over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link
over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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306s hello everyone and welcome to another
310s Coenen exhaust livestream it is Thursday
312s once again which means that we are live
315s here from the Oslo the phone come office
319s here in Oslo in Norway I'm never good at
322s these openings
324s especially on days like today where I'm
326s flying solo well not completely solo but
329s we'll get to that in just a minute
331s Natasha's not here because Natasha is at
334s GDC currently giving demos of Conan on
337s Concord to a bunch of really cool
339s journalists and other people but so it's
343s it's gonna be me today deal with it but
346s of course we have Nicole in chat we also
350s have I think carbuncle is moderating our
352s mixer chat and then it's gonna be it's
354s gonna be nice shout out to everyone in
357s chat shadows tequila spits - a gaming 50
359s - fly hacks to your boy yo obi-wan
364s Kenobi - a bunch of other really cool
367s people who are currently sitting in chat
369s we're sorry that we started a bit late
370s today I had some technical difficulties
374s that needed to be solved turns out all I
376s needed was to restart the streaming
378s program which just goes to show you that
381s the IT department doesn't always pull
383s you around when they're asking you to
385s turn something off and then turn it back
387s on again so what's been going on since
391s last week it's been it's been busy for
394s us but it's been it's been nice and
395s quiet as well we patched ps4 earlier
399s this week and people seem to be very
401s happy about that there are some bug's
403s here and there but overall it seems to
406s be very positive and then of course the
408s Xbox version got is patch earlier today
411s with all the same stuff so all the
413s platforms are now at parity in terms of
415s content and fixes and all kind of stuff
418s and it seems to me at least like the
421s building optimizations and all that kind
422s of jazz has been very well received but
425s please let us know if there's stuff but
427s you still feel like we should fix and
430s take care of and hopefully the audio is
433s much
434s now than it used to be because we used
435s to have some audio troubles whereas this
437s stuff was a bit low but I've changed
440s some audio settings around so hopefully
441s it should be it should be better now
444s all right audio is good audio is a tons
446s better suite hopefully will stay that
450s way for the remainder of the stream all
452s right all right what we are here to do
459s today is to take a tour of a community
466s server and we do this from time to time
468s when there's a server that catches our
471s eye or if someone says hey we have this
472s really cool server we would like you to
476s - maybe take a look at it and see what
478s see was there and the first first thing
482s is the case here where I had some
485s friends who were dear we're running in
486s an RPC server and I thought you know why
488s don't we stop by and see and I see how
490s they're doing so today we're gonna talk
493s to some people from the from ashes risen
496s server if I remembering the name right I
498s actually should have that right in front
500s of me and yeah so I'm gonna click that
505s button so hopefully you'll be able to
506s hear them now so joining me on this cord
509s is Amy and Sekar diem how are you doing
511s guys I am doing quite well what do I use
515s to carry I'm doing good so I had to be
518s so both of you are server admins on the
522s from ashes risen server well I'm a
525s server admin he's he's kind of one of
527s our helper class I'm uh been here a long
530s time yeah so when you say a long time
534s how long is a long time oh I think I
537s started maybe a week after the server
540s went up so month and a half two months
542s all right all right so the server has
544s been around since I think it was like
546s January you told me and so what made you
553s guys decide to be a part of this thing
555s and we're gonna talk a bit about like
557s where you what the server is all about
558s were you starting all I but I want to
560s get like some of your background all
562s this stuff do you want to go first
564s Saqqara Hanson you were here first
566s I when I started playing I just was
570s looking for RP server I gotten bored
572s with different games and I wanted
576s something a little more than just
577s vanilla experience and I just found this
581s one jumped in jumped in the discord
583s started playing love the way the owner
586s had set up the quest lines start things
589s up with all the options and like the
592s people who were here just stuck around
596s yeah it's basically the same for me too
598s I
599s I love Conan exhales I mean you know I
602s had told you I made you that nice little
604s badge because it's my favorite game I'm
606s sucking up and but my problem is I love
609s exploring in games and I just had
611s everything memorized right sure that's
614s fair yeah so I was like looking around
617s for for something that might give me a
619s few more surprises and this fit the bill
623s and the do guys have any experience with
626s like role playing in this kind of sense
630s previously or was this your first first
632s jump oh I'm a longtime tabletop role
638s player and in video games I actually
640s spent most of my Age of Conan career as
642s like a level 30 tempest have set dancing
646s in surface head and I I've been table
651s topping for a long time probably a year
654s and a half ago I got in the arc
656s role-playing servers and I thought it
657s was a lot more fun than just playing
660s vanilla game sure and doing that I mean
663s cuz it's it's a really cool thing to
666s sort of embody a character and just sort
668s of yeah play as a character fully out
671s yeah exactly
674s so yeah cuz you you mentioned that like
679s you do all this in your spare time as
681s far as I'm told a lot of the stuff that
683s goes on on the servers all it's all like
685s a big community oh yeah all of the
689s admins there are jobs well one of them
692s is a full-time student the four of us
693s have full-time jobs yeah everyone pretty
696s much is
698s passion project sure and I guess that's
701s keeps you motivated as well because I
702s mentioned this when we talked earlier
705s when I come home from the work day I
708s just want to sit down and do absolutely
710s nothing you guys sit down didn't you
713s work on this it gets it gets to be a lot
717s sometimes there's there sometimes and
720s that's where it helps to have five
722s admins you know we're not all carbon
724s copies of each other we actually bring
726s very different aspects to the
728s administration of this server but we do
730s try to kind of watch each other's backs
732s and you know not make decisions without
735s talking it over between everybody and
737s making sure we just have some down time
739s because it does drain you I mean really
743s really drain you even if everything's
746s great
747s you know getting getting waking up in
750s the morning and I have 118 messages you
752s know yeah what about you said carry him
755s cuz hey Mia told you that you recently
756s had a child now I had a child recently
761s he's three weeks old now yeah it's for
765s me it's just a way to relax and calm
767s down I mean I have a lot of children
769s just the one and I've been playing
772s full-time dad my work gave me time off
774s so it's it's when the kids are in bed
778s it's like I'm to wind down and just
779s relax and I come here and I hang out
782s with my friends on the server with Amy
783s and with the other admins and with the
785s other players and just relax and have
787s fun with all the admin tickets though so
790s yeah yeah yeah I think that's I think
796s that's I think that's the best part when
798s you can just you can be like sort of the
800s the more active person who's like close
802s to being an admin it doesn't have to
804s deal with all the admin stuff you know
809s it's kind of nice
811s it's nice having him there cuz he drives
814s a lot of the role play on the server
817s yeah so getting into it what is from
821s ashes risen like I it's a role-playing
824s server so I assume that there's a whole
826s bunch of lore and backstory that people
828s have to
829s like read and get into before they
831s before they join yeah that throws a lot
834s of new players off that we're not using
836s the conan lure by itself where we use
840s the age of calamitous mod which is
842s amazing but we're not really using that
844s lure either it was these were two nice
847s platforms for our own so the owner has
851s this really beautiful vision of a really
854s complex world with different tiers of
856s gods and you can see one of them in
858s front of us now are imprisoned God Riven
861s so when players start on the server they
864s it's very obvious that they they have
866s just died and you know you go talk to
869s him and he offers to resurrect you and
873s what you know what were you doing were
876s you hunting with your companion in the
877s north were you trying a really
880s complicated spell that blew up in your
882s face and has you walked you through
885s choosing a class and that are kind of
889s like the base of our game is around that
891s and that's what the name of the from
892s ashes risen is obviously the Phoenix
895s right we're yeah you're being
898s resurrected continuously if you die a
901s lot and people do dialog starter server
906s this very Dark Souls inspired it is
909s challenging we we don't we don't really
914s make things easy on server settings are
921s pumped up to make combat more difficult
923s yeah with the with the intent of we want
927s people to group up we want them to have
929s to work together to achieve things it
932s makes me super happy when I see like
933s five dwarves going and fighting a giant
935s somewhere yeah and those people can
938s probably tell from sort of my back and a
941s daggers up my side and some of the items
943s that I have on my hotbar we're running
945s some mods here and I think I looked over
948s the mod list it's about twelve fifteen
950s mods something like that enough that
954s probably the biggest headache is just
956s trying to coordinate keeping every
958s everybody up on the same version when
961s there's been a fun combat
967s I've tried to find ways around it like
970s oh can I give like drop a folder for
973s people with the current versions and
975s their own mod list file and it just
978s seems not letting me do it right I can
980s find a way around it I will ISS in chat
985s that she can confirm the difficulty yeah
989s yep so that's all right
992s she's one of our European players and
993s she has - on top of all of the mods deal
996s with the pink yeah yes and because yeah
999s this is an this is an American server
1002s located on I think is the East Coast so
1004s there might be I'm just saying this to
1007s the audience of our ship watching that
1009s there might be some some hitching there
1011s and here and there but we we did a
1013s playthrough earlier to just see how
1015s things ran and think ran fairly well in
1017s most of the busy areas so it should be
1021s should be running well on the stream as
1023s well so we can show off some of it but
1025s it doesn't seem to be too too much of a
1028s strain on this computer at least but
1030s it's a bit of a it's a bit beefy I think
1032s yeah we try to do everything we can we
1034s we all pitch in and pay for a dedicated
1037s server yeah and because it just I tried
1041s to spin up a testing server just kind of
1043s a like a small instance and it couldn't
1046s run it so also I'm also noticing some
1050s people in chat are wondering how they
1051s can get access to to the server and
1054s should we maybe talk about that real
1057s quick yeah sure um everything is is I
1062s hate to say controlled but my brain is
1064s not learning right now everything has
1067s run through our discord so all of our
1070s players are required to be on discord
1071s and you can find that link at WWF
1076s Ramesh's risen calm a link in the chat
1081s so people can find it real easy and we
1084s do have an application process you'll
1086s have to bear with us were expecting a
1089s little bit of an influx we've already
1090s had several this morning um yeah the
1094s applications pretty easy just make sure
1096s that you read at least a little bit of
1098s our lore and our server rules and just
1102s remember that story is key mmm that's
1105s the big experience for us is we want a
1110s good story so you also mentioned to me
1113s earlier that you had about 200 people
1115s rolling in and out at different times
1117s yes yes and we have obviously we have a
1120s core of much less of that much fewer
1124s than that um but yeah we I was going
1128s through the uh you know shout out to
1130s federal metrics for their amazing tools
1132s and we we have about 200 coming in and
1135s out so different times yeah that's a
1138s hell of a number we averaged at about
1141s about 25 players most of the time right
1144s now is our low time and we've still got
1147s what 15 so it's it's pretty good nobody
1152s alive pretty good numbers so this is the
1156s starting area of the game then or the
1158s starting area for your server yep when
1161s you come in instead of starting in the
1163s desert but you might get a flat of
1164s desert and then you pop up here naked
1168s and alone to talk to the imprisoned God
1172s riven if you want I can reset your
1175s request flags so you can do that again
1177s sure let's do that because I would still
1181s recommend picking magic again yeah I'm
1183s gonna do so that's essentially what
1187s you've done here is you have you taken
1189s the the core base game that we've done
1190s and you basically just ballooned all the
1193s RPG elements into yes like much much
1198s greater depth then that's then it
1199s already had in the base game yeah thanks
1202s to okay yeah a whole bunch of really
1207s fantastic ideas but yeah that's one of
1210s the questions actually that really
1211s throws people off in the application is
1213s we just ask them what do we call the
1216s exiled lands right yeah yeah because
1220s this is supposed to be like even though
1221s you're using our map it's supposed to be
1223s a completely like different area it's a
1225s completely different world yeah yeah
1228s it's a completely different world
1234s so I cleared your flags you should be
1236s good to and I think this is part of the
1239s the pipi mods maybe yes so as people can
1247s see I can choose between being an elf a
1249s dwarf or an orc but I also choose all
1251s the Hyborian races I can also be Fae I
1254s can be a nymph I can be a halfling I can
1256s be half Giants I can be tiefling so it's
1260s it's sort of like a mishmash between
1263s between Cullinan and Dungeons and
1265s Dragons from what I can see yeah
1267s basically and you said that I should be
1273s a magic user I would because if we're
1276s gonna go in the university yeah that's
1278s just gonna make it easier to get in the
1279s door yeah I'm gonna be a student of the
1281s arcane I'm bursting conjuration and then
1286s I choose a backstory for myself I'm
1293s going to say that I escaped pirates oh I
1298s shouldn't have had you do that whoops
1304s okay it's okay but can I can just
1307s teleport to you can I uh yeah so yeah
1311s you've actually popped into the into the
1313s pirate area starting at rest now every
1316s class has a separate starting list so I
1319s can just take you straight inside the
1320s University and man who's going to refuse
1324s you entry let me work so then yeah my my
1329s selections at the beginning of of my
1332s quest line basically tells me which
1333s starting area I get and then I have to
1335s follow the story from and and your gear
1337s and and that sort of thing or if you had
1340s created a tiefling we give you horns oh
1343s nice yeah because I'm just a regular
1346s okay Orion do you want me to work you or
1351s you know I'm working on it there we go
1353s okay all right we're inside we skip the
1356s corruption wait for it all to load n
1360s there we go and so this if people are
1366s yeah people are watching on the map and
1367s the nice little mini map that we have in
1369s the lower right hand corner we're
1371s currently in the middle of the unnamed
1372s city but you've basically just built an
1375s entire like mage college or library in
1379s here yes well not me personally the
1385s visions of the server owner right he he
1391s wanted there to be magic in the world
1393s but not to just be completely accessible
1396s to everybody so we have a University of
1398s magic so even if you start as a mage or
1400s a warlock or a shaman a magic using
1403s class and anyway you still have to go
1406s through actually attending the
1408s University so if we come down here in
1411s the style of D&D we ask you to pick a
1413s school of magic so like as a shaman I
1416s use a vacation
1418s and yay come on in here you'll find your
1423s teacher you will have a quest that you
1427s can do immediately you will have
1429s cooldowns for your spell's where you're
1432s only able to learn a new one about every
1434s three days right and they're involved
1436s I'm honestly stuck right now on my I
1440s have to gather spell components for my
1442s next explodey spell and I'm trying to
1445s get volatile glands and I'm gonna have
1447s to go trade with other players to get
1450s them and we have some quests like this
1455s student here will give you a quest
1457s together the other students which we
1459s don't actually want to do I think you
1461s met them earlier would you mind helping
1464s me out I'm supposed to be meeting up
1466s with three other students right now for
1467s a study group but they're already
1468s several minutes late
1470s and supposed to find all of them I guess
1472s yeah we don't want to we don't want to
1475s do that quest alright then we're not
1476s gonna do that quest that's the quest
1478s that teaches you about how to get rid of
1480s corruption yeah I heard you had to do a
1483s special thing to get rid of corruption
1484s and I'm not gonna tell people what it is
1486s because it's
1487s no they gotta do quest you know class
1491s sorry
1493s Shen's beautiful work
1496s you know classrooms in here there are
1500s more quests coming in we have things
1502s like the university endgame stuff that
1504s hasn't been done yet right we have I'm
1508s noticing a lot of stuff from the steel
1511s mod that we talked about last week on
1513s the stream yeah
1516s yes the savage steel that's what steel
1518s yes that is thatis one of our much loves
1521s in with this now here's one here's one
1524s of our T fling NPCs the master of
1527s conjuration at night you might be able
1529s to talk to her and see the options yeah
1534s I wish to learn more about conjuration
1536s recharge I learned whole nerds to know
1538s from my school we should explain my son
1540s is into contrast yeah yeah even even
1544s with magic being prolific in the world
1547s we it was really important to us that it
1549s was a journey and well we have a lot of
1551s people to come in and they're like I
1553s didn't make a magic user I made a slaver
1555s but they want to change and I want to
1558s learn magic and probably we're like yes
1560s yes we want you to grow and to evolve
1562s and and you know really develop your
1566s character the way you like it and people
1569s um if like should mention we do allow
1571s everybody to have it alt as well right a
1574s alt one one one single I'm gonna check
1581s did we give you money I have 20 gold and
1586s I know I have 20 I have 20 bronze I mean
1589s bronze coins everyone I have one gold
1590s coin in my inventory as well so we
1597s primarily use the pipi currency which
1601s are we call them after our world name so
1604s we call them tall's right oh and I just
1607s so I just give you a couple gold tall's
1608s so if we want to hop through this portal
1610s or did you want to see upstairs we can
1613s probably hop through the portal look at
1615s the portal there's a lot of stuff to see
1616s so for people just joining us this is
1618s the from
1620s from ashes risen mod well server I mean
1624s we're just running a bunch of different
1625s mods I posted the hope you don't mind
1628s that I posted them out list in the chats
1630s so people came out that's fine see all
1632s the mods that are being run home a
1633s server yes and we have we have a page on
1636s the wiki at the WWF on hsn.com that is
1640s specifically to help people with mods so
1641s one thing that really kind of shocks
1643s people about our world is they come in
1644s and they're like oh my god I can't learn
1647s cartography you buried under University
1650s yeah and we have a fast travel system so
1652s you find these Wagoneers all over the
1654s world
1655s and they always have a currency
1656s converter here them who can exchange the
1660s edge of calamitous current and currency
1662s for pipi currency and oh nice and so you
1666s have all of them have their own
1667s personality and all of the currency
1669s converters we weren't rewriting that
1671s script all the wagon drivers and the
1673s ferry masters and the portal masters
1676s have their own personalities and they'll
1678s take you certain places for a fee or
1682s randomly you might get lucky and they
1685s may be looking for an adventurer to
1687s escort them thank you
1688s travel for free even get rewarded for
1691s helping them reach their destination so
1695s we are going to head to Tortuga correct
1698s yes
1699s next I'm not making I won't make you use
1701s the fast travel system and I don't think
1702s our luxury travel guide is nearby here
1706s there's not one here our P hub only our
1710s only RP hubs have the luxury fast travel
1712s vendor so I'm just gonna warp tour to
1714s death
1714s sure Nori's and I'll just work right
1717s after you sounds good so what would be
1720s and what would be an RP hub what is what
1723s does that entail but it's an RPM so
1726s karyam could you get the 1-hour RP hubs
1729s our player built some time to admin
1732s built cities like Tortuga here mm-hmm
1736s and they have a set of rules that go
1739s along with them the owner of the RP hub
1741s is allowed to set up those rules has to
1743s be applied yeah as Marcos trading and
1746s PvP and within the walls in touch right
1749s yeah
1750s and people who visit need to abide by
1753s the rules but it's basically designed a
1755s place for people to congregate and
1756s roleplay together right worried about
1759s monsters jumping in the world yeah
1762s because that is also one that's also one
1764s thing that I always wonder when I hear
1766s about these harpy servers and that is do
1768s you ever just get jumped by NPCs and by
1771s like boss monsters and Giants and all
1773s that kind of stuff we try to use a lot
1776s of fences all right
1779s you meet out in the world sometimes you
1781s get jumped by other players yeah
1783s yeah it's like I was I was telling ends
1786s earlier that we do have sometimes it's a
1789s little difficult to tell the difference
1790s between a player and a named NPC yeah
1793s so we do occasionally have players get
1795s attacked with somebody captures us and
1798s hilarity ensues and always I don't think
1801s we've had anybody to be mad about it
1802s everyone's pretty much understood yeah
1804s so how's the city loading in for you I'm
1806s fully decked out so we can just go I
1808s think which again much-loved for that
1812s building update Hey
1813s yes made it so much faster shout-out to
1816s super who worked yeah who worked so hard
1819s to make that optimization work the way
1823s it did and worked on it for as long as
1827s he did and as much as he did so it's
1829s it's all it's all his credit so I'm
1832s gonna make you lead because we built
1834s Tortuga intending to be a mess it's
1839s supposed to look like a small fishing
1841s town right that grew up and expanded
1844s outwards so when you come in on this end
1846s near the shore you're actually you know
1849s we have market here where players can
1851s add thespians recently added and you
1856s know you start moving into the slums
1857s we've got our old buildings here and as
1860s you progress out towards the newer areas
1862s it's gonna look a lot better nicer
1864s richer more merchants it's pretty shady
1866s back here so I'm gonna let you go
1868s because we specifically built this with
1871s the intent that we want players to get
1872s lost in here all right
1876s we'll see how lost I get them so how do
1880s you like deal with
1882s like if a player wants to raid or even
1885s if he wants to attack other players so
1887s if he wants to like go like yeah we be
1892s more of a pvp person on the server
1896s well first off one of the things we do
1898s is we ask every single person who comes
1900s in to complete a consent sheet that has
1903s obviously a lot of the ERP stuff but
1906s then also the is it okay to cap to
1908s capture you on-site is it okay to pvp
1911s with you and we do put the burden on the
1914s players there if you're running around
1916s and you want to do this is somebody you
1918s need to know if they're okay with it
1919s ahead of time either through their
1920s consent sheet or by arranging it out of
1923s character like we try to keep the meta
1925s stuff as small as possible but here
1930s actually do you want to come down here
1930s well visit one of the Lotus houses yes
1933s um we try to keep the out of character
1937s to a minimum but there's just things
1938s like that where we need people to be
1940s able to be comfortable and if somebody
1942s doesn't / that and then we very sadly
1944s kiss them on their little heads and then
1947s kick them out yeah yeah because this has
1950s to be enjoyable for everybody sure it
1951s can't you know and there is gonna be
1955s some out of character element to setting
1957s up an event like for example we just had
1960s one of our players kidnapped right
1962s you're trying to figure out what
1963s happened in they talked about it for a
1966s while before the event actually happened
1971s now if you hadn't started as a magic
1974s user too and you wanted to find entrance
1977s to the University there are some hints
1979s out in the world that will - oh well
1981s this is not the right one but I'm gonna
1982s take you in here because it wasn't
1983s freaking cool there are some hints that
1986s there might be somebody in Tortuga who
1989s knows a way in right so this is not it
1994s this is a fortune teller
1996s it looks really amazing I don't think
2000s she has a dialogue yet but but you know
2003s there's weird shop over here like this
2007s is obviously the very weird back corner
2009s yes
2011s for those of you wondering what mod is
2013s showing up as making my weapons show up
2015s that is the fashion esteem odd I think
2018s so might be sex aisles because we're
2022s more Thrall Wars yeah
2024s both of them have elements where if you
2026s have something on your hotbar will show
2029s up on your character to compensate for
2033s all of the nice cuffs and stuff wait I
2035s think I lost you now Amy oh sorry in a
2038s complete a different direction but like
2039s you said you were supposed to get lost
2041s here there yes links are also made close
2044s enough that if you are trying to escape
2046s you can hop across the uh the roofs yeah
2050s oh so you can do like full US a Sanskrit
2053s in this thing if you want oh yeah oh
2054s yeah wanted that why don't you come back
2057s down here it starts getting a little
2058s roomier a little clearer more street
2061s signs all right
2064s starboard straight it's a good name hmm
2070s yeah so this would be like the more
2072s affluent areas I guess with bigger
2075s streets I also think I found the brothel
2078s yes you did
2080s yeah well we're not gonna spend any time
2082s in there people don't want to see that
2084s oh that's really sad because we actually
2087s have an interactive system for that in
2089s the works if you visit the brothel a lot
2091s you might need to be a little careful
2093s about the debuffs you come away with and
2098s the higher chance of that the more
2101s popular particular thespian is yeah
2104s spook Allah and twitch says that Tortuga
2108s is a amazing build every house is
2110s different and organic so did you want to
2116s go talk to the bouncer maybe push in a
2118s little I'm not sure if I want to do that
2121s because I know what happens when we do I
2124s think maybe we can people yeah I think
2127s maybe we can get out I think maybe we
2129s can move on to the next area that is
2135s supposed to look like a ship no one it's
2137s not a ship that you can travel with but
2139s it's absolutely efficient if you want to
2140s pop up here really fast
2142s you can actually see I have to see which
2151s doors who can open I'm not sure if this
2155s is oh sorry mmm I'll block the way
2157s oh no the bottom doors locked good but
2162s over on this side you'll find the
2165s captain he's not very nice though
2168s he is he's kind of a jerk you can tell
2171s by the way he's sitting there yeah there
2179s are NPCs will respond to you differently
2184s depending on your race and your gender
2186s right sometimes they will absolutely
2189s refuse to have anything to do with you
2191s the craftsman like the dwarves get maybe
2197s some extra discounts with some of the
2198s craftsmen you know because that's the
2200s whole racial thing we try to keep it as
2204s unique for every player as possible it
2207s sometimes makes a little bit of
2208s difficulty when people are like oh I'm
2210s gonna do this thing that my friend did
2211s oh well you're gonna have to have your
2213s friend oh I just realized one place I
2215s didn't show you how the system the sewer
2218s system but we're gonna go in the other
2220s side because I can't talk through that
2222s door so you have to remember that the
2224s guy that setup the sewers is a dwarf
2226s right so he could get sooth through some
2228s things that other players can't because
2231s they're too tall yeah yeah so it's gonna
2233s ask if they're weird I was gonna ask
2235s about like racial differences between
2238s the different races that you can play us
2240s and obviously one of them being that
2242s dwarves can get through places where
2243s other people can't okay I'll let you go
2246s first I can never get through these
2247s doors yeah we do all of the races we
2252s have people playing half giants that are
2254s nearly two blocks tall we have somebody
2257s run around that is so small that like
2260s you can get on your knees and they
2262s barely come up to your waist but we do
2265s have a thief spilled on Tortuga
2266s somewhere and these stinky sewers and it
2271s is a literal maze in here yeah
2273s absolutely looks like it
2276s I'm not gonna go too far because I'm not
2278s gonna lie I I got completely lost in
2280s here the other night ran around for a
2282s couple of hours trying to find that
2284s Thieves Guild I still haven't found it
2285s and I don't want to ruin it for myself
2287s for any of the ours or for any of the
2290s viewers if I knew to ruin it I got out I
2297s think I'm alive I was reading a chat and
2300s I think I'm lost now no to the next one
2308s turned around yeah wait you okay now I
2310s know we're arts Thank You cigar you just
2314s go through here and we're back in the
2316s day and there's a monster somewhere
2319s screaming at me oh you might be hearing
2322s one of the van ghoul guards right on the
2325s ship because they do sit and age of
2329s calamitous mod yep I can't like I can't
2333s believe people just built all this cuz
2336s like I do like building but I don't
2338s think I'd ever be able to make something
2340s as big as all this stuff well let me do
2343s say that Tortuga is admin built right um
2346s it don't get me wrong it has taken
2349s hundreds of hours and it's still not
2352s done it's but that that's the way we're
2354s building the world the world is never
2355s going to be done we want it living this
2357s build however is entirely player built
2361s like from the ground up with like all
2364s the yeah oh there's more Kirk's dragon
2374s head so actually Sicario me to you I
2378s think you on your all to know this I
2380s have not been in this village I am in
2383s the clan on my alt but I do not come
2388s [Music]
2393s I feel bad because she's gonna roleplay
2396s and I can't multitask
2397s oh whoops local baby we're just gonna
2404s take quick role-playing here thank you
2408s hear in the background is Amy roll yes
2410s I'm sorry my machine tried to turn on
2413s push-to-talk and he was like no you guys
2415s are not off oh okay thank you thank you
2419s so carry on I got out of character tour
2421s so we know where to go I know there's
2424s some secret passages that we've been
2425s asked not to reveal of course we cannot
2428s do those so we as a server admin Amy
2434s what's your like what are you what is
2436s your like main contribution to to the
2439s server my role as admin I do a lot of
2445s the management side the project
2448s management you know we do have our own
2449s Trello boards for the world building
2452s more writing and the wiki management and
2456s I actually have kind of taken on the
2460s DevOps role as well so doing the server
2464s infrastructure and stuff I try I am NOT
2468s one of the creative forces right she's
2470s also our community manager between the
2474s admins and end the player I am the
2477s meatshield talents in that area see kids
2483s even even role playing servers in
2487s popular video games have Community
2490s Managers now never stops never stops
2493s yeah basically well I would definitely
2498s encourage I mean you you know that
2501s I have worked as a community manager
2503s professionally and yes I would say if
2506s you run a server like this and you do
2508s community management and you want to go
2509s into that professionally for the love of
2511s God put it on your resume because it
2513s does make a difference yes put oh my god
2515s it's the tiny one see you here right
2522s next to a flame
2528s I think we could just end the stream
2531s right there
2532s like just one fine it's so good because
2545s I know I know
2546s our orcs and half Giants have difficulty
2549s climbing because of the oh my god he's
2552s climbing nerd a noob says that he has to
2554s use a spear otherwise he can't hit
2555s anything he gathers he's a slave and he
2565s gathers he runs around and just collects
2570s materials for the most part but now
2577s saying that I know the orcs and half
2578s Giants have trouble climbing because the
2582s animation that kicks in to actually
2584s climb to the top of a block it starts
2587s when your hands reach it but because
2589s you're so much taller your feet aren't
2591s upwards they're supposed to fall back
2593s over and over right so we can we tell
2596s them to fill a lot of points and agility
2597s oops sorry
2601s she's got him collared now yeah so for
2608s people just joining us we are in the
2610s from ashes risen role-playing server
2612s she's dragging him around his loris he's
2619s a human who was shrunk by a witch
2621s nice yeah see we had we do uh like I
2626s said everything is story-driven so even
2628s with our server rules a lot of times we
2630s will if somebody can give us a fantastic
2632s story we will make some exceptions
2636s yessiree there are always exceptions to
2639s the rules right yeah we just don't want
2642s to stop a really good story I really
2645s like this alter it
2646s you gotta look up though in here ooh
2650s yeah that's yeah she has put a lot of
2654s work into this building taking so yeah
2659s the glass ceiling is a mob the curved
2662s stairs is a mod but yeah it's a really
2666s like combination of things that we have
2669s implemented into game and then let mob
2671s makers have put into the game as well
2674s yeah I'm worried about like kicking him
2677s or something
2677s he's just gonna be like there's a the
2682s cultists right I called us off the
2686s tainted ones hmm yeah I think she's dude
2691s said before that they're adding a lot of
2693s quests in here right they yeah they
2696s actually just got this build finished to
2698s the point where it they were like two
2700s days ago approved as an RP hub and we're
2703s starting to build stuff this corpse on
2706s the floor yeah the course on the floor
2708s is real good yeah so this it seems like
2713s a lot of the server like slowly evolved
2715s bit by bit and like the story and the
2717s quests that people can do evolves bit by
2720s bit as people have ideas and bring them
2722s in ideally yeah it's uh you know a lot
2728s of role-playing nerd dandy nerds in here
2731s yeah we're we want we want them to
2735s really bring everything to life and
2738s we're really grateful for this
2739s particular plan because shockingly we
2741s don't have a lot of really evil
2742s characters I mean that's how I find them
2746s yeah yeah she's definitely one of them
2748s which is funny cuz you know I'm out of
2750s character she's a complete sweetheart
2752s and we'd love her to death they usually
2753s are weirdly like it's always it's always
2757s the nice people who like roleplay as
2759s really just deliciously evil characters
2762s yeah she's she's pretty good at it like
2766s I'm sorry I was saying earlier there's
2767s uh there's a story going on actually
2769s between her and our our characters tribe
2773s which you know yeah
2779s I just okay your character doesn't know
2782s that gods I know he doesn't see the
2786s third for the problem is I have a
2787s character in each clan so I know what's
2789s going on I just have to be good when I
2793s play this character and not know mm-hmm
2795s we also have to be very good this
2798s character of yours is is very like
2800s lawful good kind of thing like you won't
2803s take thralls he insists that everyone in
2807s our tribe when we capture pick up
2809s because our whole lore background is
2811s that there's this madness outside of
2814s these lands and we're here to be safe
2816s but there are people that have been
2818s touched by the madness and that's how we
2822s explain NPCs of our same races acting
2825s the way they do but we don't like in our
2827s tribe in particular we don't take
2828s thralls we don't put them on a wheel of
2830s pain we do put them on a cage and put
2833s them through some behavior correction
2834s and then we rehabilitate them as
2837s villagers I'm in which my character was
2840s confused about I'm making air quotes of
2843s the camera when you say rehabilitate
2847s sure of the madness I totally lost you
2850s guys so we're up on a roof thing this is
2855s I'm blown away by the amount of time and
2859s effort that I know goes into building
2861s this stuff because since I know that
2863s none of the resources are having spawned
2865s like everything is built literally by
2869s just collecting and grinding a bunch of
2871s resources and then building all of this
2873s stuff in tents and people come in they
2878s join in their likes when's the last time
2880s the server wiped and we're like don't
2882s say that word never we manually go
2887s through and clean out or try to find new
2894s owners for them like an RP hub like this
2897s you know when they apply we asked for a
2899s line of succession basically like if
2901s something were to happen to you who do
2903s we get this to yeah because if people
2905s leave and the stuff that they built is
2907s abandoned like you
2908s have to tear it down eventually yeah we
2910s do actually have some dark elf ruins
2912s right now all of the all of our dark
2915s elves that are left are wild and they
2918s are out in the wilderness somewhere and
2920s they don't know how to build anything
2921s and they they just move from place to
2924s place all the time a hundred percent
2926s sure we have one who just joined as a
2928s slaver oh okay
2931s but do they live in the passage I don't
2935s know where he lives
2937s I don't know if he's played enough to
2939s establish a place yet so actually for
2942s the Dark Elves and the dwarves what on
2945s what the server owner did was block off
2948s most of the cave systems right again so
2954s it's instead of instead of going in and
2958s finding like the spider boss actually
2960s we're going to go in to the Underdark
2962s here and I think head to a dwarven City
2966s yes I can remember the warp name new
2972s Stormhold there we go question from the
2977s chat does the server have active
2978s streamers or is it mostly an internal
2981s role-playing no no though we actually
2985s have the streamers but we don't
2988s discourage it right yeah I don't know
2991s that we have any one active right now
2992s Jimmy just just role playing right now
2995s all right I have to open it in if you
2997s guys want to work me they couldn't get
3001s the front door which is oh yeah I got to
3005s see the the front door earlier and it's
3006s basically the the giant moon door from
3009s Lord of the Rings yeah where it says
3011s speak friend and enter
3012s so Z force - 911 says I'm really about
3016s to join this right after the stream
3019s great
3020s please read everything carefully there
3023s are questions better read yeah yep oh
3027s whoops so how do loading screen Oh rip
3033s oh I got teleported out yes I think you
3039s pulled me to you so for people who might
3044s not recognize this area this is one of
3046s the giant spider caves that we have in
3048s the game usually you would come down
3053s here I think behind here and then
3056s eventually you would come into the
3057s middle here and then be a giant spider
3058s walking around yeah it's the one day to
3061s just pop in here when you came in and it
3064s was like oh god surprise boss yes that
3067s is essentially it yeah yeah she she has
3071s I'm not sure she has been moved right
3073s now um yeah I'm getting boobs I hope
3080s that's something important ok there we
3082s go so this one this is another player
3086s built there I think there the owner does
3089s play a dwarf and he has been in here
3091s yeah as well um but for the most part it
3095s is our adorable little dwarf community
3098s I'm sort of think I really like short
3101s carrots maybe you have like a hidden
3105s thing that you didn't know about before
3107s I am a stunned how they I'm impressed at
3110s how they managed to integrate them like
3113s these giant pillars for example are they
3115s part of them on.i would a they're part
3118s of them on their mind because that is
3120s how they integrated the giant pillars
3121s cuz thank ou with these mirror when the
3125s game when you can't oh my gosh do we
3128s have to warps we have to war it looks
3129s like the ice breaker was running around
3132s some non dwarf people were around - yeah
3136s we did have someone say in chat that we
3139s do have a player that actively streams
3141s so yeah I want to give a quick shout-out
3147s to people on YouTube saying that we
3149s abandoned the game we have not we are
3150s still updating the game the Konex house
3152s team is still working on Conan exile but
3155s we wanted to highlight a really cool
3157s role-playing server with that's running
3159s a bunch of mods and this is why we're
3161s streaming from this particular server
3163s today which we
3164s appreciate because hundreds of hours for
3167s free yes I was gonna say actually this
3171s right here this is our server owner oh
3173s look at the tiny boy sorry I don't mean
3179s it get squeaky they're just so cute and
3182s when they talk it's just oh I love it
3184s halflings though hmm they're not as good
3188s they got attitudes right
3191s we don't randomly jump into role-playing
3194s servers I'm answering someone's question
3196s in chat now but this one like because
3199s Amy and I had been talking back and
3200s forth bit on Twitter and she mentioned
3202s that she was helping out had men ARP
3205s server so I figured hey why not stop by
3207s and get a grand tour because you showed
3210s me some maps and talked about some of
3212s the stuff that you've been doing and I
3213s was really fascinated by it which is why
3215s I wanted to which is why I wanted to
3217s check it out and maybe stream it and
3219s then maybe you know maybe more people
3221s will open their eyes to role-playing and
3223s if you have the server that you want us
3225s to come visit then feel free to just
3227s tell us on the forums or on social media
3229s or on discourse on discord sorry or
3232s anywhere else where Europe where where
3235s you might be located
3237s alright so this was the for me city yeah
3239s I would say make sure you have your
3243s sandstorm mask on yes because we are
3246s going to pop over to one of our other
3247s new ish hubs which is the poison Kingdom
3253s after Tora right and if I were a better
3258s person I would have looked into this a
3262s little more to be able to tell you the
3265s lore of the city because it's great but
3268s yes it is built in the shuddered Springs
3272s just gotta wait for things to load yeah
3277s that one's pretty fun too
3284s let me know when you load yeah I mean
3287s okay cool
3288s oh and they have up stuff I got stuck
3291s that's a Korean yeah cuz they are 8p hub
3293s so they have Atlas here who for an
3297s entire circle silver tall will teleport
3300s you between the RP hubs right he's the
3302s best damn warper in all the university
3304s oh there's a poison merchant I didn't
3306s know that this is what I love I feel
3309s like I'm ruining I'm running the server
3310s for myself right now I'm exploring all
3312s this for selling you own all the amazing
3315s things
3316s the people of bills the server that you
3318s have made good you'll notice the sign up
3321s here please stable your pets because
3324s cold no amount of anything we do keeps
3326s pets from attacking and when you walk
3328s into RP hugs you see yes sir hmm but
3332s different yeah I'll lock them up
3335s yeah we've we've lost we've got some
3340s pretty sad stories about losing stuff
3343s there's an elevator but you know what
3344s I'm just gonna no I'm not gonna jump
3347s I'll fly I'm always so impatient me too
3352s oh wow so come out here where the
3356s elevator would have put you there's this
3360s lovely little passage into the poison
3364s Kingdom see stuff like this always
3366s impresses me where they build into and
3369s around the terrain and just implemented
3373s and really interesting and cool on fun
3374s ways and they've actually pinned their
3376s laws for the city upon on the wall here
3379s so you know what to what you can and
3382s can't do here yeah rules yeah rules out
3385s of character laws in character no
3388s killing no don't pick plants lots of
3393s fingers may occur I was real good he's
3395s off the grass
3398s now this is very impressive
3401s whoa hello Rock knows it popped up there
3406s oh and they yeah they're Gator is a
3409s angering me you shouldn't make me cloak
3412s yourself the guy's fine he's behind a
3415s wall they built it really well yeah
3418s they're fine they're fighting each other
3420s now working as intended
3424s yeah guards Oh
3429s even with the pacify kids they uh will
3432s run at you sometime in her run that
3436s Jessie who you are and then ignore you
3438s FK yeah it's weird there's a UI element
3444s that won't go away which is not great
3447s won't go away yeah I locked on to the
3450s dwarf man earlier and his elf bar is
3454s still stuck on my screen oh my gosh what
3456s I was gonna get Q a couple times still
3461s there there's a word for clan visual
3464s bugger nevermind you know the forms yeah
3470s I'm gonna I'm gonna put it directly to
3473s what art designers one of my cards
3476s thanks this it was a little strange
3480s there's gonna barge out of the streaming
3482s room and just slap them real quick I'm
3485s not gonna slap our coders don't worry
3490s [Music]
3492s treated kindly yes I agree soft gloves
3497s and they would agree as well I'm sorry
3503s oh I just read a sign out loud yeah
3507s exactly and now I have a recording of
3508s the bug the thing a review which is so
3510s great which makes it it's like you
3512s signed it yeah yeah this is a really
3516s lovely build um let's see do we have a
3520s little time I think we actually have
3522s some players in role play right now oh
3525s you'll see hanging out a bit yep let's
3528s do that
3530s what does not exist if I can remember
3533s what their warf warf okay third tries
3538s third time's the charm
3539s got it we're good alright and i'm gonna
3544s teleport to you hopefully Oh and
3547s somebody's got their Panther in a pen
3548s yay good oh I'm stuck on Zakaria I'm
3554s again this is this is getting to be a
3560s really normal problem oh yeah he doesn't
3564s like me
3565s oh yeah okay maybe you need to pull me
3568s to you because the teleport command just
3569s wouldn't work now okay um or I can just
3573s open my map because you're in my clan
3576s yeah there's that do you maybe do summon
3579s you know I can see where you are
3580s oh I've been teleport made Isis yeah oh
3585s you can see one of our giant NPCs here
3589s yes he is out what are our fast travel
3591s guys he doesn't need a wagon he just
3593s throws you over his shoulder busy in
3595s that backpack of his mm-hmm you get
3599s we're going and he's like that was a
3600s good exercise we have some guys down
3606s this is this is actually the tribes
3608s headquarters and one of the RP hubs we
3612s happen to be more barbarian like so it's
3616s not all fancy um well I see I'd say that
3622s this is pretty fancy though like it
3623s looks real good
3625s I would like to request a drum pounding
3630s animation I'm gonna put that in I'm
3636s gonna ask the animators that they can
3637s add that hey my musicians should I turn
3644s on the bar music I think there's already
3647s bar music well there's the there's the
3650s overall tribe music right not sure where
3653s cuz you've added in a bunch of
3656s custom music to this server as well yes
3660s yeah so like in that area where started
3662s yeah we have the tribal music here and
3664s then also in the shaman request area and
3668s the university had its own music tortuga
3671s did have some music and sound effects
3675s but every now and then we'll try a sound
3678s that it gets kind of glitchy and makes
3680s people crash so that got you ain't yeah
3685s there's a bug to where if somebody's
3689s sitting in a chair and on it's probably
3690s mod related but if somebody's sitting in
3692s a chair when you walk into the area and
3694s it tries to draw it in there because I
3697s know there's another person in the chair
3699s over here somewhere
3702s he'd have to stand up for you to see him
3704s Oh to render it so he just made an email
3711s it's up dude yeah they're they're
3716s talking and local these people are
3720s fantastic can we let them lives and then
3722s you can see a player with the horns yeah
3724s yeah la voz yeah I'm looking at it right
3726s now I'm just staring at her like a creep
3728s that I have I hope she hears that on the
3731s stream I mean she might I mean this is
3736s this is the intent of the RV hubs is to
3739s give people a place to come we have
3741s usually we have a dancer in here she is
3743s mysteriously missing and she was
3745s supposed to leave a note for the
3746s chieftain every time any time she went
3748s on a journey because she's not really
3750s combat heavy yes she's not a fighter
3752s right so who where could she be
3760s yeah that's uh they do climb it as well
3763s Santa Claus really she's like an orc
3766s but he doesn't have balls at all yes
3770s tasks sure if we could figure out a way
3772s to give tusks to the players so many of
3775s us for the role or I'm jelly referencing
3778s Nightmare Before Christmas where they
3781s say Santa Claus but you don't have claws
3783s at all be it's a whole thing I'm sorry
3785s I'm a nerd we all have our things it's
3791s very true yeah I'm super impressed by
3795s all this like everything here has been
3796s incredibly impressive hello thank you
3801s Sekar um just got pulled for role play
3803s they're asking where the dancer is
3807s probably turn on the chat so people
3809s can't see their role playing going on
3811s now you can you could put on local chat
3812s yes let's do that
3815s settings started using god voice there
3829s we go
3834s male dancers doing the snake dance which
3836s is obviously the best choice
3839s so people might not know this but the
3843s dancer who's dancing in here I even told
3845s Trey that's a reference to one of our
3848s world designers whose name is Ivan and
3854s who is a very very tall man that's
3858s actually a recreation oh okay laughs
3862s Espeon turned into him because right
3864s they run all over the place when people
3866s show up and it was just kind of getting
3867s annoying at there so I just recreated
3870s him and I think it still counts because
3872s it has the same name and he's still an
3874s entertainer he looks just like the guy
3877s did and it still counts
3881s that is fantastic to know she will watch
3884s for you in here are you are you a Thrall
3888s I am NOT a Thrall but there my voice is
3891s in the game so there's a merchant in
3895s Sepp Romero okay
3897s who has my voice I think he might be one
3900s of the first merchants that you see if
3903s you come in from like the south entrance
3907s like the southern interest interest and
3909s trim so like near the
3911s Rasmus house yes absolutely so that is a
3918s there's a there's a merchant there who
3921s will sell you stuff and he has my voice
3923s and every time I talk to him I just hear
3926s myself failing and being a voice actor
3929s you know we couldn't so I am not at all
3934s happy with how that sounds but that's
3936s just me I mean obviously we have sorry
3941s the supper-room
3941s reminded me we have a lot more stuff on
3944s the server that you know we don't have
3946s time to like find every single thing um
3949s like where we actually have some
3953s additional NPCs and set stuff in super
3956s Maru um ideally we would like to make
3959s pilgrimage sites for the religions I
3962s mean really cool yeah well again we do
3965s have a rule we try to keep the rules so
3970s that they they're not getting in the way
3972s but they encourage as much collaboration
3973s as possible so one of those is unless a
3978s really good exception can be made
3979s no no clan is supposed to have more than
3982s one talked here religious altar right
3985s separately which was through the exile
3987s lines approved I believe um with the
3991s idea that that they should both be a
3995s cohesive religion to begin with but um
3997s also need to go seek out others to get
4000s any items they were hoping to write on
4003s their particular religion so we are
4005s adding in pilgrimage sites and some NPC
4008s some some test bins who can let you do
4012s some quests like if you're a worship
4013s herb in the air and everyone else on
4014s your clan wants to follow turkey doe
4016s that you can go I like get the top end
4020s weapons and gear you know earned them
4023s through your own religious yeah thing I
4025s mean that sounds to me at least like a
4028s really good idea and it opens up for a
4029s lot of interesting ways of playing the
4032s game and interesting ways of interacting
4034s with other characters and you can have
4036s like you know you can take that even
4038s further into like religious wars
4040s you know characters clashing over who's
4043s like the one from God mm-hmm yeah we did
4046s have some Mithra players who wanted to
4047s do that early on and sadly that was
4049s before we had a lot of players on and I
4051s think they got a little waiting yeah
4055s there was like and like I said we we had
4058s the time we we didn't have a lot of evil
4059s players so they were like we want to
4061s have conflict and he throws the only
4064s true God I don't know what else is like
4065s okay fine yeah now we have a little more
4070s diversity sure sure
4073s there was a question in chat I'm gonna
4075s ask before it goes away were they verlox
4078s asks did you do the sizes with pipi
4080s scaling or the other way around
4082s so we were doing the sizes just through
4085s pipi scaling and about two days ago we
4088s went through the process of adding a new
4090s mod and it is a process with like 15
4092s months on the server I guess somebody
4094s suggests a mod we have to test it
4097s locally we have to you know try to spin
4100s up other stuff and test it with our
4102s database and it's it's a pain so we went
4106s through all of this to add the quality
4109s of life improved which actually rather
4111s than the admins having to do sliders on
4114s people let's us let lets players modify
4121s a whole lot more so we're actually doing
4123s the character design through that now
4126s are that the character side the
4127s character sliders through that so
4129s there's some more options like for the
4130s dwarf site lets them make you know
4132s themselves more barrel-chested rather
4134s than just shorter I can probably it's
4136s really hard to tell I am part I brought
4139s up that thing the improved quality of
4141s life settings now when there's like
4143s character tempting you can change some
4145s physics on your character it even
4147s includes a but slider with people which
4148s people asked us about for a while it
4150s also make changes to like the the
4152s mini-map you're a respawn marker you can
4154s choose which units the life stuff is
4158s presented in and then of course there's
4160s server setting small micro stuff yeah I
4162s love the physics settings because that's
4163s always one thing that annoys me as I put
4165s on your metal I'm not not this one this
4167s one's obviously a little skimpy er but
4170s like I put on a metal breastplate and it
4171s still balances yeah
4173s that knows that I was gonna say anything
4175s because I feel maybe that's maybe that's
4178s uncouth but it's rude
4182s I don't let me boots to mountain middle
4185s sorry
4186s that's what know it just it's nice that
4188s it gives me that opportunity
4189s yeah um like the only thing that would
4191s make it better is if I could change that
4192s paralysis right it was worth the hassle
4199s so I actually think we're at the end of
4202s our hour here since we started a little
4205s late but we've been yeah I've been
4206s running for about an hour and ten
4207s minutes so I think I think maybe we're
4211s gonna leave it there okay and so you're
4216s in the tribe now you're not allowed to
4217s leave oh god it's not how it works
4221s it is now rule these are rules that I've
4226s just made up and I'm backing it up with
4228s a song
4233s so if people want to join your server
4236s and have some role-playing fun for
4238s themselves where can they where can they
4239s hit you up on discord so I would get the
4243s link again from but you can find from
4246s ashes risen advertised on the on the fun
4248s column servers and then we also have a
4251s website at WWF is reason calm that we'll
4255s have a link to our discord and really
4257s everything is run through the discord I
4259s also put a link in the chats both in in
4263s twitch and the mixer and on YouTube and
4265s if people want to check it out then they
4267s can you can do it right there
4269s mm-hm and yeah it's been it's been
4273s really cool thank you so much for
4275s showing off your server for spending an
4279s hour and change it's really great I'm
4284s glad you were here I got to see the tiny
4285s guy yes that was really cool to to see
4288s both the dwarfs and a 2 inch tall man
4291s because I didn't really think that he
4292s would appear yeah and from what I could
4296s understand I think Chad also appreciated
4297s seeing the very tiny
4299s so we need more tiny people we're gonna
4302s take one of those uh take part of the
4304s Underdark back and make it a brownie
4306s cave yeah well she was he must must be
4309s one of many on a ship they got shrunk so
4315s yeah all right I'm gonna just do some
4321s quick stuff I'm trying to wrap up the
4327s stream now and so I'm gonna say goodbye
4330s to you guys I'm gonna say bye to the
4331s chat and close the stream so again thank
4334s you so much for for you know showing me
4337s the showing me your server it's very fun
4346s all right
4348s um so final shout out to chat Nicole
4352s who's been in twitch chat you have
4354s anyone we can raid maybe maybe you
4357s should just fire up the stuff right away
4360s let's see what we got coming up tomorrow
4362s we're doing another variety stream we
4364s haven't really set we haven't really set
4367s what game were playing just yet but
4368s we're gonna announce that if not today
4371s then if not immediately after the stream
4373s then during the day tomorrow at least
4375s and yeah stuff is still stuff is still
4379s happening there are more patches and
4381s updates on the way and look look forward
4386s to more Conan unconquered coverage
4389s coming next week end of next week I
4391s think because we're showing that game at
4393s GDC and a lot of journalists are looking
4395s at it and we hope they really like it so
4398s some of that stuff is gonna come out
4399s next week as well so until you join us
4403s next time we're just gonna say bye and
4405s we hope you have a very lovely Thursday
4408s evening
4418s you
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