over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s oh there we go
4s turn up there's always something people
12s paid good money for well they didn't pay
13s for this but hello three off to a great
19s start
20s welcome everyone it's Friday
23s there's the chat that was the wrong
25s thing but yeah hello
27s here's the chat there's the chat here's
29s us I'm in Sainik it's Friday it's five
35s o'clock you know what that means yeah
40s he's drinking with you no I don't like
42s I'm using the beer o'clock yeah because
45s we are nothing if not unprofessional
47s when it comes to this particular stream
50s so it is the unsetting and Natasha power
53s hour and we focus stream because it's
60s been a while since we've done that yes
62s so awake yes we are both awake more or
68s less this beer might make me sleepy
72s we'll see yeah we're gonna do a bit of a
75s community focus because it's been a
76s while since we did that and you guys you
79s know you make some cool stuff you make
81s some cool mods you do really cool screen
83s shots really cool builds and so that's
86s some of the stuff that we're gonna go
86s through today we're also going to recap
90s a bit what we've been doing since the
91s last dream it's been two weeks so stuffs
93s happened but for still happening well
96s we're sitting here people are working
98s general direction beyond the camera and
102s in between we're gonna do some giveaways
105s we're gonna give away some keys some DLC
107s keys both the Imperial East and the
110s jewel of the West because we figured you
113s know we want to we want to give
114s something back to people so I heard you
119s guys like Aniki online what we do do we
122s they do I mean some people I do yeah I
126s haven't played it alright so
130s since last dream which was two weeks ago
132s we've hoped fix Xbox we've finally got
136s the ps4 a priority patch out we did a
139s ps4 hope fix on a Saturday even so don't
142s say we don't give you anything that's
146s yeah let's motor that's not a challenge
148s by the way people are working hard yes
153s we also did a test live update on Friday
155s which I am going to be linking in the
159s various chats right about now - I'm just
164s gonna the real because we patch test
170s live two weeks ago at the end of the
173s stream with Oscar and myself yeah and
175s that was some will you call it
179s preliminary numbers it was a preliminary
182s build with pets with the new dungeon and
185s with combat animations but some of the
188s some of the numbers some of the
189s mechanics weren't balanced properly so
194s troll feeding need a lot of food and I
198s needed a lot of you know you need a
201s little time to to raise your pets etc
205s people gave us a lot of feedback both
207s positive and negative and most of it
210s constructive like almost all of it
214s constructive and so last week we did
216s another patch to balance out those
217s numbers and we want to give a big shout
219s out to everyone who's been helping us
220s out on test live with bug reports with
224s feedback yeah basically everything it's
227s been really really good yes
229s and it's yeah
232s Gabriel Hicks are we getting another
234s test like patch today I can't say for
237s sure we've been making a build and we've
239s been preparing stuff but maybe it'll be
243s today maybe it's in testing right now so
246s hopefully I mean I'd be prepared to
249s patch notes to go over those so you
251s might come out today or tomorrow with
253s some additional changes updates
255s balancing for the test live shows
258s mechanics
258s Oh keep an eye out for that yes there's
261s some stuff is happening stuff is
264s happening and for those of you asking
266s when pets new combat midnight grow all
270s that stuff is coming to light it's still
272s going to be a few more weeks we I can't
276s give you a specific date because we
277s haven't really set one yet so at the
279s time it's going to be one of those when
282s it's done sort of things we just really
284s want to be sure that we have a little
286s feedback from your sides that we can do
288s the balancing correctly that we do the
290s mechanics like you know we're working
292s together in this like the community and
294s us is a deaf team so we really it's
297s important to us that we get that right
298s yeah I'm like at this point there's no
301s reason for us to rush that now
306s especially since includes also like
308s fixes and and things to exact their
311s buggies shoes yeah and so yeah there's
315s there's the stuff that needs to need to
318s be done and of course we are also using
321s the housefly servers as a sort of stress
323s test from time to time so people are
326s asking why we haven't been you know
328s restarting the best life service that is
330s it because it like test life is a
332s testing bed or more than just bugs more
335s than getting some performance things and
338s also using haven't actually started a
339s nice life service in between this patch
340s yeah we are very aware of it so we've
342s seen your comments on the forums discuss
344s it internally as well so we will
347s definitely also restart if you over
348s something like okay this is getting
350s really unplayable now and things but
351s important thing an important takeaway
353s from this is that we are also taking
356s data away from or like performance data
359s as well which is important to us so yeah
361s I mean it's a pesto around and as we've
364s said in the in the statement that we put
367s out last week and also in the thread
369s that we put up with the test my passion
372s was like our intention with pets and
375s fall feeding and all that kind of stuff
376s it's not to add more grind to the game
379s because there's enough grind as it is
382s but it's we need we need to add stuff
385s that you know complements everything
387s else in the game and so yeah right now
389s for example you only need your trolls to
391s be fed
392s once a week and then you can leave them
394s seven days until you can you have to
396s feed them again same your pets etc and
398s we're gonna keep like tweaking and
399s balancing those numbers as as stuff goes
402s along basically okay what else we don't
405s we have launched Conan exiles or Conan
408s outcasts in Japan which i think is
411s really cool like physically on a ps4
413s disc which i think is really cool
414s shout out to Spike Chunsoft editor for
418s helping us with localization publishing
421s everything that needs to be done until I
423s bring it to the the Japanese market the
426s Japanese community yeah that's been
428s really good we can officially say that
430s we're big in Japan which I have a fan of
433s on ps4 yes they they play ps4 and they
439s play well they play something that was
444s fun really cool shout out the spike and
447s greetings back to Russia
448s hello Russians here all over all the
451s Russia is here cobra 19 are you
453s greetings from Russia
454s hello all right corner casts yes
462s also you've gone to games come I've been
465s to games come yes and this is a bit of a
467s switch we're gonna get back to cotton XL
469s stuff later but for those who not in it
471s for those of you not in the note we're
474s also working on publishing a game called
477s Newton here zero road to Eden which is
480s being made by a lovely bunch of people
482s down in Sweden in Malta it is a game
487s based on a Swedish pen and paper
488s RPG called mutineer zero and it is
492s basically a it is a tactical adventure
496s game in which you explore a map and when
498s you go into combat
499s it is a tactical turn-based XCOM like
501s game and we demoed this for european
505s journalist will you download it yeah
506s well European journalists and that get
508s all the bit ladies the developers of the
510s game actually their motive six stations
514s it was super amazing I mean I think the
516s the reception was really great you don't
517s really love this
519s and as you mention it's a tactical
520s adventure so it does have XCOM playstyle
523s obviously the tactical part but it was a
525s free exploration which is really cool
526s and stealth so it's very different
528s because you go from like free roaming
530s exploration to the technical part of
532s XCOM but I also have like you can take
534s out enemies like one by one just I
537s really love and you had all of events
539s you are the IGN live show Richard just
542s so honest cream yeah stop taking a
545s better picture here mark looks very
546s tired on that one
547s I'm liking Holly too like the producer
550s and the senior of the bit lazy so we're
552s there to talk about you and they had a
553s live stream it just really cool and yeah
557s we're showing you the price which was
558s pretty pretty satisfied with that was
561s I'm really happy about it really excited
562s to it will be released on the 4th of
565s December yes it was simultaneously
569s peaceful and I was I was actually I've
573s never played a tactical game before yeah
575s I've never played X come before either
576s like I played maybe five minutes and I
578s was like it's kind of not my genre but
580s here I'm a convert I'm really I love the
582s hope I really love this that's how it
584s should be yeah yeah you see here the
587s actual skill systems you know like coins
590s that you can distribute writing is
591s really funny yeah and yeah like items
593s for you actually see those of course you
595s can equip different or murder stuff that
597s you see on the characters I mean who
599s doesn't love it doc dude a freakin
600s crossbow it is if you want to actually I
605s always give that department the boar
608s right yeah so we go also got nominations
612s and awards we got best of game comm
615s games come from window central and we go
617s to two nominees my nations from Team
621s comminute and a game especially most are
622s really awesome best okay but what was
626s really fun to see some of you to say
627s hello I don't know if you're in chat if
629s she were a games come say hello hello to
630s you guys
631s I was really fun I wish I had more time
633s to actually visit the show floor and say
635s hello to people but yeah it's kind of
637s pulled up in the business area with the
639s press no we just fun too of course but
641s it's also nice to say was it amusing
643s also Xavier woods stop
646s Xavier woods this is the second time
649s that he's played mutineer 0 because
651s mutineer 0 the times we've been demoing
653s at both an e3 and at Gamescom it was he
657s was difficult like I think it Gamescom
659s only three journalists managed to get
662s through it and then okay yeah and then
664s Xavier woods he didn't like he wasn't
668s able to win at b3 so we came back to
669s Gamescom too didn't he
676s that's really good shoutout to Z to
681s Xavier woods or Austin his real name is
684s Austin Creed yeah and his stage name is
686s avery name is Xavier yes okay so
689s shout-out to Halston Creed's Creed he
692s seems like a really cool dude and he has
696s an awesome Zelda tattoo you guys can see
698s there's another one too has several
700s other two actually nice yeah
702s so of course everyone I love his shirt
705s his Golden Girls shirt it's amazing
707s and so everyone I got to play people
709s took a bunch of selfies with them and
711s this is I think at the end of games Cole
714s when you were you know wrapping
716s everything up wrapping up that's a wrap
718s it was really great that's a mark and
720s Holly Morgan's the producer to the left
722s relays and Holly to see you little AC
726s ladies are not at all you're gonna be
730s late I am so now now the intro works
734s because I turned it on I forgot to turn
735s it off again alright now it's all that's
737s done too but yeah anyway that was mutant
741s near Sarah which was really great yeah
742s like six stations and fully booked
743s meetings and everything and the press
745s was really really excited about it
746s that's really cool
747s yes so going back to Conan mmm purge
751s system in like several session so even
755s if we might not answer things
756s immediately we write them down
759s like my little notepad guys so for the
763s power system um it does work it just as
768s we said before it doesn't work as
769s intended because it is actually a chance
772s system because once your parameter is
774s full it doesn't mean that you get a
777s perch it you're not you know 100%
779s guarantee yeah so it means you you're
781s getting into the pool of all the food
784s perch meters basically and then there's
785s several values and and things take into
789s consideration for the system to actually
790s pick you up or perch and we know there's
794s several issues with the perch right now
795s there's the issue of where can the per
798s spawn if if a structures getting picked
801s so for example if you build it like
803s super anti perch like on top of water or
805s on the side of the mountain it might be
807s super difficult for the person actually
809s find a place to spawn and attack you
811s that's when you actually see the whole
814s perch is starting and it gets like
816s finished immediately as well that's most
818s in most cases that's one of the reasons
820s yeah there's a lot a lot of other things
822s that are not properly working including
824s which clients are getting picked them if
827s a client just got a perch it should kind
828s of get down prioritize and things like
830s that as well as values involved in this
832s we do have several fixes internally
836s already and people are working on it and
839s we should have something for tests like
841s quite soon I'm not laughing at you it's
847s because John John NS wrote the perch
849s pics or it didn't happen also saw
857s someone asking about offline purchase
859s that is intended that has happened to me
861s as long as there's someone meets it on
863s the server and your perch meter is full
866s and you log off you can still get
868s attacked yes
869s I've logged back office on a private
871s server like three times and have half my
873s house just completely bulldozed and I
876s was on one of the official servers just
878s two days ago and found like a huge like
881s base that it built between like two like
883s cliffs mm-hmm and it was under attack
886s waves Wow there was no one there yeah I
889s know so so that happened
892s don't have it's a feature that is
893s actually of the pocket yeah but yeah
896s we're aware that you guys are very
897s frustrated with that that you're waiting
899s for this that you've been waiting for a
900s while so that's the reason we have been
903s pushing for it as well and and it is it
906s is high-priority it's just not as
908s straightforward to fix it's not just
909s changing a few numbers it's a very
911s complex system so bear with us in that
913s regard but we are working on it and
915s there are improvements right around the
918s corner
919s yes okay
924s no I didn't have anything else all right
935s let's jump back into this view oh it's
939s working now
939s yes fantastic so community spotlights as
943s this is so we want to show of some of
946s the cool shit that people make and so
948s this was sent to us on twitter by Mr Al
952s Baptiste I'm gonna link to his Twitter
955s feed see here copy that yeah he said a
959s lot of screen basically built a giant
965s Coliseum with the aquilonia PLC building
968s Mises which we think looks really really
970s nice
970s and of course tell the logo and building
973s pieces I don't know if that was intended
975s don't think so but if you keep your eyes
978s open like the Zelda logo is everywhere
982s it's on skis it's on it's on Earth's
987s movers God why am I get out more TV oh
991s yes it's all about everything so we we
997s sort of incorporated it here because
998s it's a nice so much cool shape no less
1001s them I just think this is a really
1004s cool-looking build because it's like a
1006s mint on the inside very nice and
1008s intimate well from the outside it looks
1010s really yeah exactly
1012s yeah I also have to say that I
1014s personally that's just my taste that's
1016s not like to say it's not absolutely
1019s beautifully done
1020s I don't bless you like the
1023s kind of cold sterile approaches that
1026s colognian architecture this is how we
1028s taste that's not anything against our
1029s team I think they did a fantastic job
1030s it's just I kind of like the vaquita
1033s better yeah but this building is so
1036s amazing I just feel like how he used the
1038s different pieces it's it's not as blocky
1041s as you see most buildings because I
1043s would build for example I think it's so
1045s creative and it's open and it's like
1046s lots of pillars and areas it can looks
1049s it like here it's just absolutely so
1051s beautiful it's really great I was at the
1054s ceiling how he how he like actually
1056s structured and mint patterns in the
1057s ceiling yeah because it's like so much
1059s attention to detail which just blows my
1061s mind
1062s because sometimes when you build and
1063s suddenly you realize oh I need more I
1066s need more stability I need to put pillar
1068s somewhere how do I make this look good
1070s but in this stuff it looks like like
1072s everything looks like it has a purpose
1074s it looks like it has excites chosen
1077s place made by made by an architect so
1080s yeah so we we think this is really
1084s really good-looking and like this guy
1085s sitting on this throne sort of looks
1087s like someone from Assassin's Creed
1088s because it's dressed in all white I
1089s don't know if that was intended or not
1091s but it's really really cool
1093s I like the detail with the torches on
1096s the pillars for example are we decorated
1099s with decorative planters I'm such a
1103s sucker for little things like that but I
1105s build as well I like a little planters
1107s there and have like flower beds it's
1109s opposite all that also like at the top
1111s there if you see it older like the areas
1113s where people would say probably like
1115s lots of plants so much attention to each
1118s other
1119s it's really really good so but again I
1121s mean that the art is absolutely
1123s fantastic by the work by our teammate oh
1125s yeah yeah absolutely fantastic I mean
1128s they're they've been so beautiful
1130s especially like the close-ups with all
1132s the details on the bedroom I'm gonna
1134s like this Twitter feed one more time you
1136s can find it in both the mixer chat and
1138s in the Twitter chat and yeah I think
1142s this is a really cool build and before
1145s we do anything else I think we're gonna
1150s do what she said because I'm feeling
1158s generous and so unfortunately this yeah
1162s I'm just feeling generous
1163s I'm not feeling generous at all no she's
1165s been well I technically should be the
1168s one who shouldn't be feeling generous
1169s because I've been on Twitter all day
1173s maybe we're not talking about that yet
1176s maybe really big image and materials no
1179s combat no comment what jail materials Oh
1182s large windows that is definitely an idea
1184s or you know maybe something it looks
1187s like it can defend against Raiders I'm
1193s gonna push a button on my thing here
1196s hopefully that will work mm-hmm maybe
1200s yes if you're in twitch chat you can
1206s just type exclamation point raffle this
1208s is only for twitch unfortunately and
1210s it's not for mixer I'm very sorry about
1213s yeah we still have to find them ways for
1214s you to do that easier now chat is just
1217s gonna die because there's so much stuff
1219s going on here and it's actually people
1222s checked oh my god yeah thunders of
1224s people are my son Barry hello my little
1226s bear yes and then pool is there told us
1228s how you're honest you know people we
1231s recognize from everywhere I'm sorry -
1236s mixer for for the mixer audience please
1239s forgive carbuncle says they forgive
1241s they'll find a way I will find a way the
1243s thing is and I'm not saying this to - no
1247s this mixer because mixer is an amazing
1249s platform like Microsoft
1250s an amazing job with it it's tricky it's
1253s difficult to get in touch with people on
1255s mixer there's like no easy tools to use
1258s like there's this - yeah exactly
1261s um twice you can just whisper to someone
1262s you can send them a DM it's it is more
1265s difficult to do that on mixer
1266s unfortunately and we were like life will
1269s find a way at one point but you know
1271s sometimes someone wins something and
1273s then they leave the endless streams you
1274s can't get it all right so yeah I like
1278s again the the : DLC is really amazing
1282s the art is really great it's just I just
1285s mentioned because I'm I'm I like Asian
1287s interiors and Asian short buildings
1290s that's the only reason I said I kind of
1291s prefer that one yeah we could make a
1293s poll to see who who likes I call any
1296s better I can make one for the so I'm
1304s gonna close it it has been closed no
1308s more entries no more entries then so
1315s what should this one be for should be
1316s for in peer least or do little bit well
1319s I would say they could choose like I
1321s mean the choose which you cannot format
1323s it which platform because yeah we have
1326s keys for PC for ps4 and for Xbox for
1330s both DLCs so once we draw an actual
1334s winner then we can just ask them hey we
1336s want and then what do you want the
1342s winner is marks oh nice one thank you
1348s for following us it is not rigged ricked
1355s rigged I said I'm gonna just mark that
1358s down mark
1364s so marks marks the Cylon if you're
1366s watching we're listening maybe you have
1369s this on a second monitor why are you
1370s doing stuff
1370s Congrats just DMS and then you can you
1376s know tell us tell us what platform is fu
1379s so yeah
1383s Oh some more stuff Erikson realized how
1386s much of these deals he's gonna cost the
1387s dlcs cost $10 right now and any future
1391s DLC we do is as far as I know also going
1394s to cost $10 right yeah at least that's
1398s what I'm assuming because I don't think
1399s we're gonna and all of it it's gonna be
1404s you know outfits maybe some extra weapon
1407s types and although it's gonna be
1409s inspired by fired by things from my
1414s barrio yeah yeah yeah where can I get
1418s the corn eggs that's always tea for free
1420s you can't right yeah and those are
1424s people asking about that because it is
1426s amazing it is it is very absolutely love
1429s it and I think people just are old lame
1431s to think people just like free stuff I
1433s like that's the reason we give it my
1436s DLCs because we know people like me
1437s stuff expect me to do beers our Conan
1441s DLC hard choice I mean if you can only
1443s afford two beers or DLC it's a beer but
1447s I think most appear $5 Norway Norway
1450s yeah that's true like if if that is your
1454s choice then I think you might need to
1455s look at your finances not everyone is a
1468s privileged white person from Norman
1470s exactly zigzaggy unfortunately we can't
1473s give you any insight info on the
1474s potential Xbox sale if we can raffle
1479s this beer no you can't rap on my beer no
1483s give me that
1486s no no someone made a good suggestion by
1491s half a beer half a DLC or just wasn't a
1494s deal see you anyway
1495s so we're gonna switch it up another cool
1500s little construction that I was sent on
1502s Twitter this is just three pictures so
1503s they're gonna loop a bit please don't
1505s tell your wife I don't do that that's
1508s not okay he's like Geoffrey didn't work
1515s and he plans to make Conan's
1517s land Hills or DLC sword DLC item I mean
1520s technically already DLC but we're not
1522s gonna sell it because I'm assuming that
1524s is what you're asking us we don't plan
1525s on new some constant getting timing well
1529s the thing is like right now it's on test
1531s life which is only PC but once it will
1534s be released it will be really
1535s simultaneously on all platforms so as
1538s close together as possible obviously
1539s keeping certification for the consoles
1541s in mind but when it comes many girls
1544s life it will be going life or as close
1546s as possible for all that boxes yeah I
1551s really like this build here because it
1553s it's apparently 100% mirrored like it's
1557s so she's a metric all just split down
1558s the middle and it's you know protected
1561s this person from a lot of different
1563s different attacks and different rates so
1566s I just thought it looked really cool
1568s especially with night with the 3 god
1571s bubbles yeah it's very symmetrical which
1574s I think I like I think I'm gonna I think
1579s this is well yeah I do yeah do you so
1583s prepared oh yeah always
1585s Oh marks asylum i just checked i have
1589s both dlc so you want to pick someone
1590s else time we find my me i think what
1593s we're gonna do is i mean we could just
1599s do another raffle
1600s I mean I can choose I mean you can also
1602s reduce you you can you can choose if you
1605s want to give you the weight I don't know
1606s into a friends or if you really would
1608s like us to re ruffle again it's totally
1610s up to you yeah that's super nice it is
1612s in your hands but very that's very cool
1614s yeah you know this was taken on ps4 as
1618s you can see oh but it's you know I think
1621s really really cool it looks like moons
1625s are something in the background there
1626s with those girls
1627s I really like the pillars of light
1629s coming down from the
1630s the gold altars it's really cool there's
1633s a lot of really exactly
1637s alright next up is something that was
1641s sent to us from let's see whose name is
1643s eclectic zero six so he he's basically
1648s taken this like Roman Baths idea that we
1652s sort of introduced with the aquilonian
1654s you'll see understand with it basically
1657s see I'm fine
1664s [Music]
1666s all right that's so smart this
1669s well-liked just building the water so
1670s he'd actually just like sweep the
1672s buildings and yeah so he's calling this
1675s the temple of the gods and so he's made
1677s sort of like a sort of arrest the
1681s relaxation area I guess it's a spa oh
1683s and she's in chat I'm sorry for
1686s misgendering you but I like many people
1689s I usually go to the male gender when I
1691s don't know who's honest like trying to
1693s work on that but yeah exacting it's a
1695s she not a he
1697s my apologies but yeah this is and of
1699s course she she also made this like
1701s little oasis area which is a different
1704s build but I also want to include because
1707s it's a Roman spa I love it I love it
1710s yeah and so all of this has just been
1712s pulled from it's been pulled from
1713s twitter twitter it's been pulled from
1714s our forums just ready a bunch of
1717s different stuff so there's a subreddit
1719s called I think it's Conan Conan Conan
1721s belts yes there is a there's a category
1727s on our forum called fan works I want to
1731s say where some of the stuff is pulled
1733s from and all those this is specifically
1735s from from Twitter
1738s so this is really really good yeah it is
1740s open again I love that like using just
1743s or equate something like that that's
1744s open ice and it's just it's really good
1748s screenshots I say like it's you don't
1751s appreciate screenshots enough we need to
1754s celebrate it uh yeah yeah we like this
1757s alright keep talking / : bills
1769s I mean bills doesn't lose this uh it is
1773s cool I haven't I are you not following
1779s [Music]
1780s I'm not logged in oh right
1786s [Music]
1789s oh the shame : exhales come on
1797s we can do a recap we just dream on the
1799s forums and link some of the things that
1801s we
1806s where is it it's not linked on the side
1809s oh here : base builds there's old common
1812s base builds right
1815s boom there we go yes cuz he said it in
1822s chat Conan base bills there we go it is
1825s way ahead of us so as always in the
1831s forum's what did we ignore you think
1834s there are something I'm totally totally
1836s ignoring you guys on purpose like don't
1839s tell them that they might just try it
1842s goes by really fast you know we're
1844s trying to it does we have a couple
1845s hundred people in chat and there are
1847s certain things that we want to get
1848s through so we're not always able to you
1850s know knowing anyone and everything we
1853s don't mean yeah of course you just wear
1856s it us so there's I mean let's see if I
1858s can actually find person so even though
1861s they talked they might just have
1866s probably repeated what they said
1872s and chance keeps rolling so it's yeah
1875s sorry yeah like looked at glass in the
1878s work so we can have Windows I am no I
1881s don't think so because that's quite it
1884s this was very difficult to actually do
1885s properly no although did I have glass
1890s make the Conan time I I mean you can
1893s make glass orbs last yeah so but there's
1897s nothing in the works right now remember
1899s to bring it up on the station bars for
1902s an M&M yeah alright I'm going to take
1905s some questions from chat any chance to
1906s make : a bit harder and child in for
1907s level 60s we are going to be adding in
1909s more dungeons and something that
1915s something that I'm not allowed to tell
1916s you but is intended for well it is
1921s endgame content we can call it we can
1923s call it that right yeah it is intended
1925s to be my current slight high level like
1927s yeah I think for higher level players so
1929s we're gonna we're gonna keep it at that
1931s you mentioned support sometimes requires
1932s structure post would you guys consider
1934s adding trusses to help in supporting the
1935s angle groups that is a really good idea
1937s I do not believe that is in the works
1940s attached in Florence but positives
1943s suggest an affordance and I mean if
1944s someone says hey we can make that really
1946s quickly we can talk about possible next
1949s DLC or even confirm if there is a DLC
1952s but we will of course as soon as we have
1953s more information on that right now we
1958s all right Kojak writes let's get this
1962s straight two of the major items coming
1963s to the game one mounting system and two
1965s per system first is not happening it
1967s that is a weird sentence I'm gonna see
1969s if I can unpack it there is no mount
1972s system there are no mounts we've said
1974s that a couple of times before but like
1976s tournaments is a pet system which is
1978s like a companion system like trolls but
1981s it is animals but pull you around and
1983s help you out in battle and can generate
1985s resources for you when they're in pet
1987s pets the second thing we talked about
1992s the per system already and we have
1994s people working on it the thing is we
1999s can't just like flip a switch and just
2001s like oh the perch works now it takes
2003s time to realize okay why why is this
2007s happening
2007s likewise event X happening why is event
2011s Y not happening when event X is going on
2014s it's just a very complex system yeah it
2017s is a very complex system and so it takes
2019s the people who are resigned assigned to
2021s debugging that time to figure all that
2025s stuff out and then once they figure that
2027s out they have to figure out how do we
2029s make this work that takes time
2032s well like we know like I will be the
2036s first to admit that sometimes we haven't
2038s addressed things quickly enough I I will
2041s admit that 100% but we are working on
2045s this we have people who are
2048s trying to figure this out it's also like
2051s in it you know it's not the only thing
2053s that we have to prioritize there's also
2055s issues for players on Xbox for example
2058s that we know there's still like
2061s dashboarding issues on Xbox for example
2062s so this like there's a lot of things
2065s that we have to prioritize not just even
2067s though the purge is a really big feature
2069s but you know there's other things that
2070s are a big issue for other players as
2072s well and it's it's a balancing act with
2076s with the limited resources we have with
2078s a relatively small development team but
2081s again it's understandable that it's
2083s frustrating for you guys that you're
2084s working for fixes for this especially if
2086s you have never been purged those people
2088s don't have the research twice already so
2090s it's very it just needs tweaking and
2092s balancing I say just but it's a very
2096s complex system and we are working on it
2098s that's that's a fact and again as I said
2100s there are fix comes a nice life there
2103s yes
2105s I think also funds PACs asked about
2108s permissions for Klan ranks we have yes
2114s there's a recruit rank for vaults and
2117s chests and stuff that will unfortunately
2119s not come to building pieces and stuff
2124s like that but it's on chests or whatever
2126s but unfortunately there won't be Klan
2130s permission ranks for like who can
2131s destroy this building piece who can
2133s dismantle this stuff because it is in
2136s short it is also a complex system to to
2142s create for us and the way we've set up
2143s the building system means that we will
2145s have to it will be completely new
2147s mechanic basically as well like you know
2149s the pet system and things like that yeah
2151s but right now the recruit permission of
2153s the recruit they recruit rank sorry is
2156s meant to lock certain people out of
2159s certain vaults for example because we
2161s have like a special clan so someone has
2163s mentioned their perks their perches are
2165s working so that's that's the thing which
2167s I understand that doesn't help anyone
2169s then didn't actually have approach if
2171s someone says well my perches are working
2173s it just you know it shows that the
2175s system per se is kind of working it's
2178s just not working and as we mentioned
2180s before so we've sorry about that too and
2183s as we can just assure you that it is on
2186s our priority list and it's being work
2187s yeah all right I'm gonna jump further
2191s onto some fanart
2192s which i think was really really cool
2194s nudity warning by the way this was made
2199s by agent Jericho on Twitter which and
2204s also I sort of took a bit of a plunge
2207s into their deviantART
2211s people now I'm linking to them now I'm
2214s linking to their their their Twitter
2216s account on the chats because they've
2218s done a bunch of others like Kona stuff
2220s so I'm going to show two of them
2222s basically there's this one which was on
2223s their deviantART and then this one which
2224s they sent us on Twitter all of it like
2227s inspired by their role-playing server by
2230s the coltan in the game by basically how
2234s they're playing the game and how and who
2235s they're playing it with and I think this
2237s is supposed to be
2238s their characters sort of come to life
2241s and it looks like there the character is
2244s supposed to be a some kind I'm sorry
2248s John for getting fired we're gonna
2250s switch over to something else maybe you
2253s can get your job back now you're sorry
2257s what was your question regarding it was
2260s also for comments yeah but what I mean
2263s what do you mean by that
2264s sure about the new pet system bill that
2266s will be in test life I mean it's still
2267s it's still some tweaks around there it's
2270s both factions it's still some tweaks in
2272s there its bug fixes it's under
2273s construction
2275s yeah we hope it's gonna come out today
2279s tonight it is going to be we are working
2283s on a new build or you haven't already
2285s you better be not true my god today or
2288s tomorrow yeah
2288s there will be some changes I couldn't
2290s expect sorcery before the end of the
2292s year no comment like it is not under
2297s seeing active development like at the
2300s moment so it is very much on the back
2303s burner
2303s and I cannot guarantee that we will add
2306s it at all there's one of those features
2308s that we have said if we find a way to do
2311s it we are going to do it however at the
2317s moment we we can't say like yes it's
2320s happening or no it's not happening like
2321s we're leaning more towards no it's not
2323s happening but it because it's not under
2325s seeing any sort of violence our system
2327s sorcery oh well actually because it
2331s takes it takes a lot of yeah so this I
2339s found on our forums I'm going to link to
2343s that and it was made by we have
2348s mannequins added something suggestion
2350s they still a bit down them mannequins
2353s have been suggested several times over
2356s this was made by a worker on our forums
2360s and he calls it a mountain monastery of
2363s the sleeping dragon so I think he's
2365s basically chosen one of the highest
2366s peaks in the north and just said I'm
2369s gonna build here
2371s it looks really really cool because he's
2373s he's done a great job at sort of like
2375s hugging the mountain sort of I'm just
2377s like okay I have this thing but I have
2379s to build around and so I'm just gonna
2381s build around it and it looked really
2383s great especially with that background
2385s like and the snow and it looks like this
2388s - Patti what's the immature - betty
2390s asleep a Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan -
2393s something something something in Tibet
2394s like that monastery on top of a mountain
2397s in Tibet
2398s I used to mention monks barely
2403s so how is our communities are creative
2406s in this case in this case I'm guessing
2410s that he spawned him all the building
2414s pieces with the admin panel and he flew
2415s around which that's fine yes monka any
2422s new creatures in the pipeline also any
2424s chance of an admin kick up she's not
2425s just been alright K people though there
2433s will be new dungeons with there will be
2437s new creatures with new dungeons oh my
2438s god yeah no I said that in several
2444s newsletters several letters so yes yes
2448s there are very cool very cool I thought
2452s we had a kickoff show on the on the
2458s admin service but I guess we only have
2460s the battle so that is something that I
2462s will is there any chance of getting a
2464s shimmy tennis players player since I was
2467s already a model in the game max not sure
2469s I don't know it's nothing planned but
2471s again please bring it up in a cetacean
2473s forums there's definitely I mean player
2476s Croft will we have to tense a game and
2478s just maybe plenty crossable I'm not sure
2480s how complex that would be actually but
2482s since the model exists
2485s definitely something for the suggestion
2486s forums yes I spoke in three secure one
2489s shows up inside Edie's maybe Joel is
2493s maybe Joel's mouth is writing checks he
2496s can't afford Joel I know you're not
2500s watching the game right now so much
2504s honest wait to hear thank you are
2506s amazing so jess frank if he can destroy
2510s the chest oh that's very true however
2513s the big clan vault is sort of standing
2519s about we have to not you have like on
2521s our suggestion lease that you can set
2524s levels from like aggressive to defensive
2527s or things like that are just following
2529s you
2530s we have that discuss internally so that
2534s is being considered it just depends on
2537s when we have the actual you know
2539s manpower to do that or people assigned
2540s to I'm super come back but it's
2542s definitely our list it's it's being
2544s considered yes and to Alexander great to
2547s asked about seating and stuff like we
2549s are at least Oscar has said that he
2552s wants to go back and like we take a long
2555s look at seating on a whole yeah to me
2559s basically make it more balanced than or
2561s even definitely yeah he's he's
2563s definitely looking into revamping the
2565s siege system and the avatars are gonna
2567s be part of that as well like I'm some
2570s rebalancing and their role and as each
2572s as well so there's definitely org being
2575s down there as well
2578s carbuncles already adding of the
2580s fantastic suggesting sub mixer chats I'm
2583s just kinda Jack against which
2589s integrating mobs into our code is very
2593s it is not as straightforward as it might
2596s seem because we are only working on
2599s different code system and different like
2602s both strings then the motors are that's
2605s also the reason that sometimes if we
2606s need to attach stuff might get broken
2608s and there's a lot of dependencies like
2611s in our system and those dependencies
2613s with the mods as well like even the
2616s motors have their own system
2617s so that's actually even though it might
2619s seem very straightforward it's actually
2621s very tricky to do because we've been
2622s discussing this internally as well with
2625s some of the things but it's just it
2627s would also it would need a tool for or
2631s parity checks in between like which
2633s which build are those mods being you
2636s know coding and we already are in a
2638s different build internally and it's it's
2640s it's very difficult to actually do that
2642s all right even though it seems
2644s straightforward I'm gonna jump ahead the
2647s final segment huh
2653s yes we can do that let's do accuracy
2655s right what happened to the first the
2658s first yes we sort of lost marks the
2662s cylon that I'm DMing with him on twitch
2664s right now
2665s so we're gonna do another raffle more
2673s people we are still monitoring
2675s performance because right now some
2677s people still have performance issues
2679s with 40 people so once we can get that
2681s very stable we're definitely open for
2683s adding more server slots but we want to
2686s make sure that the game is very less
2688s possible first before we like yeah like
2692s we've said this a couple of times
2694s already
2694s yeah if we are able to ensure decent
2699s server performance with an increased
2701s player count we will consider increasing
2704s the amount of this was one of the
2707s reasons that we running performance
2709s tests and test life yes for example
2712s which might of course be a bit hard on
2715s the performance and create lag for you
2717s guys on that's life but you know it's
2719s it's all yeah it's all for a reason but
2721s I know I also do know that there are
2724s certain private servers who have been
2726s able to run the game pretty smoothly at
2729s 70s slots they've also gone in and done
2732s some like back-end work adjustments that
2735s we won't do for various reasons so but
2742s yeah just as I said if we're able to
2744s ensure decent sort of performance then
2746s you know Cobra 19 Roo the game does not
2751s have enough boats of course the
2752s developers did not think about it we did
2754s think about it
2754s but there's not a lot of C in the game
2758s there's some C like I'm over on the
2761s eastern side but you can just swim
2762s through it even though we had like lost
2767s stream we showed an absolutely amazing
2769s boats that player builds oh yeah but
2771s it's stuck there's like yeah of course
2773s but it's like this huge pirate shape
2776s that looks absolutely amazing but yeah
2778s this is one of water trucks people are
2781s unfortunate
2783s had some more rumors we're not going to
2785s be adding more stuff to the map we are
2787s going to be adding additional dungeons
2789s but you know not more maps we need more
2791s fashion fashion fashion though there
2793s might be some fashion fashion fashion
2794s fashion fashion fashion clothes are
2797s awful
2798s can we drink rain and I'll get thirsty
2800s when it rains no because drinking
2802s rainwater is apparently bad for you you
2804s see ya know do you know how much
2807s pollution I don't know if that's words
2809s and I should drink you from some of the
2810s taps
2812s alright I'm gonna draw this raffle
2816s winner is arrow 86 who is following us
2820s congratulations are you going to tag
2830s them right Tourette's
2836s oh I feel like that makes her twitch
2841s chat is eating some of the rich comments
2845s I see like more comments here than I see
2846s em well that's because we right now have
2849s more viewers on Twitch Tunnel mixer
2851s which is mixer is the one that the
2855s majority of people use so that's sort of
2857s how it is we have more viewers on mixer
2860s twitch then the mixer and people on
2862s Twitter are more active than the mixer
2864s chat well I just feel like they're like
2866s eating like me like that that makes
2867s Tiny's eating able to twitch comments
2869s but I feel like it doesn't show
2870s everything that no one should show them
2872s everything as far as I know anyway I
2874s have 36 if I star him in the North
2877s shout-out to the 36 watching as a mixer
2879s we love you
2880s yes absolutely appreciate you I'm gonna
2884s try to see if I can find arrow eighty
2886s six marks the cylon is probably not like
2892s a little anymore
2893s canned especially on the kinder way
2894s Congrats you want right just with the
2902s looks from Stealth roses and getting Zed
2903s has the right bonuses if co-production
2906s actually looks good is nearly impossible
2909s yeah I mean implementing a system where
2912s you could choose your own stats that
2913s would be a completely new system really
2915s and that would mean a lot of new code
2917s and a lot of people having to work on
2920s that yeah absolutely
2921s so yeah if that's being continuous
2924s certainly something way way way down the
2926s line if I Valentin we are not
2931s considering like we are not going to add
2934s the pre-order DLC to any other stores
2938s it's not going to be available for
2939s purchase it is one of those things that
2941s you need to preorder the game in order
2943s to get it it's not something that we're
2945s gonna be adding in so people can buy it
2947s unfortunately like we I know exactly who
2950s this person is they've asked us several
2951s times on Twitter the masses on the
2953s forums like it is it is not one of those
2956s things that is going to be made
2957s available for purchase the trapars sure
2960s thing yes we are aware of that actually
2962s yeah let's do another raffle boom so
2966s thank you for helping moms you say in
2968s first fucking you that they have to go
2969s walking screen speed buddy that looks
2971s wrong with the first
2973s I know months come
2977s I'll tell you guys ardency to get stuff
2979s that round is next so yeah mounts again
2982s I'm on topic Oh
2984s the seating we can't we can't comment on
2987s that on the mom's thing or then we
2989s already do it so mm-hm sorry about that
2991s people really want to win stuff that's
2994s good so you can take will got now again
3002s the test server is as it says a test
3005s server and it's also for us to get data
3008s performance wise so that's on purpose
3012s that we want to a stress test and and
3014s see how far we can push the performance
3016s not how far we can push you guys
3017s obviously that's not that's not the
3020s reason it's not like our intent I'm I
3022s understand you can be frustrating goods
3024s alike but we do collect data performance
3026s wise as well which will hopefully down
3028s the line lead to better performance for
3031s you guys and maybe even eventually to
3033s more slots on the server yes
3035s so that's the reason however he brought
3037s it up internally that it might go over
3041s the pain threshold some time so we we
3044s are looking into them and we keep
3045s monitoring it and continue restarts as
3048s well that's life and we'll have a patch
3050s for test live relatively soon either
3052s today or tomorrow I'm not sure what the
3053s status is right now since we here and
3056s that will of course lead to it thanks
3062s for the patience I don't think anyone
3066s else here that excuse me excuse me sorry
3072s I'm gonna close the raffle news PLC
3077s maybe maybe not we come no news we will
3080s as soon as we know more no news I'm
3087s gonna draw and the winner is a skill boy
3092s or five kilobyte antics thank you so
3095s much for following us on Twitch it
3098s skills are awesome I agree some I
3102s absolutely specially the Queen ones I
3104s like the I like the yellow ones no I
3107s like the orange one aren't there
3109s skittles
3109s have like the worst hoard like the most
3112s horrible flavors like that's jellybeans
3117s like I see the stream a friend of mine
3122s eat them like try those life on stream
3125s and I think she actually was really
3126s close to just having too close to stream
3128s for obvious reasons yeah that's so bad
3131s it's a bad thing
3132s yeah it's not great actually if someone
3134s would if someone would send them you
3137s could try those on those candy will eat
3144s it off stream sure why don't you guys
3150s are saying that people the but you
3152s cavers and doesn't know what the reason
3162s I'm laughing is because that's sentence
3164s made very little sense that's not nice
3168s and it's not nice either but basically
3170s you guys are saying the people that
3171s brought you Commission without knowing
3172s the media was so I don't know what this
3174s means
3175s I'm sorry do you mean that people in the
3178s UK welcome Andy okay have fun unity
3181s don't they they should however you'll
3185s have to make sure if you're in the UK on
3187s the console or in Europe for that matter
3189s on the console make sure that nudity is
3192s set to full both in server settings and
3195s Olympic game settings because those are
3197s two different things and they over like
3199s one will override the other so when it
3201s says partial nudity on the server
3203s settings but full nudity on the game
3205s settings the server settings will
3207s override the game settings so make sure
3210s you check that because that is something
3213s that I only learned of recently
3215s personally that could be that that's the
3218s case for you because you should
3219s definitely have nudity here in the UK
3221s yeah one final thing I wanted to talk
3224s about is this mugged right here then
3226s we're showing right there it's there on
3229s my screen so I'm gonna point through
3231s there this is a mod simply called
3235s limestone buildings and I'm gonna link
3237s to that
3238s the chats because I made a note where it
3242s can be found this is only on PC of
3245s course because it's a steam mod and it's
3248s a PC mod and we don't have console mods
3253s oh it does that the full full yeah yeah
3264s and it is basically just a basically I
3267s mean that's sort of putting it lightly I
3269s guess but it's so it's a recoloring of
3271s every tier of building piece and play
3275s Sable's to make them more you know
3277s sandstone washed
3279s colors and make them you know fit more
3281s in line with the Aquilonia dlc which yes
3286s and i think i think this is a really
3288s cool little thing that this guy's made
3291s and he he wrote on see if I can find
3295s this thing he he wrote on the forums
3297s I believe find it works
3303s please up the thrall limits to have an
3305s actual warm well yeah
3307s here's the thing as fun as that would be
3309s it's like you know people are always
3311s there only you know like lag performance
3314s so that's that's like interconnected
3316s with us many like the more resources you
3318s have on the server or the more resources
3320s the game actually has to load the more
3321s it will like weigh down the performance
3324s yeah so if we would just let everyone
3327s have like a meeting of souls then you
3329s could it's just you couldn't play the
3330s game anymore that's just how it is and
3333s we have to find a good balance between
3334s them like you have like 46 just like max
3338s 40 players on the server and each of
3340s them has like two controls or even two
3342s like 200 it's just and then you have
3344s buildings and all the other NPCs and
3346s stuff in the world to load so yeah
3348s can you manage and that would create a
3350s lot of issues so there's we have to find
3352s a good balance of giving you a fun way
3355s of interacting using throws get that
3356s also but that's the reason we also upped
3359s the hit points and made them stronger as
3361s well so you don't hopefully feel the
3364s need to have like a million thoughts to
3365s actually make them viable yeah so that's
3367s one of the ideas behind
3369s and missiles as well and bring them also
3371s in line with the pets because especially
3373s greater pets are super super powerful
3375s some of them anyway so you won't need
3379s like a million oh yeah this mod was made
3383s by someone who called themselves cones
3385s of multi gun you can also find a link to
3387s it on forums under the fan works
3389s category and he basically did this to
3391s try to learn more about unreal and he
3394s realized that this was a much bigger
3396s project than he first first thought it
3398s would spend about I think 30 to 40 hours
3401s I'm just making this mod and kudos to
3405s him for finishing what he started
3406s because not a lot of people do that
3409s unfortunately but I just wanted because
3412s I thought it'd look really nice and the
3414s lighting is really cool and it's a it's
3416s a great effort though you and I like
3419s especially this this picture right here
3420s is really lighting Israel excellent
3423s and it's you know
3426s balance and our two beautiful I'll just
3429s want to be any yes it is not connected
3438s place and just have cool stuff well we
3439s can't comment on any deal of maybe see
3442s DLC just yet but I believe will let you
3446s know as soon as you know the answer
3448s would be maybe okay news on why the
3453s European official PvP servers are down I
3456s did not know that we're down but if they
3459s are we will give them a swift kick in
3460s lib well Jim since the back chance but
3466s you know tried a musicians roles this
3469s has been put this has been brought up
3470s before as well we noted it down I think
3473s it's really cool I love that in Lord of
3474s the Rings Online that was so cool to
3476s have like instruments as well if you
3478s could actually play like as a fire we
3480s have it on the list
3481s it might get a look bad and discuss but
3485s again it's very love that love that
3486s probability by now but we have it
3488s knocked it down
3490s yes it's been we know it's something
3493s people want
3493s yes absolutely absolutely and right all
3500s right think that's it yes I've written
3503s down to bring back to people VoIP and
3506s time permissions so wait I'm gonna
3509s circle that try to bang that drum a bit
3512s more let's do no raffle
3519s yes let's finish on the raffle let's
3521s finish this just jump into twitch okay
3527s so we re raffling marks the Cylons
3531s already won DLC so he's gonna get that
3535s back my cheeks are super red so it's
3536s time to close very very super shiny yeah
3539s I'm always trying to look at look at
3541s this forehead that's alright look at
3543s this you can see the Sun myself
3551s [Music]
3557s alright alright as its filling up better
3562s wind stayed up until 4:00 a.m.
3568s thanks for staying up so late fingers
3569s crossed yeah thanks for getting up
3571s really 4:00 a.m. that means you're that
3576s a lot of our that means are probably in
3577s Australia yeah guessing yeah no wait
3581s yeah yeah okay then you're there many
3584s hours ahead or offers picnic basket too
3588s fun come for a t-shirt yeah this thing
3591s you're pretty
3593s I wore this okay so I wore this last
3596s summer as I was watching the Oslo pride
3600s parade some friends alone ice and I got
3606s some looks which I sort of expected but
3609s it was still fun because I'm like yeah
3611s it's sort of nice sort of it but and now
3615s now Chad's gonna be wondering about my
3618s sexuality they're just super hot I'm
3622s wondering about your sexuality no I'm
3624s not I'm just I'm just joking
3628s I actually I went through my closet the
3631s other day I was like okay which shirt
3632s should I wear to stream I was surprised
3636s you're so low-key today okay anyway are
3641s you losing the raffle let's possible
3643s what's those raffle so people could go
3644s to beds
3645s yes poor Australians and New Zealand is
3650s it on the forums if it's on the farms
3651s for that I think that's what is yes yes
3652s and I am attracted to nerdy t-shirts of
3655s food Carbunkle is 100% right about that
3657s all right let's draw a raffle and it's V
3659s to default who is following us thank you
3661s so much for following us on twitch
3664s congratulations you will be the final
3667s winner of today's raffle yes doesn't
3669s know which DLC you like and those of
3671s each platform and I'm going to orbit so
3674s sorry sorry
3678s we focus dreams we'll always have a few
3680s giveaways some of the dreams to look at
3684s my oh that's a shiny hand look at that
3689s we need the makeup artist in here to
3691s make us look pretty and like less shy
3694s we're all ready I'm gonna feed myself
3700s next you have no shirt no I will always
3708s wear clothes on the street because if I
3713s didn't that would be breaking twitch's
3714s Terms of Service and we don't want that
3716s and maybe even to a to a break twigs
3718s yes yes shirtless yeah I would break
3721s twitch because everyone would get
3723s blinded by how pale I am all right
3726s go right now everyone have a fantastic
3734s Friday have a great weekend yeah we'll
3738s see you in two weeks
3739s yep until then bye
3752s you