over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
8s [Music]
45s hello everyone and welcome once again to
49s the fun calm streaming room headquarters
52s phone call headquarters streaming room
54s I'm not really sure what we're gonna be
56s calling it but yeah just once again
58s stream day here it is Friday and it's
62s been two weeks since for our last stream
64s so we're we're gonna be streaming and
67s for some reason we appear to be no over
71s live again on Twitch there we go it
72s looked like before look that we were
74s offline for some reason but we're back
76s now which is just good hey everyone
78s welcome I'm yawns Eric your community
81s manager flying solo this time well not
83s completely solo because I have a special
85s guest with me who we will be bringing
87s you on a bit later but right now it's
90s it's just gonna be me and then we're
92s gonna switch over to do some other stuff
94s so I hope you're all doing okay it's has
100s been a bit it's been a bit of a hectic
101s week for us but yeah so I'm gonna
106s quickly just go over some of those
108s things have been happening in the past
109s two weeks then I'm gonna talk a bit
112s about talk a bit about what's been yeah
117s what we're gonna do on the stream and
118s then we're going to transition into into
121s our main focus for the stream all right
123s so we did a Halloween event and we have
127s unpatched the Halloween event for PC and
132s ps4 we are currently waiting on some
135s word back from Xbox to be able to patch
137s it out on Xbox as well and once again I
140s would like to say I would like to
142s apologize for this having taken a bit
145s longer than we would have liked
146s we know that the the consoles went two
149s days over the time limit and that's due
154s to a bunch of different hiccups and
157s issues that we encountered along the way
158s but it's it's getting there now and like
162s you the light will once again shine upon
163s the excellence and you will be able to
166s to play the game without you know
168s perpetual Twilight's and meteors falling
170s on your head
171s and every five seconds so hey down Thor
174s I hope you're doing okay so yeah yeah we
178s I'm just gonna check on my notes over
180s here and if you haven't seen the patch
185s notes for our for the latest patches you
188s can find those on our forums forums Don
190s calm calm and when the big changes we've
193s done recently is that we have instituted
195s a sort of ownership role on pde servers
199s for loot packs especially loot bags
202s after that will drop after you dismantle
204s and abandoned building and basically
207s you're no longer you can no longer loot
209s loot bags from abandoned buildings and
211s we did this because the designers looked
213s over the game and realized that hey like
215s we need the rule set to be more
216s consistent and so they they implemented
219s this change with the latest patch like
220s we know based on form feedback and we
222s want to thank you for all the feedback
223s that you've given us that this wasn't
225s exactly the that this wasn't the most
230s welcome of changes because this you know
232s removed the ability to be a scavenger
235s for a lot of people like we we know that
236s this isn't very popular change but we're
238s now discussing internally ways that we
240s can mitigate this and allow people to to
242s do like scavenging on PD servers so I
246s just wanted to to give you guys a heads
248s up about that and we we are hard
252s listening to player feedback and we we
255s we know that this wasn't again we know
257s this wasn't particularly popular
258s decision and we were thinking of changes
262s with thinking of and discussing way so
264s we can fix this or change essentially so
270s what else is going still working on
273s fixing bugs updating the game there are
275s some issues that popped up immediately
277s after the patches that we are what we
279s call fix
280s hopefully next week and as always
283s there's more stuff to come there's more
285s dungeons
285s there's the Bo revamp we're eventually
288s going to be looking at seating and
290s raiding and stuff like that so we will
293s there there is stuff to come to Valen
295s Axl's in the future all right
300s Zuri's on what's next in the pipeline
302s that's getting out next year well I
303s mentioned some of it I can't say
306s specifically when it's going to come out
308s but we there are more dungeons to come
311s there are some some gameplay changes and
314s revamps that are coming down the line
316s well right now I'm not exactly able to
320s just offer you any specifics on when
322s that's gonna happen you might have
324s noticed that I'm one person short this
326s was pointed out by a may track in chat
328s it is because well we have a special
331s guest on today and since it's gonna be
333s difficult for for a second person
335s physically here in the room to to talk
337s to this person so it's it's gonna be me
340s so do with it I guess
345s all right so what am I going to
348s transition into now we recently finished
352s up the pumpkin carving contest which you
356s may or may not have been you know been
359s participating in who knows so I think
364s you know it's time to time to announce
366s the winner it's time to talk about don't
368s you talk about the the pumpkin carving
370s contest we've got a lot of really good
373s entries into this contest in total we
375s got 85 contributions to the contest
379s which was mind-blowing I had no idea
382s that we were gonna get that many people
384s participating in this thing which is
387s funking amazing and I'm gonna let like I
391s think I've picked out like a top 12 13
393s 15 to scroll through the the main window
397s in the chat right now and these are
399s these are some of the best ones that we
401s got which like I thought they were all
403s really really cool so the the rules were
405s that it had to be : results related it
407s had to be carved on a pumpkin and yeah
411s you just needed to send us a picture and
412s everyone who entered into the contest
414s with a valid entry oh there's a black
417s one that's a dark one for some reason
419s they would have been given a dlc key and
427s let's see I'm just gonna yeah no that
429s should win okay
434s hmmm what's going on now
437s you
439s there we go and so I'm going to be
443s sending out an email after the stream to
445s everyone who participated asking them
446s which DLC key they would like to receive
450s and then of course I will be sending a
453s pack of DLC keys to the the winner of as
458s well as asking them for their address so
460s I can send them this really really
462s cool-looking canvas print of one of our
467s key arcs like this is the cover art for
469s the collector's edition and it's going
472s to be printed on a canvas print and then
474s shipped out to someone it's gonna be a
475s bit bigger than this one this is like
476s the smallest one we go to assess a
477s sample thing it's gonna be like well I
480s think it's gonna be like this big
481s something it's gonna look it's gonna
483s look cool so this and the pack of DLC
486s Keys is going to go a sent off to the
489s winner and I think I'm just kind of some
491s of these scroll for a bit because like
493s we got some really really good entries
496s we've got some trollee entries as well
498s where people are just like put clipart
500s on pumpkins they are drawn in paint
503s unfortunately for them we had to
506s disqualify those pumpkins for obvious
509s reasons but the ones that were legit
511s were all of them really really good and
513s we want to say thank you once again to
515s everyone who participated everyone who
517s sent in their pumpkins and yeah it's
519s been it's been it's been a hell of a
521s thing seeing seeing all the entries that
524s came in and just seeing seeing all the
525s creativity that that people have have
528s been showing us
532s Regnier have the ring to talk about
534s doing a Mac version of Conan Exiles no
537s not really
538s for now it's going to be Windows ps4 and
541s xbox 360 one
543s I almost said Xbox 360 which is wrong
545s all right so I think we scroll through
548s these but now I'm just going to wait
550s until it comes to the end it was
554s incredibly difficult to choose a winner
556s but in the end the community team and
558s the dev team came together and we we
562s decided on a pumpkin that really sort of
565s captures like the spirit in the essence
566s of Conan exile and the excellence and
570s under the fest thank you so much for
571s following us on Twitch and the winner is
576s I'm just gonna pop it up and see how it
578s looks is this amazing looking creation
582s which is essentially what you first
586s encounter in the game it's a bunch of
588s dead people on spikes it's the Sun
590s blazing down from above it is it's very
593s like I like the mood moodiness or the
595s whole thing and it's like this is the
597s one that was chosen by the but that team
600s and the community team as the as the
602s winner so congratulations to the winner
605s for for taking home the grand prize
609s which once again is a pack of DLC keys
611s along with this amazing looking key arch
615s and was print a denarii says I'm gutted
618s that I knew nothing about this it was
620s posted on our forums for fun calm calm
624s and we posted it on Twitter a couple of
626s times so it's sorry but better luck next
630s time like we're good and we go we're
632s going to be doing more contests in the
635s future
635s so there will be more you know more ways
640s for you to to win prizes and all I
641s understand what happened to the
643s newsletter this week I simply didn't
645s have time to write it was sort of the
646s same thing for next week as well but I
648s am yeah I'm I'm planning to get back to
652s it I'm planning to write something down
653s for for next week so it might all be the
655s length of previous newsletters but it's
657s I'm just going to try to do like a quick
659s recap of what's been going on
661s recently all right so I think we're
665s going to transition into the game now
670s and I'm going to push this button I'm
672s gonna press this button then I'm going
675s to push this button and then I'm gonna
679s push that button which should hopefully
682s allow our special mystery guest to talk
684s to us who has an exact mystery guest so
688s why don't you introduce yourself mystery
690s guest
691s well my name is Sun and I do a lot of
698s building stuff on YouTube and mostly
701s Colin exhales I don't know what else to
705s say I mean there's not much else to say
708s like you you are one of those like like
710s I called you a sort of what do I call
712s you I called you like the master of
713s building on I like that on Twitter when
716s I announced this because you I think you
719s started off like right after we have
722s launched in early access yeah like speed
724s build videos and that's like what that's
727s what you're mostly known for I think yes
730s so first when I got into the colon
732s exhales I just wanted to try the game
734s since I was investing money and luck
736s fuck oh but I just wanted to see what I
738s was you know getting and bursting money
743s did you mean like that you're buying the
744s game or are you actually I was just
753s investing and something I didn't know it
756s was you know sure yeah so it develop
759s into the speed build thing somehow and
763s uh-huh yeah
766s I was I would say that it's been it's
769s been really fun like watching your
770s progress watching how you you know grow
773s your channel how you do the like how you
776s build essentially because like you you
779s recently hit 10,000 subscribers I think
783s on your channel yeah
784s and did you like did you think when you
789s first started out that hey at one point
791s I'm gonna hit 10,000 subscribers Oh
794s it's gonna hit hundred thousand
796s subscribers really okay I'm only joking
803s right okay so what made you decide to -
810s just to start doing well
812s what made you focus on building because
814s a lot of the other a lot of the other
816s youtubers that we see I didn't abuse any
820s other ways all right all right so why
827s don't we I think like you you've planned
828s something out to sort yeah and for us on
830s the stream so I think why can we can
832s just like start and then chat can chat
835s can you know start hitting us with some
837s questions and we can get a you know get
841s a conversation going so I planned out
845s the foundation for this build and just
848s imagine the rests so hopefully it will
852s be done in within the three minutes I
857s guess we'll see oh it seems to me that
861s the coolest builds in connect tiles come
864s from using both squares and triangles in
868s an interesting way this is maybe not a
871s perfect positioning no it's alright this
874s is probably all right so let's remove
881s this stone I guess one of the things
883s that one of the things that I at least I
887s get the feel of for your buildings that
889s it seems very planned out you seem to be
891s very like meticulous when the stuff that
893s you make all right do you do a lot of
895s planning or is it mostly just like
897s throwing something and seeing what's
899s it's it's for the most part throwing
903s stuff at wall and see if it sticks
906s so though and those there's sometimes
908s there's problems that turn up which I
913s will get to with this build oh yes
915s because when when using the squares and
924s the triangles in a kind of somewhat
927s complicated way
928s the geometry has to add up I guess yeah
932s yeah that's true
933s yes Oh when it doesn't then I guess the
937s only way is to kind of try things out
940s yeah cuz like we we've tried to make a
943s building system that's as freeform as
945s possible but like you're still actually
947s fuck this up by the way I think let's
951s see hmm
953s no probably not it's probably okay looks
957s fine to me like you've got a symmetry
959s thing going at least I like to see yeah
961s it was it was just like I couldn't
965s remember exactly how you know sharp the
968s angles right yeah yeah but I'd say I
972s think I'm doing it right so there was a
978s question in chat earlier about like what
980s would be or like best or favorite
984s locations to to build in well that's
986s probably this one yeah
988s is it because it's like a nice flat
990s surface and you can sort of do almost
993s yeah you want yeah and it's a little you
996s know nice view everywhere yeah cuz you
1000s got the Sun coming down from the
1001s mountains through the clouds you got you
1003s see a bit of everything from this
1005s location I think yeah there's or there's
1010s also an area that's all the way south
1015s east it's by the kind of by the starter
1019s area like all the way east from there
1022s there's another flat area that's not on
1024s top of a hill or anything like that but
1027s it's very nice and like your videos are
1033s usually about like I don't know half an
1035s hour 45 minutes or I should show that
1037s map where where we are so it's we are in
1040s the ig6 frame which is right here so
1045s we're slightly east of the the the giant
1049s hand which you might be going in the
1052s wrong direction now nope which in which
1056s the ghost lady jumps off of which she
1059s might see but I've been running around
1060s the
1061s and then over there is the Tower of bats
1064s I think it's called where the huge bat
1066s demon is where you activate the portal
1067s so we're sort of like smack bang in the
1070s middle of smack bang in the middle of
1073s the desert at least so like here we are
1075s right here those one other thing by the
1079s way and with you know geometry stuff
1083s going on which I don't know how to
1085s explain this but you see how that this
1088s circle I can be bigger right without
1091s causing any problems mm-hmm because of I
1094s don't know the way these circles are
1097s interconnected
1099s makes it kind of easy to make things add
1101s up right yeah and then there's you know
1105s a lot of different ways of utilizing
1106s that so and so this is sorry
1116s this is where I had a little bit of a
1118s problem because these two circles there
1121s they and they will not make each other
1124s so and you know I wanted them to meet
1127s each other but adults one way of solving
1131s that is to just build square towers
1134s instead because they are you know it
1137s almost adds up but it doesn't really add
1140s up it's just it's just so so close to
1143s adding up but it's almost letting up and
1145s that's because of the level of geometry
1146s then yeah like a tiny gap oh okay sorry
1153s and no one is gonna miss stream wait
1162s yeah I see it now yeah I see yeah so I
1166s didn't want to do it like that I just
1167s wanted to show but that's uh I think
1170s that will end up looking great doing it
1172s that way but it's not what I ended up
1176s with and you know figuring how else how
1180s to do this right and also doesn't work
1182s to have these phones meet like that by
1186s having a wall or from here to there
1188s right it will work no wait it's air
1194s Oh we'll go from here hello there
1198s alright so they won't meet if you build
1200s a straight line but they will meet if
1201s you go by a different tower yeah Oh
1205s usually it's inverse to just try things
1209s out sure like when you're doing this
1212s much trial and error like how long how
1213s much time goes into one video because
1216s like one of your videos is like half an
1218s hour to 45 45 minutes long but like if
1221s you're doing this much trial and error
1222s like you have to at one point like there
1225s has to be some sort of editing other
1226s than just speeding everything up right
1228s yeah this that's sort of part with you
1231s know figuring that out with the edited
1233s outs and then the finished video would
1237s you know just just seemed like
1241s everything went perfectly I mean this
1243s looks like a good start
1245s yeah so that's that's what I've planned
1247s so far so so now I don't know what to do
1251s okay you're not one of those people who
1254s sit there with like graph paper and draw
1255s everything out or something no I think
1260s there's something to be said though for
1261s like building by the seat of your pants
1264s and just like trying new stuff out and
1266s then like no that didn't work tear it
1269s down oh this this looks really good keep
1270s that etc etc yeah I feel like it's it's
1276s more effective love way yes there's so
1278s much like I'm not to be all spiritual
1282s and software but there's the reverse of
1285s like all subconscious processes going on
1288s in your brain that's kind of like
1289s building for you and if you if you think
1292s too much then you won't be able to
1293s utilize that sure yeah oh nice I like
1299s how you use the walls there to sort of
1300s like yeah that looks real good we
1304s capture the entire thing yeah the point
1306s was I was because the foundations
1309s wouldn't fit sure yeah
1316s I'm just gonna fly around a bit so
1317s players can see what this looks like and
1321s hopefully this will be done before the
1324s stream is it's over
1327s obviously we we don't have like a strict
1329s time limit we can sort of make it run
1331s for as long as we want to okay xlx
1335s fearless xlx asks can we get the ability
1337s to pick up our structures and pieces
1339s without destroying them most likely not
1342s that's not really how we've built the
1343s game so I don't think that's gonna
1345s happen
1345s I guess there is a mod that allow you to
1348s pick up like play Sable's and things
1349s pretty freely but we don't allow that in
1353s the base game like this isn't this won't
1355s be like fallout 76 we can just like pick
1358s this up up and then go on but yeah there
1361s there might be a mod Freight on-call on
1363s PC but if you're I'm calm Souls and yeah
1366s sorry but if chad has any questions just
1369s feel free to throw them at us and we can
1371s get things going so you've chosen the
1374s the aquilonian style is that just it's a
1378s practice or is it just something you
1380s chose for this one I think that smaller
1383s looks best yeah yeah no that's perfectly
1393s fine like I we I think we all have like
1395s a preferred style because like this is
1398s very yeah it's very it's very clean it's
1401s very like nice lines and it looks like
1403s yeah it looks like it's made out of
1404s marble so it's it's like Broman nice
1409s feel to it tree on the asks any news on
1413s the auto mod downloader we made in quite
1415s a quite a while fray already any info
1417s you can share not beyond that it's still
1420s in sort of processing like it's still it
1424s is on one of our test builds and needs
1426s to be you know tested and all that stuff
1428s but it's it is on the way like it's not
1431s we haven't stopped trying to to bring it
1434s to you guys it's just just how it is and
1439s variable as well yeah I know a lot of
1442s people are because I think you build
1444s with some mods when you make your videos
1446s sometimes and
1448s also because I you know changed a lot
1451s from model to model oh yeah exactly
1455s and I know that a lot of private servers
1458s use things like P P and Omega plus and
1462s age of calamitous I know is a very
1464s popular one and both songs are it's yeah
1468s and I really I want the age of
1470s calamities guy to join us on stream one
1473s day and talk about his his model because
1475s I know a lot of people are very into it
1479s so for this build you're just are you
1481s just building the outer shell or you're
1483s just gonna go into stuff like
1485s decorations and like the flooring and
1488s other stuff like that as well I'm
1489s thinking the outer shell and flooring
1492s not smart not much decoration right okay
1496s because you mostly seem to focus on like
1498s the the bigger yeah it's essentially
1501s yeah I get a little bored once once
1506s something is like 80% bomb but you still
1510s finish it which is good you're not like
1512s ah screw this I've done oh but not all
1514s of them okay almost I'm out to have some
1518s very wonky and interior going on okay
1522s Maslin asks how's it looking with multi
1524s support on xbox that's unfortunately not
1526s going to happen we don't really we
1529s haven't really built the game for mod
1531s support on consoles but so it's only
1532s gonna be more support on on PC and so do
1537s you prefer building big structures or
1540s medium structures or like I assume it's
1542s gonna be big structures because that's
1544s why your videos are about yeah big big
1546s structures yeah
1548s oh here's as one little thing this one
1553s is like four and four volts high right
1555s yeah and the there is a points to that
1559s and that one of those points yes is how
1564s I build the staircases
1566s right let's see I'll put the the
1574s ceilings where where it's my triangle
1577s ceiling there's my triangle ceiling
1582s I guess out the show yeah yeah go ahead
1591s well this ser you know this is a nice
1597s you know staircase yeah mm-hmm run the
1601s next level it's like that right yeah you
1606s know then everything works out its or if
1611s big rooms are four blocks are instead of
1613s for example three blocks I rather not
1615s causes problems like that I tend to
1620s build at least four four round towers I
1622s tend to build the stairs like along them
1625s along the ceiling tiles along the the
1628s square ceiling tiles so it's all it goes
1630s around like the walls essentially so I
1632s like I take once there and I attached it
1634s to a triangle and then attach another
1637s triangle to the top of it and then like
1639s build stairs around bad instead but this
1642s looks really really good too yeah prefer
1649s doing it that way yeah yeah absolutely
1652s you got called out on Twitter though
1654s when we announced the stream there was
1655s one guy who said that once once then
1659s using the admin panel just fall in all
1661s this building pieces I'm gonna call him
1663s the master of building yeah as wondering
1665s if you had like a counter if you have
1668s beef with that guy or if you have like a
1669s counter it was a very interesting
1676s comment of yeah this is looking really
1683s really good
1684s I think it helps that we're on a server
1687s that's works out really pretty fast for
1690s you in terms of bills yeah that's why I
1693s was quite eager to test that out
1695s yesterday to make sure that things could
1698s you know yeah go fast for this or
1705s ceilings for where for the towers don't
1710s we know you're just gonna let them open
1713s like that
1714s raining stairs or this is one of those
1719s like I'm 80% done now screwed no but
1726s yeah I I will do that I guess yeah
1732s Chaz Evansdale Post points out that your
1734s man you're a master designer not a
1736s builder semantics and then someone else
1738s suggests master architect since then so
1741s that works bastard like Conan exiles
1745s architect that's old master enough to
1748s figure this out
1750s oh this works well the aquilonian gate
1754s is a little mean sometimes mm-hmm so it
1760s takes I don't know it takes up a little
1762s more space or something then it's
1763s supposed to right and this this wall
1769s here will only go this direction yeah
1773s that is I know about that bug and it's
1776s it's a weird one but yeah this let's
1779s just have some hair that cover that yeah
1787s then we just need to get rid of the
1790s pieces down there Jesus no it's just
1793s like the babe autumn disappear oh it's
1796s just one of the crumbling pieces well
1800s that's the functional gates I'd say like
1803s we need an actual gate in it though
1805s don't know no welcome for everyone oh
1809s yeah let's put let's put your gates in
1812s there yeah I have some stairs up there
1819s as well maybe yeah this is a nice
1824s looking Coliseum though all I see you I
1827s mean it looks sort of like colas
1830s Coliseum Castle I don't know so you
1836s don't start off going like okay today
1837s I'm gonna build a castle or today I'm
1839s gonna build like insert you just sort of
1841s click around and see how it goes see
1843s where the flow takes you yeah kind of
1847s Nicole and Chad points out that it's
1850s perfect for when the Titans attack which
1851s is that's a very good reference is this
1858s two big windows I think they're good I
1862s mean the doorways they're not windows
1864s technically but but they are doorways no
1867s windows in this builds there are no
1869s windows in this build okay oh no they
1872s are they are end in this build all right
1875s discuss oh yeah time for floor number
1880s two I guess so do you feel like you like
1883s sort of found your like YouTube niche
1885s with these these build videos or are you
1888s going to like eventually start expanding
1890s into other things well it seems I don't
1898s know I I think I'm gonna do what gets me
1903s the most views solo I mean yeah that's
1908s what a lot of people that's what most
1910s people on YouTube tend to do so why not
1912s yeah or I mean at least until the
1916s channel is a little you know bigger yeah
1919s it's all about like building up a
1921s audience to be a certain number of
1923s people than you realize okay now I can
1925s maybe start to transition into other
1926s things yeah but I've yeah I've been like
1930s I've been following you for your channel
1932s since the beginning and like I noticed
1934s recently that you started putting up
1935s like beeping your 0 videos for example
1937s putting up the trailer for instance I
1940s put up what's it called the the mainland
1946s another soundtrack yeah the main menu
1949s music oh I don't need a window here and
1952s the also gameplay yeah it's a very fun
1958s fun game the excited to see how that
1963s goes so am I absolutely
1971s think hmm I wonder if this will have an
1975s officer porch oh yeah it will have been
1978s off the porch yeah I mean so in one of
1982s your recent videos you built a what was
1985s it was like an upside-down temple during
1988s yeah
1989s beneath I think it was like the the main
1993s bridge down by the noob River as its
1996s called
1996s yeah how is this not like a not a big
1999s challenge for you making that particular
2001s thing or did you sort of it was a big
2005s challenge because my graphic card wasn't
2006s really working
2007s oh wait that's some type of all there
2012s all right but I mean I had seen some
2018s people in the alcohol my cells come in
2021s to do similar things so you know just
2025s copied then like how the idea yeah I'm
2030s just like curious how how it worked
2032s because the stability transfer like
2035s downwards like if you put a foundation
2036s and then you put the pillars can carry
2044s the pillars gonna carry support yeah oh
2048s so it's the pillars that make it
2049s possible right okay and oh yeah I
2053s thought it was incredibly well done and
2056s it's like everything everything by
2058s everything goes by so quickly so you're
2060s not sure if you're like your brain
2062s registers everything like the techniques
2064s that you use and then suddenly you just
2066s see it finishes like oh alright it's
2069s done now that's really cool yeah this is
2074s looking really really good
2076s it's why is this not support oh it's the
2083s triangles the triangles they don't they
2086s don't carry the support very far no they
2088s don't
2089s I'm gonna have to use some some pillars
2091s yeah I think it's it's far at the fifth
2095s piece away from a from the foundation
2098s you need to start adding pillars
2100s actually making the Zelda mark I mean
2103s yeah like we I don't think that was
2105s planned it just sort of happened that
2106s way but I like it it's like a little
2108s like a little reference you know hope
2113s I'm not in the way by the way no stridor
2118s five five nine nine any info on the next
2120s DLC absolutely not and I'm sorry I
2128s I can either to confirm nor deny the
2130s existence of the next DLC hey Drona nice
2133s thank you for following us on mixer if
2139s you're just joining us this is building
2143s with Sven P who you might recognize from
2147s from YouTube go check out his channel if
2150s you haven't already and he is for those
2154s of you not know who don't know he is one
2157s of the like early adopters of Conan
2159s exiles on on YouTube and started making
2162s building videos where he essentially
2164s does speed builds and he just build
2167s something really huge and then he speeds
2169s up the building process to make like I
2172s don't know an hour or two turn into half
2174s an hour I guess more like eight hours so
2178s 32 cover
2179s Jesus so it's that long it is that long
2182s I mean the some sometimes think things
2186s take a lot of time right my and even
2189s that like it's just just quote unquote
2192s because like you're you're still only
2195s building the shellandmatt like that is I
2197s think what takes a lot of time but like
2199s imagine how you would how long it would
2201s take if you started having like details
2204s and play Sable's
2204s on the inside of everything yeah that
2207s would be a little too time-consuming
2214s sir-sir say on says yes you should have
2217s a beer uh no not right now I am if we do
2224s like celebratory streams I may have a
2225s drink here and there but I'm gonna try
2227s and I'm trying to try and trying to cut
2229s back on the beer on streams because you
2231s know it's it's not always
2233s not always the best to be drinking hell
2235s stream you know especially when you're
2237s trying to be you know professional and
2238s all that kind of stuff
2242s hello from Greece when you're going to
2243s talk about the pumpkin carving contest
2245s winners to send emails or DLC code you
2248s missed the beginning of the stream I
2249s take it the I did reveal the winner of
2255s the pumpkin carving contest I can
2256s actually throw that up while Stan is
2258s building in the background this is the
2260s winner of the pumpkin carving contests
2261s and we did a we did a bit of a loop of
2266s the other entries and other
2268s contributions that we had ago and after
2271s the stream is over I'm going to go back
2273s to my computer and I'm going to send out
2275s an email to everyone who sent in a sent
2279s in one of their entries and we're I'm
2282s just gonna ask them like hey Tiki would
2284s you like and then they were gonna reply
2286s back hopefully and after that I'm just
2290s gonna send out DLC keys to everyone
2292s asking for it and and yeah we'll also
2295s post on the entries to the forms I think
2297s I'm gonna pick out like a top 20 ish
2299s post those on the forums maybe also put
2301s them up on the dev vlog but that might
2304s happen next week because because it's it
2308s is it's it's already been a long day and
2310s I don't want to sit here until 9:00 in
2312s the evening and I'm sorry if you know
2314s you know if you feel like I should sit
2317s him along anyway I was really cool
2322s pumpkin thanks by the way I think it's a
2326s really really good one all of them have
2328s been really good yeah I took a little
2330s sneak peek while I'm waiting in the
2332s weight room yeah your office yeah and
2338s also my bedroom in you in true youtuber
2342s fashion your workroom is also your
2344s bedroom yeah gotta gotta keep the
2347s expenses you know a drama we are still
2352s based in Norway but we also have a we
2355s also have a studio over in North
2357s Carolina in Durham who are hard at work
2361s on another cool little project that we
2364s will not talk
2366s about today but it's been it's been
2368s mentioned a couple of times I know at
2370s least we want to see Yance stand you can
2374s do it I'm not sure what that referring
2375s to but I'll see nice work with with the
2379s the awnings which I think would really
2381s really work good
2383s yeah yeah it's this kind of power tower
2387s I use watch I like it a lot yeah Wagner
2392s of the Viking actually has a really good
2394s idea so I'm just gonna pop out this good
2401s go to blue box and let's just let's do a
2408s bit of a raffle shall we mr. raffle yeah
2410s let's do a raffle raffle on Twitch
2413s unfortunately this will only be on
2415s twitch because twitch is currently of
2420s the two platforms are streaming to make
2421s sure and on twitch Mitch Mix sorry
2425s twitch is the only platform that we can
2427s DM people and so sorry mixed audience if
2432s you want to participate in the raffle
2433s then you can head on over to our twitch
2435s channel twitch.tv slash Hong Kong and
2439s join in on the raffle and so I think
2442s we're gonna do what we did last time and
2444s we're basically just gonna give away a
2445s DLC key of your choice so if you wanna
2450s if you want to you know win a DLC key
2452s just join in on the twitch raffle and
2455s I'm just gonna let that run for a bit
2458s yeah that's a nice looking roof yeah of
2465s course chat goes crazy when everyone is
2468s raffling just type exclamation points
2472s raffle in chat and you will be
2474s automatically entered you only have to
2476s type it in once and there's there are no
2480s taking back seats you can't take away
2482s your raffle ticket once you have it
2486s Morty rocks ask can I get a DLC code
2488s before the Conan sword when I say any
2491s DLC key you want I mean any DLC key you
2494s want and it's weird because a lot of
2495s people ask for like the culture packs
2497s not a lot of people ask for the
2499s on TLC that we had or the Conan's sword
2501s or the Conan Conan Armour but hey any
2506s DLC key is any DLC key so we're kind of
2511s left that run and of course people are
2513s typing other things in chat stuff like
2515s taco pinata waffle etc which is quite
2519s common for these streams as the Sun is
2523s slowly setting on the eggs almonds this
2525s looks really good and like sunset
2527s lighting I think oh that's let's change
2530s the time lane I don't know I don't know
2532s if our time is the same on the game I
2535s can just change it to say five nice a
2545s window sir been my rock the windows were
2549s wrong yeah so they're a little bigger
2552s than they were supposed to I mean they
2555s are doorways
2556s oh it's windows I'm gonna draw the
2564s raffle winner
2566s let's see draw and the winner is
2569s dragon dragon's teeth thank you so much
2572s for following us on Twitter out which
2575s 1800 days ago Wow so congratulations so
2580s much to dragon's teeth it's gonna move
2583s swing over here so it doesn't block our
2585s lovely little announcements so I'm gonna
2588s find dragon's teeth in chat and you know
2595s message
2598s all right while Sven is still building
2610s hmm which chat is being a bit weird
2620s let's try that again shall we yeah I'm
2630s having some trouble with twitch right
2633s now where I can't whisper to you so I'm
2636s just gonna write down your name and then
2638s we're going to fix that once the stream
2641s is done or Nicole can do it of course
2646s because Nicole is also in chat and I
2648s keep forgetting then I'm not the only
2649s one running this ship so yeah if Nicole
2653s you can handle that that'll be super
2655s great and let's just do another one
2661s let's just reset open up another one all
2667s right you can just go ahead and start
2670s raffling again everyone oh yeah
2676s Strider asks if this will be on your
2678s channel later so they can see it again
2680s I'm not sure if you're recording um I
2683s was just thinking the same thoughts but
2685s I am maybe you should have but it's it's
2690s gonna come up on on the phone come
2692s YouTube channel youtube.com slash phone
2694s calm so it's not going to be a
2696s traditional speed build it's gonna be a
2698s slow builds I guess because it's going
2701s to run run for about 55 minutes 45
2704s minutes but like if you want I can
2707s probably just send you the video file
2709s and you can just cut out everything and
2712s speed it up if if you want that you know
2719s alright this is looking really good now
2722s thanks also like to have this all roofs
2726s under hair so they look like ramps and
2730s they provide
2732s at least it looks like provide stability
2734s yeah it looks like they provide
2736s stability it also be possible to
2738s introduce you know other kinds of roofs
2743s for this and you wouldn't have those
2746s gaps there yeah but I kind of like how
2748s it is with those caps there's and it's
2751s also a lot easier and faster to build
2753s with square ones and you know it fits
2756s with gaps on top of the roof oh right
2762s it's it's an aesthetic onto its own I
2765s think but I don't think it looks that
2767s bad if I'm being honest but maybe we
2770s should see if we can fill in those gaps
2772s a bit all right it looks like chat in
2775s twitch is slowing down so I'm gonna jump
2777s back in and see which button was it
2784s there was closed it and there's like a
2791s war now in chat between mixer and twitch
2793s because aisle mixer you can send up
2794s fireworks and you can do like a whole
2796s whole thing which is kind of nice
2798s unfortunate you can't do that on twitch
2799s so but like play nice children' because
2802s I don't want to have to pick favorites
2803s I don't like picking favorites all right
2807s I'm gonna click the draw button and the
2809s winner is burnt earth
2811s zero thank you for following us on
2814s twitch who joined twitch 2000 days ago I
2817s don't really know how many days how many
2821s years that is but that is a lot so
2825s congratulations if Nicole can just
2828s whisper to him on twitch chat that'd be
2831s great and figure out what what what D
2835s and C key they would like
2837s congratulations
2838s oh yeah starting off with some pillars
2840s now oh yeah I'm just adding for the
2845s support for a second floor you're
2848s building another floor to all this
2849s yes I'm building another floor nice Oh
2855s slowly but surely
2857s I'm just gonna set the time again oh
2865s that's nice right oh yeah nice and
2868s bright
2869s it looks especially well it looks really
2871s good on the aquilonian building so if
2873s it's a bit bright in my opinion sx o
2877s mais one asks can I have a Sumerian flag
2881s to build not really sure what that means
2885s I think maybe he's asking for like
2887s Sumerian building pieces I can I can't
2891s say for sure if we're gonna be doing
2893s like Sumerian culture DLC but it's it's
2898s it's a maybe
2899s but as carbuncle says if you build it
2901s they will purge so should be careful
2904s about that at least yeah this is
2910s starting to really look I'm gonna just
2912s do like a total panorama shot just like
2916s really look at this from afar I think
2920s that force will be enough yeah I think
2925s so too
2926s and we're slowly coming up on six
2928s o'clock yeah that vars that currently
2932s there aren't any immediate plans to look
2934s at void because internets it's a matter
2937s of distributing resources and manpower
2940s and we're working like we're putting the
2943s resources and manpower elsewhere but we
2945s know that it's one one of the things
2947s that they're role players really want us
2949s to take care of and so it's it's sort of
2951s it's in our backlog of things that we
2953s know that we people want us to take care
2956s of more plans for future for
2959s culture-based DLCs no comment
2961s but maybe the hell girl two wells are
2965s broken again on PC could you go into
2968s some specifics please because that would
2974s that would really help us out we did put
2977s out a patch to fix wells on pcs if
2980s they're still broken then I we great - -
2983s if you could let me know which ones or
2985s or how all other races have their own
2988s flags that I can learn a building north
2990s don't have this oh you're talking
2992s specifically about the flags um I can
2994s make that suggestion to the dev team I
2997s can't necessarily guarantee that it will
2998s happen but I can definitely make the
2999s suggestion why can't we fly on ps4
3002s that's a bug and so it's something that
3006s we should fix and something that's on
3007s our list of things to these on my list
3010s that I want people to fix can't drink or
3014s refill water skins okay is that
3015s specifically on large Wells is it on the
3017s smaller Wells is it on wells that you
3020s have placed out before or is it on
3022s completely new wells after this patch
3026s are there ever going to be musician
3028s thralls
3031s hmm
3032s no comment no comments Tyrell close on
3036s Devil's sock is that a bug or if you use
3038s right now if you use the weapon
3040s modification kits only closeup Jamel SOG
3041s they will default to I think it's two
3045s minutes or 30 seconds in some cases that
3047s is a bug the closest of Javel SOG I
3050s think should have like in ten minutes
3052s timer 10 20 minute timer on official
3055s servers so yeah they're not supposed to
3057s I'm not supposed to just immediately
3059s disappear but they they're supposed to
3061s decay fairly quickly once you start
3063s using them yes we are aware of the
3068s meshing method with the small pond
3071s should run for you as president he's got
3073s a no common thing well no not really I
3076s don't think I I can't allow I can't run
3079s for you as president because you know
3080s I'm Norwegian president what it's just
3088s run for in the region president or prime
3090s minister well that sound that seems
3092s incredibly boring so I'm not gonna do
3093s that
3098s a drama I agree that is it is a bit
3102s fiddly when you're trying to to join a
3105s melded server which is why we've been
3107s working on a auto downloader for modern
3110s servers so that when you join them on
3112s the server it would just immediately
3113s pick up all the months it's still in
3115s some testing phase so it's not out yet
3118s but it's it's slowly getting there it's
3120s coming
3123s is there knowledge of human baseball
3124s spoiling a completely naked yes there is
3126s I have reported this to the dev team as
3127s well we are looking at getting the
3130s purchase back to how they're supposed to
3132s be going doing so how's it coming are
3138s you going to be putting ceilings all
3142s this stuff eventually yes here it's only
3145s but surely a building upwards yes I
3148s don't know exactly what the time is but
3151s the the whole thing is kind of almost
3154s enough ash yeah you're worried about the
3158s time
3158s no no it's fine we got a couple of them
3160s we have some more minutes a Quixote
3164s carrot I take it there are no plans for
3165s torture devices I don't think we're
3167s planning like torture gameplay so I'm
3171s gonna I'm gonna put a like no I don't
3176s think we're planning on torture devices
3180s dragon's teeth says love the tower roof
3182s just learned something new for build
3184s ideas thank you phone call very cool so
3186s hopefully we we managed to teach other
3189s people a thing or two as well and this
3195s is starting to look really really good
3196s absolutely thank you very much all right
3202s let's get another like nice well iid
3205s levels would be possible to get on top
3208s of these towers I mean you might be able
3214s to climb up it if you have enough
3215s stamina yeah it's just you know
3219s sometimes I like to pretend that I'm
3223s doing that but I never end up doing it
3227s because it's you know if you've done it
3229s once don't know
3230s sure I don't at any one time yeah
3233s because you're you're mostly building
3235s for for the aesthetic you don't believe
3237s you think a lot about function yeah I
3243s mean I mean sometimes I do and it is
3246s sometimes nice to know that I could make
3249s adjustments for right function if I
3252s wanted to but it's you know kind of kind
3256s of not very
3258s interesting and I don't I don't think
3262s that's something people are particularly
3264s interesting in seeing tiny era what is
3272s the stream shaking my head it is a
3274s building stream with cement P who is a
3276s youtuber who does a lot of really cool
3279s building videos in Kona Nexus so we
3280s wanted to feature him and we wanted to
3282s feature some of the things that he can
3283s make yeah it is it is a community stream
3286s as Nicole pointed out in the chat oh now
3289s the sad storm is coming I hope you have
3291s god mode turned on well I will yeah
3296s definitely but this might look really
3298s cool though yeah Spencer looks very cool
3302s oh yeah Waggener are we gonna be able to
3305s dress up working falls unfortunately not
3307s but working for alls if we fix the bug
3312s where they don't have clothes when they
3314s purge they should in theory also get
3316s their clothes back I'm also going to put
3318s that in the put that in the bug list
3321s that I have going that I'm setting off
3322s to the dev team bad bug says that the
3326s mighty yog would love to take a poo on
3327s such a pretty structure and you asked
3329s you to comment on one of his servers
3332s yeah you're welcome to you know some of
3340s you admin powers on one of the official
3342s Xbox servers oh I'm one of the official
3344s Xbox yes a geekman says love us when we
3351s have made plenty of your builds built
3353s into our pvp driven base on our pvp
3355s official server look thank you
3358s that is great like responses like that
3361s must be really good though for building
3363s youtuber because you know that pay
3365s people are yeah and when people are
3368s building it on official servers that is
3374s really awesome
3374s because that you know thanks a lot of
3377s time yeah cuz like all of these building
3380s pieces are admin in like nuts is crafted
3385s molds yeah you should have done that
3393s tiny resident who savanah pee I think
3395s Nicole maybe you might have a link to
3398s his channel if you could just throw that
3399s up in twitch
3400s that would be great and another raffle
3407s because I want to do that let's see
3412s Leon coli can we make some changes to
3414s non-existent quest non oh Jesus what am
3417s I saying
3418s non quest existent content make some
3420s more quests the P I think that's your
3423s middle name right because your full name
3425s is Senne Peppard yeah yeah so that's the
3429s P it is just the letter P because his
3432s name is
3432s Tedder so we don't really have any plans
3437s for like full-on quests for calling
3439s ourselves that was never the intent for
3443s the game but so because we you know it
3447s wasn't wasn't really meant to be to be
3451s like an MMORPG it was supposed to be you
3454s know a survival game so there you won't
3456s really see any you know MMO style of
3459s quests in the game
3460s oh yeah like with this like Sun coming
3465s down look and the sound storm blowing
3467s away left this looks really good RAF was
3474s going so how much health did you have
3478s left before you activate a god mode I
3480s had 3/4 of my health okay that's good I
3486s was worried that you know yeah this is
3497s looking rad so when the sandstorm you
3502s know fades away mm-hmm that's like the
3506s most awesome yeah I think that looks
3508s really really cool too it's fantastic
3511s and also it does something with fog now
3513s that it kind of it makes the fog
3514s disappear for a little bit and then
3516s suddenly you can see the whole
3518s excellence yeah
3523s I don't know how how interesting it
3531s would be to finished inside of the
3533s stairs and stuff I think you've got a
3536s good thing going on like just like the
3538s outside the facade of the thing yes to
3542s do anything inside do we right now I
3545s mean I think people have at least gotten
3547s something out of all of this so I think
3551s this looks really really nice
3553s Morty rocks mentioned that he like they
3556s build like Coliseum's in their servers
3559s so like two teams for 30 players per
3562s team designed for like big battles so
3563s maybe oh if you do like Colosseum builds
3566s maybe they can wash them your videos and
3567s get some some tips away from that as
3569s well so alright I'm gonna jump into
3572s moobot and the final raffle winner and
3578s the winner is raffle is psycho Viking
3580s thank you so much for following us on
3582s Twitch and Nicole we'll send you a quick
3586s message in chat or in whisper thing
3591s morty says really like the look of your
3593s building well done so you're good I
3596s think this looks really really nice
3598s absolutely and we finished just five
3600s minutes past 6:00 we're just nice Jamie
3604s called when will the netcode become
3605s stable for a 70 person server I can't
3610s say for sure like we oh yeah I got a
3613s carrot of course the the winner of the
3616s raffle gets a dlc key of their choice
3618s and we're gonna get in touch with them
3619s and ask them which dlc key they would
3621s like so yeah we have done some work on
3625s like server stabilization and testing it
3628s with with an increased amount of players
3630s but unless we're able to ensure that the
3635s like the server performance will be good
3638s enough to support more than 40 people
3639s we're not going to increase the server
3641s capacity so so right now it's going to
3643s be it's going to be it's going to
3645s maintain at at 40 people per server at
3648s least on the official servers I know
3650s that there are some private servers out
3651s there who have like 50 for 50 60 70
3654s maybe a hundred
3655s so Mike maybe you should if you want to
3659s check out some private service as well
3660s because a lot of them are really really
3661s good so um I think maybe we're gonna
3665s call it their crypto Prime thank you so
3667s much for following us on Twitter Street
3669s a nice of you I think maybe we're gonna
3670s call it there marks to silence says that
3673s he has definitely got some ideas from
3675s this and that is the whole point of this
3677s stream which is excellent and we we hope
3685s you've enjoyed this we hope you've had a
3687s good time watching so I'm gonna say
3690s goodbye to you so then goodbye thank you
3694s very much for having her yeah thank you
3696s for coming I know this was very it was
3697s sort of short notice I emailed you on
3699s like Wednesday and asked if you wanted
3700s to join us and you were like yeah sure
3702s so thank you so much for coming it's
3705s been to be really good to have you here
3707s yeah and yeah go check out some P on
3709s YouTube follow him on YouTube he needs
3712s more subscribers he wants to make it to
3713s 100,000 first like he said at the
3716s beginning of the stream that's why he
3717s did the YouTube thing to get 400,000
3719s subscribers so I'm gonna talk to you
3724s later
3724s so ice cream going for a bit more
3726s because I'm gonna raid someone but yeah
3728s it's I'm just gonna keep talking but
3730s we're gonna people not gonna hear from
3731s you again maybe on the stream I mean
3734s yeah alright surrounded all right I'm
3739s gonna switch back to me he's muted all
3742s right so I think that's gonna do it for
3746s our community stream I hope people
3748s watching have fun thank you everyone for
3750s joining us Nicole
3752s is there someone that we can raid please
3755s on Twitch and maybe carbuncle can find
3759s someone that we can raid on mixer too if
3761s you wants to I think he has yes nicole
3765s says so she does have that awesome thank
3769s you to Carbunkle for modding our mixer
3772s channel as always you've been a good
3773s dude I get to Nicole for moderating the
3775s twitch channel as always and we'll see
3779s you guys in about two weeks
3781s there's going to be a near zero stream
3785s on
3786s Tuesday so tune in to that if you want
3788s to but right now I think we're just
3791s gonna hit that button and start our
3794s little starter rate essentially so see
3797s you guys two weeks bye
3809s you
3816s you
over 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
8s [Music]
45s hello everyone and welcome once again to
49s the fun calm streaming room headquarters
52s phone call headquarters streaming room
54s I'm not really sure what we're gonna be
56s calling it but yeah just once again
58s stream day here it is Friday and it's
62s been two weeks since for our last stream
64s so we're we're gonna be streaming and
67s for some reason we appear to be no over
71s live again on Twitch there we go it
72s looked like before look that we were
74s offline for some reason but we're back
76s now which is just good hey everyone
78s welcome I'm yawns Eric your community
81s manager flying solo this time well not
83s completely solo because I have a special
85s guest with me who we will be bringing
87s you on a bit later but right now it's
90s it's just gonna be me and then we're
92s gonna switch over to do some other stuff
94s so I hope you're all doing okay it's has
100s been a bit it's been a bit of a hectic
101s week for us but yeah so I'm gonna
106s quickly just go over some of those
108s things have been happening in the past
109s two weeks then I'm gonna talk a bit
112s about talk a bit about what's been yeah
117s what we're gonna do on the stream and
118s then we're going to transition into into
121s our main focus for the stream all right
123s so we did a Halloween event and we have
127s unpatched the Halloween event for PC and
132s ps4 we are currently waiting on some
135s word back from Xbox to be able to patch
137s it out on Xbox as well and once again I
140s would like to say I would like to
142s apologize for this having taken a bit
145s longer than we would have liked
146s we know that the the consoles went two
149s days over the time limit and that's due
154s to a bunch of different hiccups and
157s issues that we encountered along the way
158s but it's it's getting there now and like
162s you the light will once again shine upon
163s the excellence and you will be able to
166s to play the game without you know
168s perpetual Twilight's and meteors falling
170s on your head
171s and every five seconds so hey down Thor
174s I hope you're doing okay so yeah yeah we
178s I'm just gonna check on my notes over
180s here and if you haven't seen the patch
185s notes for our for the latest patches you
188s can find those on our forums forums Don
190s calm calm and when the big changes we've
193s done recently is that we have instituted
195s a sort of ownership role on pde servers
199s for loot packs especially loot bags
202s after that will drop after you dismantle
204s and abandoned building and basically
207s you're no longer you can no longer loot
209s loot bags from abandoned buildings and
211s we did this because the designers looked
213s over the game and realized that hey like
215s we need the rule set to be more
216s consistent and so they they implemented
219s this change with the latest patch like
220s we know based on form feedback and we
222s want to thank you for all the feedback
223s that you've given us that this wasn't
225s exactly the that this wasn't the most
230s welcome of changes because this you know
232s removed the ability to be a scavenger
235s for a lot of people like we we know that
236s this isn't very popular change but we're
238s now discussing internally ways that we
240s can mitigate this and allow people to to
242s do like scavenging on PD servers so I
246s just wanted to to give you guys a heads
248s up about that and we we are hard
252s listening to player feedback and we we
255s we know that this wasn't again we know
257s this wasn't particularly popular
258s decision and we were thinking of changes
262s with thinking of and discussing way so
264s we can fix this or change essentially so
270s what else is going still working on
273s fixing bugs updating the game there are
275s some issues that popped up immediately
277s after the patches that we are what we
279s call fix
280s hopefully next week and as always
283s there's more stuff to come there's more
285s dungeons
285s there's the Bo revamp we're eventually
288s going to be looking at seating and
290s raiding and stuff like that so we will
293s there there is stuff to come to Valen
295s Axl's in the future all right
300s Zuri's on what's next in the pipeline
302s that's getting out next year well I
303s mentioned some of it I can't say
306s specifically when it's going to come out
308s but we there are more dungeons to come
311s there are some some gameplay changes and
314s revamps that are coming down the line
316s well right now I'm not exactly able to
320s just offer you any specifics on when
322s that's gonna happen you might have
324s noticed that I'm one person short this
326s was pointed out by a may track in chat
328s it is because well we have a special
331s guest on today and since it's gonna be
333s difficult for for a second person
335s physically here in the room to to talk
337s to this person so it's it's gonna be me
340s so do with it I guess
345s all right so what am I going to
348s transition into now we recently finished
352s up the pumpkin carving contest which you
356s may or may not have been you know been
359s participating in who knows so I think
364s you know it's time to time to announce
366s the winner it's time to talk about don't
368s you talk about the the pumpkin carving
370s contest we've got a lot of really good
373s entries into this contest in total we
375s got 85 contributions to the contest
379s which was mind-blowing I had no idea
382s that we were gonna get that many people
384s participating in this thing which is
387s funking amazing and I'm gonna let like I
391s think I've picked out like a top 12 13
393s 15 to scroll through the the main window
397s in the chat right now and these are
399s these are some of the best ones that we
401s got which like I thought they were all
403s really really cool so the the rules were
405s that it had to be : results related it
407s had to be carved on a pumpkin and yeah
411s you just needed to send us a picture and
412s everyone who entered into the contest
414s with a valid entry oh there's a black
417s one that's a dark one for some reason
419s they would have been given a dlc key and
427s let's see I'm just gonna yeah no that
429s should win okay
434s hmmm what's going on now
437s you
439s there we go and so I'm going to be
443s sending out an email after the stream to
445s everyone who participated asking them
446s which DLC key they would like to receive
450s and then of course I will be sending a
453s pack of DLC keys to the the winner of as
458s well as asking them for their address so
460s I can send them this really really
462s cool-looking canvas print of one of our
467s key arcs like this is the cover art for
469s the collector's edition and it's going
472s to be printed on a canvas print and then
474s shipped out to someone it's gonna be a
475s bit bigger than this one this is like
476s the smallest one we go to assess a
477s sample thing it's gonna be like well I
480s think it's gonna be like this big
481s something it's gonna look it's gonna
483s look cool so this and the pack of DLC
486s Keys is going to go a sent off to the
489s winner and I think I'm just kind of some
491s of these scroll for a bit because like
493s we got some really really good entries
496s we've got some trollee entries as well
498s where people are just like put clipart
500s on pumpkins they are drawn in paint
503s unfortunately for them we had to
506s disqualify those pumpkins for obvious
509s reasons but the ones that were legit
511s were all of them really really good and
513s we want to say thank you once again to
515s everyone who participated everyone who
517s sent in their pumpkins and yeah it's
519s been it's been it's been a hell of a
521s thing seeing seeing all the entries that
524s came in and just seeing seeing all the
525s creativity that that people have have
528s been showing us
532s Regnier have the ring to talk about
534s doing a Mac version of Conan Exiles no
537s not really
538s for now it's going to be Windows ps4 and
541s xbox 360 one
543s I almost said Xbox 360 which is wrong
545s all right so I think we scroll through
548s these but now I'm just going to wait
550s until it comes to the end it was
554s incredibly difficult to choose a winner
556s but in the end the community team and
558s the dev team came together and we we
562s decided on a pumpkin that really sort of
565s captures like the spirit in the essence
566s of Conan exile and the excellence and
570s under the fest thank you so much for
571s following us on Twitch and the winner is
576s I'm just gonna pop it up and see how it
578s looks is this amazing looking creation
582s which is essentially what you first
586s encounter in the game it's a bunch of
588s dead people on spikes it's the Sun
590s blazing down from above it is it's very
593s like I like the mood moodiness or the
595s whole thing and it's like this is the
597s one that was chosen by the but that team
600s and the community team as the as the
602s winner so congratulations to the winner
605s for for taking home the grand prize
609s which once again is a pack of DLC keys
611s along with this amazing looking key arch
615s and was print a denarii says I'm gutted
618s that I knew nothing about this it was
620s posted on our forums for fun calm calm
624s and we posted it on Twitter a couple of
626s times so it's sorry but better luck next
630s time like we're good and we go we're
632s going to be doing more contests in the
635s future
635s so there will be more you know more ways
640s for you to to win prizes and all I
641s understand what happened to the
643s newsletter this week I simply didn't
645s have time to write it was sort of the
646s same thing for next week as well but I
648s am yeah I'm I'm planning to get back to
652s it I'm planning to write something down
653s for for next week so it might all be the
655s length of previous newsletters but it's
657s I'm just going to try to do like a quick
659s recap of what's been going on
661s recently all right so I think we're
665s going to transition into the game now
670s and I'm going to push this button I'm
672s gonna press this button then I'm going
675s to push this button and then I'm gonna
679s push that button which should hopefully
682s allow our special mystery guest to talk
684s to us who has an exact mystery guest so
688s why don't you introduce yourself mystery
690s guest
691s well my name is Sun and I do a lot of
698s building stuff on YouTube and mostly
701s Colin exhales I don't know what else to
705s say I mean there's not much else to say
708s like you you are one of those like like
710s I called you a sort of what do I call
712s you I called you like the master of
713s building on I like that on Twitter when
716s I announced this because you I think you
719s started off like right after we have
722s launched in early access yeah like speed
724s build videos and that's like what that's
727s what you're mostly known for I think yes
730s so first when I got into the colon
732s exhales I just wanted to try the game
734s since I was investing money and luck
736s fuck oh but I just wanted to see what I
738s was you know getting and bursting money
743s did you mean like that you're buying the
744s game or are you actually I was just
753s investing and something I didn't know it
756s was you know sure yeah so it develop
759s into the speed build thing somehow and
763s uh-huh yeah
766s I was I would say that it's been it's
769s been really fun like watching your
770s progress watching how you you know grow
773s your channel how you do the like how you
776s build essentially because like you you
779s recently hit 10,000 subscribers I think
783s on your channel yeah
784s and did you like did you think when you
789s first started out that hey at one point
791s I'm gonna hit 10,000 subscribers Oh
794s it's gonna hit hundred thousand
796s subscribers really okay I'm only joking
803s right okay so what made you decide to -
810s just to start doing well
812s what made you focus on building because
814s a lot of the other a lot of the other
816s youtubers that we see I didn't abuse any
820s other ways all right all right so why
827s don't we I think like you you've planned
828s something out to sort yeah and for us on
830s the stream so I think why can we can
832s just like start and then chat can chat
835s can you know start hitting us with some
837s questions and we can get a you know get
841s a conversation going so I planned out
845s the foundation for this build and just
848s imagine the rests so hopefully it will
852s be done in within the three minutes I
857s guess we'll see oh it seems to me that
861s the coolest builds in connect tiles come
864s from using both squares and triangles in
868s an interesting way this is maybe not a
871s perfect positioning no it's alright this
874s is probably all right so let's remove
881s this stone I guess one of the things
883s that one of the things that I at least I
887s get the feel of for your buildings that
889s it seems very planned out you seem to be
891s very like meticulous when the stuff that
893s you make all right do you do a lot of
895s planning or is it mostly just like
897s throwing something and seeing what's
899s it's it's for the most part throwing
903s stuff at wall and see if it sticks
906s so though and those there's sometimes
908s there's problems that turn up which I
913s will get to with this build oh yes
915s because when when using the squares and
924s the triangles in a kind of somewhat
927s complicated way
928s the geometry has to add up I guess yeah
932s yeah that's true
933s yes Oh when it doesn't then I guess the
937s only way is to kind of try things out
940s yeah cuz like we we've tried to make a
943s building system that's as freeform as
945s possible but like you're still actually
947s fuck this up by the way I think let's
951s see hmm
953s no probably not it's probably okay looks
957s fine to me like you've got a symmetry
959s thing going at least I like to see yeah
961s it was it was just like I couldn't
965s remember exactly how you know sharp the
968s angles right yeah yeah but I'd say I
972s think I'm doing it right so there was a
978s question in chat earlier about like what
980s would be or like best or favorite
984s locations to to build in well that's
986s probably this one yeah
988s is it because it's like a nice flat
990s surface and you can sort of do almost
993s yeah you want yeah and it's a little you
996s know nice view everywhere yeah cuz you
1000s got the Sun coming down from the
1001s mountains through the clouds you got you
1003s see a bit of everything from this
1005s location I think yeah there's or there's
1010s also an area that's all the way south
1015s east it's by the kind of by the starter
1019s area like all the way east from there
1022s there's another flat area that's not on
1024s top of a hill or anything like that but
1027s it's very nice and like your videos are
1033s usually about like I don't know half an
1035s hour 45 minutes or I should show that
1037s map where where we are so it's we are in
1040s the ig6 frame which is right here so
1045s we're slightly east of the the the giant
1049s hand which you might be going in the
1052s wrong direction now nope which in which
1056s the ghost lady jumps off of which she
1059s might see but I've been running around
1060s the
1061s and then over there is the Tower of bats
1064s I think it's called where the huge bat
1066s demon is where you activate the portal
1067s so we're sort of like smack bang in the
1070s middle of smack bang in the middle of
1073s the desert at least so like here we are
1075s right here those one other thing by the
1079s way and with you know geometry stuff
1083s going on which I don't know how to
1085s explain this but you see how that this
1088s circle I can be bigger right without
1091s causing any problems mm-hmm because of I
1094s don't know the way these circles are
1097s interconnected
1099s makes it kind of easy to make things add
1101s up right yeah and then there's you know
1105s a lot of different ways of utilizing
1106s that so and so this is sorry
1116s this is where I had a little bit of a
1118s problem because these two circles there
1121s they and they will not make each other
1124s so and you know I wanted them to meet
1127s each other but adults one way of solving
1131s that is to just build square towers
1134s instead because they are you know it
1137s almost adds up but it doesn't really add
1140s up it's just it's just so so close to
1143s adding up but it's almost letting up and
1145s that's because of the level of geometry
1146s then yeah like a tiny gap oh okay sorry
1153s and no one is gonna miss stream wait
1162s yeah I see it now yeah I see yeah so I
1166s didn't want to do it like that I just
1167s wanted to show but that's uh I think
1170s that will end up looking great doing it
1172s that way but it's not what I ended up
1176s with and you know figuring how else how
1180s to do this right and also doesn't work
1182s to have these phones meet like that by
1186s having a wall or from here to there
1188s right it will work no wait it's air
1194s Oh we'll go from here hello there
1198s alright so they won't meet if you build
1200s a straight line but they will meet if
1201s you go by a different tower yeah Oh
1205s usually it's inverse to just try things
1209s out sure like when you're doing this
1212s much trial and error like how long how
1213s much time goes into one video because
1216s like one of your videos is like half an
1218s hour to 45 45 minutes long but like if
1221s you're doing this much trial and error
1222s like you have to at one point like there
1225s has to be some sort of editing other
1226s than just speeding everything up right
1228s yeah this that's sort of part with you
1231s know figuring that out with the edited
1233s outs and then the finished video would
1237s you know just just seemed like
1241s everything went perfectly I mean this
1243s looks like a good start
1245s yeah so that's that's what I've planned
1247s so far so so now I don't know what to do
1251s okay you're not one of those people who
1254s sit there with like graph paper and draw
1255s everything out or something no I think
1260s there's something to be said though for
1261s like building by the seat of your pants
1264s and just like trying new stuff out and
1266s then like no that didn't work tear it
1269s down oh this this looks really good keep
1270s that etc etc yeah I feel like it's it's
1276s more effective love way yes there's so
1278s much like I'm not to be all spiritual
1282s and software but there's the reverse of
1285s like all subconscious processes going on
1288s in your brain that's kind of like
1289s building for you and if you if you think
1292s too much then you won't be able to
1293s utilize that sure yeah oh nice I like
1299s how you use the walls there to sort of
1300s like yeah that looks real good we
1304s capture the entire thing yeah the point
1306s was I was because the foundations
1309s wouldn't fit sure yeah
1316s I'm just gonna fly around a bit so
1317s players can see what this looks like and
1321s hopefully this will be done before the
1324s stream is it's over
1327s obviously we we don't have like a strict
1329s time limit we can sort of make it run
1331s for as long as we want to okay xlx
1335s fearless xlx asks can we get the ability
1337s to pick up our structures and pieces
1339s without destroying them most likely not
1342s that's not really how we've built the
1343s game so I don't think that's gonna
1345s happen
1345s I guess there is a mod that allow you to
1348s pick up like play Sable's and things
1349s pretty freely but we don't allow that in
1353s the base game like this isn't this won't
1355s be like fallout 76 we can just like pick
1358s this up up and then go on but yeah there
1361s there might be a mod Freight on-call on
1363s PC but if you're I'm calm Souls and yeah
1366s sorry but if chad has any questions just
1369s feel free to throw them at us and we can
1371s get things going so you've chosen the
1374s the aquilonian style is that just it's a
1378s practice or is it just something you
1380s chose for this one I think that smaller
1383s looks best yeah yeah no that's perfectly
1393s fine like I we I think we all have like
1395s a preferred style because like this is
1398s very yeah it's very it's very clean it's
1401s very like nice lines and it looks like
1403s yeah it looks like it's made out of
1404s marble so it's it's like Broman nice
1409s feel to it tree on the asks any news on
1413s the auto mod downloader we made in quite
1415s a quite a while fray already any info
1417s you can share not beyond that it's still
1420s in sort of processing like it's still it
1424s is on one of our test builds and needs
1426s to be you know tested and all that stuff
1428s but it's it is on the way like it's not
1431s we haven't stopped trying to to bring it
1434s to you guys it's just just how it is and
1439s variable as well yeah I know a lot of
1442s people are because I think you build
1444s with some mods when you make your videos
1446s sometimes and
1448s also because I you know changed a lot
1451s from model to model oh yeah exactly
1455s and I know that a lot of private servers
1458s use things like P P and Omega plus and
1462s age of calamitous I know is a very
1464s popular one and both songs are it's yeah
1468s and I really I want the age of
1470s calamities guy to join us on stream one
1473s day and talk about his his model because
1475s I know a lot of people are very into it
1479s so for this build you're just are you
1481s just building the outer shell or you're
1483s just gonna go into stuff like
1485s decorations and like the flooring and
1488s other stuff like that as well I'm
1489s thinking the outer shell and flooring
1492s not smart not much decoration right okay
1496s because you mostly seem to focus on like
1498s the the bigger yeah it's essentially
1501s yeah I get a little bored once once
1506s something is like 80% bomb but you still
1510s finish it which is good you're not like
1512s ah screw this I've done oh but not all
1514s of them okay almost I'm out to have some
1518s very wonky and interior going on okay
1522s Maslin asks how's it looking with multi
1524s support on xbox that's unfortunately not
1526s going to happen we don't really we
1529s haven't really built the game for mod
1531s support on consoles but so it's only
1532s gonna be more support on on PC and so do
1537s you prefer building big structures or
1540s medium structures or like I assume it's
1542s gonna be big structures because that's
1544s why your videos are about yeah big big
1546s structures yeah
1548s oh here's as one little thing this one
1553s is like four and four volts high right
1555s yeah and the there is a points to that
1559s and that one of those points yes is how
1564s I build the staircases
1566s right let's see I'll put the the
1574s ceilings where where it's my triangle
1577s ceiling there's my triangle ceiling
1582s I guess out the show yeah yeah go ahead
1591s well this ser you know this is a nice
1597s you know staircase yeah mm-hmm run the
1601s next level it's like that right yeah you
1606s know then everything works out its or if
1611s big rooms are four blocks are instead of
1613s for example three blocks I rather not
1615s causes problems like that I tend to
1620s build at least four four round towers I
1622s tend to build the stairs like along them
1625s along the ceiling tiles along the the
1628s square ceiling tiles so it's all it goes
1630s around like the walls essentially so I
1632s like I take once there and I attached it
1634s to a triangle and then attach another
1637s triangle to the top of it and then like
1639s build stairs around bad instead but this
1642s looks really really good too yeah prefer
1649s doing it that way yeah yeah absolutely
1652s you got called out on Twitter though
1654s when we announced the stream there was
1655s one guy who said that once once then
1659s using the admin panel just fall in all
1661s this building pieces I'm gonna call him
1663s the master of building yeah as wondering
1665s if you had like a counter if you have
1668s beef with that guy or if you have like a
1669s counter it was a very interesting
1676s comment of yeah this is looking really
1683s really good
1684s I think it helps that we're on a server
1687s that's works out really pretty fast for
1690s you in terms of bills yeah that's why I
1693s was quite eager to test that out
1695s yesterday to make sure that things could
1698s you know yeah go fast for this or
1705s ceilings for where for the towers don't
1710s we know you're just gonna let them open
1713s like that
1714s raining stairs or this is one of those
1719s like I'm 80% done now screwed no but
1726s yeah I I will do that I guess yeah
1732s Chaz Evansdale Post points out that your
1734s man you're a master designer not a
1736s builder semantics and then someone else
1738s suggests master architect since then so
1741s that works bastard like Conan exiles
1745s architect that's old master enough to
1748s figure this out
1750s oh this works well the aquilonian gate
1754s is a little mean sometimes mm-hmm so it
1760s takes I don't know it takes up a little
1762s more space or something then it's
1763s supposed to right and this this wall
1769s here will only go this direction yeah
1773s that is I know about that bug and it's
1776s it's a weird one but yeah this let's
1779s just have some hair that cover that yeah
1787s then we just need to get rid of the
1790s pieces down there Jesus no it's just
1793s like the babe autumn disappear oh it's
1796s just one of the crumbling pieces well
1800s that's the functional gates I'd say like
1803s we need an actual gate in it though
1805s don't know no welcome for everyone oh
1809s yeah let's put let's put your gates in
1812s there yeah I have some stairs up there
1819s as well maybe yeah this is a nice
1824s looking Coliseum though all I see you I
1827s mean it looks sort of like colas
1830s Coliseum Castle I don't know so you
1836s don't start off going like okay today
1837s I'm gonna build a castle or today I'm
1839s gonna build like insert you just sort of
1841s click around and see how it goes see
1843s where the flow takes you yeah kind of
1847s Nicole and Chad points out that it's
1850s perfect for when the Titans attack which
1851s is that's a very good reference is this
1858s two big windows I think they're good I
1862s mean the doorways they're not windows
1864s technically but but they are doorways no
1867s windows in this builds there are no
1869s windows in this build okay oh no they
1872s are they are end in this build all right
1875s discuss oh yeah time for floor number
1880s two I guess so do you feel like you like
1883s sort of found your like YouTube niche
1885s with these these build videos or are you
1888s going to like eventually start expanding
1890s into other things well it seems I don't
1898s know I I think I'm gonna do what gets me
1903s the most views solo I mean yeah that's
1908s what a lot of people that's what most
1910s people on YouTube tend to do so why not
1912s yeah or I mean at least until the
1916s channel is a little you know bigger yeah
1919s it's all about like building up a
1921s audience to be a certain number of
1923s people than you realize okay now I can
1925s maybe start to transition into other
1926s things yeah but I've yeah I've been like
1930s I've been following you for your channel
1932s since the beginning and like I noticed
1934s recently that you started putting up
1935s like beeping your 0 videos for example
1937s putting up the trailer for instance I
1940s put up what's it called the the mainland
1946s another soundtrack yeah the main menu
1949s music oh I don't need a window here and
1952s the also gameplay yeah it's a very fun
1958s fun game the excited to see how that
1963s goes so am I absolutely
1971s think hmm I wonder if this will have an
1975s officer porch oh yeah it will have been
1978s off the porch yeah I mean so in one of
1982s your recent videos you built a what was
1985s it was like an upside-down temple during
1988s yeah
1989s beneath I think it was like the the main
1993s bridge down by the noob River as its
1996s called
1996s yeah how is this not like a not a big
1999s challenge for you making that particular
2001s thing or did you sort of it was a big
2005s challenge because my graphic card wasn't
2006s really working
2007s oh wait that's some type of all there
2012s all right but I mean I had seen some
2018s people in the alcohol my cells come in
2021s to do similar things so you know just
2025s copied then like how the idea yeah I'm
2030s just like curious how how it worked
2032s because the stability transfer like
2035s downwards like if you put a foundation
2036s and then you put the pillars can carry
2044s the pillars gonna carry support yeah oh
2048s so it's the pillars that make it
2049s possible right okay and oh yeah I
2053s thought it was incredibly well done and
2056s it's like everything everything by
2058s everything goes by so quickly so you're
2060s not sure if you're like your brain
2062s registers everything like the techniques
2064s that you use and then suddenly you just
2066s see it finishes like oh alright it's
2069s done now that's really cool yeah this is
2074s looking really really good
2076s it's why is this not support oh it's the
2083s triangles the triangles they don't they
2086s don't carry the support very far no they
2088s don't
2089s I'm gonna have to use some some pillars
2091s yeah I think it's it's far at the fifth
2095s piece away from a from the foundation
2098s you need to start adding pillars
2100s actually making the Zelda mark I mean
2103s yeah like we I don't think that was
2105s planned it just sort of happened that
2106s way but I like it it's like a little
2108s like a little reference you know hope
2113s I'm not in the way by the way no stridor
2118s five five nine nine any info on the next
2120s DLC absolutely not and I'm sorry I
2128s I can either to confirm nor deny the
2130s existence of the next DLC hey Drona nice
2133s thank you for following us on mixer if
2139s you're just joining us this is building
2143s with Sven P who you might recognize from
2147s from YouTube go check out his channel if
2150s you haven't already and he is for those
2154s of you not know who don't know he is one
2157s of the like early adopters of Conan
2159s exiles on on YouTube and started making
2162s building videos where he essentially
2164s does speed builds and he just build
2167s something really huge and then he speeds
2169s up the building process to make like I
2172s don't know an hour or two turn into half
2174s an hour I guess more like eight hours so
2178s 32 cover
2179s Jesus so it's that long it is that long
2182s I mean the some sometimes think things
2186s take a lot of time right my and even
2189s that like it's just just quote unquote
2192s because like you're you're still only
2195s building the shellandmatt like that is I
2197s think what takes a lot of time but like
2199s imagine how you would how long it would
2201s take if you started having like details
2204s and play Sable's
2204s on the inside of everything yeah that
2207s would be a little too time-consuming
2214s sir-sir say on says yes you should have
2217s a beer uh no not right now I am if we do
2224s like celebratory streams I may have a
2225s drink here and there but I'm gonna try
2227s and I'm trying to try and trying to cut
2229s back on the beer on streams because you
2231s know it's it's not always
2233s not always the best to be drinking hell
2235s stream you know especially when you're
2237s trying to be you know professional and
2238s all that kind of stuff
2242s hello from Greece when you're going to
2243s talk about the pumpkin carving contest
2245s winners to send emails or DLC code you
2248s missed the beginning of the stream I
2249s take it the I did reveal the winner of
2255s the pumpkin carving contest I can
2256s actually throw that up while Stan is
2258s building in the background this is the
2260s winner of the pumpkin carving contests
2261s and we did a we did a bit of a loop of
2266s the other entries and other
2268s contributions that we had ago and after
2271s the stream is over I'm going to go back
2273s to my computer and I'm going to send out
2275s an email to everyone who sent in a sent
2279s in one of their entries and we're I'm
2282s just gonna ask them like hey Tiki would
2284s you like and then they were gonna reply
2286s back hopefully and after that I'm just
2290s gonna send out DLC keys to everyone
2292s asking for it and and yeah we'll also
2295s post on the entries to the forms I think
2297s I'm gonna pick out like a top 20 ish
2299s post those on the forums maybe also put
2301s them up on the dev vlog but that might
2304s happen next week because because it's it
2308s is it's it's already been a long day and
2310s I don't want to sit here until 9:00 in
2312s the evening and I'm sorry if you know
2314s you know if you feel like I should sit
2317s him along anyway I was really cool
2322s pumpkin thanks by the way I think it's a
2326s really really good one all of them have
2328s been really good yeah I took a little
2330s sneak peek while I'm waiting in the
2332s weight room yeah your office yeah and
2338s also my bedroom in you in true youtuber
2342s fashion your workroom is also your
2344s bedroom yeah gotta gotta keep the
2347s expenses you know a drama we are still
2352s based in Norway but we also have a we
2355s also have a studio over in North
2357s Carolina in Durham who are hard at work
2361s on another cool little project that we
2364s will not talk
2366s about today but it's been it's been
2368s mentioned a couple of times I know at
2370s least we want to see Yance stand you can
2374s do it I'm not sure what that referring
2375s to but I'll see nice work with with the
2379s the awnings which I think would really
2381s really work good
2383s yeah yeah it's this kind of power tower
2387s I use watch I like it a lot yeah Wagner
2392s of the Viking actually has a really good
2394s idea so I'm just gonna pop out this good
2401s go to blue box and let's just let's do a
2408s bit of a raffle shall we mr. raffle yeah
2410s let's do a raffle raffle on Twitch
2413s unfortunately this will only be on
2415s twitch because twitch is currently of
2420s the two platforms are streaming to make
2421s sure and on twitch Mitch Mix sorry
2425s twitch is the only platform that we can
2427s DM people and so sorry mixed audience if
2432s you want to participate in the raffle
2433s then you can head on over to our twitch
2435s channel twitch.tv slash Hong Kong and
2439s join in on the raffle and so I think
2442s we're gonna do what we did last time and
2444s we're basically just gonna give away a
2445s DLC key of your choice so if you wanna
2450s if you want to you know win a DLC key
2452s just join in on the twitch raffle and
2455s I'm just gonna let that run for a bit
2458s yeah that's a nice looking roof yeah of
2465s course chat goes crazy when everyone is
2468s raffling just type exclamation points
2472s raffle in chat and you will be
2474s automatically entered you only have to
2476s type it in once and there's there are no
2480s taking back seats you can't take away
2482s your raffle ticket once you have it
2486s Morty rocks ask can I get a DLC code
2488s before the Conan sword when I say any
2491s DLC key you want I mean any DLC key you
2494s want and it's weird because a lot of
2495s people ask for like the culture packs
2497s not a lot of people ask for the
2499s on TLC that we had or the Conan's sword
2501s or the Conan Conan Armour but hey any
2506s DLC key is any DLC key so we're kind of
2511s left that run and of course people are
2513s typing other things in chat stuff like
2515s taco pinata waffle etc which is quite
2519s common for these streams as the Sun is
2523s slowly setting on the eggs almonds this
2525s looks really good and like sunset
2527s lighting I think oh that's let's change
2530s the time lane I don't know I don't know
2532s if our time is the same on the game I
2535s can just change it to say five nice a
2545s window sir been my rock the windows were
2549s wrong yeah so they're a little bigger
2552s than they were supposed to I mean they
2555s are doorways
2556s oh it's windows I'm gonna draw the
2564s raffle winner
2566s let's see draw and the winner is
2569s dragon dragon's teeth thank you so much
2572s for following us on Twitter out which
2575s 1800 days ago Wow so congratulations so
2580s much to dragon's teeth it's gonna move
2583s swing over here so it doesn't block our
2585s lovely little announcements so I'm gonna
2588s find dragon's teeth in chat and you know
2595s message
2598s all right while Sven is still building
2610s hmm which chat is being a bit weird
2620s let's try that again shall we yeah I'm
2630s having some trouble with twitch right
2633s now where I can't whisper to you so I'm
2636s just gonna write down your name and then
2638s we're going to fix that once the stream
2641s is done or Nicole can do it of course
2646s because Nicole is also in chat and I
2648s keep forgetting then I'm not the only
2649s one running this ship so yeah if Nicole
2653s you can handle that that'll be super
2655s great and let's just do another one
2661s let's just reset open up another one all
2667s right you can just go ahead and start
2670s raffling again everyone oh yeah
2676s Strider asks if this will be on your
2678s channel later so they can see it again
2680s I'm not sure if you're recording um I
2683s was just thinking the same thoughts but
2685s I am maybe you should have but it's it's
2690s gonna come up on on the phone come
2692s YouTube channel youtube.com slash phone
2694s calm so it's not going to be a
2696s traditional speed build it's gonna be a
2698s slow builds I guess because it's going
2701s to run run for about 55 minutes 45
2704s minutes but like if you want I can
2707s probably just send you the video file
2709s and you can just cut out everything and
2712s speed it up if if you want that you know
2719s alright this is looking really good now
2722s thanks also like to have this all roofs
2726s under hair so they look like ramps and
2730s they provide
2732s at least it looks like provide stability
2734s yeah it looks like they provide
2736s stability it also be possible to
2738s introduce you know other kinds of roofs
2743s for this and you wouldn't have those
2746s gaps there yeah but I kind of like how
2748s it is with those caps there's and it's
2751s also a lot easier and faster to build
2753s with square ones and you know it fits
2756s with gaps on top of the roof oh right
2762s it's it's an aesthetic onto its own I
2765s think but I don't think it looks that
2767s bad if I'm being honest but maybe we
2770s should see if we can fill in those gaps
2772s a bit all right it looks like chat in
2775s twitch is slowing down so I'm gonna jump
2777s back in and see which button was it
2784s there was closed it and there's like a
2791s war now in chat between mixer and twitch
2793s because aisle mixer you can send up
2794s fireworks and you can do like a whole
2796s whole thing which is kind of nice
2798s unfortunate you can't do that on twitch
2799s so but like play nice children' because
2802s I don't want to have to pick favorites
2803s I don't like picking favorites all right
2807s I'm gonna click the draw button and the
2809s winner is burnt earth
2811s zero thank you for following us on
2814s twitch who joined twitch 2000 days ago I
2817s don't really know how many days how many
2821s years that is but that is a lot so
2825s congratulations if Nicole can just
2828s whisper to him on twitch chat that'd be
2831s great and figure out what what what D
2835s and C key they would like
2837s congratulations
2838s oh yeah starting off with some pillars
2840s now oh yeah I'm just adding for the
2845s support for a second floor you're
2848s building another floor to all this
2849s yes I'm building another floor nice Oh
2855s slowly but surely
2857s I'm just gonna set the time again oh
2865s that's nice right oh yeah nice and
2868s bright
2869s it looks especially well it looks really
2871s good on the aquilonian building so if
2873s it's a bit bright in my opinion sx o
2877s mais one asks can I have a Sumerian flag
2881s to build not really sure what that means
2885s I think maybe he's asking for like
2887s Sumerian building pieces I can I can't
2891s say for sure if we're gonna be doing
2893s like Sumerian culture DLC but it's it's
2898s it's a maybe
2899s but as carbuncle says if you build it
2901s they will purge so should be careful
2904s about that at least yeah this is
2910s starting to really look I'm gonna just
2912s do like a total panorama shot just like
2916s really look at this from afar I think
2920s that force will be enough yeah I think
2925s so too
2926s and we're slowly coming up on six
2928s o'clock yeah that vars that currently
2932s there aren't any immediate plans to look
2934s at void because internets it's a matter
2937s of distributing resources and manpower
2940s and we're working like we're putting the
2943s resources and manpower elsewhere but we
2945s know that it's one one of the things
2947s that they're role players really want us
2949s to take care of and so it's it's sort of
2951s it's in our backlog of things that we
2953s know that we people want us to take care
2956s of more plans for future for
2959s culture-based DLCs no comment
2961s but maybe the hell girl two wells are
2965s broken again on PC could you go into
2968s some specifics please because that would
2974s that would really help us out we did put
2977s out a patch to fix wells on pcs if
2980s they're still broken then I we great - -
2983s if you could let me know which ones or
2985s or how all other races have their own
2988s flags that I can learn a building north
2990s don't have this oh you're talking
2992s specifically about the flags um I can
2994s make that suggestion to the dev team I
2997s can't necessarily guarantee that it will
2998s happen but I can definitely make the
2999s suggestion why can't we fly on ps4
3002s that's a bug and so it's something that
3006s we should fix and something that's on
3007s our list of things to these on my list
3010s that I want people to fix can't drink or
3014s refill water skins okay is that
3015s specifically on large Wells is it on the
3017s smaller Wells is it on wells that you
3020s have placed out before or is it on
3022s completely new wells after this patch
3026s are there ever going to be musician
3028s thralls
3031s hmm
3032s no comment no comments Tyrell close on
3036s Devil's sock is that a bug or if you use
3038s right now if you use the weapon
3040s modification kits only closeup Jamel SOG
3041s they will default to I think it's two
3045s minutes or 30 seconds in some cases that
3047s is a bug the closest of Javel SOG I
3050s think should have like in ten minutes
3052s timer 10 20 minute timer on official
3055s servers so yeah they're not supposed to
3057s I'm not supposed to just immediately
3059s disappear but they they're supposed to
3061s decay fairly quickly once you start
3063s using them yes we are aware of the
3068s meshing method with the small pond
3071s should run for you as president he's got
3073s a no common thing well no not really I
3076s don't think I I can't allow I can't run
3079s for you as president because you know
3080s I'm Norwegian president what it's just
3088s run for in the region president or prime
3090s minister well that sound that seems
3092s incredibly boring so I'm not gonna do
3093s that
3098s a drama I agree that is it is a bit
3102s fiddly when you're trying to to join a
3105s melded server which is why we've been
3107s working on a auto downloader for modern
3110s servers so that when you join them on
3112s the server it would just immediately
3113s pick up all the months it's still in
3115s some testing phase so it's not out yet
3118s but it's it's slowly getting there it's
3120s coming
3123s is there knowledge of human baseball
3124s spoiling a completely naked yes there is
3126s I have reported this to the dev team as
3127s well we are looking at getting the
3130s purchase back to how they're supposed to
3132s be going doing so how's it coming are
3138s you going to be putting ceilings all
3142s this stuff eventually yes here it's only
3145s but surely a building upwards yes I
3148s don't know exactly what the time is but
3151s the the whole thing is kind of almost
3154s enough ash yeah you're worried about the
3158s time
3158s no no it's fine we got a couple of them
3160s we have some more minutes a Quixote
3164s carrot I take it there are no plans for
3165s torture devices I don't think we're
3167s planning like torture gameplay so I'm
3171s gonna I'm gonna put a like no I don't
3176s think we're planning on torture devices
3180s dragon's teeth says love the tower roof
3182s just learned something new for build
3184s ideas thank you phone call very cool so
3186s hopefully we we managed to teach other
3189s people a thing or two as well and this
3195s is starting to look really really good
3196s absolutely thank you very much all right
3202s let's get another like nice well iid
3205s levels would be possible to get on top
3208s of these towers I mean you might be able
3214s to climb up it if you have enough
3215s stamina yeah it's just you know
3219s sometimes I like to pretend that I'm
3223s doing that but I never end up doing it
3227s because it's you know if you've done it
3229s once don't know
3230s sure I don't at any one time yeah
3233s because you're you're mostly building
3235s for for the aesthetic you don't believe
3237s you think a lot about function yeah I
3243s mean I mean sometimes I do and it is
3246s sometimes nice to know that I could make
3249s adjustments for right function if I
3252s wanted to but it's you know kind of kind
3256s of not very
3258s interesting and I don't I don't think
3262s that's something people are particularly
3264s interesting in seeing tiny era what is
3272s the stream shaking my head it is a
3274s building stream with cement P who is a
3276s youtuber who does a lot of really cool
3279s building videos in Kona Nexus so we
3280s wanted to feature him and we wanted to
3282s feature some of the things that he can
3283s make yeah it is it is a community stream
3286s as Nicole pointed out in the chat oh now
3289s the sad storm is coming I hope you have
3291s god mode turned on well I will yeah
3296s definitely but this might look really
3298s cool though yeah Spencer looks very cool
3302s oh yeah Waggener are we gonna be able to
3305s dress up working falls unfortunately not
3307s but working for alls if we fix the bug
3312s where they don't have clothes when they
3314s purge they should in theory also get
3316s their clothes back I'm also going to put
3318s that in the put that in the bug list
3321s that I have going that I'm setting off
3322s to the dev team bad bug says that the
3326s mighty yog would love to take a poo on
3327s such a pretty structure and you asked
3329s you to comment on one of his servers
3332s yeah you're welcome to you know some of
3340s you admin powers on one of the official
3342s Xbox servers oh I'm one of the official
3344s Xbox yes a geekman says love us when we
3351s have made plenty of your builds built
3353s into our pvp driven base on our pvp
3355s official server look thank you
3358s that is great like responses like that
3361s must be really good though for building
3363s youtuber because you know that pay
3365s people are yeah and when people are
3368s building it on official servers that is
3374s really awesome
3374s because that you know thanks a lot of
3377s time yeah cuz like all of these building
3380s pieces are admin in like nuts is crafted
3385s molds yeah you should have done that
3393s tiny resident who savanah pee I think
3395s Nicole maybe you might have a link to
3398s his channel if you could just throw that
3399s up in twitch
3400s that would be great and another raffle
3407s because I want to do that let's see
3412s Leon coli can we make some changes to
3414s non-existent quest non oh Jesus what am
3417s I saying
3418s non quest existent content make some
3420s more quests the P I think that's your
3423s middle name right because your full name
3425s is Senne Peppard yeah yeah so that's the
3429s P it is just the letter P because his
3432s name is
3432s Tedder so we don't really have any plans
3437s for like full-on quests for calling
3439s ourselves that was never the intent for
3443s the game but so because we you know it
3447s wasn't wasn't really meant to be to be
3451s like an MMORPG it was supposed to be you
3454s know a survival game so there you won't
3456s really see any you know MMO style of
3459s quests in the game
3460s oh yeah like with this like Sun coming
3465s down look and the sound storm blowing
3467s away left this looks really good RAF was
3474s going so how much health did you have
3478s left before you activate a god mode I
3480s had 3/4 of my health okay that's good I
3486s was worried that you know yeah this is
3497s looking rad so when the sandstorm you
3502s know fades away mm-hmm that's like the
3506s most awesome yeah I think that looks
3508s really really cool too it's fantastic
3511s and also it does something with fog now
3513s that it kind of it makes the fog
3514s disappear for a little bit and then
3516s suddenly you can see the whole
3518s excellence yeah
3523s I don't know how how interesting it
3531s would be to finished inside of the
3533s stairs and stuff I think you've got a
3536s good thing going on like just like the
3538s outside the facade of the thing yes to
3542s do anything inside do we right now I
3545s mean I think people have at least gotten
3547s something out of all of this so I think
3551s this looks really really nice
3553s Morty rocks mentioned that he like they
3556s build like Coliseum's in their servers
3559s so like two teams for 30 players per
3562s team designed for like big battles so
3563s maybe oh if you do like Colosseum builds
3566s maybe they can wash them your videos and
3567s get some some tips away from that as
3569s well so alright I'm gonna jump into
3572s moobot and the final raffle winner and
3578s the winner is raffle is psycho Viking
3580s thank you so much for following us on
3582s Twitch and Nicole we'll send you a quick
3586s message in chat or in whisper thing
3591s morty says really like the look of your
3593s building well done so you're good I
3596s think this looks really really nice
3598s absolutely and we finished just five
3600s minutes past 6:00 we're just nice Jamie
3604s called when will the netcode become
3605s stable for a 70 person server I can't
3610s say for sure like we oh yeah I got a
3613s carrot of course the the winner of the
3616s raffle gets a dlc key of their choice
3618s and we're gonna get in touch with them
3619s and ask them which dlc key they would
3621s like so yeah we have done some work on
3625s like server stabilization and testing it
3628s with with an increased amount of players
3630s but unless we're able to ensure that the
3635s like the server performance will be good
3638s enough to support more than 40 people
3639s we're not going to increase the server
3641s capacity so so right now it's going to
3643s be it's going to be it's going to
3645s maintain at at 40 people per server at
3648s least on the official servers I know
3650s that there are some private servers out
3651s there who have like 50 for 50 60 70
3654s maybe a hundred
3655s so Mike maybe you should if you want to
3659s check out some private service as well
3660s because a lot of them are really really
3661s good so um I think maybe we're gonna
3665s call it their crypto Prime thank you so
3667s much for following us on Twitter Street
3669s a nice of you I think maybe we're gonna
3670s call it there marks to silence says that
3673s he has definitely got some ideas from
3675s this and that is the whole point of this
3677s stream which is excellent and we we hope
3685s you've enjoyed this we hope you've had a
3687s good time watching so I'm gonna say
3690s goodbye to you so then goodbye thank you
3694s very much for having her yeah thank you
3696s for coming I know this was very it was
3697s sort of short notice I emailed you on
3699s like Wednesday and asked if you wanted
3700s to join us and you were like yeah sure
3702s so thank you so much for coming it's
3705s been to be really good to have you here
3707s yeah and yeah go check out some P on
3709s YouTube follow him on YouTube he needs
3712s more subscribers he wants to make it to
3713s 100,000 first like he said at the
3716s beginning of the stream that's why he
3717s did the YouTube thing to get 400,000
3719s subscribers so I'm gonna talk to you
3724s later
3724s so ice cream going for a bit more
3726s because I'm gonna raid someone but yeah
3728s it's I'm just gonna keep talking but
3730s we're gonna people not gonna hear from
3731s you again maybe on the stream I mean
3734s yeah alright surrounded all right I'm
3739s gonna switch back to me he's muted all
3742s right so I think that's gonna do it for
3746s our community stream I hope people
3748s watching have fun thank you everyone for
3750s joining us Nicole
3752s is there someone that we can raid please
3755s on Twitch and maybe carbuncle can find
3759s someone that we can raid on mixer too if
3761s you wants to I think he has yes nicole
3765s says so she does have that awesome thank
3769s you to Carbunkle for modding our mixer
3772s channel as always you've been a good
3773s dude I get to Nicole for moderating the
3775s twitch channel as always and we'll see
3779s you guys in about two weeks
3781s there's going to be a near zero stream
3785s on
3786s Tuesday so tune in to that if you want
3788s to but right now I think we're just
3791s gonna hit that button and start our
3794s little starter rate essentially so see
3797s you guys two weeks bye
3809s you
3816s you