over 5 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Hail and well met, exiles! Figured I'd make a separate post on this in Reddit even though it was in the previous patch notes, just in case there are people who may have missed it.

We hope you’re enjoying the recent patch released to live and that it has invigorated you with creativity and adventure. Because contest time is here again! You all have built some pretty incredible and amazing structures; now it’s time to put it to the test.

What To Do

The objective is simple: build a creation that resembles a famous real or fictional structure. Buildings could range from the Eiffel Tower to Sauron’s Tower, Barad-dûr! Let your creativity free; you don’t need to keep it strictly to towers or large buildings. Think of any real rollercoasters, or landmarks, or statues, or such that you’ve seen. If you’re going for a structure or building of fiction, please make sure it’s of published works! It makes us so happy to see places you all built from your own imagination, but for this contest we’ll need something to compare it to.

Once you have completed your structure with decorations and all, send us screenshots! We want to see those beauties. If you’re feeling fancy, take the screenshot at an angle of a picture of the structure you’re replicating. :slight_smile: Just be sure to send the comparison picture as well! We will judge based on creativity and accuracy of the structure you’re replicating. Double check that the screenshot you’re sending is the best it can be, as it can be used in the prize stated below!

After you’ve sent us your screenshot, don’t be afraid to share it around! Upload it to any social media and add the #Architectxiles hashtag for all to see.

Some Extra Clarity

  • You Can use admin powers if you wish!

  • You’re allowed to use Ansel

  • It’s up to you if you want to do just the exterior or just the interior, or both! We will just judge how close to the reference photo(s) you have. For example, the Eiffel Tower has an impressive exterior but doesn’t really have an interior. On the other hand, a fairly simple exterior structure might be much more interesting because of it’s interior setup/design.

  • Your building does not need to be functional. We’re only judging looks. :)

Due date

All screenshots must be submitted by Tuesday, April 2nd by 11:50pm EST/5:50pm CET. We will not accept any after this date. Winners will be announced on Thursday the 4th!


  • Grand Prize Winner: A private 40 slot GPortal server for the platform of your choice including 6 months pre-paid. If you already have a server we will gift you the 6 months of paid slots. If you have a different server host, we can offer to transfer your DB to the new pre-paid GPortal server.

  • Grand Prize Winner and 9 honorable mentions: The screenshot of your building will be made into a unique Conan Exiles place-able: A framed painting that can be crafted and placed by all players! So make sure you screenshot you submit is one you’re happy with! We will also contact you about inclusion in a special video, featuring community content.

Some Basic Rules

  • Please create a famous real or fictional structure that is something we’re able to compare your work with.

  • Entries must be emailed to us here: [email protected]. Entries not submitted via this email will not be counted.

  • To make sure your email is for the contest, please be sure this is your subject line: Conan Exiles Building Contest

  • Please include a screenshot of your building/structure AND a picture of what you’re replicating

  • Send the best quality screenshot you can in order for us to make the best framed photo we can!

  • In the body of your email, please specify what you made with the name of the structure and what platform (Xbox/PS4/PC) you took it on.

  • NO MODS ALLOWED. We want to make it fair for everyone.

  • Only one entry per email.

  • Please refrain from sending pictures taken from mobile phone.

  • No photoshop or edits outside of the game.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

How to Take Screenshots on Console

We understand that the process can be easier on PC so here is some help on how to do it for console.


  1. Press the Share button on your PS4 controller for at least one second.

  2. This will open up the share menu. Here, press the triangle button to save the screenshot. If you want to discard the screenshot, press the circle button on the PlayStation 4 controller.

  3. Once you have your screenshot(s) captured, navigate over to the Capture Gallery, and find the Conan Exiles folder. Press the Option button on the PS4 controller and select Copy to USB Storage Device.

  4. Select the screenshots you want to transfer and copy them over. Once copied over you can easily attach them to an email on your computer.


  1. While playing a game double tap the Xbox button on your controller to capture a screenshot and pressing Y to save the screenshot. Or if you’re one of the rare few with Kinect plugged into your Xbox One, you can say “Xbox, take a screenshot” to take and save a screenshot.

  2. After saving the screenshot. Press the Xbox button to suspend the game.

  3. Go to the Upload app on your Xbox One and choose the screenshot you want to share from Manage Captures.

  4. Press the Menu button and choose Share .

  5. You can upload it to OneDrive, then email them from OneDrive. Or just download them to your computer from OneDrive, then email them to us.

We wish everyone the best of luck and are looking forward and very excited to see all your contributions!

over 5 years ago - /u/nevayo - Direct link

Originally posted by finster_99

Will we able to see all the entry’s(or at least a lot of the good ones) or just the winner? Love looking at how differently people build!

Absolutely! We would love to post entries afterwards for everyone to see, regardless if they're the grand prize winner or honorable mention. :)