almost 6 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

17s hello hi welcome it's Friday
21s that means it's time for another Conan
24s exiles community stream it's just me
27s this week
28s my name is insightiq I'm your community
29s manager Natasha is might be watching
33s from home I don't know she she took some
37s time off on this Friday and so it's
40s gonna be me and are y'all doing it's
44s Friday it's almost the end of June it's
47s almost we're almost halfway through the
50s year folks not great and I'm wearing
53s headphones because we're gonna have a
56s guest joining us very soon so we're
61s gonna we're gonna get to that a bit
63s later but yeah happy Friday week nuts
65s good to see ya axial nine my god is
68s Friday dragoon do demons has is hot as
70s fuck mining together it is super warm in
73s Norway right now it's it's incredible
76s tweaking those points out that is almost
78s Christmas time it is so you better get
80s that Christmas shopping done and what
83s we're gonna be doing today well since
85s it's you know it's gonna be a fun fun
88s Friday chill stream here we're gonna be
91s popping in to a as we've already said on
94s on our Twitter feed and on our Facebook
97s channel we're gonna be popping in to the
98s Conan Evolved server along with John
101s Bane who's one of the content creators
104s who have been been covering us on you
106s know on Twitch and on YouTube a lot
109s since since we launched in early access
110s actually been a been a great you know
114s great supporter of ours and it's been
116s really fun to see all this content see
117s his channel grow and we figured hey you
119s know he we want to check out some of
121s some of the servers for people are
122s making stuff and he's making some really
123s cool stuff and his friends would make
124s his really cool stuff so so we're gonna
126s jump into that in just a couple minutes
128s but first of all the past week we've
132s been you know working still working hard
134s on a lot of the stuff that a lot of
138s stuff that you've been asking us to to
139s work on taking your suggestions taking
142s your feedback taking your bug reports of
143s course we've put
146s patch to the the Xbox version most
150s recently to take care of a some
152s impending connection and failure issues
154s please let us know if that stuff hasn't
156s you know please don't know if that keeps
158s happening
159s of course we're aware of there are some
162s crashes on xbox right now we are working
163s on those we are also looking into some
167s of the stuff that are happening on the
169s ps4 version especially with the the same
171s trouble that's been going on the
172s single-player version and of course like
174s the the so called mother of all patches
175s is coming for a PC it's been out on test
177s line for a bit we've been adding to it
179s with a couple more test live builds
181s that's going to be I mean as well so
185s yeah I think also there's gonna be a
186s quick PC patch during the stream for for
191s like the just take care of some adlai
194s stuff what needs to be fixed
196s nailed surprised I think my headphones
198s are super unique I like them I think
200s they're super rad I bought them on sale
202s because I needed a pair of headphones
205s and yes tweaked nuts in the tweak in the
209s twitch chat is absolutely correct
210s improving voice over is voice over IP is
213s the discussion internally it's gonna
215s we're figuring out like how much then
218s time it needs to to improve that
220s essentially I also saw someone asking
224s about the pet system when that's coming
226s out I can't say for sure right now if
228s you've been keeping up the community
229s news community newsletter that I publish
231s every Wednesday I did mention that we
235s are eventually going to be moving into
237s internal testing of the pets system
240s and it's gonna be happening very soon
242s but it hasn't it hasn't started yet but
245s the pet system will be free we have said
247s that previously it will be 100% free and
250s like the only the only paid DLC that's
253s gonna be going forward is stuff like the
255s the Katai DLC that we did last week and
259s yeah all kinds of like aiming and like
264s taming and pet stuff it's going to be
266s coming in a free update later on we
268s haven't started fully testing it
270s internally yet but we will we will let
273s you know when we have a firm release
274s date for
276s all right what else we're forgetting
280s something
281s probably but a cryptic escape ask when
286s does the aquilonian stuff drop we're
290s gonna remember I keep that close to the
292s chest a little bit but you'll find out
294s soon enough you'll find out
298s hmm there are also some new dungeons
301s planned this has also been mentioned on
303s our dev vlog go to : XL comm slash news
306s you'll be able to to see some of that
308s stuff mouth animations for role-playing
310s is something that we're also discussing
313s internally I can't say a firm yes or no
316s if it's gonna happen or not so it's
317s we're still trying to figure out Celeste
319s and pizza slayer asks are there any
323s plans to rebalance to keep tom gear
324s especially specifically the weapons yes
326s that is yes we will we're doing a
330s balancing pass on all the weapons right
331s now to you know to make sure that
334s everything is everything is nice flat
336s and level I'm gonna stop dropping pens
338s I'm gonna put this over here and we're
342s gonna we're gonna we're gonna unmute
344s myself on discord and I'm gonna jump in
347s with our friend why don't you want to
350s change it yourself friend hey hey I'm
353s John Bane I am a content creator how you
356s doing today I'm doing pretty well how
358s are you doing doing pretty good nice day
360s outside Friday but yeah I do YouTube and
366s twitch content creation do daily videos
368s sometimes up to three of them a day by
371s now one a day and then I stream five
373s nights a week and and do a lot of
375s building survival crafting city builder
377s type stuff yeah and you were like I
379s mentioned you've been one of the guys
381s have been with us since like almost as
384s the the beginning of like you our zero
387s yeah like they zero like I checked out
389s her channel I went back and all your
391s videos like we dropped Cohen exiles in
393s early access January 31st and your first
395s video on Conan I saw was February 1st
400s yeah and did streaming the first two
403s days trying to test that out cuz I
405s wasn't doing a lot of streaming at that
406s time right and then you moved into full
409s video content for which is actually the
411s very first season is my longest series
412s on my channel nice nice so there's a lot
416s of stuff yeah you and you mostly do like
419s build videos but you also you know you
421s you try to entertain and try to be you
424s know it's it's it's a mixture of
425s everything I love building and but also
428s I love the adventurers and
430s Chintu so it's a mixture of everything
432s people seem to enjoy the building videos
435s more so obviously what people seem to
438s enjoy more is where you know I tend to
441s kind of try and do more of and I have
444s fun building so yeah sounds also people
448s people in chat and twitch chat or
450s wondering like where's your hype intro
451s like in your videos where's my way be
453s your hype intro like I should have
455s probably given you like a hype intro
459s we're ready for nap go ahead we do every
474s day open that you find some she's like
475s you guys would you like don't forget the
476s slam like button it does help us out a
478s lot and we really do appreciate it and
479s if you guys are new here don't forget to
481s subscribe
481s always got something new coming out for
483s you love to be here what happens nice
486s night scream roads there it is haha and
490s we're back on the cone end of all server
492s today with bum calm and you know we're
494s gonna check out some bills today does
496s that work is that good
497s dude that works perfectly that was
500s amazing small bean yeah those are your
508s fans right yep that's the part of
510s community I have I'm lucky I've got a
511s amazing community good people I've seen
516s other communities and I feel very very
518s appreciative of who's part of what I do
521s so yeah very thankful you guys too man
524s seriously I mean honestly like Conan is
526s what kind of made my channel and become
530s what it is now so write big thanks to
532s you guys making a good game hey thank
535s you so much thank you for for all the
537s courage I mean like I because I look
540s through your channel and you're like in
541s the fourth season of Conan X house now
543s yes and I think your first season was
546s like 80 episodes or something yeah guy
549s you're 80 or so and you're coming up on
551s like 40 or 50 for the fourth season yeah
554s so it's all gonna go that much longer -
557s so Jesus that's I mean I mean like we
560s wouldn't be here if it wasn't for
562s content creators like you who been
565s offering off offering up your support
567s and you know covering the game and like
569s you know shoving it off and you know
572s being influencers what do you see when I
578s started this I never thought like you
581s can assume what things are like you we
582s talked a little bit earlier you know
583s people assume and just like to work at a
585s game studio or be an influencer even
588s like look at sports like people assume
589s would it just be baseball player like
590s all they do is go out play baseball
591s games and that's not the case you know
594s so it's great thank you the positive it
597s thought people like to focus on the
599s negative and assumptions and it's good
600s to see positive back so I guess I'm kind
603s of a little off there but and of course
606s of course it's also about the players
608s wizzo I didn't mean to you know take
610s anything away from you guys I mean
613s that's what the players and the fans I
614s mean that's where the whole the big part
617s of it is but these boys your level I
618s mean a lot of them on individual basis
620s can't bring it out so it's good to have
622s you guys and then content creators and
624s whatnot to help with that too but yeah
626s expand the audience I guess exactly it's
629s all about you know it's a whole like
630s symbiotic relationship thing like we we
633s make the game you cover them and people
635s watch like hey this guy's having fun
636s this game I'm gonna buy this game and
638s then you know it's an image of a
640s miniature Ian's like alien like popping
643s out of my chest so yeah like before we
656s before we you know go further into
659s second out the bills of stuff like how
660s did this YouTube thing start because
662s you've been doing this for a couple
663s years now yeah I actually used to like
667s all my life I've been about music and
669s creating songs and performing stuff like
672s that and it's about three years ago I
674s started getting tired of having to rely
677s on other people to have the same amount
679s of fire and drive as myself and I
681s enjoyed the band setting and I played
684s video games ever since I was a kid like
686s just continuously I played Legos when I
688s was a kid I played with all this type of
689s stuff and I really liked building and I
693s had friends who said you very good at
694s building
695s and like arc had come out sorry it's a
698s Conan stream but honestly arcade come
700s out and I've been playing that's the
701s same John it's fine it's fine I think
703s both have their place in the genre don't
705s they totally great side by side but if
710s you know anything about the vanilla
711s version of that before all these mods
712s came out it was hell getting mats and I
714s grinded to build the whole electronic
716s system blah blah blah right yeah well
718s the the power generators still buy there
720s and I am not I know we like to figure
722s things out but I was like I am NOT gonna
724s spend time and waste all this mats so I
726s bothered look about YouTube video in
729s solid video from somebody I guess
730s locator I give him props and your charm
733s is all about about about doing
735s generators and I thought was gonna be
737s all about like a tutorial and I was like
738s what the heck is this tutorial he's
742s playing in the game and turned it off
746s and then like a week later I was like I
748s wonder what he's doing right now you
752s know do this maybe I can play video
755s games on the internet
758s this looks like it's fun to do and it
760s feels creative so that was like
762s September a few years ago and I was like
764s let me try this thing out so I spent
766s time learning Adobe Premiere After
769s Effects really things and I'm gonna do
772s this so January like was a two and a
776s half years ago now January I put out my
778s first video right and and and there's
781s been doing it findin it hard ever since
782s and a little bit miles is the beginning
785s mild I guess a brand new youtuber but
787s honestly when I got to get on the
789s original cone end of off server and that
791s just opened up a whole horizon for me
793s and luckily I started helping a good
797s community from the beginning so it just
799s has been growing and it's been a very I
801s feel very blessed I've had a lot of bad
803s things happen last year too in my real
805s life I like like my wife left me two
810s family members died oh three months
813s right when Conan was going up and it was
818s like I I made me focus more because I
820s was like shares on the good you've
822s worked hard for this just keep wanting
823s so there you go well I'm happy that
828s you're
829s you're happy I'm sorry but really what
834s happened so it's not like a good or bad
835s it's just you that's the path you travel
837s there's things you give up to get to
839s places I would love to have those people
841s back in my life and give up this but
843s that's not going to happens and I'm sure
844s very very happy I have this here so it's
847s it is what it is yeah you're getting a
849s lot of love and chat right now so it's
851s people people people have their sympathy
853s so you know it wasn't a good year for a
855s lot of folks last year like honestly
857s like on a general level for a lot of
860s people you know that's called life in
863s learning yeah exactly helps you like I
866s actually recently you know I got a call
867s when crisis comes it creates opportunity
870s like the reason why I'm a full-time
873s concentrate right now is because my job
875s let me go after 11 years chill stream
882s job the YouTube and the twitch had grown
888s so much that I was so afraid at first
890s and then I was like actually slid Gators
892s now a friend of mine and we write check
894s stuff out look at the evaluate it looked
897s at it was like this everything's fine
898s it's it's amazing like it really turned
901s to something amazing so me I gotta give
904s props the community again you guys are
905s the games out there that have like
907s things out there that I value that make
908s me want to do this so and my family and
911s friends but sorry I need to go nigga but
914s that's really what happened sorry it's
915s not all it's always ice-cream and cake
917s as you will know yeah that's very true I
920s mean over here it's been ice cream every
922s single day for the past week because we
924s have a freezer full of ice cream that we
926s needed to get through so it's been good
929s every day after lunch every day after
931s lunch our our our assistant comes in
934s with like a like a giant tray of ice
936s cream like yeah just grab one I mean you
939s could tell people yeah I get ice cream
940s at work wait wait you're alright I'm
949s just gonna really quickly poet paste
951s your paste your channel and the chats
953s because subscribe to you
958s it's j0h and B&E on all platforms so you
961s know YouTube Twitter twitch Instagram
963s yep SoundCloud check them out just
967s search for John Bane with a zero instead
969s of a No so yeah alright
973s should we get started start checking out
974s the builds yeah let's do that we figured
979s there's a couple you know massive builds
981s on here I figured show you some of this
983s smaller one well actually blue regional
985s like maybe desert first and then move
987s the north and move to the smuggle Bert
988s yeah that sounds good alright well one
991s of the content creators on the server
992s her name's lapis Laurie she goes by
994s twine Queen here she was started to
997s doing YouTube again she's mainly on
999s twitch but she built some couple bridges
1000s though she had a lower bridge here but
1002s this one was pretty interesting so I
1003s figured start off by showing you guys
1004s that you can probably fly a bit too we
1007s got and I thought it was pretty cool how
1010s she did the multi levels with the stairs
1011s and whatnot it is sandstone but this is
1014s like one of her first builds here and so
1016s he put in a nice little potted plants
1018s and somebody to give it some love and I
1019s do think the the triangle shapes the
1022s wedge shapes really worked out well with
1023s this square so yeah and it's good to
1025s have like the greenery stuff in between
1027s to give it some give it some variety
1029s give it some color you know it breaks it
1031s up pretty well and I think like how she
1034s looked a couple roofs out here and then
1035s for the pillars and I know it's for
1036s structural but it also kind of breaks up
1038s the line say pretty nicely
1039s yeah so on the server is it mostly about
1041s you guys building and like making videos
1043s around that or do you like dude it's
1045s everything do you rate each other okay
1047s we have I'm the clan leader of tasty
1050s goodness and and then there's another
1055s clan or want to be clan called clop
1057s Avengers that are on here and there's
1059s it's open game some on and someone
1062s mentioned that in twitch saying
1063s something like there's no cloth Avengers
1065s here that was like what the hell does
1066s that mean yeah you know they try to be
1070s honestly the good people you know we're
1074s in a feud so I'm not gonna trash talk
1076s him too much but yeah you know they
1079s actually they jumped me a few times the
1080s me building and when I was not prepared
1082s I was in a bitter SEC they were in
1084s battle spec you know figures the Howards
1086s would do that but yeah we there's that
1090s going on some people aren't here just
1092s adventurous ability to mix things I feel
1094s like I do a mix of things along with the
1095s building so it's it's all aspects of the
1097s game we try to explore here cool sounds
1100s like it sounds like a really good way to
1102s like build a build a proper server build
1104s a community especially for one that's
1106s you know centered around content
1107s creation because you guys you have to
1109s hustle it has to be something new almost
1111s every single day - you don't just make a
1114s video of me running around hitting stuff
1115s there has to be some value for somebody
1117s to want to watch it yeah that's kind of
1118s the point and we're not just content
1120s creators here after the first season you
1123s know how a lot of content creators will
1124s do like 10 videos and just split so very
1128s quiet and I was like you know I'm gonna
1129s reach out my community let some of them
1131s on the second version and now we're in
1133s the fourth version of it and the people
1135s that aren't content creators here have
1136s been one have been players on this for
1139s like a long time Brian they've
1141s interacted will they play they're very
1142s active with the game so it really adds
1145s life and it's great to see some of their
1146s builds which were going to check them
1147s out - there's some amazing builders here
1149s cane underscore Bloodraven and twitch
1151s chat says I'm trying to be an
1153s entertainer slash broadcaster terrified
1155s of it to be honest not used to it slow
1157s down in my videos but now that I own
1158s Cohn and I feel I can put out a decent
1160s amount of content and maybe a funny
1161s moment series can't wait to see what the
1163s future brings
1164s it's really great dude just you know
1166s keep at it keep hustling you know I
1169s always say one thing like with like
1170s weight loss or you thing or anything
1172s like that the only way to do it is to do
1174s it just yeah get out there do it you
1176s know you can plan all you want but just
1178s just do it you got to get something out
1180s there yeah it's it's all it's just work
1182s it's just hustling you have you seen
1185s your hustler I'm not a hustler but yeah
1190s go for it Cain you can do it they want
1192s to go ahead and yes let's do it
1195s All Right see ya screenshots of a map
1199s earlier to make sure that I knew where
1200s the heck I was going to port to right
1202s instead of yeah you can go ahead and do
1204s that and I can probably answer some
1205s questions in chat available through our
1207s baroness wondering phone call we'll add
1209s in emotes for by Dirk Edwin by Amir
1211s that is a very good question I don't
1214s know exactly when but I will I will
1217s write that down is that of course is
1220s something that we should have right in
1222s here
1225s all right all right down right there
1229s don't move force you over here sure this
1233s video is just for show the builds yes
1235s we're just gonna be we're gonna be
1236s general running around the the cone
1239s enabled server shell off some of the
1240s cool builds and talked a bit about you
1242s know what it's like living my youtuber
1244s life inside you see you are Samia
1254s I was literally inside you Reba there's
1257s not gonna be any new , or taming and
1259s we're gonna show that at a later date
1260s once we're done with you know our
1262s internal testing all that kind of stuff
1264s so once this all loads in this is a
1266s actually he was originally just one of
1269s the people in my community and decided
1270s content creation and he's been doing it
1272s for about a year now his name Mason
1273s aider he does five videos a week and
1276s this is the build he's been working on
1278s ever since the list there's your
1281s placement restriction mod came out he's
1282s been actually doing some good stuff with
1284s it so yeah this you want to go and ghost
1286s mode then we can fly through and you can
1288s check it out if you want but sure how he
1290s did his build so far yeah this looks
1293s incredible from the outside but I'm
1295s wondering like I'm guessing that he like
1299s either you're you're harvesting rate is
1301s pretty high or he spawned in all this
1302s material because know we all even when
1307s you see mine
1308s we grind that stuff man I'm serious I'm
1310s not even kid the big one I've got 20
1312s hours to build the wall alright I have a
1315s guy named her Hrothgar that's a friend
1316s of mine oh so my Marauder moderator so
1318s we grind our butts off they move around
1320s their butts off so it's all legitimate
1321s wow that's real good
1324s but the gate itself is just really
1326s really amazing especially with the
1327s pillars like the slanting the ramps on
1331s there the ramps yeah yeah Mason later
1336s isn't chats as I harvested all by myself
1338s that's amazing dude that's quite
1340s something that he did see this is this
1343s portion here and then he's got a
1345s backside right now see what I usually I
1348s usually do I will usually just pick like
1350s a flat location and just like build from
1352s there or maybe just like a top of like a
1354s shelf or somewhere if I can build out
1356s menus pillars but
1357s I find it amazing some of the stuff you
1360s guys do where you see that oh I can I
1361s can build something over here and I can
1363s have a ramp across there and I can have
1364s a bridge and I can have all these things
1366s I love building into the landscape and
1368s like accentuating landscape and he did a
1370s good job of that yeah so these gates
1372s look good too
1373s absolutely so like when when you're
1376s building when you're doing like because
1378s I'm assuming that you're also building
1380s pretty huge stuff like do you plan
1382s everything out or you just go my feel or
1384s I go but it's all by feel right yeah I
1386s look at the landscape and like that and
1388s I kind of imagine what should go there
1390s and then I build it go from there and
1393s then as it gets built it starts didn't
1394s fluence like the overall picture and
1396s like okay well maybe I should do this
1397s here and there okay that worked out you
1400s know and that's generally how it goes
1401s from being you know what so asks so
1404s that's a big build how often do you get
1406s rated like I think you're gonna have a
1408s hard time penetrating all this stuff
1411s it's actually we have it's we do raid
1416s here but we kind of also knew that their
1418s content creators to make videos in the
1420s amount of time that goes in some of the
1421s so there's a balance going in effect a
1423s mutual professional respect I guess
1424s charm so there is PvP but it's not like
1427s like troll PvP either
1429s right oh there is a difference and I
1432s mean there's a value people put on both
1433s of them to some people really love this
1435s whole PvP and some people don't we put
1437s our content so if we did that then we
1440s wouldn't have anything to show you guys
1442s except for the raid I guess but you can
1445s see he's still working on the left
1446s building here but yeah layout I figured
1448s you might like that and it's a looking
1452s looking at his like unfinished like
1454s tower to the left here it looks a lot
1456s like the command center from Mighty
1458s Morphin Power Rangers like that's the
1461s first thing I thought of because it has
1463s like it has the circles and like the
1464s pillar in the middle with like the the
1467s the opening is open there it looks a lot
1470s like that especially from the angle or
1471s I'm viewing it right now he's a Mason
1472s wood nice so yeah that's that one do you
1478s wanna move on another one of you wanna
1479s check out some more or can we check out
1481s the inside maybe yeah go straight there
1483s if he's done anything oh yeah this is
1488s easy
1490s you got the improved furnaces of course
1492s you got the back-to-back blacksmithing
1495s stations I see a lot of people they they
1497s always build it like this like they they
1499s take the corners and like place them
1501s into each other together yeah I always
1502s do a wheel like forum together same with
1505s like they also place tests on top of
1508s each other
1510s yeah and I wish that was a little
1511s friendlier to do I spent about five
1513s hours one time to put what some in my
1515s workshop just couldn't get it straight
1519s and my OCD was like yelling at me I was
1521s like stop yeah oh he's got an elevator
1529s here I'm too like a second-story of
1532s course he's got a giant map up top this
1536s is super cool holy crap I try I try not
1540s to swear too much on stream but
1542s sometimes you just gotta let it out you
1544s know yeah well I mean if that's what you
1546s feel like then that's when you feel like
1547s there's nothing wrong with that you know
1548s yeah sure trying to I'm trying I'm
1549s trying to keep it you know to a certain
1551s level yeah this looks this looks really
1554s great yeah all right and then actually
1559s you can there's another he's in he's
1561s actually in the clop Avenger is
1563s unfortunate that he made such a horrible
1565s life choices but it's over here this way
1568s actually I'll fly over here some this is
1570s where the leader of the yeah yeah it's
1582s shout-out to Mason later for the for the
1584s build it's really really good dude Derek
1588s we're we're mostly showcasing the server
1590s but there's gonna be some discussion
1591s about the game I'm gonna like try to
1593s answer questions from the chat lanai you
1595s know when I can when I see questions
1598s that I can't answer so it's gonna it's
1600s gonna be a bit of a mix of both but
1602s we're mostly focusing on the on the
1604s server mostly this is like a basic build
1608s but this is Robocop space which he's the
1610s leader the Klopp Avengers yeah of course
1613s yeah he's known for not being well he
1617s actually did a good job cleaning up his
1618s build some maybe I should have told him
1620s that you guys might visit
1622s you're saying it looked ugly and
1624s different before oh it's like sandstone
1626s with holes in it with some little bit
1627s you three here a little bit tier two
1629s there cuz I know it is like he's got
1631s like the base in tier 3 and then there's
1633s like tear through two on top so I do
1636s like the design change some it's nice
1637s contrast but yeah it's there but it's
1640s funny because he's sandwiched between
1642s Mesa nadir and village beef right and uh
1645s vintage beef is actually on the other
1646s side of this cliff - yeah I know him
1649s he's also one he's also been one of the
1651s guys who've been playing comics all
1652s since he was a woman as well I actually
1655s that's where I met him was me and then
1658s he's become a awesome friend we both had
1660s some of the things happen to one time
1661s and it was just friendships happen so
1664s sweet anyway if he passed through the
1666s cliff to the other side you can't you
1667s see his build I'm gonna do that fine
1675s here oh yeah there's a village if it's
1678s coming he he does village kind of builds
1681s like the thing not necessarily huge like
1683s single bases yeah that's that's also one
1686s of the things that we tried to showcase
1687s in all of our trailers like that you
1690s could build like huge yeah giant
1694s villages and like city walls and all
1697s that kind of stuff and seeing seeing the
1700s community embraced that and just go yeah
1701s I can build that I could do that that'll
1704s be good and then just like seeing it all
1706s come to fruition it's been amazing now
1708s his is not finished either he said that
1710s so we had put a lotus claimer on there I
1712s promised to build him exactly building
1714s progress this is the newer section the
1717s lower floor the upper section here
1718s though has his little towers and stuff
1720s and a little Gardens the gardens are
1722s down there this is so good also holy
1729s crap some pizza Slayer in twitch asks
1736s what does clock mean Robo clop is his
1740s name is one of the content creators
1741s names brutal clop and so it's it's his
1744s name and I call it I call the flop the
1746s vengers revenge errs pacifiers whatever
1749s you know clop is it's just his name
1753s and yeah he's on YouTube as well so
1759s easier fan of my little pony or was it
1762s just the misspelling I would I would I
1763s totally would think so I totally would
1765s think so
1766s um and beef is really good at decorating
1768s he's decorated stuff out pretty well too
1771s yeah let's say pretty well really well
1772s there he's asleep on the ground try not
1775s to move around
1776s where is he asleep on the row right in
1778s here yeah right there you can see him
1779s down the hole oh and he's got the Katai
1783s stuff it's great
1786s let's punch it no I'm just kidding god
1791s no you might want to watch out hey
1795s Justin
1796s Chrissy creation says go inside his
1798s storage room your storage room is he's
1801s got right here I'm not sure which one it
1803s is I try not to go in too many people's
1805s places I've asked I've asked formation
1807s of everyone's place we went in too so I
1808s don't I don't go ahead and just admin
1810s into it this actually looks really nice
1811s inside of here you want to see the
1812s little strings everything yeah that's
1815s good so here oh yeah this looks like a
1820s place where I would like to live for
1822s like a weekend like just a chair away
1826s from everything Mountain place or
1830s something but not desert I'm sorry this
1833s is kitchen
1834s yeah it looks it's pretty cool though he
1839s does a good job and I think this is the
1840s storage they say the neighboring
1843s building so it's oh yeah this is yep
1848s it's good real good
1852s and then there's no second floor that
1854s isn't done yet yeah someone in chat
1856s pointed out I wonder if rivals watch
1858s streams like this to get layouts of
1860s basis so you know sorry - vintage me if
1863s if we're spoiling anything for you know
1865s for future aids and stuff well the thing
1867s is we all have YouTube videos so if they
1869s really wanted her there they go watch it
1871s yeah we can just watch each other's
1872s content yeah so it's a PvP is open here
1878s right so but this is his base he's done
1882s a lot of work on it he's kind of you
1884s stayed here to whenever the swung hall
1886s opened up he didn't
1887s do anything crazy like right now I build
1891s bases to move and build bases move
1892s sometimes great alright he's been here
1894s the whole time
1895s so yeah that's beefs um the attention to
1899s detail is just really good yeah he's
1904s he's definitely you know he you know if
1905s you know much about him he's that's one
1907s of his things for years and he threw
1909s minecraft and until the other game you
1910s know his building ability and decorating
1913s it this was a really good nice touch I
1915s honestly haven't had a lot of time to
1917s decorate myself but I'd do a lot of
1918s building and come back later and
1920s decorate soon my flow he just goes Cal
1924s and roast rights the evil empires
1925s watching and planning to raid every
1927s wonderful it's just him so you know and
1932s he is the only he's the only one evil
1935s and yes whole empires him I'm gonna go
1941s to another spot
1943s alright go ahead this is Shay's area let
1947s me go to it make sure I go to the right
1951s spot and then well yeah the the Renton
1958s Red Tent is has been fixed on the test
1961s levels and it's gonna be he's gonna be
1963s moved to the my bill pretty quickly so
1965s people can will be able to remove them
1967s again
1968s okay I'm gonna port you over and down
1973s some employer crazy creations says I
1977s watch all the videos of stream to learn
1979s how to make nice builds I mean yeah
1980s that's that would be the way to do it so
1984s this is Shay's base Shakira she soon
1990s want to show anything I was like come on
1991s you gotta have something you want to
1992s show and say well we could do this one
1994s and so she sent me that works like it's
1996s like a tree city so you got like the
2002s pods and stuff like that which is pretty
2003s cool I like have the different size
2005s sometimes we call them score pools or
2007s hexagons octagons well I like how the
2011s different shapes are and it's kind of
2012s laid out like kind of like almost like a
2014s community like I don't know like a
2016s government center that thing you know
2018s how they have like different buildings
2019s gonna spread over a campus
2020s yeah absolutely yeah you can see all the
2024s connecting pathways and you can see how
2028s you can see where some of the less
2030s building restrictions mod kind of comes
2032s in place in some of the builds to where
2033s like hey you're not supposed to be able
2034s to do that which I'm very appreciative
2038s of yeah and we're we're sorry about you
2043s know the whole thing with the mod a
2045s couple of weeks ago disappeared yeah I
2052s reached out and then we kind of worked
2054s it out so that I discerned off and then
2056s rolled back to right before it happened
2057s and then whenever everything was good to
2059s go everything was fine awesome that's my
2061s communications about that's what handle
2066s and that's not what you do the deal I
2069s was having a mild panic attack when I
2071s was going on so it was it was really
2074s weird just he seeing people and coming
2075s in and go like oh my place fools are God
2077s what the you know like all right things
2080s happened we gotta figure this out yeah
2082s well it went through the thing they
2083s really showed me kind of what it was
2085s it's like we don't have any place of
2087s like any animal like mods on this server
2089s it's just like the pop-up mod we have
2091s the less placement restrictions and then
2093s Pippy and so you know you you narrowed
2096s it down to the placement one which is
2098s great so yeah that's glad that that
2101s happened and they updated it pretty
2102s quickly so that's what happened so me
2104s it's a mod thing I mean you have a major
2106s update to the game or an update to the
2107s game it's gonna it's gonna do that and
2109s you guys made it easier for mods to load
2110s now haven't you ever being yes with each
2112s other yes a little bit when we're gonna
2114s we're gonna continue try to to to make
2116s that even easier where we like someway
2119s item id or something how it caches that
2121s or something or what that's too
2123s technical for the answer okay alright
2125s but the idea is least in the future
2127s where you like if you go to a server
2130s like instead of the way it does it now
2132s where it says oh you can't go in here
2133s you need these mods and then you have to
2135s go into steam and do all that stuff but
2137s we basically want to we want to add some
2138s sort of like automatic now look we're
2140s just like everything and a couple
2142s minutes later you're in you're in the
2143s sir that would be nice
2144s that'd be really nice but uh yeah this
2147s is safe uh I haven't gone inside her so
2150s I don't know oh she's not finished
2151s anything in there
2152s I wanted her to at least show something
2154s she's a another prominent person on the
2156s server yeah so at least you give her
2157s some love on here let's see let's go to
2161s one of my favorite builds in the desert
2163s all right this is Alfred gamer yeah
2166s she's been a long time person here let
2169s me show you we called her the wrong name
2174s for too long and then she changed it to
2176s that man uh Chrissy says che is a good
2181s builder I like how she also focuses on
2182s finding all the lore of the game cuz
2185s there is a lot of lore in this game and
2186s I think a lot of players don't really
2187s notice that at first like they might see
2189s the giant stone tablet look at it they
2192s might not see you know oh there's a
2194s thing on the ground here and there's a
2195s book here and we can read all the stuff
2196s I kind of like that and I mixed it up in
2200s you know what the goal is from right and
2202s she does do like oh the whole thing the
2204s shebang go at the same time like I did a
2205s - episode zuv going for cooking but the
2208s lore itself like finding finding the war
2209s master yeah that and the archivist and
2213s all the whole within really like that
2215s too but yeah she does a good job I'm
2217s gonna summon
2221s July the US x-axis there is so much lard
2225s Joel spent a lot of time writing that
2228s Lord so there should be this is probably
2230s one of the better builds you see right
2231s you know it all pops in and it'll take
2237s some tipping this is big so it's
2240s probably gonna take a minute he's almost
2242s made a Triforce on his floor over there
2244s like the entryway as this continues to
2252s come in and should be and again this is
2258s all this is all we get our own stuff we
2261s have the right the gabbing modifier at
2263s times seven so sure not like crazy crazy
2266s yeah so there's a amount of work that
2269s went in this to get built and it's fully
2271s deco it out and all that stuff it's it's
2273s a very very well done build sure orbital
2278s be lint which asks show us the lore I
2280s can't see any lore well item
2283s descriptions there's a bunch of lore
2285s there
2286s there are books on the ground there are
2287s giant stone tablets that you can examine
2290s to figure out the game stories there's
2293s there's a whole lot of lore it's got to
2295s look for it it's kind of know where to
2296s look for it what are the colored beams
2299s someone asked well those are the the
2301s Tier three altars with with arch priests
2307s in them they draw a lot of beam up into
2310s there so you know that oh there's a
2311s there's an altar here there so as that
2313s can be turned into an avatar yes exactly
2315s so she's done wings and hers and it just
2319s has a map room in the middle I really
2323s like the symmetry of it just like and
2326s it's really nicely done I mean there's
2329s second levels to the floors they go up
2332s top into rooms and just really a lot of
2338s thought and working there here's her
2339s vault area and I'm kind of berries and
2342s the cooing I'm back in this area okay
2346s she has a vault room here oh nice it is
2353s really good really cool that's a perfect
2357s place for the wall to be in my opinion
2358s and the I heard wheel pains in another
2361s corner like it was a side section so she
2363s doesn't she's done a really good job
2364s just in general and the layout and the
2367s feel the BG Pike's Trask hey as my
2372s girlfriend is addicted to putting way
2374s too many beast heads on the wall to the
2375s point where it's disturbing how can I
2377s cure her of that I don't know man I
2380s think this is just one of those things
2382s where you girlfriend have to you know
2383s sit down talk this out you know I don't
2387s know I'm thinking probably normal I
2388s think he's got a problem I heard I think
2393s it was like guillermo del toro asked
2395s like he had him he talked about having
2397s way too many like horror memorabilia
2399s stuff we had to put a lot of it in his
2401s garage and he had to buy like a second
2404s house to just like put all his you know
2406s memorabilia stuff it's like P Diddy had
2409s like a full like apartment level for his
2412s closet yeah that's ridiculous
2416s that's just she just she did an amazing
2419s job in the actual visual view of the
2421s whole thing I mean oh yes above the max
2423s room she's got her apiaries and all the
2425s compost and pliner's and we're gonna see
2428s if I can take a look at this from above
2429s yeah this is like a throwing star shape
2431s really cool very well done
2434s yeah anything else we'll do we can go to
2440s like I have got a simple thrall build I
2442s did for they're all camped nearby we can
2444s go by real quick yeah let's do it
2445s and we won't have to stay there long
2447s because it's not a lot yeah see here so
2452s I'm gonna chat I'm sorry but I forget
2454s your name asked about the the Conan
2456s books that I want to get into because
2458s they've been playing the game so when we
2460s started making the game there were two
2463s specific Conan stories that our creative
2466s director wanted us to want us to read
2469s and the first one is Tower of the
2470s elephant which is a short story in like
2474s three chapters which is where Onan hears
2477s about a tower with the magic jewel he
2479s decides to steal the magic jewel and
2481s then stuff sort of happens from there
2484s so check that out Tower of the elephant
2486s the other is I think it was the hour of
2491s the dragon was the other one which is
2493s like one of the few like novel-length
2495s Conan stories which is when Conan is
2498s king of Aquilonia so you should check
2500s out those two at least you know just I
2503s think you can buy like one giant like
2505s binder of um Conan stories like
2508s annotated and all that kind of stuff so
2509s just you know check check it out on
2512s Amazon you'll figure it out they have it
2514s if it's available in the world
2516s Amazon has it yes usually did in a night
2520s I had the mats mostly already but this
2523s is just a this thrall taming pens for
2526s nice the the the city of sentiment of
2528s interpreter September September to say
2532s yes but this was a I needed something
2536s but this is whenever the the Cobb
2538s Avengers came a thing else they wanted
2539s some kind of defensive I know the climb
2541s the walls but right at least so it kind
2543s of keep them away but did a just a
2544s multi-level wheels of pain through its
2548s and I want
2549s more of a square kind of shape with it I
2551s don't only build square so I challenged
2553s myself to try to build one and I failed
2556s this is a giant square it's just a box
2559s it's the box with the box but I made
2563s this the workday uh the workshop itself
2565s is not really well decked out but it was
2568s I liked how it was a longer building
2569s usually I do more rounded one so yeah
2571s thing is again it's not fully decorated
2573s but I like the style so yeah it's it has
2576s a really good like workshop feel to it
2577s yeah ready to get some sawdust on your
2580s hands and get work with the wedges and
2589s stuff so it's Megan this is pre yeah so
2596s this is vanilla building all this is
2598s building and again he's like all mats
2601s have been granted grinded on the server
2603s all mats have been grinded it's not
2604s spoke with 7.x harvesting of course oh
2607s yeah it is but you know like if it
2611s wasn't then we wouldn't be having this
2612s tour probably just hold on that quick
2618s second I got a kick someone out of the
2620s mixer chat
2625s there we go he's gone I'm sorry to hear
2628s that
2629s oh he was just being being a bit Spani
2632s gotcha
2633s oh yeah like someone has someone in
2637s twitch chat put it out that you know
2638s it's really good use of wedges to get
2640s the the triangle shapes coming off the
2642s sides of the signs of the gate there
2644s thank you
2645s yeah trying to mix up like every build I
2648s try not to make exactly the same another
2650s one try to come up with something new to
2651s do with it that's that's my challenge so
2653s yeah way you know okay that looks like a
2655s bigger version of that build or it looks
2657s like a mini version of that bill try to
2659s do something a little different and I
2660s like all the different materials like
2661s the the stone brick has a great feel to
2664s it compared to you know the the two
2667s three have reinforced you know ones or
2669s the black ice or now now with our the
2672s red Barn's we can build now right yeah I
2674s think especially especially the tier 3
2676s stuff at least the reinforced zone and
2678s black ice stuff they they look very like
2680s fortress II like it looks super powerful
2683s you know yeah the latinas foundations
2686s the black I said with the enemies the
2687s tier 2 stuff is more more you know it's
2690s more City ish me I guess yeah like I
2694s would I have to take to call it modern
2696s but it's almost that because it's brick
2700s yeah exactly yeah and then the sandstone
2703s it looks exactly like that so yeah well
2706s I just threw this together with you know
2708s mud and spit it's great for templating
2710s though yes I'm sure played out your
2712s builds it's it's a heck of a lot cheaper
2713s and then if you're not sure what you're
2715s gonna do sometimes sometimes I'll do
2717s that when I'm in the middle of being
2718s creative but yeah that's not it so let's
2722s see we're staying in the desert so let's
2727s go buy another one this is actually a
2731s clan called tribe mmm tribe called tribe
2735s right I put a lot of thought in the name
2737s Jerome I mean the Tribe Called Quest was
2741s already taken so exactly yeah a tribe
2744s called clan my client called cry let me
2747s go to this no this is there's a lot of
2749s detail work put into this so you
2750s different gonna if you like detail work
2753s you're gonna like this so nice you
2755s choose
2757s macht no come submitting the player
2759s mocking off yeah in case anyone's
2761s wondering like I named my character mock
2764s enough em MOC and you f because it's a
2768s pretty okay barbarian name and it's also
2771s a fun calm spelled backwards you know
2774s it's a twofer oh good
2776s and Ruby just from type in tribe tribe
2779s tribe yeah she's she's yeah she's got
2783s the whip for them she whipped them in
2785s place it's the shade they've worked on
2787s some stuff last night actually so yeah
2789s and they're pretty excited they should
2791s be excited I'm excited we're all excited
2797s holy hell wow I am absolutely blown away
2806s by this whoa I really like the cat I
2810s have the trebuchet platform yeah well
2814s very well done and then each section
2817s place has this place for a member of
2819s tribe in it see like they have names on
2820s the front whose houses would and there's
2823s a personal effects and like here we have
2826s this this is glory so which is Anju
2830s Laurie daddy's dungeon wow this is so
2833s good I am absolutely blown away oh there
2839s she is hello you couldn't see me right
2848s now I was looking in the mirror and this
2866s do we get over here who's this one yeah
2868s this is daddy's dungeon empty daddy
2870s hasn't done anything with it and I say
2878s that yeah this this is like this is like
2883s a small like medieval village type style
2886s yeah and it's just yeah the attention to
2888s detail is just
2890s absolutely I mean Dragon's nest
2894s check out this oh yeah Wow
2900s this is so good I am blown away by all
2904s this holy shit yeah a lot of again
2911s detail work here this a group of them
2913s that work together so that as you can
2915s see what a group hang accomplish when
2916s they all like yeah like rock it out
2917s versus like one person building so yeah
2922s this is put a lot of stuff into it like
2924s oh yeah here's the I just imagined
2937s someone building this and then they're
2939s trying to line stuff up and then you
2941s know there's like their one Square apart
2943s they're just not lining up enough and
2946s then someone just goes goddamnit
2947s let's start all over again oh here's
2950s wills he's got this is the pleasure yet
2954s the pleasure palace a pleasure place
2956s he's got it's been a good job to it in
2958s the ranging of things I've got some of
2960s the new Jade stuff up on the fireplace
2961s and yeah there's well sleeping in his
2965s bed is on these watch ok you don't watch
2980s them sleep okay they watch the vaughan
2985s later and just get skip to the part
2986s where I stare into the camera like a
2987s madman over shoulder real quickly
2991s hashtag I blame will in let's check they
2995s did use the New Deal speed to build the
2996s new oh wow new bar beat on BBQ yeah
3001s that's good and they did this last night
3006s this is so good I am blown away it's
3012s like what some of the things that I
3013s never really do is like build like small
3016s and compact but like it really if if I'm
3020s allowed to brag just a little bit like I
3022s think of a lot of the building system
3024s like really lends itself well to to
3026s building compactly you know you don't
3028s you don't have to build big you can but
3031s you can also if you want you can build
3033s like small rooms and like small well
3036s building these because we're challenging
3037s to build quality smaller bills because
3039s you exactly having unique buildings
3043s multiple ones that that's where the real
3045s big challenge lays and then also
3046s decorating them to fit better it's
3049s easier to decorate kind of - if you get
3050s the build right sure yeah but I'm Ellen
3053s today the bars on the outside - so
3055s people come up order for the windows and
3056s yes all the lanterns are it's super good
3060s they should have called the coton buffet
3063s instead of in case you want to go too
3066s tall yeah kids you want to go full full
3069s Chinese buffet anything I'll take a we
3082s have here we have the decor shop and
3083s free decor so this is her decor shop
3085s she's got nice no returns read a core
3092s curated for your home no returns
3095s just the punches yeah wow so they've
3099s done a good job at this build this is
3101s where a lot of their energy went to him
3102s so you can tell so oh yeah this must
3106s this must have taken a lot of time yeah
3110s well they they whenever his servers new
3113s like a like a lot of people there I'm
3114s heavy and hard and then even over time
3117s like kind of like I gotta say we're fine
3119s and I think that's kind of like you know
3121s I think she built the whole thing with
3122s the sandstone first the preliminary
3124s walls and then reversed at all yeah
3126s that's a work in progress by itself
3133s gonna suggest that we jump north maybe
3136s and then skip to some of the swamp stuff
3138s because we're slowly running out of time
3140s I'm sorry we can go over to slip Gators
3142s if you want sure let's do it all right
3145s this is his ziggurats it's the work in
3147s progress as well alright but it's got a
3149s good feel to it let me see here we go
3151s some in you
3155s sumit player in case you're watching and
3158s you're wondering if we patched the PC
3160s version right now we did we patched it
3163s with a quick fat lie update to take care
3166s of some stuff that people were yeah - so
3170s make battle I work better basically
3172s so uh darns hand in mix your asses
3175s Koenig's house fun I think he's pretty
3176s fun but I bias because I'm working on it
3179s so I think so too depending on what kind
3181s of experience you're expecting will the
3182s will decide on where you should play it
3185s on my opinion yeah you know because
3187s there's a single player then the
3188s official ones can be a little ruthless
3189s and then there's private ones that can
3191s be more curtailed to a specific set so
3193s you know mean like some people don't
3195s like official stuff that's just me you
3198s know like no you know I mean like cuz
3199s it's wide open and you log in one day
3201s and then all twenty hours you just put
3203s it in its callin sure yes you expect you
3206s accept that when you play on the servers
3207s and you expect that so you play
3209s accordingly yeah we get in client you
3212s don't let that happen I mean if you are
3216s thinking of buying it it is on sale on
3218s the ps4 right now if you're a
3220s PlayStation Plus member in the US and
3222s it's also on sale on the Steam sale if
3224s you have a PC that can run it so now
3227s it's and they you'll see for it now -
3230s yes there is which were which are
3233s amazing artists have been working super
3236s hard on they did an excellent job I
3238s can't and say that no yeah they've done
3240s an excellent job on you really the
3242s detail work they've done on the pieces
3243s themselves like armor weapons building
3246s all there that's amazing shout out to
3248s shadow - Jenny our character artists who
3250s makes a lot of the clothing and shout
3252s out to our team of 3d artists who make
3253s like you know the weapons and the
3254s placeable some good stuff very cohesive
3258s very cohesive it helps that we have a
3261s really good art director named Gavin
3263s who's like he he's been working at home
3267s for a while so he really knows he knows
3268s the conan style really well and he knows
3272s what kind of like visual direction he
3274s wants for the game and for the building
3276s pieces and for the different weapons and
3277s armors and all that kind of stuff so he
3279s he's been really good at keeping keeping
3282s everything coherent and keeping
3283s everything you know feeling like it it
3286s all it all fits -
3287s you know so this is this is a ziggurat
3291s he's done a he did most this building
3294s has happened on streams he does right um
3296s so a lot of that's there I like how he
3298s did the design with the ceilings I'm in
3300s the middle there with his carpentry and
3302s just right yeah but he's got a bunch of
3306s different things pretty well as well now
3309s he's got a vault above there but he's
3311s done more of the building and not so
3313s much the decor but um the overall like
3315s style he's taken advantage of the less
3318s placement restrictions mod to to kind of
3321s pull in some the walkways into each
3322s building sure yeah I think it's a nice
3327s build slowpoke x2 rights you know for a
3332s server called devolve they sure seem
3334s surprisingly technologically advanced I
3337s expected people living in caves and
3339s simple huts with lots of grunting you
3341s know the name actually was made up by
3344s blitz
3345s let's Krieger original they had this
3350s server Dre Gaston blitz both got the
3352s whole initial group together eventually
3354s drag-ass pulled out some and became they
3356s pay me admin of the server and I've been
3358s admitting him ever since so I just
3359s carried the name on
3360s so that's they they're the ones that
3362s came up with that so it's been a it's
3366s been a bit of a theme I think for those
3369s guys because they also run an art server
3371s called he's like pooping involved or
3373s something know that that is that is
3374s actually another group I'm associated
3376s with them that slip Gator XP crafted
3379s Zildjian there's so many tracks a lapis
3383s Laurie name there's a good amount of
3385s people they've been doing the Ark
3386s survival thing forever they did their
3388s own server whenever this came out to but
3390s finish beefed in and joined them and
3392s Zildjian didn't join them he joined they
3393s joined evolved one just okay alright and
3395s that's where that came from my mistake
3397s you're fine you're fine fine which
3400s that's why I get questioned about it
3402s sometimes but that's that's why it's
3404s called that and because they named it
3406s that I think they didn't just of the
3409s other thing to the other game currently
3411s out people say have done this or another
3413s one that we don't mention all right well
3416s the one that's built in the caverns here
3418s yeah yeah all right that might be a nice
3420s one
3421s do the means with that this is built by
3423s the Magnificent four or bail the bear
3426s good name bail the bear all right yes
3430s missus make sure you know the right
3432s entrances this one is there's four
3434s engine systems because it goes into the
3436s caves so this is a lot to that and let's
3440s choose you summon player oh this is one
3444s inside you why hello for me to go inside
3450s new means fun comes hmm Oh God
3456s you know sometimes some people spell it
3458s with an e at the end because they don't
3461s really know how to spell the name
3463s properly Wow okay alright so phantom
3471s Thunder says Hawk Nest up top but it's
3472s not done I'm not sure if this was
3474s referring to this particular builder the
3476s last Department but probably talking
3477s about this one then probably someone
3480s says now that we donated so much money
3482s to cone and can get a team on a Oh to
3484s please
3484s so the thing about Aniki online to is
3488s like Anarchy Online is probably the best
3490s game that we've ever made so why would
3493s we do a sequel when we know the sequel
3495s is going to be inferior that's all I'm
3498s saying
3499s there you have it have it we will never
3502s make a game as good as Anarchy Online I
3504s think you got it in do you think so yeah
3509s I think inspiration we can get something
3511s inspires like living crap out of you I'm
3513s sure you build I mean I think he doesn't
3515s well in this one so so this is the
3521s entranceway to this this whole section
3523s they actually go into the caves
3525s themselves this myth Yanis section and
3529s it goes through the cave system they
3531s build through it all so you have little
3534s cubby holes everywhere
3535s things are getting done that this stuff
3538s is stuff that I never consider when I
3540s build some of my own things and like
3542s this I think this is another gate here
3544s yeah this is another huge gate coming in
3546s and this has the dragon's head above it
3549s oh yeah I mean you got to have the
3551s dragon set
3555s there it is Schuyler there we go
3567s there we go
3568s now I have control I think because I've
3572s turned off the UI so you can see like
3574s more of gotten stuff yeah this is one of
3582s four entrances but this there's even
3583s more inside even in the front portions
3585s the gates lead into low higher sections
3587s there's a bedding got a kitchen in here
3591s even further up they got another altar
3594s and stuff like that so there's a bunch
3596s of like just everything and it winds
3598s through the entire set of caverns in
3600s here wow this is super well done yeah I
3604s was like that's very nice I use the kind
3606s of dome room
3607s I can't imagine winging all of this and
3609s just like going by feeling that's that's
3612s you but if you look at it you can't let
3613s the in the wedges and the foundation to
3615s where Foundation's really kind of lead
3617s you how you need to do it right and it
3619s becomes like a problem-solving game too
3621s so sure yeah it's fun I went back out
3627s Netanyahu a there's more in here I got
3630s messed up which way to go
3631s actually if we look press em and you can
3633s see where all the temples are see what
3636s if I can get to the North temple that
3638s they've got here the northwest one yeah
3640s here's the other portion of the build
3642s they've done such a good job
3645s let me see is this a different one yeah
3647s this side here right no that's the same
3650s one that's the same one dangit sorry
3652s wow it's difficult to keep track okay
3656s I'm just so fascinated by everything
3658s this way okay this way is the way we
3660s need to go right and when we cut through
3663s the actual rock face we should be will
3664s see some of the building once we can see
3666s through the layers oh sweet yeah there
3670s you are I think am I going the right way
3673s oh I'm going right way I am so I'm going
3676s in right way you just go east toward to
3678s the other altars on the map they didn't
3682s appear from your service
3683s okay I'll summon you to me when I get
3686s over here I'm heading eastward now just
3689s and they have their map room set up here
3690s as well
3693s oh alright I'm going to summon you and
3696s make a little bit easier yeah I probably
3698s go to fly mode so don't fall through the
3699s ground okay I mean no and summon player
3711s oh and this is their map room area -
3718s nice the entrance to it is over here
3722s they do something that I could do I like
3724s how stone brick and black ice work
3726s together like a gold on black especially
3728s when it's wet oh yeah yeah this is
3731s really good you can yeah you can paint a
3734s lot of really good shapes and play
3737s around with the architecture all my
3739s stuff so the interesting of the caverns
3741s is down below but then up above is their
3743s map room okay let's check that out yeah
3749s and then with the glow from the pillar
3750s it looks even better yeah so it's pretty
3754s pretty pretty wicked Beowulf the
3759s barbarian one last thing foo man true
3761s when I don't think we have plans for a
3763s foo Manchu mustache least as far as I
3767s know at the moment but I will definitely
3770s suggest it
3771s we'll see do we have time for one more
3773s than North if we're gonna smuggle it's
3775s smaller sure let's do it all right make
3779s sure good on the right spot I think it's
3780s right here
3784s that's called picture framing when used
3786s on decks I had no idea like the contrast
3789s between the dark and the light stuff yep
3792s the more you know the less you know I
3797s don't know it's a poor player okay this
3802s one's done by a guy named Kirk Ridge or
3804s Troy it's a smaller build but like the
3807s effort put into like a good job of the
3809s smaller bill right this is definitely
3811s one of those yeah I really like how we
3817s did the the different floors where like
3819s one is small that I want this bigger how
3821s he solved that stuff with the support
3823s walls really good and then the mixture
3826s of materials - with the sandstone with
3828s insulator wood yeah
3837s okay so need some inspiration yeah with
3842s the carry like the the moose head on top
3846s you're the goat king of the north yeah
3849s that's what I call it's a go king of the
3852s north and they had the king of the south
3853s which I think say his name is kuda or
3855s something like that yeah oh there's
3858s someone sleeping or watching him sleep
3864s purges are turned not only on the Duvall
3866s server we have it set though to there
3868s needs to be a certain amount climb
3869s members online form to happen yeah smart
3872s that's I played online with some
3875s colleagues and some friends with
3876s colleagues and I got purged twice while
3879s I was offline you destroyed half my
3882s stuff not fun you know you want to go to
3889s humble now yeah let's jump through this
3890s way do you see I have we have two we
3894s have well we have three if we want to
3896s see the horrible Klopp avengers base
3897s main let's do all three let's do me okay
3900s all right so let's go by tribe has
3902s another one it's in the tree area which
3904s is you know they've got some nice stuff
3906s there we go to the right spot there just
3908s and the entranceway is from here we're
3912s gonna try then we can do the clapping
3914s then i guess we go to mine I guess yeah
3918s there is a problem I was wondering like
3920s south of the Buccaneer Bay there's those
3923s high there's a plateau between there an
3925s ancient city yeah build there at all and
3928s there's no NPC stuff nearby there it's
3930s but it blocks like a certain circular
3932s section right is there something there
3935s specific that's supposed to be there
3937s maybe I can tell you about later I guess
3941s I mean yes I mean probably I'm not sure
3946s about that place specifically but I can
3948s ask of a guy who's in charge of all the
3950s okay that gonna be largest black lines
3952s in Alaska so this instance way comes
3955s from here there you are
3960s and it kind of leads into their tree
3962s base area Oh first I would fill
3966s everything modes in oh yeah this is real
3971s cool yeah because they basically take in
3975s the tree and the surrounding areas like
3977s sort of they're made flat right and then
3979s just sort of like we're gonna build
3981s we're gonna be house up there to the top
3983s oh yeah there it is
3985s oh wow this is super good
3990s I like how they like incorporated the
3992s different like the size of the trunk and
3994s making different platforms
4003s gahafer yes we are aware of that bug
4010s this is amazing holy and they use stairs
4014s instead of regular uh roof pieces for
4017s the commercial building yeah which I
4019s thought was well oh yeah that's cool I
4022s guess since it's a hot place you know
4025s yeah you want some like you want some
4028s ventilation exactly and they got dancers
4033s all up in here so I guess that makes it
4036s work in the sweat oh actually but they
4039s again this is one of their bills they
4040s get the as the the decor they do yeah
4044s and it's nicely done well placed but I
4047s thought it was a cool place just in
4048s general how it looked and how they
4050s utilized again the landscape yeah
4052s absolutely
4053s I really like the the platform's that
4055s they've done this like giant tree in the
4056s middle here it goes all the way up goes
4059s all the way up yeah to like a tower on
4060s the huge branches it's like that is one
4063s of the things that we wanted people to
4064s do when we added the swung goal area
4067s because like we it was made specifically
4070s to like for vertical building because
4074s you know like we wanted players to be
4077s able to build upwards in the trees all I
4079s kind of stopped service I think it's
4081s really cool it's really cool to see
4083s people embrace that and actually like
4084s make some really cool stuff with it
4087s so that's kind of the whole build for it
4091s but they again like yeah I guess I think
4093s it's a good exam
4093s then utilizing the tree you know and
4096s also tying it into the lower portion as
4099s well and then their main build goes back
4103s up AB over on the end of a cliff there's
4105s a tower of the year of their tower up
4106s there and all that good stuff so and
4108s then they have elevators going across to
4110s another tree and I saw that we actually
4113s did that in one of our trailers as well
4115s we had one of our one who's what our
4121s communications director who's much
4122s better building than I am he also did
4124s that a lot he'd like based on a bunch of
4126s elevators and saw like okay this snaps
4128s to this tree alright we can just start
4130s started going from there and then he
4132s attached a bunch of other stuff to other
4134s things it just looked really good oh hey
4139s it stopped raining
4140s just in time yes we can go to the the
4146s plop surrenders I mean Klopp avengers
4149s base now I guess that's right it's um I
4156s call it a pyramid with a box in a box
4158s that's what I call it all right I wonder
4161s how many times I fell down building this
4162s and to be writes a few times I might
4164s have died might pour had you frustration
4174s in the chat and the discord so yeah this
4180s is the pyramid with the Box in a box
4184s it's it's kind of it's me I call it a
4186s hot mess but I still got to give it some
4188s love you know I figured it's not your
4191s hot mess no that's not mine this is the
4194s Avengers this they could even build a
4197s pyramid straight so Bob surrenders there
4200s you go you got a right see your official
4202s member of tasty goodness now thank you
4205s very much there so yeah it's I think
4209s what they're trying to do is that I have
4211s they're thinking more pvp and quickly
4212s get something up sure yeah I mean this
4215s this looks like something you defend
4216s like this this looks like something
4218s that's they have to defend it with
4219s anyone looks at it I mean
4223s are there good people I enjoy them
4225s they're there again they I do like how
4228s they've kind of come up there's like
4230s this main building on this side then you
4232s go up from that building to go to the
4233s top of over there and they've been
4235s working on some more platforms but uh
4238s yeah it's kind of there's like holes
4241s everywhere I guess it's fitting the
4242s theme because Klopp is like that so he's
4245s a great point I wasn't complaining about
4247s the holes I just like the the size and
4250s the scale of it and it's just gotcha
4252s it's really really good
4253s I know it sounds like I'm beating myself
4255s a lot but I'm literally well hey I
4259s really like props now Robocop is in
4262s twitch chat this is yes clapping vengers
4264s rule that's that is Robocop that is and
4268s that is officially Robocop right there
4270s so there we go
4271s we're gonna give him some love even
4273s though he likes to try and kill people
4275s when they're building don't kill people
4278s kill people when they've declared war on
4280s you well he's declared war on us okay
4283s well then him and beef have some beef
4287s and then beef and then I applied with
4291s popcorn and then the beef one beef
4293s begins clapping everyone join against
4294s popcorn with the beef and I said yeah
4296s with John the beef and so yeah good job
4301s I like to pick on them some but it's
4303s interesting how the style goes overall
4305s but it's pretty cool yes absolutely I
4308s mean you'd like since their arrival plan
4310s you sort of have to pick on them a
4311s little yeah that's kind of the point and
4313s it's nothing like there's like a line I
4315s mean like some decency there we're
4318s picking on people you know oh there guys
4320s are attacking me yeah I'm not surprised
4322s yeah I just cloaked myself so they're
4325s not attacking me
4326s I don't mind they can wait there on me
4328s they're infinite arrows yeah if they're
4331s wasting it though they're wasting it and
4332s in my mind okay I guess we go the last
4336s one which is my main build let's do it
4338s let's do it
4339s all right I'm excited cause everything
4342s John let's see all those secrets show it
4343s all I understand I've got three other
4345s bills in the server I'm looking a show
4346s about me it's about everybody yeah yeah
4351s so you need to wait for it to load
4353s alright the walls themselves to
4355s hours to build oh I was gonna Oh God for
4358s a second there I thought you were gonna
4359s say that air wall but the walls will
4360s take 20 hours to load or something it
4362s might depend on what kind of machine you
4363s got it takes it a minute let it be sure
4365s ting there's two entrance to this you've
4367s got a north and a south entrance I call
4369s this place of being in gar which her off
4371s guard help me gather mats and I gather
4373s met so Bane and his last name's gar so
4375s bean and gar right is the name but as
4379s you get closer you can actually see it
4380s come into rendering ya getting there
4384s it's coming in there it's coming Wow
4388s this took I stream the entire tower
4391s build when two streams the walls
4396s like I said took about and the Palisades
4398s took like 20 hours to place there's
4399s Palisades on every corner that I could
4401s possibly reach I'd climbed a lot used
4403s elevators a lot in fellow okay so yeah
4406s you don't you don't fly around when you
4408s build you're doing it all no I I build
4410s within the game
4410s it is legitimately with the game I'll
4413s turn on Ansel for streams to show people
4415s stuff a little bit easier but right yeah
4417s none of us do the GD stuff to fuck to do
4420s this we build a legitimately or just
4422s cheating for this dream it's easier to
4426s show you stuff this way yeah exactly
4428s here's my tree Boucher it's not centered
4431s right but it's only place I could put it
4433s so like whenever we have guests I can
4435s say hello back yeah of course I'm like
4438s how like that is the only way you can
4440s fling a 90 kilogram projectile 300
4444s meters there's 45 kilograms I forget
4446s what the meme is now but I was I was
4450s disappointed because we when we first
4451s unveiled the trebuchet I tried to pull
4454s posts about them in the trebuchet memes
4456s so reddit and then nothing happened
4459s really yeah me like yeah there was
4462s nothing thanks Ari
4463s they they didn't react positively to our
4464s trebuchet it was shame really
4467s but so treated Shane's very good thank
4471s you thank you
4472s then if you look along the walls the
4473s edges like everything down low you'll
4475s see Palisades on every cliff holy Moses
4480s this is that was the hardest thing to do
4482s because I had to use like three or four
4483s elevators to get down and kind of
4485s release and then kind of spam where I
4486s could
4487s 700 700 Palisades for this build yeah
4491s 700 yeah just in case someone was to
4494s climb up and then fall back up yep so
4499s that was a lot this is the back gates
4501s here which I have we hrothgar frame
4504s farmed about 33 archers mm-hmm and so
4508s they're guarding the entire gate plus
4510s some guys on the ground all in full
4511s found Legion armor ice princess in chat
4519s we all watched John bill with clinched
4521s booty cheeks afraid he's gonna fall
4522s because the whole build I tested the
4525s height of the scale of how far I go up
4527s above in the like go to the sky I
4529s wouldn't do like 400 pillars to get to
4531s the top and never got to the top and
4533s then I jumped down and I landed on top
4535s of the tower and I felt so fast it
4537s didn't have time to render so I didn't
4538s die land it on the top and then it
4541s rendered in and I was okay so it was
4542s kind of funny yeah don't don't tell the
4544s exploiters that much stuff but so inside
4550s you hear like here's the bolts which
4555s this is where some of the gold and black
4557s ice press into play
4558s oh yeah and let me change it tonight cuz
4563s the lighting in here actually is pretty
4564s cool ok you go into the admin panel dusk
4571s there we go cheats duskier then it
4574s should maybe is the 2,400 2,400 midnight
4581s or is yes and so we'll just do that
4584s instead
4590s there we go so I put in the blue goo
4594s lighting here mm-hmm
4595s so it has like the glowing with though
4597s the the banners and stuff like that but
4599s I like inside has an upwards go which
4601s has just a ha yeah it's like that kind
4604s of lighting is that's really good
4606s I'm gonna screenshot that too and this
4611s is some of the best placement mod 2 for
4613s the pillar as you seen the front they're
4614s offset oh yeah they're on yeah
4617s absolutely yeah they're in between
4620s they're not in the middle I mean this
4625s basically looks like a giant bank that's
4629s kind of point like old school Bank you
4631s know
4633s and then the inside here like here's a
4634s lot of stone brick and a black eye stuff
4637s mixture and oh wow yeah I really like
4644s the the contrasts of the floor
4647s we call it framing yeah that's what it
4649s was and did uh what I did - like I built
4652s this I didn't design the floor I didn't
4653s want to build a circle this is actually
4655s a weird oval right and so I had the
4657s supports going on bright I was like well
4659s use the the stone brick to signify so
4662s every floor has the stone brick and
4663s pillars going up through it the whole
4665s place right so I'll turn it back today
4668s because the overall lighting and Robocop
4672s has a message it says you did a nice job
4674s but tasty goodness still sucks for the
4676s record
4682s so in this essential elevator through
4684s the entire place there's well elevators
4685s for each floor so you can actually go up
4687s to the next floor now this is where it's
4689s still under construction type stuff but
4691s I do have for the main gods in each wing
4693s in their own little area I do I did a
4696s little bit of work on decretal but
4706s overall like ice a lot and if you're
4709s going to 300 to the top then you'll see
4710s the the top of main and gar which
4714s yeah we were actually in the area
4716s designated for the her offal which is
4719s the hrothgar's little her offal gonna be
4720s in and then there's a second another
4722s floor here and then there you go the
4726s hell of a middle this is a butt
4728s clenching to build like oh yeah and it
4731s was trying all the way up there you
4733s climbed all the way up here mm-hmm
4735s yep yeah I there's a way to jump in
4738s place jump in place and climb and jump
4740s up and do things but uh yeah I'm missing
4745s a couple pieces now that's so I gotta go
4747s back and fix those Wow I'd lose a couple
4749s pieces probably from that placement
4750s thing yeah so I yellow 88 said that
4755s looks like a tower from Lord of the
4757s Rings it does look a bit like was or
4759s thang or yeah yeah yeah I didn't go for
4765s it specifically with the build I just I
4766s didn't want to do a basic tower I want
4768s to do something different I was like
4769s maybe like a fork shape or something so
4771s you know that's where that came from it
4774s was a little bit help trying to get it
4775s all right but I liked how the stone
4777s bridge like it was from the interior
4779s back outside back to the interior to get
4781s all the way up so it breaks up the lines
4783s a lot of pillars it's a lot of grinding
4787s and the wall itself is all foundations
4790s with fence foundations on the outside
4792s yeah oh yes the fence foundations ice so
4800s it's the front gates themselves are
4806s where we kind of initially started
4808s there's the I have a full archer line
4810s and then you don't need to treat machine
4812s all that stuff so that's that's
4813s basically the build though so wow that's
4817s a lot of time I that and of course the
4820s dragon had got to have that you can't
4823s it's gonna be like serious business it's
4825s not serious business tape of the dragon
4827s hit up I do do little in sets on the
4829s sides too or kind of cut in almost like
4831s a piece of cake and had the stone brick
4833s there to kind of give it some flavor and
4835s it's symmetric all the way around the
4836s build oh yeah oh yeah that looks good
4842s and then put the lights behind it to
4844s kind of glow at nighttime
4845s yeah the contrast is real good I think
4847s that
4848s I think a lot of people don't really
4849s think about that when they're building
4851s they're all just like they want it to be
4852s uniform then if you add you know some
4854s lighter apples here they're a brick how
4857s work with the black ice honestly when it
4858s rains like right now it really has that
4860s gold versus like greenish black
4862s corrosive feel and so nice it pops so
4865s good but that is I think everything yes
4871s not really but all I had were prepared
4873s for you today that was more than enough
4877s I was amazing
4878s and everyone watching you now all know
4881s all the all of John Baines building
4883s secrets you can see them for the product
4886s of the secrets they're together yes I
4891s appreciate you having me on the stream
4893s appreciate you coming out and checking
4894s out as cool start with the chat last
4896s week on your stream and then end up
4898s happening so yeah if there's anyone
4908s watching what's the intro goes if
4911s there's anyone you know if you're
4913s running a private server if you're
4914s running like a role-playing server if
4915s you're a content creator you want to
4917s show off some of the stuff just so while
4918s some of your stuff on stream just give
4920s us a shout out tweet at us you can email
4925s me if you go to PR Dolph on calm calm
4927s you can find my email address just like
4928s reach out and get in touch and we can
4931s figure something out what else what's
4935s gonna say check out john bain on youtube
4937s slash john bain with a zero
4939s instead of a No
4941s that's my forgetting maybe that's it
4945s any last words John thank you for having
4949s me
4950s your community's awesome so glad to see
4951s things going well for the game I look
4953s forward what's coming out and appreciate
4955s you know getting taken time to hang out
4957s today yeah thank you so much for coming
4958s thank you guys so much for watching this
4960s will probably be the last of the last
4964s stream with me because next week Friday
4969s starting next starting next Friday I'm
4971s going on vacation
4972s Natasha might be doing a stream I'm not
4975s 100% sure if she's got anything planned
4977s but well of course let you know if she
4980s decides to
4981s jump in the streaming room and do some
4982s stuff and the community newsletters may
4987s or may not change shape for a couple of
4990s weeks since I won't be here I'm usually
4992s the guy writing them maybe Nicole will
4993s take over maybe Natasha will write some
4995s but yeah we're there's gonna be one
4998s newsletter next week and then because
5000s nobody the next three weeks I'm not
5002s gonna be on stream and then the streams
5003s are gonna kick back up again after after
5005s I'm done on my vacation and the fan
5010s fiction and fan art contest that we're
5013s running right now ends tomorrow at 4
5016s p.m. Central European summer time which
5019s is in less than 12 hours so if you
5021s haven't send in if you haven't already
5025s send in your contribution send in your
5026s fan art sending your fan fiction go to
5029s corner XL comp slash news and you'll
5031s find slash block it is actually you'll
5033s scroll down a bit you'll find all the
5035s other details all the information but
5039s yeah we've gotten some amazing stuff yet
5041s I know you guys can make some truly
5043s awesome things so just keep on sending
5045s it in and then we'll we'll we'll draw a
5047s winner once I'm back from vacation will
5049s showcase the winners and of course a lot
5052s of the runners-up on stream as well and
5054s we're gonna be doing some readings all
5056s kind of stuff it's gonna be great I
5060s think that's it
5062s eta on the next week's patch I don't
5064s have a specific ETA just yet it's gonna
5067s be one of those done when it's done kind
5069s of cases and yeah I think that's it
5075s we're done at it I just done well I
5078s haven't I haven't signed off yet but I'm
5080s gonna sign up now bye bye
5086s y'all take care thank you good Ram