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My ears! Oh my poor beloved ears - destroyed by insatiable hyenas, wolves, bears and more. Thank god i dont have to feed them because no matter how much food i dump in that box they remain hungry, but they will NOT shut the hell up! I find myself putting food in the box just to reduce the racket but i literally cant keep on top of it.

Yes yes I may have a few / tons of pets, i put up with them spamming my event log with their hunger, but their constant cries drives me batty!

Please consider removing this - or allowing craftable muzzles!

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over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_JEV - Direct link

Originally posted by jankndrive

I'm more concerned about bases that have poofed due to the people never coming back and all of a sudden you have 20 wolves, some bears, and a rhino standing in noob river that don't seem to ever go away... We have an area near our base that has like 30 plus hyenas that we just started trying to clear out today.. real annoying.

If their owner doesn't log back in to "refresh" them, they'll die automatically after 2 weeks :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_JEV - Direct link

According to one of our programmers it's just a bug. We'll get it fixed :)