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almost 4 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Hey all, we're collecting some feedback and data on why, in some cases, followers aren't following or reacting to commands. If you could tell me what platform you're on as well as if there are certain locations or conditions this appears to be occurring, that'd be very helpful! Thank you!

almost 4 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Originally posted by stchurch

Having them follow u now is like pulling teeth I’m always stopping to see if they’re still there or if they got hung up on a tree or a slightly large pebble... or even floating in the ground somewhere. And I don’t care what u set them on they almost never attack when u want them too

Hey there, have you noticed if there are any certain conditions, locations, or anything when they don't listen to your commands? Or just random? And what platform are you on?

almost 4 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Originally posted by fitzswim10

I finally got some friends to join me in this game I’ve loved so much and they have all quit due to the immersion breaking bugs. I can’t blame them. This game is so awesome until something glitches and ruins hours of work. Plz fix funcom. I also have bought all the dlc’s and a few copies of the game for said friends. Feels bad man.

What platform are you on? Sorry to hear that you and your friends experienced these bugs. We are actively reading feedback and bug reports and trying to gather as much info as possible to see the causes. And in regards to followers, any info you can get us on that would be awesome.

almost 4 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Originally posted by BountyHunter115

Also they barely react or respond to the new command system

Hiya, asking others in here as well but what platform are you experiencing this on? And have you noticed any particular locations they won't listen to commands in? Or any certain conditions it's under? Or just seemingly random? Thank you!

almost 4 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Originally posted by rikkert22

Is this reply for real. Sometimes i wonder if anyone at funcom players there own game. But to get back at your question play on a ps4 and its everyware most of the times they walk up to an npc get out there weapon.... And do nothing

Asking for more information and getting as much feedback as possible is vital to getting a better understanding of the bug. In some cases, not everyone experiences the same bug in the same way. Personally, I play on PC. So yeah, if you're on PS4 or Xbox I'd like to know if you are also experiencing it.