almost 5 years
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April, 21st Console Patchnotes
Note: Xbox Patch for Today, Playstation will be patched tomorrow 22nd of April
- More responsive UI: fade to black on button press in Main Menu (Resume) & death screen buttons
- Subtitles enabled by default for first-time players whose game language is not English
- Centered startup “Loading…” text
- Dev tool: Baked checkpoints can be loaded from cheat menu for faster testing
Wakeup Call:
- Character can no longer get stuck in Living Area behind closed doors
Thing in the Mist:
- Fixed stuck spot in the hole leading into the tunnels:
- Made problematic ledge thinner and moved player placement on descent further to avoid getting stuck in geometry. Removed collider added for hotfix.
- Fixed The first checkpoint could be reached before the Environment Control Console was activated
- Stalker can no longer pull the user OOW through the door at the end of the escape sequence
Cave of Madness:
- Fixed frame drop before witch scene
Eight Headed Monster:
- Fixed audio bug in Eight Headed Monster where it keeps playing server ambience sounds in other levels as well.
Poison Tree:
- Restored Poison Tree 6th checkpoint.
Knowledge Consumed:
- Fixed: Cynthia’s dialogues do not trigger after putting any page found in the lecture hall away immediately when the pick up animation ends
- Sharpened board decals in Knowledge consumed classroom.
Secret Keepers:
- Stalker visible on biogage screen before “slightly open door” jumpscare.
Looming Threat:
- Fixed major audio stutters