over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
8s hello hi hello everyone finally live
12s once more it is Friday
14s happy Friday that means chance
24s I think that's doing good I mean the
25s discussion start like way before we even
28s start the stream which I always think is
30s interesting so and your smile
36s salutations billion Bay bowed out
39s drinking on the Chop begin always I mean
43s it is it's Friday it's five o'clock and
47s feel like I'm allowed to drink a little
50s bit like I would name these streams on
53s professional Fridays
54s if giantbomb hadn't done that already I
57s don't want to I don't want to seem
58s unwell more than I am they feel better
69s yeah and also of course shout out to
72s everyone affected by far yes we want to
80s we hope all our friends and colleagues
82s in North Carolina are safe they hope
85s your loved ones are safe Nicole there we
92s go it's it's from the game
95s is from the game sorry yeah
99s shoutout to Nicole and Andy who are
101s probably trying to escape I hope
105s everyone is saying what we're doing guys
106s in Durham and everyone else like of
108s course also yes
112s Nicole is tying herself to a tree at
114s this moment I don't think she is she is
116s just it's just you know hiding in the
118s boss probably yeah exactly would be he
122s won't be hiding in a bathtub oh that's
125s mean that's good that sounds kind of
126s funny but always it's fun
128s rosy stick you are safe I'm in North
130s Carolina good for you
131s please continue staying safe until this
134s horn blows over yeah yeah all right so
138s welcome it's the ascetic and etosha
140s Power Hour
140s much like two weeks ago and I've
148s actually written hello everyone we love
149s you so did you love you people do that
153s you would remember to say that even if
154s we didn't have it noted down no I have
157s to have to write everything yes reminded
160s me love community I do now we do blame
164s the right I hope everyone's had a good
166s week it is relaxing Friday time but
169s might not be that relaxing for sitting
171s that we're doing a dungeon run solo I
175s will have a relaxing time we can just
177s make fun of you and Eric while he's
178s trying to be bossy yeah I should have I
181s should have set up like some I should
182s have set up some sort of command that
184s goes like you'll say dick fails like you
186s say his face yeah every two guys we
191s should like explanation mark fail and
194s then we can like in the end we can count
195s how many times we do that for a few gist
199s right that's counter I have that for
203s when I was when I was actually yeah
206s and he went very high cancer right I'll
211s be also noting done question yes will
214s answer question as we can
216s questions that we can answer yeah if we
219s if I don't think it's not that we ignore
221s sometimes
223s I apologize beforehand if we missed
225s something please don't spam but you can
228s repeat the question um long math asks
231s when is yeah
231s why is the answer Sumerian fashion mole
233s I'm not with thank you I really
234s appreciate that I don't have this
240s everything to be a fashion model but
243s that's right
246s just the last dream we've been busy
250s working on more pet stuff no focus to be
254s fixed numbers to eat weeks and all that
256s kind of stuff so we're still looking at
257s your feedback still looking at your bug
259s reports and yeah all that good stuff and
264s there are I know there is another a
267s slight patch coming I don't think it is
269s coming today due to some build stuff
272s that failed bucks Oh probably next week
276s I believe this one now
282s shouldn't be
283s they've started running a new bill oh
286s really
289s weird only mine that's weird maybe I
291s should pick up a bit more yeah how did
294s my booming wall I don't like we only
296s have that one microphone so I don't know
298s what's what could be wrong with it both
300s of them audio cutting
304s people are annoying you
310s it's like on his phone
314s these are we're faking it we're not
316s taking everything check it yeah baby
320s it's twitch actually since you know
322s Kinect I don't know
325s well the cables are in people are
327s downloading porn maybe this
333s um Russian accent audio and other people
335s were saying that audio is fine something
337s people are maybe was messing with us
341s audio is good stream is lagging
344s that's not much like it could be that
346s it's twitch though because
350s yes it could be so there might like for
354s example Nicole is having Wi-Fi trouble
355s that's one of the reasons why she isn't
356s in chats the other reason is because
358s there's a dangerous hurricane coming so
362s yeah we're we're sorry about the auto
365s issues i far as I know everything should
367s be good at least bad blood
374s [Music]
377s filter is real quick
379s [Music]
384s did change that so I don't know maybe
388s you should just turn more towards the
391s microphone there we're sorry about the
399s auto issues we think everything should
402s be running well but you move it any
404s closer than it might get in the way of
407s the camera you have a video voice I just
411s know how to speak loudly oh yeah I know
414s you do I'm sitting right next to you and
417s the office okay anyway let's go please
419s go
419s alright let's go yeah so there's pet pet
422s stuff we're working on the stuff behind
424s the scenes that were a lot of talk about
425s but things are moving forward on other
428s done just beyond what you're going to
429s see today and rolls are making some
431s plans and roadmap for future updates and
434s events that we want to run brainstorming
437s like I said a square I should have done
440s it and there's one thing that's happened
443s recently that I'm sort of proud of and
446s kind of happy that happened because
447s yesterday we figured out what we figured
450s out we saw but RV's it was your idea
454s it's all her no it was teamwork it was
457s teamwork it was teamwork it was and yes
463s noted restaurants James Arby's which
467s I've never been to this all my us bucket
470s list they did a Twitter hashtag called
472s make my sandwich where people would send
474s in pictures of themselves to have
476s themselves recreated the sandwiches and
478s of course
479s Natasha being the social media genius
481s that she is decided that hey we should
484s send in a picture of Conan and so we did
487s and this was the result
491s cuz they even they even used I don't
494s know what they're I think it's cheese
495s for the necklace there's a lot of like I
498s think it's roast beef for the hair and
500s lettuce and it's just God so so freaking
504s good I really really loved the fact that
506s they did that flea back the for time
509s thing for PvP should have started
511s already well it's like this morning so
513s when your server when your server
515s restarts it
517s should actually have to change this and
518s they improved for time so thank you
521s Arby's for making a sandwich guys I'm
524s not sure how much of the meat is
526s actually leads like last time I checked
527s meat should be on the inside the outside
530s but like maybe you can just like take
532s his face up and put all the hair in and
535s then but at least I have proper beef now
540s oh yeah well that kind of Kona beef
543s Conan does love his cheese when will
548s they have the unexciting version of the
549s Arby's sandwich never I think so I don't
552s know man if the entire equation of the
554s Arby's sandwich yeah I don't know I'll
557s send in my picture I guess and see what
559s happens
560s I wonder what I'm gonna do for my beard
561s which is right it is an open-faced
565s sandwich mmm Tom we'll get back to
568s information I know that it down
571s all right so the midnight grow let's
575s talk about the made micro I'm just gonna
578s connect to the server and you're not
579s gonna not gonna see that you're just
583s gonna wait for the game to load I'm just
585s gonna sit here and waste some time by
587s talking like we do maybe I only know
592s really horrible jokes so I'm not a bad
597s joke we should we should ask Chet tell
599s us a joke right so here we are in the
603s Exile Lance I'm gonna be playing with a
604s controller because I prefer playing with
606s a controller when I'm but I'm you know
608s running around and doing cool action
610s notes building when you're fighting
612s exactly I'm playing on an online server
615s and playing on one of our internal
617s servers so there's no there's no danger
621s of any of you just coming in and just
624s wrecking my shit we know what are you
627s going we know we know how you think
628s we've done this before and we had a
631s person we had a person calling himself
632s stream sniper so yeah anyway the main
637s microbe it is a new PvE dungeon that
639s we're rolling out with the pets updates
642s it is where you learn the new Javel song
645s religion which is also coming out with
646s your pets update and it is also where
648s you find che blue which is something you
652s use to create special types of food that
655s will give you a greater pet space
667s it's fine it's fine all right
672s so I'm gonna turn off eating so I don't
675s deal with any of that but eternal god
679s mode just in case all right so the to
685s get to them in my Grove you need special
690s potion which will send you into your
693s going and in order to get this portion
696s you need to talk to the child of general
697s SOG who might be located somewhere
702s around here we've already done that in
705s this version of the game by the way if
707s you haven't seen it already our new map
710s now features a nice grid pattern you can
713s use to more easily find each other
716s zoom in quite a bit you might to about
722s here you'll see most of the grid pattern
725s I think this is really good going on
727s we've written down your question and
729s yeah we I'm writing down question yes
731s I'm not sure if we can answer that
734s question immediately but we're gonna
735s take some of them back to the dev team
736s and then I think maybe we can what we
739s can do is I can take these questions
741s back to 13 then beep enter them we can
744s do that too or we do it we want to do
747s recaps in the forum's anyway you want to
748s start up I wanna do that again that we
751s recap and then we might actually cover
753s some questions at least recover them as
755s well if you don't demonstrate why is
757s there an empty spot in the top right
759s because we didn't add anything there
760s that is the reason 100 percent all right
764s so to crap the special potion you need
769s to learn the recipe for it but of course
771s you go to your fireball cauldron or your
774s advanced fire :
775s and you crack the portion of midnight
777s which server sweetie
782s sneaky bastard and just thank you I
790s decided to go for the the aquilonian
795s infantry armor because you know dude
797s although s was our most recent DLC I was
799s like oh we don't know we do we do we do
802s we do yes we are going to do some key
805s giveaways it's gonna be raining raining
808s Kings yes right basically you use the
814s midnight potion and then you're
815s translated transported into the main
816s micro something like this and then I
823s Grove is not only all the things that I
825s described earlier it is also very very
829s dangerous
830s apparently so this is the first time
834s that I'm running through this dungeon
837s because I've never I've never done this
840s before like all of this is available on
841s Tesla now like right now this is all the
843s first it's a world first this is a world
845s first on our streams oh yeah oh yeah
852s sure so if you want to try this then you
855s can do so on the test just go to our
859s forums click on the sub category called
861s test like correct name and then you'd
863s find it you can also travel here with
864s other people as long as they have the as
867s long as they have the potion and then
870s the main goal of running through the
873s main microbe is to reach the end find
876s jebel SOG defeat his champion harvests a
879s champion and then you know asean we know
886s this is actually the latest field so we
888s will when we patch already next week
892s hopefully Monday the responds and the
895s bosses will what you should be right so
903s most of what you will see here are
906s animals but also some followers of
908s genocide
913s I'm probably going to get like asking
916s ask you are you not even slightly
920s [Music]
922s cheating I don't know why these these
927s animals are taking very little damage
929s they are like holy well the thing is
932s this is supposed to be a several month
936s on general form I mean what level are
938s you I'm level 60 so yeah this is going
945s to be an interesting did you spend your
953s perks think so
954s thought I did oh yeah
967s [Laughter]
969s Thunder you did some did Sun of them but
972s they're not oh I'm doing very little
977s damage so this is our star metal weapons
989s this is this is a special brand show
992s you're going on to some of maybe what's
994s actually maybe they change them for a
996s screen okay so five hours later we're
1008s still here watching I need to change to
1015s Allah you know him I'm just gonna do
1016s this you know check some server settings
1019s why do I do that so called the armed
1025s cult alarms keys have yeah the server
1028s settings are old pasta Feist yeah no
1031s worry no wonder see that was former that
1033s what story for marketing purposes for
1035s scream Johnny I would assume so keys
1038s have not been sent out yet there will be
1040s sent out yes very shortly see there we
1050s go oh no wait no much better that was a
1054s weird that was very loud of me okay
1058s then of course general song has his
1060s human followers sort of server settings
1065s were wrong basically yeah it was set to
1067s like player damage 0.1 that's because so
1070s I did a screen that's probably because
1074s someone was saying screenshots alright
1076s and the unlike the dregs which is the
1081s first dungeon that me a math with
1083s the midnight roll is set up to be some
1087s sort of a will at some sort of its
1088s itself to be amazed you
1091s yeah you come to these like sections
1094s here were you to be have to choose which
1097s way you you go and I did get asked out
1100s of Exile camp for that I'm assuming
1101s because it was human enemies nearby and
1103s of course that would be so I haven't run
1110s this before so I'm not really sure where
1111s to go oh I'm just gonna go right see
1114s what happens I'm assuming I'm gonna run
1116s into boars
1116s which she knows how to play the game and
1129s since I'm telling you to beneath things
1134s and getting shelter but from time to
1137s time and the person that's messaging me
1140s on slack which is probably today again
1142s I'm not I have it in my I have my phone
1146s in my pockets I can't really he's
1148s probably he's really trying to tell me
1149s that we need to change things I did
1152s which pick it up and well
1167s sweet it's good just in time well
1170s Sabretooth are shaumbra das who use a
1173s slack we do so thanks Lex it's fine
1179s like a slice flying all right so we've
1187s we've also been doing some new animation
1189s work animals I know the wars will at one
1193s point get like a charge attack in a row
1199s I'm just interfere I know questions I'm
1219s still in it's so pretty oh my god yeah
1224s we have some amazing artists working on
1228s this game that's you might know
1230s following our game my grove would be one
1234s of those things he collapsed
1236s he just gave up my flag leisurely sound
1242s to normal now are people still cutting
1244s out or begging oh Jesus there's another
1249s one
1250s Oh archers
1258s right man nice alright do you have any
1271s questions that we can answer yeah maybe
1273s so let's see um
1275s man I can't read my own handwriting
1277s that's your problem so there's a
1280s question about if we change if the
1285s coming changes with existing bosses I'm
1287s guessing that means well bosses so we
1290s said that before we did kind of like a
1293s band-aid fix like right off to release
1295s okay no because the bosses specifically
1298s the word bosses were way too weak so
1300s what we did was we just improved any
1302s points like very nice we just added tons
1305s of hit points to them to make it harder
1307s to kill them which is of course not
1309s ideal and kind of boring worried about
1311s that so when we started doing this we
1313s already added special attacks to bosses
1316s they have less hit points but they also
1318s do much more damage but there should be
1320s much more fun to play and this is an
1322s ongoing process that we're improving on
1325s like additional all the core mechanics
1328s really so we will be working on the
1330s bosses and hopefully making more
1332s interesting fight more mechanics and
1335s then also includes other of the base
1338s mechanics that we're going back over
1340s there like would you say over the books
1342s to go back we go back oh wait books so
1348s we are looking at a lot of the core
1351s mechanics as one of the main I'm going
1353s forward yes including additional things
1355s you know that explicit searches and
1357s performance and the AI specifically as
1361s well because it was important for the
1362s present system and be very aware of that
1364s so and the you you mean yeah maybe piece
1372s each balancing yes
1374s new boss animations which some of them
1378s have been coming out already but for
1380s like the big world bosses think they
1381s will have facts that they do that we've
1384s hit more people yeah a circle so if
1386s you're a party of people like the
1388s elephants for example will do like a
1390s huge suite pisaq that will hit people in
1392s a semicircle in front of them I think
1394s it's the the Scorpion will like spin
1396s around to like try to push people into
1398s one clump and then sting them so it's
1400s gonna be it's uh there's gotta be more
1404s more stuff coming for voiceover you're
1410s aware that a few of you are asking for
1413s improvements on the voice that it's a
1417s little bit of a question of who we can
1420s have work on it because it's a lot of
1422s work and we we need some more estimates
1424s to be really be able to confirm or or I
1427s mean I know you're actually updating and
1429s unfortunately we can't answer that
1431s question right now
1432s people asking yes this is a new dungeon
1434s this is the mid microbe which is
1436s currently available on test live if you
1438s want to try it out or you can you just
1441s watch me wreck something I was gonna say
1445s get right I am pretty overpowered I
1448s would say and I have some pretty
1450s overpowered gear like I have an armor
1452s value of 515 I'm wearing and using
1455s mostly I'm using late tier he's cheating
1460s is course I am but apparently at some
1463s point I'm parently will it's not a new
1467s biome it's a new dungeon coming out to
1469s finish update with the next video thing
1471s train that's going um paradise options
1474s there is nothing plant really yes I mean
1476s currently in terms of primitive options
1478s I mean if you really adamant about it we
1481s like you guys to maybe open up a
1483s suggestion thread and make it poll and
1485s see how many people's would be
1486s interested in that and there's always an
1488s option that we can look into it but it's
1490s nothing but I was like right
1492s oh there are more more dungeons coming
1502s and then there's soon more enup about
1505s that excited to say I think there's two
1507s more in addition to this and those are
1514s the next one I hoped I would will we be
1529s able to mount pets no no never
1532s unfortunately not no I mean I mean no
1536s bleep ed up thing that's will be pets
1538s they will they will run next to you and
1541s they will help you in there generate
1543s resource for its resources for you and
1552s all this feeling back
1554s yeah pets will generate resources for
1556s you when they're in their pens if they
1557s have enough up to eat and they will they
1561s will help you out when you're running
1562s around and they're falling that is it
1565s Kemp it's night oh yes oh you can they
1570s can start basically or they can be
1572s killed by someone else a fire or they
1582s asking about why all their things mom
1585s getting fixed faster so that's one of
1588s the things that we want to focus on
1590s going forward as well that we are
1592s looking at existing mechanics and you
1595s know look at folks that are like a link
1598s to purchase or the building system and
1600s and linked basically vaccinations are
1603s linked to the core mechanics yeah
1605s so that's one of the things that we're
1606s focusing there is going to be there's
1611s going to be well we focused on it
1614s already but there's going to be an even
1615s greater focus on for example AI stuff
1617s yes optimizations for the servers and
1622s like the reason we haven't patched
1625s live yet is because well we are we're
1629s working on the pets update right and
1630s include it in the pets update our holes
1634s are going to be like fixes for devious
1637s bugs like right now that is what our
1642s right I'm not really sure what I'm going
1647s but I'm hoping I'm going in the right
1648s direction
1649s any plans for PV GDP dungeons or
1652s anything similar of no concrete plans
1654s you know but as mentioned earlier in the
1658s stream we are looking at some things
1660s behind the scenes and you'll get to see
1662s some of its hopefully will you put more
1665s Wars into the game Oh
1666s are there other boards in the game
1668s actually there should be some plan to
1675s end
1676s feel free to can't win the win oh
1679s there's go there you go Oh in the wrong
1681s direction bending into the void right
1684s spinning inside hammer oh I'm dying I
1690s would love that
1694s no no I am really dying oh that was
1700s close - that sounds like something for
1703s anything I'm gonna double check to see
1705s if I'm gonna lose all my stuff and there
1710s was a question about random spawns um I
1714s am actually not sure about that one
1716s that's actually something that I liked
1718s you thank you generally on this you know
1720s more than I do
1721s if what if random spawns are ever gonna
1724s be your topic I do not know but we can
1727s bring that up we can totally check I do
1730s have a feeling that this would cause a
1732s lot of like performance issues because
1735s there's a lot of calculation that would
1737s have been done on the side of her
1738s which I will add to you know it's like
1744s anything that needs to be calculated
1747s real-time majestic the QA is sort of
1751s ongoing we're just answering questions
1754s as people ask them
1755s I saw poor Kotaro I think asked if you
1758s can place a I'd roll down this dungeon
1761s you can't however with the midnight robe
1764s we're rolling out new marginality for a
1767s respawning when you die in a dungeon so
1770s I'm gonna most likely get rekt at some
1773s point this thing and once I do you get
1783s the option to respawn at the dungeon or
1786s respawn back to Desert or respawn back
1787s into your bedroom so then let's say
1789s you're going to a dungeon you realize oh
1791s I don't I'm not good enough for this yet
1794s then you can respawn back or if you go
1796s like no I still have what it takes then
1798s you can spawn back at the beginning of
1800s the dungeon to begin with it's only
1803s going to be in the midnight girl but
1805s we're eventually gonna roll it out roll
1806s out the same functionality for with the
1809s drinks I know and for like any future
1812s dungeon that might come out later will
1815s also happen regarding clone Alliance
1821s system there is nothing planned right
1823s now because that would fit authors for
1826s her find big overhaul of the home how
1829s the system works we try to get you a
1832s little bit he was things like there he
1834s was leader yeah he was bleeding out it's
1836s like some kind of this looks like a boss
1839s arena so I mean we we are trying to add
1844s a little bit like little quality of life
1846s improvements like we did with the
1849s recruitment and full member schipper
1851s clan that you have like two different
1853s settings so enough everyone can access
1854s everything and so we're looking into
1856s those little adjustments that continue
1858s by the clan system or an alliance system
1860s or II would ask for a lot of new coding
1863s so that be something if we consider that
1865s way
1866s way down the line yes big DLC would be
1870s awesome it would be awesome that would
1872s be awesome
1872s it will indeed holy that new creatures
1879s please there will be new creatures well
1881s like with this one for example there is
1883s a new addition of help
1885s we're wolves and we will have with the
1890s updates with the new dungeons there's
1891s like a new creature
1893s absolutely you might get two you might
1896s get to see some of them with the devil
1898s sock religion comes weapons with the
1901s general song religion comes a special
1903s sigil that you can place on the ground
1905s that will then allow you to know like it
1910s will capture an animal send it to devil
1912s song if he's happy enough with the
1914s sacrifice that you give any when he
1916s sends something out for you like for
1918s example a giant werewolf
1920s it will be possible to become a werewolf
1923s but maybe followers of Jebel sog will
1926s get some sort of weapon that maybe maybe
1929s allow them to attack like a werewolf
1932s maybe at some point in the future who
1934s knows
1935s hmm yes any feedback on perch updates
1939s there are several perch updates on past
1941s life right now we will have more going
1943s out with a patch that we patch the test
1946s light I just thought up next week and we
1949s will focus on that going forward
1951s because churches and then owns the AI
1952s that's kind of like our focus when it
1954s comes to the existing core mechanic
1959s right where will their wolf cross
1963s closely who knows if you watch the last
1969s stream with Oscar so go back to our
1978s youtube channel youtube.com slash Funko
1980s you can
1981s we might even share so Jay Brad told me
1989s to heal up before I went into this fight
1993s so far okay we can't comment on sorry
2001s right now like like hell all right all
2005s right
2008s it's crippled the bastard right is my
2016s comeback yeah my stamina wasn't bad is
2028s not good
2032s all right that is not good I'm just
2035s who needs dummy now anyway do this real
2037s quick cuties all those soup it's some
2040s hollow sea urchin of like Patrick oh
2041s yeah shall there be writable pets no no
2048s you just said that didn't we no that's
2052s right yes context I'm actually not sure
2073s do you have any come from there from
2076s here I'm actually not sure about that
2078s I'm not that down to clarify with the
2080s Damned
2081s all right when will the broken walls be
2083s fixed I think it's a big same person
2084s what is already the broken Mouse yes it
2088s should be I think there should be fix
2090s something
2091s all right so there's bears
2098s that's a panther thing how about server
2102s yes yes performance is also one of the
2105s things like not down the line but that
2108s we point forward it's something that and
2112s also when when the pet pad should have
2115s had updates we'll go live there will be
2119s significant loading well release that's
2123s your hope for them alright told me to
2126s harvest the Panthers no steal anybody so
2135s I picked up the stuff that is stroke in
2137s the main gave me quite a pet cemeteries
2138s it's been a mountain hospital are these
2140s on fence ministries thank you well the
2143s thing is there are fixes that are
2145s included in the paper plate like for
2148s existing mechanics so it's not that
2149s we're just putting out the pet you know
2151s only those mechanics so there will be
2154s fixes for existing issues as well
2156s there will be no extreme focus on that
2159s until after the pet updates out but
2162s there will be fixes and after the pet
2165s update maker like all those mechanics
2166s are out then you will go back to really
2168s also focus on existing or make it that
2171s makes it this direction because I don't
2179s want to fight bears it's alright once
2181s mounts are ups it would be like dude
2184s this is great to warm
2192s writing debate a formal second you yes
2194s they wanted mountable I love this isn't
2200s dude this isn't what's the name Osiris
2204s new dollars yeah yes they had my undies
2209s fix another intelligent which fixes
2210s which fixes are you talking about
2213s when is the patch coming to life will
2216s have more in from that soon but we just
2218s really want to make sure the patch is a
2221s stable as possible and as buck free as
2223s possible because
2225s you have a little bit of a track record
2226s of catching last time you really want to
2229s improve on that all the people it's like
2231s we don't want you guys to be frustrated
2233s with us at all we call that learning
2237s from our mistakes yeah and its
2239s importance is absolutely important okay
2247s is there coding problem or something no
2249s because we have a lot of other things to
2252s do like we're gonna record my can
2255s exploit and because people keep saying
2256s that dumb mechanics before you and you
2259s know like we want to do a mix of both
2264s but you know we also focusing on the
2267s core mechanics with the purchase and the
2268s yeah and important that those things
2270s what I'm very grateful
2274s our fellows for our failures teach us
2277s more than our successes that is very
2278s true with a CEO to say in the new Star
2281s Wars movie the greatest teacher failure
2283s is something else because the thing is
2291s you know there are some new players of
2293s the emphases have to be kind of for
2295s everyone like not only for most players
2297s but that's the reason we're putting in
2299s new dungeons and things like that so
2301s they're they're like more players also
2304s have yeah like the midnight robe for
2307s example like this is absolutely meant
2310s for a group I'm cheating always cheap
2315s always cheap on particle effects man
2323s yeah like this this is meant to be a
2326s grip dungeon it is meant to be late game
2329s dungeon and it's not something you
2332s tackle on any aluminum its plans maybe
2337s maybe they're gonna be a Halloween
2338s stream and maybe I'm gonna wear a one
2341s giant yellow onesie Jake from adventure
2345s you look like Jake from adventure time
2347s because that's just something that I do
2349s we do celebrate Halloween we do mm-hmm I
2353s love Halloween because I love horror
2354s movies so we always got this big
2355s Halloween event nice watching fans
2358s horror movie Thank You Lou fine making
2361s chili pumpkin carving fun
2366s Felicia fanarts today no no that will is
2371s reserve predict for community yes this
2374s is all about the main micro but I mean
2377s do feel free to send us any yeah any fan
2381s art littles you're wondering about the
2388s bow yes the bow mechanics are gonna
2389s change
2390s I think I'll spirit talk today about
2391s that
2396s the idea is to add in the power shops
2400s yeah wait and fix up some of the like
2405s how how the bulwarks based because we're
2407s not happy with how it is right now
2409s players really needs to win browsing
2425s inventory misschien there you can
2430s that's for emulation what is the
2433s increased charisma hi um I honestly
2435s don't know it's doing something cool
2440s second Buster yeah this is I'm actually
2447s not sure purchase should be happening
2449s no human oh that's right
2452s I think it depends on whether or not
2454s there are any human settlements nearby
2455s yeah I mean it takes basically it's kind
2459s of a logic system so if there's no
2461s humans nearby you won't get attacked by
2463s humans because they want to symmetrical
2464s is falling out of silicon there well
2467s they kind of do but not like you know
2470s he's always so kind of that yeah I do
2474s you behind him oh there's a gorilla now
2477s will there be crossbows no there will
2479s not be crossbow we removes the crossbows
2481s because they they weren't working for a
2485s number of technical reasons so we
2487s decided to focus on just having bows in
2489s the game then we'll makes patch be
2491s perfectly balanced no I don't think a
2495s game is ever perfectly balanced it's
2497s just impossible
2498s probably not no that's just I think
2501s everyone who would say yes so this would
2503s be laying real oh man that's so pretty
2506s right that thing the glowy thing in the
2508s background
2516s try spear uh yeah maybe in the future I
2526s want the army charge of the time huh
2528s price fair we should do some people were
2534s you in the wind actually I have no idea
2555s really guys add season laments to the
2557s game maybe it's not like full-blown
2560s events then there's gonna be stuff like
2564s [Music]
2566s other things maybe it's one of those
2571s things that we've been talking about
2572s behind the scenes maybe maybe back okay
2578s so I'm gonna take a quick break just
2582s using it all the way I'm choosing so
2584s much I'm choosing so bad like 100 like
2587s you probably this company Jesus Christ
2589s oh no don't do that
2590s mmm-hmm why I mean there's no date for
2595s any of the patches well the test like
2597s with the next test like patch is Monday
2600s the big update we just want to take the
2603s time to get it right to get it as stable
2606s as we can that's basically the reason
2608s that we haven't given any specific date
2610s for it yet because we want to do it
2613s right try some try something do get away
2619s yes it worked aha alright so we're
2623s opening a brothel on our twitch channel
2625s or mixer audience really sorry but this
2629s is just gonna be for for the twitch app
2632s page only the reason for this we talked
2635s about this last time but the reason is
2637s the fact that right now it's very
2639s difficult to get a hold of yeah when the
2645s giveaways like proper like systemic this
2649s is where I came from I think this is
2650s where I came from right don't ask me
2651s I am so directionally challenged you do
2653s not want to ask me about that that is
2655s right ask Josh at most
2660s it's freaky deaky of your choice
2663s yes like if you win the raffle we will
2665s just send you a deal seeking any deal
2668s seeking one knots powerful battle raffle
2671s but it's it's Geoffrey mean raffle
2673s raffle raffle raffle so Charlie yeah
2678s actually that's true I don't know I have
2683s to check up on that actually I don't
2685s notice that isn't that by heart you can
2698s you can decide if you win you can decide
2701s to say you want to wait yeah for
2704s potential new yes absolutely a jerk or
2709s if you want to do with the the winner on
2712s the one the previous tree instead you
2715s can just give your key away to some
2716s wheels I answered that already another
2723s one because the NPCs are supposed to be
2726s like you know for for newer players -
2728s they're not supposed to be for like
2730s myself players like not all of them
2731s anyway and that's the reason we also had
2734s dungeons like that meet my girl I'm
2736s gonna be much more challenging for
2737s higher Medicare players the know how my
2741s keys are we giving away I mean it's
2743s gonna be like it's gonna be one per
2744s raffle where we're gonna be giving away
2745s several journey nothing you should all
2758s right so I'm gonna hit the button to
2760s draw the raffle congratulations yes they
2772s are following us so thanks for the
2774s follow I'm gonna find them real quick
2776s little message little remember to follow
2783s us on a twitch channel on social media
2785s through Facebook yes and we're giving
2788s away like basically any DLC key you
2791s would like yes so if you are a PC player
2794s you can get a PC key if your idea or
2796s player would wait it's four key if you
2799s are a xbox player we will send you a
2802s Xbox key I think I'm just gonna update
2808s today for test like you mean I guess
2810s Kenny I didn't see the rest of you and
2812s I'm sorry I apologize for that
2813s that's because we had some more fixes
2815s than you wanted to that's pretty much
2817s that's the reason we delayed it until
2820s Monday
2821s I wanted to call tomorrow fixes
2823s important fixes that um no I didn't do I
2843s can do that right yeah so shade bloom
2846s which is what you get from harvesting
2848s the bosses at least I did for housing is
2852s a special flower that you can use to
2855s make shade bloom meet essentially and
2860s this increases the chance of you getting
2863s a greater pet in your pet pen when you
2866s are basing your pet and like why would
2869s you do this well because the greater pet
2871s has tech power or hitpoints time also
2875s they look cool they look cooler
2876s they look yes no nor bra um about the
2884s question about specific like seat events
2886s the thing is right now we're not sure
2889s dog show sir
2892s crow Dutchman teach me some Pyro's
2895s really that was impressive that quick on
2897s that be but that's reaction man so what
2900s we look what we're doing right now is
2901s we're coming up and I'm trying to like
2905s ideas for specifics
2907s and that's something that also if you
2911s have ideas for events Oh God oh you got
2914s all your so wreck all right
2921s Weber records sabertooths Oh dad's gonna
2928s die oh I made on everything on that damn
2934s that was a dungeon I can just respawn
2937s back knowing you know love that you love
2940s them but actually want to say was if you
2945s have ideas for events that you would
2946s like us to do um thank you I mean it
2949s depends a bit of course we can't do like
2951s super crazy things but please share them
2954s in a suggestion forums um now you have
2957s to find your body with no map no I don't
2959s because I turned that off all right we
2963s have drawn another winner
2965s [Music]
2968s no idea how to pronounce H wrists
2972s something blatant sorry there he's also
2975s following so gratulations rich I have no
2977s idea very much screen names okay
2980s screaming's are weird
2981s just in general it's a H okay usernames
2992s in general or just it's yes they're
2997s usually very very round exactly language
3003s too though yeah not too it sounds check
3011s it could be a chick thing I'm guessing
3013s this C Z Z Z that means news check right
3019s so I died which is unfortunate but
3025s luckily as far as I know since I died up
3032s here so the thing with the midnight
3034s Grove is that we've made it so that you
3036s don't have to trek through the entire
3037s thing if you die like we give you these
3040s checkpoints
3041s this is where I fought the gorilla for
3045s example and then like all the the skull
3048s faces the jela some faces will take me
3050s back to the starting location and so
3052s convenient thank you very easily run
3056s back to to where the saber-toothed
3058s Tigers killed me
3062s tires will anybody able to climb no they
3066s will if they get if they get too far
3068s away from you they will teleport - okay
3070s - you're okay you're like yeah but it's
3072s not as how they work and I believe
3074s thralls will do the same because I think
3079s implementing climbing behavior on
3081s thralls and pets would be I would guess
3085s gum up the works even in their behavior
3088s let me see the arrows in this dream you
3090s mean the special arrows we showed them
3093s in the that's Jaime
3094s yes Oscar so we won't build a ministry I
3097s mean you could theoretically use
3099s tomorrow's I only I'm just using Sargon
3103s arms I don't do that much harshly in
3105s this game but he wasn't planned
3107s yeah and if I want to I can just take
3110s this cub here hopefully take it back
3117s with me oh yeah you want to okay yeah I
3126s just stick it in my inventory and then
3128s he's gonna die and play for hours
3132s take his brother is that it's how the
3141s pet system works if you missed that
3143s livestream essentially you find baby
3147s animals and wild and take them back to
3148s take steal them from their parents like
3151s the cruel human being that you are and
3153s you take them back to your base and
3156s stick them in a pet pen where you raise
3159s them much like you do with false
3163s engine fear there is no plans for that
3167s no no more we're not gonna be adding
3169s more stuff to the map we are going to be
3171s adding more dungeons but as far as we
3175s are concerned that is done that is the
3178s map is
3180s I'm right
3183s these are vicious toes they're quite
3186s more stamina he's gonna die dad's place
3189s your bets
3190s oh they're all over we should we should
3193s place our bets
3193s earlier so that was the second the
3195s second time right let's count
3196s hey you'll most likely murder their
3199s parents personally I'm not sure if I
3201s have a third run in me towards Jim else
3203s ah maybe I do we're gonna do one final
3207s run towards where's the boss can you can
3210s you breathe throws like have babies
3213s sorry I know like that's one okay that's
3217s a thing people have asked about for a
3219s while like oh they're my slaves I should
3221s be able to force them to sleep with each
3224s other and have babies I like no will
3227s there be toilet shirt no no that's a
3230s Jeffery question every question ten
3234s deaths in one hour yes will shave off
3235s the beer well it's been almost an hour
3237s so I am I'm using the beer to show the
3243s boss man I'm trying plan keep getting
3246s killed the boss man I keep getting
3248s killed I mean we could just I could just
3250s cheese it and just make myself immortal
3252s and then thank you all pets have great
3264s diversions which look good they look
3268s very good they're cooler they look
3269s different and there's a bunch more up
3271s the ramp as a dodo
3278s no no writing no mums see chickens what
3282s is your issue here oh I thought he asked
3286s for a seed chickens Oh such a bummer to
3296s have to watch you play the new stuff
3297s instead of playing it myself you can
3299s play it on touch five wait that's my
3301s branch if you want to I think this is
3310s the right direction
3311s oh yes yeah this this is the bull boss
3318s what I'm doing why do that we need to
3334s have that immortalize Wow how many do
3340s managers biggest herb we play our home
3343s games people chats we do play our own
3346s games we know we know Ardsley not enough
3348s no not like the point of the stream was
3351s to do a blind run I know I did use my
3354s soup I did I didn't belong you know what
3364s see now I'm wondering when is fine she's
3366s just like God mode and just like run
3368s through it so we just get to Jeb all
3370s sideways I want to show them I'm gonna
3373s go vote god mode we're just the dungeon
3379s is actually tough so that's one of the
3381s bosses that would have been one of the
3383s bosses actually yeah
3384s did he just purchase screaming don't god
3389s mode I don't want to live anymore I'm so
3393s if if you don't want well like we've
3396s spoiled happy already
3397s but I think we can just get to the final
3400s boss and then and then like once once
3403s that is done plus he's there we just
3406s do this werewolf Oh
3411s spoilers sorry I should just not talk
3419s you through the voice-over instead hmm
3422s there's a person that button I should
3424s push this button so we draw the new
3426s raffle winner is pod 69 they're
3434s following us six nine nine nine man
3442s thank you for the follow me down the
3445s second line so everyone everyone we've
3454s so just replied we're whisper and well
3459s we will send you a key once the stream
3461s is over
3462s yes again you can choose of any of the
3465s existing at the LCS it is another
3467s platform as well and you can if you want
3469s to hold pick you back and say you would
3472s like to kind of hang that in one's beer
3477s a possible additional the raffle is
3479s currently closed so you know so you
3481s don't have to spend like spam
3483s exclamation point raffle anymore just a
3487s bull now gone
3492s no there yes oh he was just so I'm just
3495s gonna I'm just gonna cheese it and just
3496s go like this and then he explodes no wow
3503s the beef is real man I was cheese oh
3506s yeah the cheese is very good cheese the
3509s cheap sheets are very real the baffle
3515s run past these wolves in case you're
3518s just joining us we're just running and
3520s we're in cloaked so nothing's gonna
3522s happen as I rounded through this thing
3524s there look up here look so but I just
3527s the bull basic it just had a heart
3528s attack seeing you that's like let's just
3531s go with that he didn't he didn't see me
3538s it doesn't sacrifice these guys this is
3542s the new dungeon the midnight robe that
3545s will go live together with the pet
3546s something out of their often compass
3548s then exit it is already on test live so
3551s you can smell just like branch morning
3557s excessive cheese woof all right final
3562s boss brother of the blood awaken which
3566s you can see is a werewolf
3568s look at those nerds I'm camera hey meat
3572s rack we know who that is
3573s thank so it's the biggest of them all
3579s oh that guy I know who that is
3582s hi I'm yours so shout out to matriarch
3586s the worst for superhot over in Poland
3589s it's also a giant nerd predominate
3594s speaking he's really freaking classmates
3599s super fast
3600s yeah but I'm hyper armor no writing no
3604s moans to leave the game yeah hey there's
3616s there's more to this boss fight but yeah
3619s we have to panic we just wanted to show
3621s you like why are we screaming game
3623s called game content we can't play you if
3626s you're on PC you can play it you just
3629s need to go to the test light for us yes
3632s you can play basically oceania mother
3634s sounded again conduction you smell this
3636s onion either way what Tasha you add in
3640s mother patch a sound to the game and for
3644s an option that is a very weird wait you
3650s had a mother patch a sound to the game
3652s and of
3655s Paul in the forum I'm sorry I actually
3658s really don't know what you mean by that
3659s sorry we apologize but I'm not yes I did
3666s use the slowest weapon all right I'm
3672s gonna do one more of these because it's
3676s Friday there's coming requests to get
3678s that Java SOG dungeon well I mean
3681s depends what you mean by that but you
3683s can and you can create you know story
3687s around it and make some stuff for your
3689s people or for your community
3690s sure that's what do you mean we don't
3692s have like a specific like for for
3698s amendments so it's it's essentially what
3700s you do with it yourself
3701s yeah and since we didn't we didn't set
3705s up this to be a little more PG we're
3708s like server admins good could do all
3710s this stuff unfortunately like we
3713s and it's not preserved something that
3715s we're going to add like at this stage
3717s officials are going to be wiping so no
3719s there's no plans for wiping the official
3721s service you saying you added in another
3722s patch a sound to the game you could pull
3725s in the forums for the option to turn off
3728s sounds put the pole up holder I don't
3733s think we did but maybe someone else did
3739s first I'm still not sure what you see
3741s wait in another patch s ow edits a sound
3745s to the game but you put all in the form
3750s I don't remember putting it all on the
3753s forums to ask people about that
3757s but never like we're sorry that we're
3762s waffling about the yes we're asking
3765s because thank you and a lot of stuff
3768s happens in the game and sometimes like
3770s we don't always have the very sound cues
3773s when browsing inventory please these
3776s option for on off this stupid sound oh
3778s now I get it
3779s yeah we can we can bring that up I just
3782s meant oh now I understand I think you
3785s misunderstood me what I meant was may be
3787s added to the suggestion forums so we
3790s have it there because we do collect
3792s ideas were suggesting for us in case I
3794s might forget to take it internal but I'm
3796s not it down now as well yes
3799s sorry didn't understand what he meant
3801s because there was no pole I didn't mean
3803s making a pole about it at all it was
3805s just added to the suggestion forums
3807s because we generally collect ideas from
3809s there and bring it to the Deaf's and you
3811s know it estimates and they make a
3814s decision if we can put yes
3817s is there any chance that slicers could
3819s get a restart um depends a little bit
3823s because um there are some performance
3825s fixes that they wanna stress that the
3828s devs want to stress test but trust us
3831s stress test so I think they might want
3834s to have them running I can ask about it
3839s but yeah yeah I know that they want to
3844s keep having them run do we have some
3849s kind of time scale where we want the
3850s patching like the day we do internally
3854s we have a goal but we haven't announced
3859s an official date yet and the reason for
3862s that is so if we announce a date and
3866s then we don't make that date and like in
3869s worst case scenario we have to keep
3871s pushing that date and it's people get
3875s frustrated and 1/2 percent I understand
3877s how that is and so right now we are
3881s following our internal milestones and
3883s then we're shifting them as needed and
3885s then once we know that ok on this date
3889s is when we're gonna do it that is when
3891s we're gonna like once we're 100
3893s uncertain that we come out with
3896s something because we know from
3898s experience that it sucks to tell people
3902s hey we're gonna have something out on
3903s day X and then we go sorry it's gonna be
3908s out on Y and then we have to shift it
3910s further and then further and then you
3911s know people yeah and it's it sucks it
3915s sucks for us to give that bad news
3916s but also as we said earlier we just want
3918s to make sure we get it right we don't
3920s patch too fast because also if you want
3922s to give you new mechanics and new
3925s updates and back fixes as fast as we can
3927s but it also means that sometimes we rush
3930s things out and we don't want to be will
3932s we want to improve on that too so that's
3934s the reason we we are trying to take our
3936s time and have it tested properly like on
3938s a slicer ok
3939s we know our waiting is frustrating but
3941s we hope it pays off with more like an
3945s improved gaming
3948s and my question was damn it
3953s will there be more DLC like khatam yes
3955s there will be more cuz my deals
3960s yes I think I've closed this raffle now
3964s already that's what this will be the
3968s last night I'm using draw loose now no
3973s it's lovely this is sent as a bunch of
3975s really good questions thank you very
3976s much for following us on Twitch yes and
3978s I'm just gonna message them remember to
3983s follow us on Facebook
3986s check out our forums those are the best
3989s location that's the best location to
3992s communicate with us that's where that's
3996s where also developers are looking at
3998s sleep Island over there
4000s follow us on Twitch
4004s all right yeah it's past 6:00 I'm hungry
4009s tired I'm not that tired a little tired
4012s anyway I'm not very into community I
4013s could go on for ages maybe in a future
4016s date we will have gone for ages you
4019s heard it here first
4021s we'll make it maybe there it's gonna be
4023s so maybe there's gonna be sometimes
4025s extra life stuff so there's no time or
4028s more than one can of beer like I have
4029s one I have another one I'm gonna drink
4031s it later you already it's the beer and
4036s the heat and anyway so yeah I mean we're
4042s here for like an hour hour and a half
4044s hour ten minutes sometimes but in the
4046s future around extra life there might be
4048s we might do a 12 hour or 24 hour stream
4050s from this room it's gonna be really
4051s weird sitting in here yes absolutely
4058s we just need to hash some of that detail
4061s some of those details I think a friend
4063s of yours for those of you don't know
4067s natasha has a past as a twitch streamer
4070s oh god I'm like me who's a complete
4072s amateur people are in check we're doing
4077s all right it's what a normal shirt is a
4081s man a t-shirt but my job what do you see
4085s maybe I'll get a normal shirt all right
4088s anyway we're gonna say goodbye now
4090s because we're terrible at saying goodbye
4092s thank you thank you for hanging with us
4095s have a great rest of the day evening off
4098s the new one morning wherever you are
4099s stay safe out there weekend deposit of
4101s Florence and heaven