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I'm playing on PS4 and these are things I've personally come across:

  • ALL NPCs are more difficult. This is pretty obvious and actually mentioned in the patch, but specifically: Skeletons. Because they don't bleed or get poisoned AND have no knock-back/knock-down, skeletons have become one of the most dangerous NPCs in the game. This is especially apparent when you manage to get surrounded by them. Also, no more running around high level zones in light armor. I was cut down last night by a Cimmerian Fighter II! I'm level 60 and was wearing Darfari gear. BAD IDEA. So if you're gonna farm steel, bring heavy armor.

  • Bearers are worth killing now. I made a separate post about this a few days ago but yeah those packs they drop are a nice lotto.

  • Bombs are easier to make. This is simply because the final step no longer takes additional brimstone.

  • Gods are more difficult to acquire due to armor pieces giving only one zeal each now. This might actually be in the patch notes.

  • God tokens can no-longer be stored in preservation boxes. This makes hitting a target more a strategic action. Troll multi-clans can no-longer save up god tokens and go steamrolling across the lands.

  • Tier 3 Vitality is not as useful as it once was. This is probably one of the biggest things I've had to adjust to. Sometimes it feels like my health bar isn't filling up at all without consumables.

  • NPCs drop armor, making it easier for lower-levels to obtain a set of armor early on that they can just repair if they have the feat for it.

  • Anonymity. I have the unpopular opinion that this is fantastic and I hope they don't ever revert back to the snitch log. I'd be open to a new 'scribe' thrall being introduced that logs everything that takes place around it into a logbook, sort of like a black box. This would also encourage raiders to find the scribe, kill it, and destroy the log.

  • Can't scroll the player list. I hope they fix this.

  • Giant, poisonous snakes in upper and lower jungles!

Please list off anything else you have come across that may not be in the patch notes.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Hey there,

Most of these changes are indeed mentioned in the patch notes. For reference, you can take a look at the full list in this thread:


Regarding the player list, it's is an issue our team is aware of and we'll release a fix for it in an upcoming patch

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Thanks for responding! You know what it was: The way it's organized with a 'Patch Highlights' and then the TLDR afterwards downplayed the existence of the actual patch notes, which are tacked on at the end like an afterthought.

We know :( For really big patch notes, Reddit's character limit makes us have to split the notes in a ton of messages. That's why we usually link to the patch notes in our forums at the top :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

I mean the way it's organized on the actual forum though. I only ever read them on the forum. It goes 'Patch Highlights', then 'TLDR Summary' and then finally 'Patch Notes'. I originally stopped after seeing 'TLDR Summary', figuring I didn't need a TLDR as I had actually bothered to read what was there. To me, the actual Patch Notes are the meat of the post and that preceding TLDR threw me off the scent.

Oh, gasp! We'll send your observation to our patch note scribes then :)