Dear, Exiles!

This week we’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of the full release of Conan Exiles. To mark the occasion, we’re rolling out the Anniversary Update! This update has been available on our Testlive branch for a couple of weeks and now we’re finally ready to roll it out to the live branch.

This free update adds a whole new dungeon to the game, a new mini-dungeon, new types of pets, and a full revamp of several NPC settlements and cities. This revamp includes population changes, new bosses, and new loot and rewards for those of you brave enough to challenge these new foes.

There’s something here for everyone!

The Sunken City
The Watcher above be vigilant, the Captain below be ready. The Redeemer will tear the veil of time asunder and escape their prison. When they come, blood will flow. When they come, blood will flow.

Something beckons from deep below the waves. Something trapped. Something ancient. Will you allow this ancient evil to be released, or will you resist the pull of the deep?

The Sunken City is a brand-new dungeon intended for high-level players to test their mettle against the corrupting evil that lurks within. You travel to the city via a boat found in Dagon’s Embrace, and upon arrival a strange and mysterious voice starts echoing through your head. It is the voice of Dagon, the Deep One, who is trying to tear through the membrane of reality and unleash an age of horror on the known world.

Within the Sunken City you will face members of the Cult of Dagon, as well as several Deep Ones in various states of transformation. The deeper you go, the greater the touch of Dagon can be felt. As you explore and fight your way through the city you will also come across lorestones and tables that will teach you new crafting recipes for various weapons. There will also be special loot located throughout the Sunken City.

New Companions Also in this update are new types of companions. You can already tame pets and capture thralls, but these new companions require a more wicked touch. After we roll out the Anniversary Update you can learn the Witch Doctor feat in a major NPC capital.

Witch Doctors can construct Wight and Skeleton warriors that will act as companions in the same way as thralls and pets. You can also create undead Shalebacks, hyenas and lizardmen, which were previously only encountered as enemy units. They can follow you around, fight for you, and defend your settlements.

In New Asagarth you can find a special horn to summon Frost Giants to fight beside you.

Scorpion Den Mini-Dungeon With this update you can also tame scorpions in your Animal Pens, which ties in neatly with our new Mini-Dungeon, the Scorpion Den.

Located near Sepermeru, the Scorpion Den is, as you’d imagine, a cave where you’ll find a lot of scorpions. Thankfully, there’s more to the cave than just that. You’ll find plenty of crafting resources, including large quantities of crystal. There are other reasons to visit the Scorpion Den, but we’ll let you discover those for yourselves.

Capital Revamps Several NPC capitals have gotten an overhaul in terms of both population and content. The Unnamed City has an increased loot pool, meaning all bosses have received additional loot drops so there are greater reasons to travel to the Unnamed City. The Library of Esoteric Artifacts has also re-stocked its shelves of unlockable scrolls, letting you discover more exotic and interesting weapons.

The Volcano has gotten a population adjustment and new bosses have been added to the area as well. Some parts of the population making the Volcano their home has now become hostile, making the place more dangerous for those who want to venture there.

Bandit thugs have made their way into Sepermeru and you should start seeing more unique NPCs populating the city. Special bosses and unique thralls have been added as part of this revamp, and you will also be able to enter the Sepermeru Silver Mine, which is located beneath the city.

Finally, the Summoning Place, home to the Darfari savages, has gotten some slight adjustments. New recipes can be obtained from here and you should also see the Darfari faction wield more appropriate weapons and armors.

Steam Free Weekend We’re also celebrating the one-year anniversary with a Steam Free Weekend. Conan Exiles will be free to play on Steam from May 9th to May 13th. If you’re one of our first-time players, welcome to the community, and if you decide to buy the game you can get it at a discount.

We hope you enjoy everything we’ve added in this anniversary update.

  • New dungeon - The Sunken City!
  • Total revamp of Sepermeru, New Asagarth, Summoning Place and Volcano, with new fiends and foes, additional bosses, new loot and extra recipes.
  • New unlockable pets!
  • Tons of UI fixes.
  • Additional exploit fixes and balance passes.

  • Fixed a server crash relating to explosives being applied on large bases.
  • Fixed an issue where performance would drop when using sliders in the settings menu.
  • Optimized the Sunken City dungeon.

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed to achieve extra speed when moving around under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an exploit regarding undermeshing.
  • Fixed a duplication issue related to baby pets.

  • The Unnamed City loot-pools have been increased; all bosses have received additional drops. In addition, the Library of Esoteric artifacts has received even more unlockable scrolls.
  • The population for the Volcano has been adjusted. A number of additional bosses have been added, and parts of the population in the Volcano is now also hostile.
  • Sepermeru population has been adjusted and improved and bosses and unique thralls have been added. In addition, it is now possible to enter the Sepermeru Silver Mine.
  • The Population for the Darfari Capital ("The Summoning Place") has been adjusted and new bosses and recipes can now be obtained from there.
  • The population of New Asagarth has been revamped, and now has unique bosses, thralls and loot.

  • It should now be possible to place ceilings connected to doorframes even if they have a door in them.
  • Fixed an issue where placeables would lose stability after server restart.

  • It is now possible to harvest Elephant pets for the correct items.
  • Fluid press now correctly processes the Elephant Carcass.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Obsidian weapons and tools had the wrong ingredients in their recipes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reinforced Stool and Table Leg items required the wrong materials.
  • Fixed an issue where the Decorative skull required the wrong repair-materials.
  • Fixed an issue where crafting Black-Ice Reinforced Buildings gave too little experience. In addition, the requirements for crafting these building pieces have gone up, as it was too cheap.
  • Glass should no longer automatically convert to glass flasks, and now require the glass flask mold to be present (basically - as it used to be).

  • Two-Handed Hammer attacks now have a much easier time hitting humanoid targets.
  • Two-Handed Hammers now have hyper-armor through light attacks.
  • Daggers now have hyper-armor on heavy attacks.
  • It is no longer possible to attempt to "double-poison" the already poisoned Venom-Infused weapons.

  • NPC Archers should no longer fire arrows from too far away and instead follow the player in order to regain lost range. No more archer.bas.
  • Thralls wielding two-handed swords and hammers should now be able to properly perform combos.
  • NPCs are now affected by cripple.
  • Pets/Thralls should no longer follow a player that has been kicked out of a clan.
  • Pets should no longer have their starving animations and effects.
  • Lions now use the correct stats when in combat.
  • Giant Snakes will now apply poison on attacks.
  • Melee NPCs should now be able to path through open doors correctly (and stop at closed doors correctly).
  • Unstable Skeletons can now only be hit once before it explodes into a miasma of gas.
  • Higher level scorpion pets no longer drop the Skeleton key.
  • Caravan Elephants can now be harvested
  • Undead pets can now be harvested.

  • Fixed an issue with the purge where the same purge would keep attacking all the time.

  • Rebalanced the Staff of Epemitreus.
  • Learning Serpentine Weapons now requires knowledge of Star Metal Tools.
  • The Scorpion Ward now grants +100 bonus armor.
  • Sunken City weapon rewards have been increased in stats, to better match current Legendaries.

  • Players should now correctly receive damage from touching palisades. Palisades now inflict a damage over time effect (bleed).
  • CraftingCostMultiplier server setting now functions as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where god bubbles would not disappear after a server crash.
  • Set antidote no longer removes bleeds.
  • Eating Spiced Slivers no longer removes Poison.
  • Character should no longer respawn in the desert if the death was caused by low temperature.
  • Fixed an issue with an infinite loading screen while joining a dedicated server with limited max ping.
  • Flawless and Exceptional Vanir Settler Breechclout now show up properly when equipped.
  • Lions no longer drop a Panther head when killed.
  • The Invisibility cheat now also turns the player invisible to themselves.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be invisible to others while sitting in a chair under certain circumstances.
  • The Raging Kappa now drops the intended amount of Demon Blood.
  • Walking onto the boat in the Sunken City dungeon no longer instantly teleports you out from the dungeon. Now you need to interact with the boat in order to do so.
  • For modders: Removed "Cook by the book" checkbox from mod devkit.
  • Dagon's final boss room inside Flooded City no longer resets after the user touches the water near Dagon's cage

  • Moved a jaguar from the Deckswab's Retreat, as it was aggressive towards the camp inhabitants.
  • There is now a legendary chest near the giant snake boss room in the Arena.
  • Removed a legendary loot chest from near the Red Mother, as she does not drop a legendary key.
  • Fixed a number of stuck spots and graphical imperfections in the Sunken City dungeon and the Scorpion Den.
  • Fixed an undermesh location in the Unnamed City.
  • It's no longer possible to swim outside the boundaries of the Sunken City.
  • Fixed a number of teleportation issues in the Sunken City that would make the player teleport under the world.
  • Fixed a number of stuck spots in the Sepermeru Silvermine.
  • The exit teleport from the Silvermine has been adjusted to the entrance.
  • Several issues with the Rage Hammer (formerly "Siege Hammer") have been fixed.

  • Implemented new swimming animations.
  • Emotes should now correctly stop when logging off the server.

  • Fixed a bug where Purge Meter Trigger Value could be set only to minimum or maximum value while using a controller.
  • Nudity options are now saved while changing from non-nudity to partial and full nudity via the settings menu.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to access Server population with the controller in server browser.
  • Fixed a visual-only bug where seemingly, health would be set to 200 after a server restart.
  • Fixed an issue where the loading icon in the Server Settings box in the Server browser would become persistent.
  • The map marker should no longer "bounce" when the cursor hovers over a marker that is located at the bottom of the map.
  • Crafting progression icon no longer disappears from the screen after teleportation.
  • Repairing items now correctly displays the turning cogwheel animation.
  • Downloadable Content GUI will no longer persist after joining a session if not discarded before.
  • Fixed an issue where two checkboxes in Audio tab in Settings could not be reached with a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to center the map while using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where previously unlocked map markers and points of interest would disappear after logging out of a server.
  • Pets should no longer log hunger to the event log.
  • Players can now properly access the Level sorting options in the server sorting with controllers and keyboards.
  • Interaction Panel (Hold X for more options) and Inventory display are now shown when item is placed underwater.
  • Warning message displayed when recreating character is now correctly translated.
  • Highlight on Quickbar is now fitted to the slot if Inventory is browsed with arrow keys.
  • Fixed some missing translations.
  • Chests should now retain their locked/unlocked status properly on restart.
  • Armor linings and paddings are now all sorted correctly while using the armor selection filter.
  • Players are now able to navigate through the Player List using a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where expiration timers would desync.
  • Fixed a visual-only issue with crafting queues that would seemingly allow you to craft more items than you had the resources for (this was visual only).
  • Fixed an issue where one Turanian Statue had 0 hitpoints when placed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Turanian sloping walls had switched icons.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to use blank unicode characters in the clan name and player name to mess around with the chat system.

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3 days ago - Andy B