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This is simple. There was a huge outcry from the playerbase that people wanted anonymous raiding. All fine and good, I have no qualms with that.

But what about admins trying to enforce server rules and keep public structures up for player use on private servers?

I have the exhausting task of running (and not playing on) a highly modded pvp server. Staff has spent hundreds of hours setting up public areas, quests, arenas etc and now I have no way of knowing if some griefy dickhead decided he was going to nuke something that was for the benefit of the server!

I beseech you, oh grand Lords and Ladies of Funcom! Please allow either a toggling of the chatlog player names, or allow admins to see who has done what!

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over 5 years ago - /u/funcom_kyena - Direct link

We've already made an official statement about this:

We are looking into adding settings for private server admins to set this according to their preference. Additionally, we currently have a poll going to get some input from the community about what they would prefer for the different types of official servers.

The thread about this including the poll can be found here. Please help us by joining the discussion and the voting :)

over 5 years ago - /u/funcom_kyena - Direct link

Originally posted by Marius_The_Mad

Those polls dont address my situation at all. Please read them again.

Please allow either a toggling of the chatlog player names

As I mentioned above, we are discussing a toggle such as you asked for. There might be a danger and abuse opportunity if players cannot verify what an admin claims (ie if admins could track but the same info would not be available to players). We can certainly bring it up for discussion.

I mentioned the polls in case some of the people who answered here would like to vote on what is happening on official servers.

over 5 years ago - /u/funcom_kyena - Direct link

Originally posted by Marius_The_Mad

I emphatically disagree with the assessment that this poses an undue danger for players.

I would appreciate wholeheartedly if you would thoughtfully consider my sentiments and pass them along to any other decision-makers.

Players can decide not to play on servers with admins they don't trust, it happens all the time. But having all logs disabled without the ability to toggle them, or to let admins alone see them unavoidably and undeniably creates a situation where those paying to run servers for the love of your game are completely powerless to enforce the custom rules necessary to facilitate the viability of the content they create.

I understand fully that your first priority is in fine tuning the way that your official servers are running, but in doing so I do believe you've thrown a major wrench into the operation of your community's private server enthusiasts and have specifically invalidated over a thousand hours that my staff team have put into our server.

Sincerest Regards,

Just to understand you right: You feel that adding a toggle for admins of private servers to decide if player names are off or on in the event log to everyone is not enough?

over 5 years ago - /u/funcom_kyena - Direct link

Originally posted by Marius_The_Mad

What? I didn't say that at all.

A toggle would be the perfect solution. If that weren't possible, I would settle for those with admin mode activated being able to see players names in the logs.

Edit. Really. Look at your previous comment where you quote me as as saying "please allow either a toggling of player names," a sentence which ended with "or allow admins to see who has done what"

One more edit: I know I'm coming off as aggravated, and that's because the last couple of days for me have been just as aggravating as I surmise yours have been. Running a Conan server isn't a job for me- its just a passion and a hobby- but I have a bunch of people counting on me to keep the place they love to play your game open for business. I just posted here because I wanted my concerns to be heard and I'm more than certain I'm not the only one that feels this way.

I'm glad to see that something will be done and I'm very appreciative of your conversation with me here. Aside from this one facet of the patch, I'm absolutely thrilled with what's been released and I know my players are too. I really want to convey with everything I've written here, that you do have a dedicated community of teams and individuals providing an alternate way to play your game, at their own cost which certainly (anecdotal, but I've observed it many times in the last handful of months on my server) translates to players getting back into the game, spreading the word, convincing friends to buy copies and purchasing dlc. All in the greater hopes of continued support and longevity of a game I used to love playing, but now love to help others have fun playing.

It is my sincerest hope that in the future, such changes (be they vociferously demanded by the mobs on the forums or not) preserve the abilities of admins to continue creating, maintaining and overseeing the places they passionately add to your product's community.

No worries! I think you misunderstood me or I think I didn't write it well enough. We are already discussing the toggle solution as I mentioned. :)

Mentioning the poll for the private servers was probably confusing.