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over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Hey there,

Our team is looking into both these issues now, along a few extra improvements for AI :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by OdmupPet

You guys are great. <3 Sorry Ignasis, what's the latest news on the server optimizations patch thats coming to Pc soon?

It's still undergoing a few rounds of testing on Testlive and some private servers. Once we're confident about its performance and reliability, we'll roll it out live to all servers.

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by douchebert

I've been trying to find official servers on testlive, but don't see any using the steam testlive client, are there not any up currently?

We have one server per mode and region on Testlive. Some players also prefer to run their private servers on the Testlive build.

Live official servers are not usually accessible through Testlive as they usually run on a different build version, though.

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by BadlanderZ

Before the unnamed City Patch, we got purged almost daily. Now after the update I havent Seen any purges at all. Playing PC Official Server PvP. Would appreciate if you could look into that as well, Im slowly Running out of white dye :D

Is your purge bar filling up correctly? We've had a few reports of some players struggling to trigger a purge.

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by BadlanderZ

Yes the purge bar is totally fine (full as always). But no purges spawning, eventlog says there's multiple a day, like before. My suspicion is that our mainbase is too big , maybe change the UI to chose the purge location, we have many small bases around the map which are better for purges because a) we would have to actually fight and not just watch our animals eat them up and b) better chances at catching an alchemist armorer or blacksmith without having to move dozens of animals first (which never works with the new aggro changes). I suggest to make them spawn at smaller outposts instead of mainbases, not to make it easier but to actually make it work!

Oh, that issue in particular is the one our team is actually looking into right now. We've been gathering some reports and info from our community for the past week and sending it to our devs as it was extremely unreliable and difficult to find a repro case for it. We hope to be able to share good news about it soon, but until then we appreciate your patience!

over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link

Originally posted by BadlanderZ

To elaborate on this issue, I would really like to see the option for our animals to NOT attack at all, so we can knock purge NPCs out before our tigers snack them (an option like 'Friendly' in the quick menu next to 'Follow' would be nice)Thanks for the continuous answers and the great communication with us lately. I really appreciate it!

Our team is considering adding some extra AI settings for friendly thralls. There's nothing really set in stone at this moment but we're listening :)