s to show that much of the pet system but
476s I'm trying to we're gonna see if we'll
479s they will be able to show some that
481s stuff next week but we're gonna we're
485s gonna go into to some of the details
487s that we've gone into in the the
489s community newsletter already and
490s basically the the pet system the pets
492s will work pretty much the same as
495s thralls have in that you capture them
498s and you put them in a pen or a crafting
500s machine and then you you get something
503s back that you can then place out into
504s the into the game world and have it
507s follow you or you can have them work for
509s you in other ways but we're not gonna
513s have you walk into the Exile lance club
516s like a hyena over the head and then drag
518s it back to your pad we're not gonna do
519s that
519s so basically you capture a baby or you
523s capture an egg which can be found out in
526s the world or it can be found from from
527s vendors and you basically walk up to it
530s and then you click a button and then you
532s pick it up with you and of course eggs
534s will hatch and you will have to then put
537s them into an animal pen which is an item
539s that you can build and once they're put
544s inside the animal pen they will start
545s growing into proper pets and you will
547s start taming them essentially I see
550s Nicole is already linked it in the chat
551s which is good let's see what else
555s once that conversion process is started
557s you'll have to feed them of course each
559s pen can hold five animals and then
561s higher tiers of pens can hold higher
563s tiers of higher quality animals and then
565s of course like much like withdrawals
567s you'll need to feed them you know the
569s good kind of food that they need so as
572s we mentioned in the example in the
573s communities letter Kappas enjoy plant
575s fibers but they actually prefer like
578s oysters or shellfish so if you if you
581s feed them the proper food like the the
583s Taming process will be will be easier as
585s far as I understand
587s then of course once you once you have
590s your pet once you have the animal as a
593s pet it works exactly like thralls do
596s like if you pull them out of your pen
598s you will have them as an icon as an item
600s in your in your inventory and then like
603s you place them on your hotbar
604s you quick select them and then you can
606s place them out the language in the
610s community newsletter was a bit unclear
611s but like they will work exactly like
614s thralls well so you will give them
616s commands for example to follow you or to
618s stay where they are so you don't have to
621s like they're not like tied to you all
622s the time for example so if you want to
624s have say an army of tigers and your
627s disposal you can basically line up a
629s bunch of tigers in front of your in
631s front of your home and then they're all
635s the tigers will be and then you can have
636s one on one then you can have one of them
638s follow you for example
646s however if you decide to keep your
651s animals within the pens themselves if
655s you don't take them out of the pens to
656s work as you know pets for you or to work
658s as Guardians on your up your stuff they
661s will start to generate resources for you
663s so Rock noses for example can be a
664s source of iron ore which is good if you
666s have you know iron ore far away from you
670s some animals might produce dung which is
673s something you use for something else and
674s watch the space we're gonna reveal that
676s later not later today but at a later
678s date and you know depending on the
681s resource you get depend the animals you
683s the resource you get depends on the
685s animal of course and what kind of animal
689s it grows into can also depend on the
691s food so for example a hyena puppy can
694s become a regular hyena a striped hyena
696s or greater I you know yeah and you can
701s also have multiple kinds of animals in
703s the same pen so every sample you can
704s have a rhino and hyenas and the same
707s pens you're not like forced to keep only
710s rhinos for example in one pen if you put
713s one rhino in there
718s some animals of course are restricted to
720s higher tier pen but the higher the
723s highest tier of pen can hold all the
726s animals but be careful because there's
727s only five slots
729s I've her pen I'm not Danish anal Hunter
733s I'm Norwegian and it's been a while
735s since I've been on streams of a language
738s is stumbling a bit unfortunately yeah
742s but there were only five slots per pen
744s so you have to be careful about
747s well not necessary careful you'll have
749s to you have to plan it out for example
750s so if you're trying to tame like six
753s hyenas then you you're gonna have to
754s build another pen or take one out of
756s your existing pen
758s let's see unfortunately you won't be
761s able to upgrade from like one type of
764s pen to a different one animal pen not
767s like pen that you write with the reason
770s for that is because there they are
771s considered crafting machines opposed as
775s opposed to crafting stations the
777s difference being that a crafting machine
780s is something that runs continuously as
782s long as you have fuel in it and a
785s crafting station is something that you
786s click on and on so for example the well
790s a crafting station has has recipes so
794s the wheel of pain for example any animal
795s paint pens are crafting machines whereas
799s the the carpenters bench for example is
805s a crafting station
811s Meli asks I guess questions about actual
813s gameplay won't be answered I will answer
816s questions as I see them but right now
817s I'm also focusing all the things that I
818s have to say so I'm not ignoring tad I'm
821s just not looking at chat unfortunately
825s I'm gonna go through some of the
827s questions that I have written down
828s already because some of the stuff might
829s be some of the stuff that I've written
832s down might also be some of the questions
834s that you guys in chat have we also have
836s mister scooper who's one of our I think
839s he's yeah he's lead programmer now who
841s might also be able to answer some of you
843s guys's questions because as tweak nuts
845s just pointed out scooper knows
846s everything okay let's see
852s yes you'll also have to feed your
854s animals like at all times you do that by
856s well not all times but you'll have to
858s feed your animals and they will have
859s special animations that they do when
862s they're hungry at least that's as far as
865s I understand it and then you'll have to
867s put food into their inventory or there
869s will be a special feeding trough that
871s you can use to automatically distribute
872s food to pets I think also there might be
877s taskmasters coming for pet taming but
881s I'm not gonna I'm not gonna confirm or
885s deny that but I believe that we're also
887s adding a Thrall to to make animal taming
889s happen faster in the pens and if not
893s then people can can tell me to you know
895s shut up and stop spreading false
897s information
901s all right what else so right now we're
907s targeting a release for a test live
911s version of the pet system of August 16th
915s that's in two weeks ish yes well yeah
921s that's um yeah that is almost exactly
923s two weeks of course like we're there are
927s some there are some things that needs to
929s be finished internally first then we're
931s gonna have a round of internal tests and
933s then we're gonna release it on test live
935s and it's gonna sit on test live for a
937s while so people can then run through it
941s and you know try to break it and tell us
945s things that we need to fix and take care
947s of and update and all that kind of stuff
950s let's see some of the other questions
952s that I've written down oh yeah someone
956s on our forums also asked if you could
958s pick a pet up after you've placed it on
960s the ground no unfortunately not that is
962s it's gonna work the same as the thralls
964s are because they have an inventory and
968s once you place them out and you have
971s stuff in their inventories you'll be
973s putting an inventory into your inventory
974s and so unfortunately doesn't work that
977s way
981s we were also has to be were adding more
982s animals down the line or if the current
984s list is set we're not ruling it out that
986s we're adding in more animals I know a
988s lot of people wanted dragons as pets
990s I think dragons are gonna be a bit too
992s hokey to keep his pets also a bit
994s difficult to stick in those pens but
998s we're not ruling it out we're not ruling
1001s out that we're gonna add some additional
1004s animals down the line something I've
1006s failed to mention earlier is that for
1008s example we're gonna be adding like
1011s there's gonna be a camel pets that you
1013s can buy from a vendor and then you put
1015s them in your pen and then you have
1017s basically a pet that can carry stuff for
1020s you it's not going to be a mount but I
1024s can say that out right now like this is
1026s not the mounts system this is the pets
1028s system they will work as animal
1030s companions and they will follow you
1031s around and they will do stuff for you
1033s within their animal pens but they are
1036s not mounts let me just be clear about
1038s that like 100% there are no mounts
1041s you will be able to punch camels like
1044s once the camels are in I think I
1047s mentioned camels in the community
1049s newsletter yeah I did I was also asked
1054s in the forums if there would be a way to
1056s make animals stronger for example we can
1058s put armor on thralls and if it there
1061s would be something similar for animals
1062s in this first iteration there won't be a
1065s way to make your pets
1067s stronger like if we're able to do it
1068s maybe down the line but like I can eat
1071s it I can neither confirm nor deny that
1072s right now at the moment I don't think
1075s you'll be able to have more than one pet
1076s following you so you won't be able to go
1078s like full Beastmaster with like a
1080s panther and like a hawk and all my other
1084s stuff but you'll at least be able to
1086s have a giant Rhino following you that's
1088s gonna be really cool like once we're
1093s rolling out the pet system you can tame
1095s bears hyenas crocodiles ostriches jungle
1098s birds rhinos locusts Rock noses boars
1101s gazelles camels shellbacks all the big
1103s cats or lions tigers jaguars etc wolves
1106s and of course my non personal favorites
1110s the spiders which are terrible and need
1114s to go away immediately
1118s [Music]
1120s what about vultures I don't really know
1122s I'm not sure if we're gonna have like
1124s bird taming but like I said earlier
1127s we're not ruling out the potential to
1129s expand the list of animals that we we
1132s have so who knows but yeah there there
1137s will be spider pets if people want that
1139s and I know that a lot of people want
1142s that
1144s all right I like having not mouth I like
1148s not having mounts in this game mainly
1150s because when we have to go out and get
1151s supplies for something it feels like an
1153s actual adventure and it's fun and scary
1154s I am I can agree with that actually but
1157s you know sometimes people want to move
1158s faster or you know we'll pets travel
1161s with you through the map room
1162s no they won't much like throats they
1164s won't however I was told that we're
1168s gonna add some functionality that if
1169s your pets get too far away from you they
1172s should teleport to you in case you know
1175s you need to cross a river or you need to
1179s run really fast away from something for
1181s example elephants not at first they're
1185s big but maybe down the line who knows
1190s we'll see we'll see
1204s okay
1209s that's briefly what I have about the pet
1211s system can I have both a pet and a
1213s Thrall following me I'm not sure I don't
1214s think so I think we're treating them
1217s basically the same and that you can only
1218s have like one thing following you and
1224s unfortunately that's that's how it's
1226s gonna be I would like frost giants
1230s please
1230s I don't think frost giant pets are gonna
1232s happen because I don't think we have
1235s baby frost giants in the game but Kojak
1241s too for a77 has anything been said about
1242s the purge system being fixed I haven't
1244s specifically mentioned the purge in this
1246s update in this particular stream I mean
1249s but we are always taking down people's
1253s feedback and like if you have like if
1256s you have anything specific then please
1258s let me know what it is in the chat and I
1259s can try to answer you but like just
1261s asking me if the purge is being fixed
1263s isn't exactly telling me anything
1266s I'm not sure what that's referring to
1270s j-rod hicks as how bigger the animal
1272s pens either in foundation blocks are
1274s compared to wheels of pain they're
1277s pretty big
1281s probably like six or seven foundations
1284s and like with I haven't really
1288s compared the two because I haven't had
1290s complete access to all that data yet but
1293s we'll be able to show that stuff
1295s hopefully next week maybe what is the
1299s limit to how many paths can follow me
1300s around can I have an army of rhinos
1302s probably not I'm guessing that it's
1304s gonna be one animal at a time or it's
1307s gonna be one animal specifically and
1309s like that is what you can have following
1313s you so about 4.7 I think yeah like if
1318s you go to the blog you'll be able to see
1320s you're able to see some photos and you
1321s should be able to draw a slight
1324s conclusion based on that but like it has
1326s to be the Pens have to be big enough to
1328s fit bears and rhinos in them for example
1332s and there are pretty big creatures and
1334s so we need a lot of room to be able to
1337s fit those and so the pens need to be
1338s they need to be fairly big can we die
1341s our pets no you can't
1345s slimy talk I'm not ignoring certain
1347s things but just telling me that chat is
1348s broken doesn't really help in any way
1351s I'm not gonna be able to answer that in
1354s any specific way and what you're saying
1358s and makes her chat about that we're
1360s removing anything negative on the forums
1362s it's absolutely wrong like we might be
1365s locking threads here and there if we
1368s feel that they have gotten out of hand
1370s in terms of what the original posting
1372s was about but we are not removing
1376s negative feedback from the forums aaron
1380s dickinson asks will new servers be
1381s released with this update with pets will
1384s new service produced in the future we
1385s currently don't have any plans to
1387s release any new servers like we are we
1390s have about a thousand official servers
1393s right now so there's there we don't have
1397s plans to add any more right now
1400s and no they are not going to be any new
1403s areas coming out the new taming system
1405s either like we are going to be adding
1407s there's this there are stuff connected
1409s to the pet system like for example the
1411s the new dungeon I can't say for sure if
1415s that's gonna be come out coming out with
1417s the pet system but there will be new
1420s dungeons added I think we're planning on
1421s adding three more dungeons but we're not
1425s going to be adding more to the map for
1428s example
1430s um really need to consistently feed your
1432s pets do they level up can you equip gear
1434s on your pets can you command your pets
1435s to blah blah blah can carry pets carry
1437s items ok consistory feed your pets yes
1440s you will need to do that do they level
1441s up no can you equip gear on your pets no
1443s I don't think so at least
1446s can you command your pets to patrol
1447s attack gather a resource you can command
1449s them to follow you and you can command
1451s them to stop compare scary items yes
1453s that is what the camel is for it's
1455s basically something with a huge
1457s inventory that walks on legs that you
1459s can have take it with you basically
1463s morning John Bain thank you for joining
1465s us in the chats are the Pens lockable
1470s how do you protect them on a pvp server
1471s they're going to act the same way that a
1473s real pain does
1475s essentially you teach pets the stock
1477s market no absolutely not there's no
1480s stock market there's no stock market
1483s either all right
1485s can you teach my pet to sit no do you
1488s need to water our pets I don't think so
1492s Willie redesign bolts I have told the
1495s dev team several times that we need to
1496s look into what vaults
1498s what's going on with walls right now and
1499s I believe it is on our to-do list all
1504s right I'm gonna move on choose some DLC
1508s stuff because as previously announced
1511s we've also going to be talking a bit
1513s about the DLC and there it is awesome
1516s I'm very happy when things work out the
1519s way they should be
1524s uh all right let's see how our pets
1530s gonna deal with climbing high base is
1531s getting around the mountain area as I
1533s mentioned earlier which you may have
1535s missed if you came in late we I was told
1539s that we're gonna be adding a
1540s functionality to have the pets teleport
1542s to you if they get too far away which is
1546s really smart in my opinion so that is
1550s how we're gonna get around back
1551s basically those Camel have a weight
1553s limit no but there's gonna have a slot
1555s limit so alright moving on after
1558s drinking water so the jewel of the West
1567s pack adds a whole bunch of aquilonia
1572s style items to the game so I think it's
1576s it's 39 building pieces it is five new
1579s warm paints it is 15 armor pieces plus
1582s at McLain game versions and it's nine
1583s new weapons plus late game epic versions
1586s and it works essentially the same way as
1590s the as the khatam DLC did and that you
1596s buy it and then it unlocks as a recipe
1598s that requires the Master Mason feat that
1600s you can learn at level 30 and then you
1603s get the the C well it's a call it is
1608s called the Catan artisan station I
1610s believe yeah there is Catan furniture
1615s maker which gives you the artisan table
1617s that you can then make a bunch of new
1620s cool items in it and so yeah this source
1625s all the armors are gonna be light medium
1627s heavy this is the basic light armor
1630s which is called the Scout headgear and
1633s as you can see it's very like
1634s greco-roman a bit Spartan a bit like
1636s gladiatorial and we I think this is
1641s really really cool I really like some of
1643s the details on a lot of this stuff like
1644s the lion heads on the brazzers for
1646s example the stitching on like the
1648s leather like right here for example I
1650s really really like some of the stuff
1652s that they've done and of course since
1654s people have people have asked about
1657s capes
1658s a couple of times at least it's not a
1660s cape but it's a it's like a scarf thing
1663s so it's it's similar you know
1665s it's similar we know right now that
1668s there's a bar Gotham where they don't
1669s give you proper heat / cold protection
1671s I'm not sure what they're supposed to
1674s give you but giving that game that
1677s Aquilani has a very temperate climate I
1679s would assume that it's supposed to give
1681s you heat protection so it's gonna you
1683s know it's gonna cool you down etc and
1687s this is live right now like you can go
1689s to a steam store or the Xbox store or
1691s the PSN store right now and buy this if
1693s you want to Don Matt says the Scout arm
1696s is best for fashionable necromancer's
1698s absolutely because you know it's got the
1701s scarf cape and personally I think the
1704s buildings look really cool because it
1706s has this like nice like marble look to
1710s it that I really really enjoy I like the
1711s whole like greco-roman thing and I agree
1714s with NGOs and twitchchat scarves are
1716s very very manly all right the next tier
1721s the medium tier is the infantry armor
1724s which looks more like you know studded
1728s leather armor again with more like
1731s details like the gold trim for example
1733s with on the chest here the studs on
1735s there right here the lion hand
1737s especially I really like these like
1741s snakeskin stuff on the helmet it's uh
1744s it's really cool stuff and I think like
1747s again our 3d artists greco-roman you
1752s drop the ball with no arches hey I don't
1754s make the design decisions okay okay and
1759s I our 3d artists are character modelers
1763s have again done an amazing job of
1765s creating this stuff and just making it
1767s look like something people would wear
1769s which i think is extra cool
1772s and finally the heavy armor called the
1775s black dragon armor which is just thank
1780s you you'll look like a Roman Legionnaire
1782s I think this is amazing incredibly cool
1787s stuff
1789s again I can't stress the details enough
1792s like the the gold gold patterns here the
1795s eagle on the belts the eagle wings on
1798s bracers everything is really really cool
1802s looking the wings here on the side of
1804s the helmet I think is really really neat
1805s it sort of makes him look like Roman
1808s version of the flash as the flash also
1811s has those kind of things
1813s Saphira says I need that hat in real
1815s life I'd wear it to the store I don't
1819s think I'd wear it to the store but you
1820s know there's something about the head
1822s plume over his head there that's really
1824s really good
1824s all right so so I decided to make a
1829s little something I cheated when I did
1831s the list like all this is just stuff
1832s that I spawned in but because I figure
1836s you know this it has to look good when
1839s we when we show it on the stream and
1840s since I chose this Lake area right here
1844s I figured why not make like a Roman
1847s bathhouse kind of place and if you saw
1852s the video that we put out on our YouTube
1854s channel the pop culture coming off if
1858s you saw the the video that we put up on
1860s our youtube channel youtube.com slash
1861s fun com then you should also like we
1864s built an entire like gladiatorial arena
1866s which is now something you can make I
1868s mean it's something you could always
1870s make but not now it has that like proper
1872s Roman look to it you know and so we I
1876s decided to make this stuff and this is
1878s basically just me building out over the
1880s water making these like you know holes
1884s here where the water could still form
1886s and then just like surrounding them with
1888s with with fences put out some carpets
1893s put on some noob racers like all of this
1896s stuff is stuff that you get in the new
1898s aquilonia dlc no sorry jewel of the West
1903s stoned of XP says I'm so going to make a
1906s Roman bathhouse orgy room I mean maybe
1908s they use it for that I mean they were I
1911s don't know if the Aquilonians were all
1912s about that stuff but the Romans
1913s certainly were so I figured you know I'm
1916s gonna make something that looks like
1918s something some place where people can
1921s sit
1921s you know chill out and have a good time
1923s of course we got we need the screens and
1927s they need to have some sort of
1929s decoration and all the stuff is made OOP
1935s sorry right here in the artisan table
1937s which I haven't technically unlocked all
1939s the recipes yet but yeah I am this is
1946s where this is where it would be if I'd
1947s actually unlocked everything and not
1949s just bonded in by cheating all right all
1953s this stuff will be made available for
1955s crafting all of this stuff will be made
1958s will be made available for crafting I
1960s didn't use all the building pieces but I
1962s probably should have because these look
1964s really really good and you might have
1968s noticed that I'm named my character
1971s cognac because I think cognac the
1973s barbarian sounds hilarious
1976s so there's also nine new weapons which
1981s and comes in all the forms that you
1984s would expect Pike's axes war hammers
1987s maces swords great swords pawn yards and
1993s of course a giant shield that looks like
1998s something straight out of a pretty cool
2002s movie Oh
2006s switch to the vanity cam so again a lot
2010s of like lion motifs animal motifs on
2012s these on these weapons on these armors
2015s and it looks really freakin good in my
2019s opinion especially on the Warhammer I'm
2023s gonna see if I can I'm able to show this
2025s off like on the sides here for example
2027s you have the cross taxes and the eagle
2030s you have the spiral pattern there for
2032s example you have the eagles on the sides
2035s here you have the flower and this is
2038s just this is just artistic flourishes
2041s that are that our 3d artist wanted to
2044s add to the thing because he was like no
2046s I want to do this I'm gonna make it look
2047s cool I want to make it look as awesome
2050s as possible and they're kind of huge
2053s like this for example can probably look
2055s like it too
2055s and an axe but we're gonna be swinging
2057s around like a one-handed axe anyway um
2061s in case you missed it we are going to be
2064s we are going to be adding in more stuff
2066s to the combat system for example letting
2068s you do a wheeled well model it's not
2072s necessarily dual wheel but like if
2074s you're carrying an axe in one hand and
2076s an offhand axe in the other hand you'll
2077s be able to do some to neat little combos
2079s you'll be able to see those we're gonna
2080s be showing you those later when we're
2081s were able to so it's a nice pike here I
2086s like the the blue coloring is really
2087s cool the details on the side here again
2089s just stuff that they wanted to add
2091s because it makes everything look that
2095s much cooler great sword as well has the
2099s same like the similar etchings and the
2101s similar patterns I think these are yeah
2104s horse heads they said looks like horses
2107s heads on the sides like the nice sunrise
2110s the nice flowers so yeah Aurra our
2115s artists really go above and beyond to be
2117s able to make this stuff and make it look
2119s as cool as cool as possible
2123s essentially alright that is what you get
2130s I'm also gonna just fly up a bit you
2136s show some of the stuff that I've put out
2137s on the roof and so you get these
2141s braziers that are huge but they're also
2145s really cool-looking again details but I
2150s really dig the fact that they've like it
2152s looks like statues holding up the giant
2155s brazzers I'm also gonna pick up the bow
2157s later don't worry the flags are really
2160s cool and of course the statues which are
2163s very very similar to basically anything
2168s you'd see in any like video game or
2171s movie set in Rome essentially so now if
2174s you want to all your Roman bathhouse
2176s dreams can be realized with in color and
2179s exiles which i think is really cool
2182s let's see there we go there's the bow
2185s the Bostonian bow oops wrong button
2191s which is a pretty cool boat
2203s Angell agree gaming asks are you
2205s planning on doing any other race
2206s specific DLC there will be more DLC
2208s coming we haven't announced what it is
2210s yet but there's more stuff coming I'm
2213s not gonna say what it is because I'm not
2215s allowed to but there's gonna be more
2218s stuff coming why didn't we call this a
2221s Roman bathhouse update because jewel of
2224s the West is a bit more evocative of
2228s something but it's not a bad name I mean
2232s that's we we did make a giant bathhouse
2235s slash temple to to take some screenshots
2237s in so it's you can I mean you can build
2243s whatever you want like you but you can
2244s build a giant temple to your God for
2246s example and have a temple inside it so
2249s it's I'm really proud of what our people
2252s have done I think it's really really
2254s amazing
2254s the braziers up there for example
2256s they're also also in the update all
2259s right so there's some there's gonna be
2261s more stuff coming I've seen some of its
2263s like in I've seen some of it some of the
2267s sketches that we have been made for it
2268s but it's kinda it's gonna be cool I
2272s think you guys gonna be happy but of
2273s course just because we're doing these
2276s DLC stuff these DLCs thing DLC things
2279s doesn't mean they're also not working on
2282s fixing bugs fixing crashes and you know
2285s adding more content like I mentioned
2286s earlier there's gonna be at least three
2289s more dungeons being rolled out there's
2292s going to be the pet system we've going
2297s to be adding more stuff into combat
2298s we're going to be adding more stuff to
2299s the bow I believe all that stuff is on
2302s our dev blog but it's gonna be I'm gonna
2307s see if I can maybe just find that real
2310s quick for you guys just post it in chat
2316s do-do-do-do-do there we go
2321s um yeah I think I think your guys gonna
2326s like what we have coming down the line
2328s because a lot of it is really really
2329s cool what about magic demons bias I
2333s can't say for sure but if we are able to
2338s bring the sorcery system to life of
2340s course we're going to add it to the game
2342s if we are able
2348s please don't talk about bathhouse Jules
2350s that's something else all right so
2357s that's the jewel of the West and that's
2362s my bath house made by cognac the
2364s barbarian okay we are going to switch
2374s back to me I'm ready to turn that off
2379s all right let's see finally yes okay
2388s so back in June we decided that we
2395s wanted to do a contest a fan art and fan
2400s fiction contest which which turned out
2405s really good we had about I think it was
2408s like 30 entries in our fan fiction and
2411s like in both fan fictions had fan art
2412s and it was all of it was super cool I
2415s switch back to me now and I'm just gonna
2417s do this
2420s I'm gonna do this so I'm just gonna let
2424s some of the fan art that we had go on a
2426s loop here right next to me while I talk
2430s a bit because like so many other people
2434s I enjoy hearing myself speak especially
2436s now that I have headphones on my
2437s connection here so we basically asked
2441s fan art creators to send us their best
2444s work within the month of June and the
2448s winners would get a signed physical copy
2451s of the game signed by the entire dev
2453s team
2455s and we did that because we know that
2456s there are some incredible creators
2459s within our fan community we know that
2462s there are people who can make some truly
2464s truly amazing incredible stuff and we
2468s absolutely saw that in our fan art and
2470s our fan fiction entries and I I honestly
2474s I wish I'd be able to sit here through
2476s an entire stream and just like read fan
2478s fiction because some of it was amazingly
2480s good unfortunately I'm gonna be able to
2483s do that
2486s but I'm like today we're gonna like
2490s today I'm gonna announce the winner of
2491s both the the fan art and the fan fiction
2494s contest and so I figured I was gonna
2497s talk a bit about both of them and then
2499s just read the one entry that that we
2502s that we liked the best that we thought
2503s would win and so but I want some of the
2508s the fan art to scroll scroll basically
2510s and so you can just see some of that but
2512s we got some really cool fan art and we
2515s got some really cool fan fiction one
2517s person this wasn't the winner but one
2521s person edy Reyes decided to I'm gonna
2524s switch back to back to Mina to basically
2527s combine the two into a fan fiction comic
2532s book which he made himself and then sent
2539s to us and so it's both the text and I
2544s think this was really awesome
2546s unfortunately like it didn't win but
2548s just like the work he went through to
2550s make this stuff was really awesome I did
2552s he did like a mash-up of Conan the
2555s Barbarian and HP Lovecraft which was
2559s which was a cool thing to see to do we
2563s got a fan fiction that was set within
2566s the Exile lands as the game was
2567s happening before the game was happening
2569s we got a bunch of fan fiction about
2573s characters who had been rescued by Conan
2576s we got fan fiction about characters who
2578s had just been living there for a while
2580s we had one entry were a character met
2584s Valyria we had fan fiction that was set
2589s in the modern times where an
2591s archaeological expedition actually finds
2593s like the ruins from the Exile and they
2595s find like fossils of the giant case
2601s which was really freaking cool in my
2604s opinion and yeah the fan art also
2608s spanned a bunch of different genres a
2610s bunch of different styles some of it was
2612s 3d modeling as you can see here some of
2614s his hand-drawn some of it was
2617s some of it was paint some of it was just
2620s colors and pencils and it was it was
2622s really really amazing to see how you
2626s know how good you people are at making
2630s this stuff like I was absolutely blown
2632s away and I just I wish I could give
2635s everyone a prize but like unfortunately
2638s there can only
2641s 0tv says first fix the bugs before you
2643s present fanart won't come so here's the
2645s thing I'm the community manager I don't
2649s fix bugs what I do sometimes on Fridays
2653s a lot of Fridays
2655s is I sit in this room and I host the
2657s live stream and sometimes at least on
2660s this live stream I show fan art that is
2663s my job the guys for fixing bugs are
2666s fixing bugs so don't think the entire
2669s studio just shuts down because I'm
2671s sitting in this room because that would
2672s be really weird all right
2677s fucks those programming bugs okay okay
2686s I think maybe we've cycled through most
2690s of it
2691s but I think I think I'm just gonna let
2694s the the fanart run its course for a bit
2697s and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna try to
2699s read this and hopefully
2705s hopefully I'll be able to get through
2707s this without stumbling too much because
2710s I'm not necessarily a great reader but
2713s we'll try we'll try and this is the
2717s winner of the fan fiction contest and
2718s then we're gonna show the the winner of
2721s the the fan art contest later it was
2722s super difficult to choose but can we
2725s download the fan art ie I am you know I
2730s can't say yes because we haven't asked
2733s permission from the original creators
2736s but if you want to see it you can find
2739s it in the link that we just posted in
2740s the twitch chat so yeah you'll see
2744s you'll get to see that all right here we
2747s go
2749s a place of exiles tied down to a hateful
2752s earth of olden human races that clog
2754s insides of graves while descending into
2756s abyss a hell which are pickets a people
2759s that many dark millenia declined into
2761s endemic tribal war and had left under
2763s blackest sorceries would scratch out
2765s survival in czar hymn of the crab clan
2768s of pects from the western ocean shore
2770s crouched within tall grass and bush
2772s he'd come to be in a lush river delta
2774s that river delta valley while stockinged
2777s off darf re hunters trying to make sport
2779s of him Zara's pursuers to long paid on
2781s an abundance of domesticated exults and
2784s adul their instincts for hunting those
2785s not disarmed of true nature by the
2787s cruelty of civility and its false
2789s securities one one of the last hunters
2792s crossed shallow stream under moonlight
2794s near a waterfall carelessly stepping
2796s twine tripwire released snake arm
2798s driving serrated and carved bone into
2800s the cannibals thigh dark blood gushed
2803s from the wound as flesh ripped about the
2805s spikes tooth edges and stayed impaled in
2807s his flesh an anguish cry came from the
2810s traps victim his life life's blood
2812s flowed without slowing and exodus from
2814s his body till he was soon dead with its
2815s loss another dart far he ran to him as
2818s cries of panic still echoed in the night
2820s her growls of intimidation against the
2822s darkness cut short as a stone spear
2824s edged thrash through her neck from her
2825s blindside she saw all going inkwell
2828s black except the ghost of mud covered
2830s silhouette quickly crossing her fading
2832s view without a sound taking her last
2834s steps forward hands traced the futility
2836s into what remained of her throat
2838s cascades of crimson flowed down her bare
2840s and there beneath an ebony skin tone
2842s chest before she succumbed to collapsed
2844s with a bloody gurgling whimper of the
2848s darf re Zara had learned from the
2849s Pirates tales coastal pickets while
2852s spoken of as being the wildest in
2854s singhara still engaged in trade with
2856s passing ships when it suited them from
2859s the land south of caution stadia prized
2860s ostrich feathers and plumes came to the
2862s pigs in return for the various needs of
2864s freshwater food
2866s copper and timbers the Pirates and
2867s Buccaneers desperate enough to lay
2869s anchor and risk contact with the clan
2871s would seek zarin's for knowledge of
2874s these cannibals had not however helped
2876s his only companion since arriving in the
2877s XL Lance Dasha
2879s the pict went murderous cold with
2881s thinking of her
2882s and Dasha the half picked half
2885s aquilonian slave dancer from the shores
2887s of the aquilonian from tear on Thunder
2889s River
2889s Zarine had been caged with her at the
2891s derf re camp her screams as living flesh
2893s rapidly cooked off from bone the boiling
2896s oil II broth when she was cooked into
2899s the DAR far east massive black iron
2900s cauldron feet first
2902s making her sacrifice to their God yaagh
2904s a demon lapdog of set of student sailors
2907s were to be believed in his time with
2909s Dasha Zara had learned too had started
2912s to learn of their keto a deity that had
2914s stirred up a sense of piety within piety
2917s in him with her domain her fertility and
2919s death and the passions that join them
2921s over the course of several days since
2924s his escape Zara had also learned much of
2926s his surroundings in the exile Lance as
2928s he fled from his pursuers deeper into
2930s the River Valley he had even journeyed
2933s up the stone cliff sides to the edge of
2934s a haunted and long corrupted city where
2937s all manner of undead and Horus dwelled
2938s and all living insanity had fled yet the
2943s cannibal savages had maintained the hunt
2945s till now the last of them I sold our Far
2948s East ocker was now realizing he was
2949s alone on the river's Shores alone with a
2951s savage equal in ferocity and lethality
2954s to any of his own race with no pause the
2956s last hunter turned and started south
2958s toward where he knew a friendly tribe of
2960s his kinsmen had a camp on the water's
2962s edge the hunt for the pict would begin
2964s again with fresh pursuers better
2966s prepared for the task of bringing this
2967s long pig down into a feast and yogs
2970s honor I wanted to keep her with me not
2974s knowing Pictish would startled by
2976s hearing sahibs voice the DAF re stopped
2978s wary of his preys tricks and the dark he
2980s looked all around him stepping slowly
2982s until he felt and heard a crunch on his
2984s foot small bones branches and leftovers
2987s of plants stalks from making twine
2988s littered the ground along with the
2990s animal carcasses the creatures had not
2993s been killed in a manner of tribal though
2994s they were shriveled dry husks drained in
2997s complete panic that are far too late and
3001s realized with a picton herded him into
3002s he turned to run but heard as the
3005s makeshift cage was sprung in the scamper
3007s of merciless legs of chitin came forward
3009s out from under where it had been
3010s concealed below branches and grass
3012s I named her Tasha
3015s whether in our fari could even here's
3016s our team's low monotone voice did not
3018s even matter to the packets he was more
3020s speaking to himself as he crapped
3021s himself as he crouched that from his
3023s place up in the trees and watched as the
3025s full moon emerged from behind the clouds
3027s to reveal the sight of the cannibal
3029s being brought down by the massive
3031s man-sized black spider with red stripe
3033s stands back
3035s I couldn't save her but maybe in this
3038s form with their kettles blessing she is
3040s reborn and will live on here now able to
3043s defend herself with our Far East dying
3046s screams sorry I'm new the game was ended
3048s and the business of starting life again
3050s here in the Exile lands could begin
3054s oh thank you
3057s we got very serious there for a bit but
3059s that was the winner of the fan fiction
3061s contest it's called a crab in long
3063s pigskin which if I'm allowed by the
3067s author we're gonna put up on our dev
3069s vlog and in case you guys want to read
3074s it essentially
3078s all right I just need more gain on the
3083s mic I hope you liked it I hope my
3085s reading was fine do ASMR eating's we'll
3088s see maybe sometime in the future okay so
3091s we're gonna jump now from fanfiction to
3096s the fan art
3099s will it be extreme to address bug issues
3101s being this for the DLC on Arcana pets
3104s I'm not sure what you mean but as
3108s mentioned we are aware of some of the
3112s bugs that were introduced in the DLC and
3113s we are going to fix them the pet system
3117s hopefully will be able to do a stream of
3119s that like actually show you guys stuff
3121s next week
3124s all right so I'm gonna turn the
3128s slideshow off and I'm going to show you
3133s guys the winner like we
3138s we did a vote among the among the
3142s developers which you know we sort of had
3147s to do because we wanted to reach some
3148s sort of wanted to reach some sort of not
3153s conclusion but we we wanted to agree on
3155s what the final winner should be so all
3158s the developers voted and then the
3161s community team did some discussion
3164s discussing amongst themselves and so
3167s without further ado I wish I have I kept
3169s thing animation I don't so I'm just
3171s going to turn the thing on the winner of
3173s the fan art competition which is this
3177s amazing entry by a guy called Nick
3181s showcasing a young darf re cannibal
3184s trying to stare down at least three
3185s crocodiles I think the details and this
3189s stuff is truly amazing the way the
3193s different camp the way the different
3194s crocodiles look the way he's shaded
3196s everything the background images of like
3199s the broken curse wall for example the
3202s dragon spine mountains back there for
3204s example the the water skin on the ground
3207s like the more you look at this thing
3210s the more you like the more detail we
3213s were able to pick out of like what's
3215s going on
3217s and it was like it was incredibly
3220s difficult to choose a winner like as you
3222s could see like as we were going through
3223s the slideshow like it was so so hard to
3228s choose a winner but in the end like this
3230s is what we landed on and this is what
3232s the dev team really liked the community
3234s team really liked it and like yeah we we
3237s thought this absolutely deserved to win
3239s so I'm gonna email these guys and if you
3243s haven't seen it already on our dev vlog
3245s like I think Nicole and Annie can link
3246s that and chat and the twitch chat at
3248s least there's a huge just like post with
3253s all the fan art that we got from from
3257s people and
3260s it's it's been it's been a really good
3262s competition to see all the stuff that
3265s you've been able to make all right
3274s so on that bombshell I'm gonna be
3278s signing off because it's six o'clock and
3281s I stuff to do I'm sorry that we weren't
3285s able to show like anything like huge and
3287s substantial but hopefully like you guys
3288s enjoyed seeing what the the new DLC it's
3292s all about hope you guys enjoyed hearing
3295s me read some fanart hopefully you guys
3297s enjoyed reading some fanfiction I mean
3299s hopefully you saw enjoyed seeing all the
3302s fan art I absolutely loved hosting that
3306s competition and being able to judge it
3307s was really amazing and yeah thank you
3310s guys for watching of course and thank
3313s you to Andy and Nicole for hanging
3315s around the chat thank you to scooper for
3317s hanging around in the chat I believe
3320s that Nicole may have chosen a person
3326s that we can rate as we're signing this
3329s thing off can I get a can I get a thumbs
3331s up for from the : chat please we're just
3334s gonna yeah she does all right so I'm
3337s just gonna have her do the thing I think
3340s she knows how to activate the the raid
3342s function right hopefully it's just
3350s and yeah she knows what to do alright so
3353s I'm gonna be signing off and that Nicole
3356s is gonna activate the raid so just you
3360s know tell them tell them fun calm sent
3362s you and tell them that we love them we
3364s appreciate them and yeah I get the key
3368s word is fun comm raid you know so the
3370s countdown is going I'm gonna sign off
3372s and we'll see you guys hopefully in a
3375s week and we'll have some more stuff for
3378s you alright stay beautiful bye
3389s you
over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
19s hello hi welcome
22s it is another Friday here in the entire
26s world I mean there might be Saturday
28s where you are I don't know maybe you're
29s watching this from you know those other
31s times I'm time zones anyway hello my
34s name is sensei dick I'm your community
35s manager for Conan exiles and as you can
38s see I'm flying solo this Friday because
40s of various reasons I hope you like the
44s hoodie because I figured I would you
48s know kick it up a notch after people
50s haven't really liking my t-shirts Nicole
55s and Andy are in the chat taking care of
58s business there and apparently they're
60s going to be interacting with me as much
62s as they're interacting with every
63s everyone else so I think that's gonna be
67s funny yes it is indeed a rainbow it is a
69s rainbow of paint etc etc etc so yeah
74s it's been it's been a while since we
77s last spoke mostly because I've been away
80s on vacation for for three weeks and that
85s is that is a fact of life of living in
88s Norway where we have mandatory vacation
90s time
93s so
97s I completely lost my train of thought
99s train of thought already so this is
100s gonna be his the flying off to a great
102s start
103s alright I'm back as you can see I hope
107s everyone's having my summer I know a lot
109s of us have had my summer I had a really
110s great summer and so now we're back in
114s full production again my vacation was
116s great by the way
117s I spent some time in Denmark and then I
119s spent a lot of time just being in the
121s ocean swimming around and it's been it's
125s been good so now it's now it's finally
127s time to get back to work it's time to
129s you know start up the streams again
130s start up doing all that all that good
132s stuff but yeah okay so today's stream
138s what are we gonna do to home today
139s stream I'm going to recap a bit what's
141s gonna be what's been happening lately
143s and what's gonna be happening in the
144s future I'm gonna show off some of the
146s aquilonian DLC that we recently released
149s on Thursday a unicorn's threw up on me
153s yes absolutely
155s or I dropped a bucket of paint whatever
157s you know I'm glad to see people are
159s excited about the the stream and the
161s aquilonian deal I think that's really
163s good so thank you for that thank you for
165s being excited thank you for being you
166s know a rad community and all that kind
169s of stuff and Wasabi's neuters thanks um
172s congratulations on : X as being the most
174s successful fun calm game thus far thank
175s you very much it's been really cool to
177s be a part of this project and know that
179s you know that's been we've done some
182s really great stuff like it sold
184s incredibly well so thank you very much
188s all right let's see what else we're
193s going to talk about the fan art and fan
195s fiction contest that's going to be at
197s the end of the stream and yeah like I
201s said since I'm since I'm flying solo
202s since it's just back from vacation since
204s like the production schedule is going up
206s again the the stream might be on the
210s shorter and I'm not really sure I'm just
212s gonna slightly wing it and just see what
215s happens as we go but yeah and also hey
220s if you if you want to buy this it's on
222s the internet just go to serpent urban
225s clothing and yes it's actually called
226s that so just you know go there and you
229s can buy it there
230s right as I mentioned production is back
234s in full swing and like even though a lot
238s of us went on vacation because Norway
242s and all that we didn't we haven't like
244s shut down completely like there was
246s still stuff happening behind the scenes
248s even though we didn't put out patches
250s all the time
251s we still had people working here who
253s were working on fixes we still had
255s people working here who were working on
257s you know new content new weapons new
261s armors all that kind of stuff and like
264s so they will get their vacation time at
267s a later point of course so yeah we've
271s been working on things for future
272s patches we had a quick PC patch earlier
275s this week on Thursday at the same time
276s that we dropped the the new DLC and in
280s case you missed the announcement we are
281s targeting next week for a console Perry
284s batch which will then bring the consoles
287s in line with what's currently on PC in
289s terms of fixes updates and all that kind
292s of good stuff that was that was
295s announced on our forums on our forums
297s forums not phone come come I think we've
299s had and we have you might have mentioned
305s that we have might have noticed that we
308s have a news and announcements section
311s like on top when you first go to the
312s cone and excellence forums and we we
314s posts basically almost every week or
317s every two weeks depending on like how
319s often were able to get a schedule going
320s we will post announcements there that
323s says hey this is our next couple of
325s weeks worth of
328s patches and like patch planning so keep
332s an eye on our forums on social media I
333s kind of suck because we'll always link
335s to link to that stuff when we when we
337s have when we have things to say you know
340s so yeah like I mention production is
343s back going again and my chat is kind of
349s there we go
351s going by and say sweaters you do force
352s casual Fridays at the office no we don't
354s actually I'm I always dress like this
358s seriously but it's like when you work
363s for a video game company it's always
364s casual Friday like every single day is
366s casual because you know it's it's all
370s like good fun stuff like we we had a guy
373s who's to work for us who every every day
375s when he came in he would he would change
379s into shorts and sandals because that's
381s what he wanted to wear and that's what
382s he felt comfortable with so that's how
385s we do it
386s I heard from comm in the video game
387s industry as always keep your feedback
391s and bug reports coming in because that's
392s the only way we can make the game better
394s of course and you know try to try to
398s keep you constructive try to give us as
400s much information as possible because
402s that will help us out build that was
404s help us with building a test case and
405s figure out you know what what might be
409s wrong with the game my machine of my
412s machina rock overall mixer asked what
415s about Xbox as mentioned earlier you
417s might have missed it because maybe you
418s came in late who knows we're targeting a
422s parody patch for the consoles which will
425s bring all the consoles in line with
426s what's currently on PC in terms of fixes
429s and updates and we are also still
431s looking at fixing the the crash fixes
435s the crashes on the on the Xbox version
439s because we know it still has some issues
441s like we are still keeping track of
442s what's going on and like we know the
444s game isn't working perfectly for
446s everyone and of course we still want the
448s game to run as well as it possibly can
450s for as many people as possible right
454s [Music]
455s the pet system I'm gonna switch over to
459s that now we've been working on it for a
463s while now and we're finally able to well
465s I'm finally able to talk about it at
467s long last and in case you missed the
471s like unfortunately I'm not gonna be able
473s to show that much of the pet system but
476s I'm trying to we're gonna see if we'll
479s they will be able to show some that
481s stuff next week but we're gonna we're
485s gonna go into to some of the details
487s that we've gone into in the the
489s community newsletter already and
490s basically the the pet system the pets
492s will work pretty much the same as
495s thralls have in that you capture them
498s and you put them in a pen or a crafting
500s machine and then you you get something
503s back that you can then place out into
504s the into the game world and have it
507s follow you or you can have them work for
509s you in other ways but we're not gonna
513s have you walk into the Exile lance club
516s like a hyena over the head and then drag
518s it back to your pad we're not gonna do
519s that
519s so basically you capture a baby or you
523s capture an egg which can be found out in
526s the world or it can be found from from
527s vendors and you basically walk up to it
530s and then you click a button and then you
532s pick it up with you and of course eggs
534s will hatch and you will have to then put
537s them into an animal pen which is an item
539s that you can build and once they're put
544s inside the animal pen they will start
545s growing into proper pets and you will
547s start taming them essentially I see
550s Nicole is already linked it in the chat
551s which is good let's see what else
555s once that conversion process is started
557s you'll have to feed them of course each
559s pen can hold five animals and then
561s higher tiers of pens can hold higher
563s tiers of higher quality animals and then
565s of course like much like withdrawals
567s you'll need to feed them you know the
569s good kind of food that they need so as
572s we mentioned in the example in the
573s communities letter Kappas enjoy plant
575s fibers but they actually prefer like
578s oysters or shellfish so if you if you
581s feed them the proper food like the the
583s Taming process will be will be easier as
585s far as I understand
587s then of course once you once you have
590s your pet once you have the animal as a
593s pet it works exactly like thralls do
596s like if you pull them out of your pen
598s you will have them as an icon as an item
600s in your in your inventory and then like
603s you place them on your hotbar
604s you quick select them and then you can
606s place them out the language in the
610s community newsletter was a bit unclear
611s but like they will work exactly like
614s thralls well so you will give them
616s commands for example to follow you or to
618s stay where they are so you don't have to
621s like they're not like tied to you all
622s the time for example so if you want to
624s have say an army of tigers and your
627s disposal you can basically line up a
629s bunch of tigers in front of your in
631s front of your home and then they're all
635s the tigers will be and then you can have
636s one on one then you can have one of them
638s follow you for example
646s however if you decide to keep your
651s animals within the pens themselves if
655s you don't take them out of the pens to
656s work as you know pets for you or to work
658s as Guardians on your up your stuff they
661s will start to generate resources for you
663s so Rock noses for example can be a
664s source of iron ore which is good if you
666s have you know iron ore far away from you
670s some animals might produce dung which is
673s something you use for something else and
674s watch the space we're gonna reveal that
676s later not later today but at a later
678s date and you know depending on the
681s resource you get depend the animals you
683s the resource you get depends on the
685s animal of course and what kind of animal
689s it grows into can also depend on the
691s food so for example a hyena puppy can
694s become a regular hyena a striped hyena
696s or greater I you know yeah and you can
701s also have multiple kinds of animals in
703s the same pen so every sample you can
704s have a rhino and hyenas and the same
707s pens you're not like forced to keep only
710s rhinos for example in one pen if you put
713s one rhino in there
718s some animals of course are restricted to
720s higher tier pen but the higher the
723s highest tier of pen can hold all the
726s animals but be careful because there's
727s only five slots
729s I've her pen I'm not Danish anal Hunter
733s I'm Norwegian and it's been a while
735s since I've been on streams of a language
738s is stumbling a bit unfortunately yeah
742s but there were only five slots per pen
744s so you have to be careful about
747s well not necessary careful you'll have
749s to you have to plan it out for example
750s so if you're trying to tame like six
753s hyenas then you you're gonna have to
754s build another pen or take one out of
756s your existing pen
758s let's see unfortunately you won't be
761s able to upgrade from like one type of
764s pen to a different one animal pen not
767s like pen that you write with the reason
770s for that is because there they are
771s considered crafting machines opposed as
775s opposed to crafting stations the
777s difference being that a crafting machine
780s is something that runs continuously as
782s long as you have fuel in it and a
785s crafting station is something that you
786s click on and on so for example the well
790s a crafting station has has recipes so
794s the wheel of pain for example any animal
795s paint pens are crafting machines whereas
799s the the carpenters bench for example is
805s a crafting station
811s Meli asks I guess questions about actual
813s gameplay won't be answered I will answer
816s questions as I see them but right now
817s I'm also focusing all the things that I
818s have to say so I'm not ignoring tad I'm
821s just not looking at chat unfortunately
825s I'm gonna go through some of the
827s questions that I have written down
828s already because some of the stuff might
829s be some of the stuff that I've written
832s down might also be some of the questions
834s that you guys in chat have we also have
836s mister scooper who's one of our I think
839s he's yeah he's lead programmer now who
841s might also be able to answer some of you
843s guys's questions because as tweak nuts
845s just pointed out scooper knows
846s everything okay let's see
852s yes you'll also have to feed your
854s animals like at all times you do that by
856s well not all times but you'll have to
858s feed your animals and they will have
859s special animations that they do when
862s they're hungry at least that's as far as
865s I understand it and then you'll have to
867s put food into their inventory or there
869s will be a special feeding trough that
871s you can use to automatically distribute
872s food to pets I think also there might be
877s taskmasters coming for pet taming but
881s I'm not gonna I'm not gonna confirm or
885s deny that but I believe that we're also
887s adding a Thrall to to make animal taming
889s happen faster in the pens and if not
893s then people can can tell me to you know
895s shut up and stop spreading false
897s information
901s all right what else so right now we're
907s targeting a release for a test live
911s version of the pet system of August 16th
915s that's in two weeks ish yes well yeah
921s that's um yeah that is almost exactly
923s two weeks of course like we're there are
927s some there are some things that needs to
929s be finished internally first then we're
931s gonna have a round of internal tests and
933s then we're gonna release it on test live
935s and it's gonna sit on test live for a
937s while so people can then run through it
941s and you know try to break it and tell us
945s things that we need to fix and take care
947s of and update and all that kind of stuff
950s let's see some of the other questions
952s that I've written down oh yeah someone
956s on our forums also asked if you could
958s pick a pet up after you've placed it on
960s the ground no unfortunately not that is
962s it's gonna work the same as the thralls
964s are because they have an inventory and
968s once you place them out and you have
971s stuff in their inventories you'll be
973s putting an inventory into your inventory
974s and so unfortunately doesn't work that
977s way
981s we were also has to be were adding more
982s animals down the line or if the current
984s list is set we're not ruling it out that
986s we're adding in more animals I know a
988s lot of people wanted dragons as pets
990s I think dragons are gonna be a bit too
992s hokey to keep his pets also a bit
994s difficult to stick in those pens but
998s we're not ruling it out we're not ruling
1001s out that we're gonna add some additional
1004s animals down the line something I've
1006s failed to mention earlier is that for
1008s example we're gonna be adding like
1011s there's gonna be a camel pets that you
1013s can buy from a vendor and then you put
1015s them in your pen and then you have
1017s basically a pet that can carry stuff for
1020s you it's not going to be a mount but I
1024s can say that out right now like this is
1026s not the mounts system this is the pets
1028s system they will work as animal
1030s companions and they will follow you
1031s around and they will do stuff for you
1033s within their animal pens but they are
1036s not mounts let me just be clear about
1038s that like 100% there are no mounts
1041s you will be able to punch camels like
1044s once the camels are in I think I
1047s mentioned camels in the community
1049s newsletter yeah I did I was also asked
1054s in the forums if there would be a way to
1056s make animals stronger for example we can
1058s put armor on thralls and if it there
1061s would be something similar for animals
1062s in this first iteration there won't be a
1065s way to make your pets
1067s stronger like if we're able to do it
1068s maybe down the line but like I can eat
1071s it I can neither confirm nor deny that
1072s right now at the moment I don't think
1075s you'll be able to have more than one pet
1076s following you so you won't be able to go
1078s like full Beastmaster with like a
1080s panther and like a hawk and all my other
1084s stuff but you'll at least be able to
1086s have a giant Rhino following you that's
1088s gonna be really cool like once we're
1093s rolling out the pet system you can tame
1095s bears hyenas crocodiles ostriches jungle
1098s birds rhinos locusts Rock noses boars
1101s gazelles camels shellbacks all the big
1103s cats or lions tigers jaguars etc wolves
1106s and of course my non personal favorites
1110s the spiders which are terrible and need
1114s to go away immediately
1118s [Music]
1120s what about vultures I don't really know
1122s I'm not sure if we're gonna have like
1124s bird taming but like I said earlier
1127s we're not ruling out the potential to
1129s expand the list of animals that we we
1132s have so who knows but yeah there there
1137s will be spider pets if people want that
1139s and I know that a lot of people want
1142s that
1144s all right I like having not mouth I like
1148s not having mounts in this game mainly
1150s because when we have to go out and get
1151s supplies for something it feels like an
1153s actual adventure and it's fun and scary
1154s I am I can agree with that actually but
1157s you know sometimes people want to move
1158s faster or you know we'll pets travel
1161s with you through the map room
1162s no they won't much like throats they
1164s won't however I was told that we're
1168s gonna add some functionality that if
1169s your pets get too far away from you they
1172s should teleport to you in case you know
1175s you need to cross a river or you need to
1179s run really fast away from something for
1181s example elephants not at first they're
1185s big but maybe down the line who knows
1190s we'll see we'll see
1204s okay
1209s that's briefly what I have about the pet
1211s system can I have both a pet and a
1213s Thrall following me I'm not sure I don't
1214s think so I think we're treating them
1217s basically the same and that you can only
1218s have like one thing following you and
1224s unfortunately that's that's how it's
1226s gonna be I would like frost giants
1230s please
1230s I don't think frost giant pets are gonna
1232s happen because I don't think we have
1235s baby frost giants in the game but Kojak
1241s too for a77 has anything been said about
1242s the purge system being fixed I haven't
1244s specifically mentioned the purge in this
1246s update in this particular stream I mean
1249s but we are always taking down people's
1253s feedback and like if you have like if
1256s you have anything specific then please
1258s let me know what it is in the chat and I
1259s can try to answer you but like just
1261s asking me if the purge is being fixed
1263s isn't exactly telling me anything
1266s I'm not sure what that's referring to
1270s j-rod hicks as how bigger the animal
1272s pens either in foundation blocks are
1274s compared to wheels of pain they're
1277s pretty big
1281s probably like six or seven foundations
1284s and like with I haven't really
1288s compared the two because I haven't had
1290s complete access to all that data yet but
1293s we'll be able to show that stuff
1295s hopefully next week maybe what is the
1299s limit to how many paths can follow me
1300s around can I have an army of rhinos
1302s probably not I'm guessing that it's
1304s gonna be one animal at a time or it's
1307s gonna be one animal specifically and
1309s like that is what you can have following
1313s you so about 4.7 I think yeah like if
1318s you go to the blog you'll be able to see
1320s you're able to see some photos and you
1321s should be able to draw a slight
1324s conclusion based on that but like it has
1326s to be the Pens have to be big enough to
1328s fit bears and rhinos in them for example
1332s and there are pretty big creatures and
1334s so we need a lot of room to be able to
1337s fit those and so the pens need to be
1338s they need to be fairly big can we die
1341s our pets no you can't
1345s slimy talk I'm not ignoring certain
1347s things but just telling me that chat is
1348s broken doesn't really help in any way
1351s I'm not gonna be able to answer that in
1354s any specific way and what you're saying
1358s and makes her chat about that we're
1360s removing anything negative on the forums
1362s it's absolutely wrong like we might be
1365s locking threads here and there if we
1368s feel that they have gotten out of hand
1370s in terms of what the original posting
1372s was about but we are not removing
1376s negative feedback from the forums aaron
1380s dickinson asks will new servers be
1381s released with this update with pets will
1384s new service produced in the future we
1385s currently don't have any plans to
1387s release any new servers like we are we
1390s have about a thousand official servers
1393s right now so there's there we don't have
1397s plans to add any more right now
1400s and no they are not going to be any new
1403s areas coming out the new taming system
1405s either like we are going to be adding
1407s there's this there are stuff connected
1409s to the pet system like for example the
1411s the new dungeon I can't say for sure if
1415s that's gonna be come out coming out with
1417s the pet system but there will be new
1420s dungeons added I think we're planning on
1421s adding three more dungeons but we're not
1425s going to be adding more to the map for
1428s example
1430s um really need to consistently feed your
1432s pets do they level up can you equip gear
1434s on your pets can you command your pets
1435s to blah blah blah can carry pets carry
1437s items ok consistory feed your pets yes
1440s you will need to do that do they level
1441s up no can you equip gear on your pets no
1443s I don't think so at least
1446s can you command your pets to patrol
1447s attack gather a resource you can command
1449s them to follow you and you can command
1451s them to stop compare scary items yes
1453s that is what the camel is for it's
1455s basically something with a huge
1457s inventory that walks on legs that you
1459s can have take it with you basically
1463s morning John Bain thank you for joining
1465s us in the chats are the Pens lockable
1470s how do you protect them on a pvp server
1471s they're going to act the same way that a
1473s real pain does
1475s essentially you teach pets the stock
1477s market no absolutely not there's no
1480s stock market there's no stock market
1483s either all right
1485s can you teach my pet to sit no do you
1488s need to water our pets I don't think so
1492s Willie redesign bolts I have told the
1495s dev team several times that we need to
1496s look into what vaults
1498s what's going on with walls right now and
1499s I believe it is on our to-do list all
1504s right I'm gonna move on choose some DLC
1508s stuff because as previously announced
1511s we've also going to be talking a bit
1513s about the DLC and there it is awesome
1516s I'm very happy when things work out the
1519s way they should be
1524s uh all right let's see how our pets
1530s gonna deal with climbing high base is
1531s getting around the mountain area as I
1533s mentioned earlier which you may have
1535s missed if you came in late we I was told
1539s that we're gonna be adding a
1540s functionality to have the pets teleport
1542s to you if they get too far away which is
1546s really smart in my opinion so that is
1550s how we're gonna get around back
1551s basically those Camel have a weight
1553s limit no but there's gonna have a slot
1555s limit so alright moving on after
1558s drinking water so the jewel of the West
1567s pack adds a whole bunch of aquilonia
1572s style items to the game so I think it's
1576s it's 39 building pieces it is five new
1579s warm paints it is 15 armor pieces plus
1582s at McLain game versions and it's nine
1583s new weapons plus late game epic versions
1586s and it works essentially the same way as
1590s the as the khatam DLC did and that you
1596s buy it and then it unlocks as a recipe
1598s that requires the Master Mason feat that
1600s you can learn at level 30 and then you
1603s get the the C well it's a call it is
1608s called the Catan artisan station I
1610s believe yeah there is Catan furniture
1615s maker which gives you the artisan table
1617s that you can then make a bunch of new
1620s cool items in it and so yeah this source
1625s all the armors are gonna be light medium
1627s heavy this is the basic light armor
1630s which is called the Scout headgear and
1633s as you can see it's very like
1634s greco-roman a bit Spartan a bit like
1636s gladiatorial and we I think this is
1641s really really cool I really like some of
1643s the details on a lot of this stuff like
1644s the lion heads on the brazzers for
1646s example the stitching on like the
1648s leather like right here for example I
1650s really really like some of the stuff
1652s that they've done and of course since
1654s people have people have asked about
1657s capes
1658s a couple of times at least it's not a
1660s cape but it's a it's like a scarf thing
1663s so it's it's similar you know
1665s it's similar we know right now that
1668s there's a bar Gotham where they don't
1669s give you proper heat / cold protection
1671s I'm not sure what they're supposed to
1674s give you but giving that game that
1677s Aquilani has a very temperate climate I
1679s would assume that it's supposed to give
1681s you heat protection so it's gonna you
1683s know it's gonna cool you down etc and
1687s this is live right now like you can go
1689s to a steam store or the Xbox store or
1691s the PSN store right now and buy this if
1693s you want to Don Matt says the Scout arm
1696s is best for fashionable necromancer's
1698s absolutely because you know it's got the
1701s scarf cape and personally I think the
1704s buildings look really cool because it
1706s has this like nice like marble look to
1710s it that I really really enjoy I like the
1711s whole like greco-roman thing and I agree
1714s with NGOs and twitchchat scarves are
1716s very very manly all right the next tier
1721s the medium tier is the infantry armor
1724s which looks more like you know studded
1728s leather armor again with more like
1731s details like the gold trim for example
1733s with on the chest here the studs on
1735s there right here the lion hand
1737s especially I really like these like
1741s snakeskin stuff on the helmet it's uh
1744s it's really cool stuff and I think like
1747s again our 3d artists greco-roman you
1752s drop the ball with no arches hey I don't
1754s make the design decisions okay okay and
1759s I our 3d artists are character modelers
1763s have again done an amazing job of
1765s creating this stuff and just making it
1767s look like something people would wear
1769s which i think is extra cool
1772s and finally the heavy armor called the
1775s black dragon armor which is just thank
1780s you you'll look like a Roman Legionnaire
1782s I think this is amazing incredibly cool
1787s stuff
1789s again I can't stress the details enough
1792s like the the gold gold patterns here the
1795s eagle on the belts the eagle wings on
1798s bracers everything is really really cool
1802s looking the wings here on the side of
1804s the helmet I think is really really neat
1805s it sort of makes him look like Roman
1808s version of the flash as the flash also
1811s has those kind of things
1813s Saphira says I need that hat in real
1815s life I'd wear it to the store I don't
1819s think I'd wear it to the store but you
1820s know there's something about the head
1822s plume over his head there that's really
1824s really good
1824s all right so so I decided to make a
1829s little something I cheated when I did
1831s the list like all this is just stuff
1832s that I spawned in but because I figure
1836s you know this it has to look good when
1839s we when we show it on the stream and
1840s since I chose this Lake area right here
1844s I figured why not make like a Roman
1847s bathhouse kind of place and if you saw
1852s the video that we put out on our YouTube
1854s channel the pop culture coming off if
1858s you saw the the video that we put up on
1860s our youtube channel youtube.com slash
1861s fun com then you should also like we
1864s built an entire like gladiatorial arena
1866s which is now something you can make I
1868s mean it's something you could always
1870s make but not now it has that like proper
1872s Roman look to it you know and so we I
1876s decided to make this stuff and this is
1878s basically just me building out over the
1880s water making these like you know holes
1884s here where the water could still form
1886s and then just like surrounding them with
1888s with with fences put out some carpets
1893s put on some noob racers like all of this
1896s stuff is stuff that you get in the new
1898s aquilonia dlc no sorry jewel of the West
1903s stoned of XP says I'm so going to make a
1906s Roman bathhouse orgy room I mean maybe
1908s they use it for that I mean they were I
1911s don't know if the Aquilonians were all
1912s about that stuff but the Romans
1913s certainly were so I figured you know I'm
1916s gonna make something that looks like
1918s something some place where people can
1921s sit
1921s you know chill out and have a good time
1923s of course we got we need the screens and
1927s they need to have some sort of
1929s decoration and all the stuff is made OOP
1935s sorry right here in the artisan table
1937s which I haven't technically unlocked all
1939s the recipes yet but yeah I am this is
1946s where this is where it would be if I'd
1947s actually unlocked everything and not
1949s just bonded in by cheating all right all
1953s this stuff will be made available for
1955s crafting all of this stuff will be made
1958s will be made available for crafting I
1960s didn't use all the building pieces but I
1962s probably should have because these look
1964s really really good and you might have
1968s noticed that I'm named my character
1971s cognac because I think cognac the
1973s barbarian sounds hilarious
1976s so there's also nine new weapons which
1981s and comes in all the forms that you
1984s would expect Pike's axes war hammers
1987s maces swords great swords pawn yards and
1993s of course a giant shield that looks like
1998s something straight out of a pretty cool
2002s movie Oh
2006s switch to the vanity cam so again a lot
2010s of like lion motifs animal motifs on
2012s these on these weapons on these armors
2015s and it looks really freakin good in my
2019s opinion especially on the Warhammer I'm
2023s gonna see if I can I'm able to show this
2025s off like on the sides here for example
2027s you have the cross taxes and the eagle
2030s you have the spiral pattern there for
2032s example you have the eagles on the sides
2035s here you have the flower and this is
2038s just this is just artistic flourishes
2041s that are that our 3d artist wanted to
2044s add to the thing because he was like no
2046s I want to do this I'm gonna make it look
2047s cool I want to make it look as awesome
2050s as possible and they're kind of huge
2053s like this for example can probably look
2055s like it too
2055s and an axe but we're gonna be swinging
2057s around like a one-handed axe anyway um
2061s in case you missed it we are going to be
2064s we are going to be adding in more stuff
2066s to the combat system for example letting
2068s you do a wheeled well model it's not
2072s necessarily dual wheel but like if
2074s you're carrying an axe in one hand and
2076s an offhand axe in the other hand you'll
2077s be able to do some to neat little combos
2079s you'll be able to see those we're gonna
2080s be showing you those later when we're
2081s were able to so it's a nice pike here I
2086s like the the blue coloring is really
2087s cool the details on the side here again
2089s just stuff that they wanted to add
2091s because it makes everything look that
2095s much cooler great sword as well has the
2099s same like the similar etchings and the
2101s similar patterns I think these are yeah
2104s horse heads they said looks like horses
2107s heads on the sides like the nice sunrise
2110s the nice flowers so yeah Aurra our
2115s artists really go above and beyond to be
2117s able to make this stuff and make it look
2119s as cool as cool as possible
2123s essentially alright that is what you get
2130s I'm also gonna just fly up a bit you
2136s show some of the stuff that I've put out
2137s on the roof and so you get these
2141s braziers that are huge but they're also
2145s really cool-looking again details but I
2150s really dig the fact that they've like it
2152s looks like statues holding up the giant
2155s brazzers I'm also gonna pick up the bow
2157s later don't worry the flags are really
2160s cool and of course the statues which are
2163s very very similar to basically anything
2168s you'd see in any like video game or
2171s movie set in Rome essentially so now if
2174s you want to all your Roman bathhouse
2176s dreams can be realized with in color and
2179s exiles which i think is really cool
2182s let's see there we go there's the bow
2185s the Bostonian bow oops wrong button
2191s which is a pretty cool boat
2203s Angell agree gaming asks are you
2205s planning on doing any other race
2206s specific DLC there will be more DLC
2208s coming we haven't announced what it is
2210s yet but there's more stuff coming I'm
2213s not gonna say what it is because I'm not
2215s allowed to but there's gonna be more
2218s stuff coming why didn't we call this a
2221s Roman bathhouse update because jewel of
2224s the West is a bit more evocative of
2228s something but it's not a bad name I mean
2232s that's we we did make a giant bathhouse
2235s slash temple to to take some screenshots
2237s in so it's you can I mean you can build
2243s whatever you want like you but you can
2244s build a giant temple to your God for
2246s example and have a temple inside it so
2249s it's I'm really proud of what our people
2252s have done I think it's really really
2254s amazing
2254s the braziers up there for example
2256s they're also also in the update all
2259s right so there's some there's gonna be
2261s more stuff coming I've seen some of its
2263s like in I've seen some of it some of the
2267s sketches that we have been made for it
2268s but it's kinda it's gonna be cool I
2272s think you guys gonna be happy but of
2273s course just because we're doing these
2276s DLC stuff these DLCs thing DLC things
2279s doesn't mean they're also not working on
2282s fixing bugs fixing crashes and you know
2285s adding more content like I mentioned
2286s earlier there's gonna be at least three
2289s more dungeons being rolled out there's
2292s going to be the pet system we've going
2297s to be adding more stuff into combat
2298s we're going to be adding more stuff to
2299s the bow I believe all that stuff is on
2302s our dev blog but it's gonna be I'm gonna
2307s see if I can maybe just find that real
2310s quick for you guys just post it in chat
2316s do-do-do-do-do there we go
2321s um yeah I think I think your guys gonna
2326s like what we have coming down the line
2328s because a lot of it is really really
2329s cool what about magic demons bias I
2333s can't say for sure but if we are able to
2338s bring the sorcery system to life of
2340s course we're going to add it to the game
2342s if we are able
2348s please don't talk about bathhouse Jules
2350s that's something else all right so
2357s that's the jewel of the West and that's
2362s my bath house made by cognac the
2364s barbarian okay we are going to switch
2374s back to me I'm ready to turn that off
2379s all right let's see finally yes okay
2388s so back in June we decided that we
2395s wanted to do a contest a fan art and fan
2400s fiction contest which which turned out
2405s really good we had about I think it was
2408s like 30 entries in our fan fiction and
2411s like in both fan fictions had fan art
2412s and it was all of it was super cool I
2415s switch back to me now and I'm just gonna
2417s do this
2420s I'm gonna do this so I'm just gonna let
2424s some of the fan art that we had go on a
2426s loop here right next to me while I talk
2430s a bit because like so many other people
2434s I enjoy hearing myself speak especially
2436s now that I have headphones on my
2437s connection here so we basically asked
2441s fan art creators to send us their best
2444s work within the month of June and the
2448s winners would get a signed physical copy
2451s of the game signed by the entire dev
2453s team
2455s and we did that because we know that
2456s there are some incredible creators
2459s within our fan community we know that
2462s there are people who can make some truly
2464s truly amazing incredible stuff and we
2468s absolutely saw that in our fan art and
2470s our fan fiction entries and I I honestly
2474s I wish I'd be able to sit here through
2476s an entire stream and just like read fan
2478s fiction because some of it was amazingly
2480s good unfortunately I'm gonna be able to
2483s do that
2486s but I'm like today we're gonna like
2490s today I'm gonna announce the winner of
2491s both the the fan art and the fan fiction
2494s contest and so I figured I was gonna
2497s talk a bit about both of them and then
2499s just read the one entry that that we
2502s that we liked the best that we thought
2503s would win and so but I want some of the
2508s the fan art to scroll scroll basically
2510s and so you can just see some of that but
2512s we got some really cool fan art and we
2515s got some really cool fan fiction one
2517s person this wasn't the winner but one
2521s person edy Reyes decided to I'm gonna
2524s switch back to back to Mina to basically
2527s combine the two into a fan fiction comic
2532s book which he made himself and then sent
2539s to us and so it's both the text and I
2544s think this was really awesome
2546s unfortunately like it didn't win but
2548s just like the work he went through to
2550s make this stuff was really awesome I did
2552s he did like a mash-up of Conan the
2555s Barbarian and HP Lovecraft which was
2559s which was a cool thing to see to do we
2563s got a fan fiction that was set within
2566s the Exile lands as the game was
2567s happening before the game was happening
2569s we got a bunch of fan fiction about
2573s characters who had been rescued by Conan
2576s we got fan fiction about characters who
2578s had just been living there for a while
2580s we had one entry were a character met
2584s Valyria we had fan fiction that was set
2589s in the modern times where an
2591s archaeological expedition actually finds
2593s like the ruins from the Exile and they
2595s find like fossils of the giant case
2601s which was really freaking cool in my
2604s opinion and yeah the fan art also
2608s spanned a bunch of different genres a
2610s bunch of different styles some of it was
2612s 3d modeling as you can see here some of
2614s his hand-drawn some of it was
2617s some of it was paint some of it was just
2620s colors and pencils and it was it was
2622s really really amazing to see how you
2626s know how good you people are at making
2630s this stuff like I was absolutely blown
2632s away and I just I wish I could give
2635s everyone a prize but like unfortunately
2638s there can only
2641s 0tv says first fix the bugs before you
2643s present fanart won't come so here's the
2645s thing I'm the community manager I don't
2649s fix bugs what I do sometimes on Fridays
2653s a lot of Fridays
2655s is I sit in this room and I host the
2657s live stream and sometimes at least on
2660s this live stream I show fan art that is
2663s my job the guys for fixing bugs are
2666s fixing bugs so don't think the entire
2669s studio just shuts down because I'm
2671s sitting in this room because that would
2672s be really weird all right
2677s fucks those programming bugs okay okay
2686s I think maybe we've cycled through most
2690s of it
2691s but I think I think I'm just gonna let
2694s the the fanart run its course for a bit
2697s and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna try to
2699s read this and hopefully
2705s hopefully I'll be able to get through
2707s this without stumbling too much because
2710s I'm not necessarily a great reader but
2713s we'll try we'll try and this is the
2717s winner of the fan fiction contest and
2718s then we're gonna show the the winner of
2721s the the fan art contest later it was
2722s super difficult to choose but can we
2725s download the fan art ie I am you know I
2730s can't say yes because we haven't asked
2733s permission from the original creators
2736s but if you want to see it you can find
2739s it in the link that we just posted in
2740s the twitch chat so yeah you'll see
2744s you'll get to see that all right here we
2747s go
2749s a place of exiles tied down to a hateful
2752s earth of olden human races that clog
2754s insides of graves while descending into
2756s abyss a hell which are pickets a people
2759s that many dark millenia declined into
2761s endemic tribal war and had left under
2763s blackest sorceries would scratch out
2765s survival in czar hymn of the crab clan
2768s of pects from the western ocean shore
2770s crouched within tall grass and bush
2772s he'd come to be in a lush river delta
2774s that river delta valley while stockinged
2777s off darf re hunters trying to make sport
2779s of him Zara's pursuers to long paid on
2781s an abundance of domesticated exults and
2784s adul their instincts for hunting those
2785s not disarmed of true nature by the
2787s cruelty of civility and its false
2789s securities one one of the last hunters
2792s crossed shallow stream under moonlight
2794s near a waterfall carelessly stepping
2796s twine tripwire released snake arm
2798s driving serrated and carved bone into
2800s the cannibals thigh dark blood gushed
2803s from the wound as flesh ripped about the
2805s spikes tooth edges and stayed impaled in
2807s his flesh an anguish cry came from the
2810s traps victim his life life's blood
2812s flowed without slowing and exodus from
2814s his body till he was soon dead with its
2815s loss another dart far he ran to him as
2818s cries of panic still echoed in the night
2820s her growls of intimidation against the
2822s darkness cut short as a stone spear
2824s edged thrash through her neck from her
2825s blindside she saw all going inkwell
2828s black except the ghost of mud covered
2830s silhouette quickly crossing her fading
2832s view without a sound taking her last
2834s steps forward hands traced the futility
2836s into what remained of her throat
2838s cascades of crimson flowed down her bare
2840s and there beneath an ebony skin tone
2842s chest before she succumbed to collapsed
2844s with a bloody gurgling whimper of the
2848s darf re Zara had learned from the
2849s Pirates tales coastal pickets while
2852s spoken of as being the wildest in
2854s singhara still engaged in trade with
2856s passing ships when it suited them from
2859s the land south of caution stadia prized
2860s ostrich feathers and plumes came to the
2862s pigs in return for the various needs of
2864s freshwater food
2866s copper and timbers the Pirates and
2867s Buccaneers desperate enough to lay
2869s anchor and risk contact with the clan
2871s would seek zarin's for knowledge of
2874s these cannibals had not however helped
2876s his only companion since arriving in the
2877s XL Lance Dasha
2879s the pict went murderous cold with
2881s thinking of her
2882s and Dasha the half picked half
2885s aquilonian slave dancer from the shores
2887s of the aquilonian from tear on Thunder
2889s River
2889s Zarine had been caged with her at the
2891s derf re camp her screams as living flesh
2893s rapidly cooked off from bone the boiling
2896s oil II broth when she was cooked into
2899s the DAR far east massive black iron
2900s cauldron feet first
2902s making her sacrifice to their God yaagh
2904s a demon lapdog of set of student sailors
2907s were to be believed in his time with
2909s Dasha Zara had learned too had started
2912s to learn of their keto a deity that had
2914s stirred up a sense of piety within piety
2917s in him with her domain her fertility and
2919s death and the passions that join them
2921s over the course of several days since
2924s his escape Zara had also learned much of
2926s his surroundings in the exile Lance as
2928s he fled from his pursuers deeper into
2930s the River Valley he had even journeyed
2933s up the stone cliff sides to the edge of
2934s a haunted and long corrupted city where
2937s all manner of undead and Horus dwelled
2938s and all living insanity had fled yet the
2943s cannibal savages had maintained the hunt
2945s till now the last of them I sold our Far
2948s East ocker was now realizing he was
2949s alone on the river's Shores alone with a
2951s savage equal in ferocity and lethality
2954s to any of his own race with no pause the
2956s last hunter turned and started south
2958s toward where he knew a friendly tribe of
2960s his kinsmen had a camp on the water's
2962s edge the hunt for the pict would begin
2964s again with fresh pursuers better
2966s prepared for the task of bringing this
2967s long pig down into a feast and yogs
2970s honor I wanted to keep her with me not
2974s knowing Pictish would startled by
2976s hearing sahibs voice the DAF re stopped
2978s wary of his preys tricks and the dark he
2980s looked all around him stepping slowly
2982s until he felt and heard a crunch on his
2984s foot small bones branches and leftovers
2987s of plants stalks from making twine
2988s littered the ground along with the
2990s animal carcasses the creatures had not
2993s been killed in a manner of tribal though
2994s they were shriveled dry husks drained in
2997s complete panic that are far too late and
3001s realized with a picton herded him into
3002s he turned to run but heard as the
3005s makeshift cage was sprung in the scamper
3007s of merciless legs of chitin came forward
3009s out from under where it had been
3010s concealed below branches and grass
3012s I named her Tasha
3015s whether in our fari could even here's
3016s our team's low monotone voice did not
3018s even matter to the packets he was more
3020s speaking to himself as he crapped
3021s himself as he crouched that from his
3023s place up in the trees and watched as the
3025s full moon emerged from behind the clouds
3027s to reveal the sight of the cannibal
3029s being brought down by the massive
3031s man-sized black spider with red stripe
3033s stands back
3035s I couldn't save her but maybe in this
3038s form with their kettles blessing she is
3040s reborn and will live on here now able to
3043s defend herself with our Far East dying
3046s screams sorry I'm new the game was ended
3048s and the business of starting life again
3050s here in the Exile lands could begin
3054s oh thank you
3057s we got very serious there for a bit but
3059s that was the winner of the fan fiction
3061s contest it's called a crab in long
3063s pigskin which if I'm allowed by the
3067s author we're gonna put up on our dev
3069s vlog and in case you guys want to read
3074s it essentially
3078s all right I just need more gain on the
3083s mic I hope you liked it I hope my
3085s reading was fine do ASMR eating's we'll
3088s see maybe sometime in the future okay so
3091s we're gonna jump now from fanfiction to
3096s the fan art
3099s will it be extreme to address bug issues
3101s being this for the DLC on Arcana pets
3104s I'm not sure what you mean but as
3108s mentioned we are aware of some of the
3112s bugs that were introduced in the DLC and
3113s we are going to fix them the pet system
3117s hopefully will be able to do a stream of
3119s that like actually show you guys stuff
3121s next week
3124s all right so I'm gonna turn the
3128s slideshow off and I'm going to show you
3133s guys the winner like we
3138s we did a vote among the among the
3142s developers which you know we sort of had
3147s to do because we wanted to reach some
3148s sort of wanted to reach some sort of not
3153s conclusion but we we wanted to agree on
3155s what the final winner should be so all
3158s the developers voted and then the
3161s community team did some discussion
3164s discussing amongst themselves and so
3167s without further ado I wish I have I kept
3169s thing animation I don't so I'm just
3171s going to turn the thing on the winner of
3173s the fan art competition which is this
3177s amazing entry by a guy called Nick
3181s showcasing a young darf re cannibal
3184s trying to stare down at least three
3185s crocodiles I think the details and this
3189s stuff is truly amazing the way the
3193s different camp the way the different
3194s crocodiles look the way he's shaded
3196s everything the background images of like
3199s the broken curse wall for example the
3202s dragon spine mountains back there for
3204s example the the water skin on the ground
3207s like the more you look at this thing
3210s the more you like the more detail we
3213s were able to pick out of like what's
3215s going on
3217s and it was like it was incredibly
3220s difficult to choose a winner like as you
3222s could see like as we were going through
3223s the slideshow like it was so so hard to
3228s choose a winner but in the end like this
3230s is what we landed on and this is what
3232s the dev team really liked the community
3234s team really liked it and like yeah we we
3237s thought this absolutely deserved to win
3239s so I'm gonna email these guys and if you
3243s haven't seen it already on our dev vlog
3245s like I think Nicole and Annie can link
3246s that and chat and the twitch chat at
3248s least there's a huge just like post with
3253s all the fan art that we got from from
3257s people and
3260s it's it's been it's been a really good
3262s competition to see all the stuff that
3265s you've been able to make all right
3274s so on that bombshell I'm gonna be
3278s signing off because it's six o'clock and
3281s I stuff to do I'm sorry that we weren't
3285s able to show like anything like huge and
3287s substantial but hopefully like you guys
3288s enjoyed seeing what the the new DLC it's
3292s all about hope you guys enjoyed hearing
3295s me read some fanart hopefully you guys
3297s enjoyed reading some fanfiction I mean
3299s hopefully you saw enjoyed seeing all the
3302s fan art I absolutely loved hosting that
3306s competition and being able to judge it
3307s was really amazing and yeah thank you
3310s guys for watching of course and thank
3313s you to Andy and Nicole for hanging
3315s around the chat thank you to scooper for
3317s hanging around in the chat I believe
3320s that Nicole may have chosen a person
3326s that we can rate as we're signing this
3329s thing off can I get a can I get a thumbs
3331s up for from the : chat please we're just
3334s gonna yeah she does all right so I'm
3337s just gonna have her do the thing I think
3340s she knows how to activate the the raid
3342s function right hopefully it's just
3350s and yeah she knows what to do alright so
3353s I'm gonna be signing off and that Nicole
3356s is gonna activate the raid so just you
3360s know tell them tell them fun calm sent
3362s you and tell them that we love them we
3364s appreciate them and yeah I get the key
3368s word is fun comm raid you know so the
3370s countdown is going I'm gonna sign off
3372s and we'll see you guys hopefully in a
3375s week and we'll have some more stuff for
3378s you alright stay beautiful bye
3389s you