8 months ago - Funcom - Direct link
8 months ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

488s foreign
534s [Music]
547s foreign
565s [Music]
574s [Music]
590s [Music]
595s thank you
611s foreign
616s [Music]
642s [Music]
652s [Music]
677s foreign
678s [Music]
683s foreign
688s [Music]
719s [Music]
760s foreign
808s [Music]
818s [Music]
818s FM
843s hello
846s greetings
850s wait jump scare it was a jump scare hi
851s hello and greetings
854s still working out some extra Kings hello
855s my name is Andy
857s I'm joined here by
859s Dennis hello Dennis and
862s right in the background
864s oh wait
865s hello there you are hey hi hello I am
869s Nicole speaking to you from from the
872s Beyond yes indeed so hello and greetings
875s uh Nicole and myself are Community
876s managers of course Dennis is the lead
878s designer welcome music down yes yes I'm
881s turning it down now
883s thank you for joining us for the Conan
885s Exiles Age of War Chapter 2 Dev stream
889s we have an exciting show for you today
891s I'm adjusting noise and all this stuff
894s let's see here
896s cool
897s all right so yeah thank you for joining
899s us
900s um
901s so yeah today we're going to be covering
903s uh just what's coming up uh with chapter
905s two of age of War uh big highlights uh
908s for this stream and for this update and
909s what we're what we're going to be
910s covering today are the uh updated Purge
914s system uh which I think a lot of people
916s are really excited about it's like the
917s headline feature for this chapter uh a
920s major rework uh or I guess you know just
923s the retooling of uh loot that you can
925s find throughout the world
928s um some combat changes uh including uh
932s you're no longer locked into your
934s animations as much when you're attacking
936s enemies uh and of course uh a a treasure
940s Trove a slew of new Bazaar and
944s um battle pass items uh that we'll all
946s be showing off including new building
947s sets new costumes uh the whole nine so
950s stay tuned so we're gonna try to get
952s through as much as we can for the new
954s content uh up front and then towards the
957s end of the stream we're going to uh
960s depending on if we have time we're going
961s to open that up for some q a with Dennis
963s uh Dennis is a is a very busy designer
965s and has another uh a very important
968s thing to get to right after the stream
969s so uh we're gonna have to be on be on
973s schedule today
975s um
975s and then
977s let's jump into like talking about new
979s content though
980s there is something there are a couple
982s things I just wanted to go over and
984s acknowledge
985s so
987s um
988s let's see so yeah we wanted to take a
990s moment to acknowledge some of the like
991s really hot button issues that people
992s have been talking about uh that you know
994s comments we've been seeing on social
995s media uh on the forums from y'all uh two
998s really hot topics that we see a lot of
1001s you uh bring up are
1003s um like I guess commonly called to just
1005s invisible creatures
1008s um that's something that we're aware of
1009s as well as there's like an area in I
1013s think the south of Iowa SEPTA that
1014s causes like a client crash so both of
1018s those issues are acutely well known uh
1021s and the aim is to have those issues
1023s resolved
1024s when this update goes live
1027s so thank you for your patience yeah
1031s sorry yeah turning on the music a little
1032s bit more sorry about that
1034s if it's still too loud let me know sorry
1036s still working out some Kings we have a
1037s brand new setup so yeah we have new mics
1039s new cameras new monitors lights it's
1042s really fancy in here now
1044s same amount of stress though so I'm a
1045s little bit sweaty sorry same old Andy
1047s yeah same old Andy yeah yeah
1048s unfortunately we should not get a new
1049s Andy for yeah yeah yeah For Better or
1051s For Worse yeah you're all stuck with me
1056s yeah also yeah so we know that the
1058s invisible stuff is not just on Septa
1061s like the crash is unzip but the
1062s invisible animals is happening on both
1064s you know both Maps
1066s um you know we know we know why a lot of
1068s that stuff's happening again we we have
1070s uh fixes
1072s should be deployed when this update goes
1074s live as well so hopefully that hopefully
1076s that's good news for folks that are
1077s really affected by it
1079s um but yeah keep an eye after that
1081s so yeah
1083s um and I guess before yeah we we we're
1086s going to be doing a bunch of in-game
1088s demonstrations of these new features
1091s um and also you all should be aware that
1093s this is all available now on the public
1095s beta client uh as well live now on Steam
1099s all you got to do is download the
1101s content Exiles public beta client uh as
1103s a separate like uh like entry in your
1106s library separate product yeah it's just
1108s a separate SKU so you just you just
1110s download that and you can try out the
1113s new update
1115s so let us know
1116s okay taking a breath
1119s quick
1122s breath out wiping some steam off my brow
1124s okay
1126s let's jump in game shall we yeah or
1129s Dennis do you do you have anything that
1130s you'd like to start us off with or like
1132s any any opening remarks I hadn't planned
1134s any but I can yeah yeah so
1138s we've seen like a lot of feedback and a
1140s lot of reactions to the last chapter and
1142s we knew going into it that there was
1144s going to be like just generally a lot
1145s less new stuff to do in chapter one the
1148s really big feature was that we added the
1149s treasure horde and you know it's kind of
1152s geared a lot more toward Builders and
1153s decorators and it doesn't necessarily
1155s work for every type of player but now
1158s that we're entering the second chapter
1160s of the age of the war that setup is
1162s going to pay off uh so getting into this
1165s chapter the big thing that we've added
1167s is is The Purge and we hope that the
1169s purge really appeals to most types of
1171s players and it's really intended to be a
1175s very replayable
1177s um kind of like short interaction time
1180s system as well so we we'll talk about it
1183s more as we get through here but really I
1186s when I step back and look at Exiles
1188s there's nothing that you could really
1189s like like you could never log in and do
1191s something really fast everything was
1193s like oh well I need to prepare for this
1194s thing I'm going to do next week or
1196s tomorrow and you would spend hour an
1198s hour or a couple hours preparing for
1200s something else you're going to do so we
1202s wanted to take that opportunity to make
1204s the purge something that you could you
1205s could like have some stuff prepared
1208s and then you log in and you've only got
1211s 15 20 minutes so yeah I just run a quick
1214s Purge real quick so if you want to do
1216s one purge you can just do one and log
1218s out and go back to your business if you
1219s have time to play or you want to get
1220s your friends together and you know all
1222s gather around the the treasure and and
1224s fight off some stygians
1226s you could do Purge after Purge after
1228s Purge and each time you do those purges
1230s you'll get some rewards that'll kind of
1231s help push you up to the next difficulty
1233s level of purge so there's going to be a
1235s little bit of progression in there as
1236s well along with some rewards that come
1238s with it
1239s so the whole system is really just meant
1241s to be replayable and and
1244s fun stuff
1246s yeah the main thing
1248s um the main thing I'm excited for both
1250s uh like I asked myself as a player and
1251s also for other players to experience is
1253s that it's just a fully opt-in system now
1254s instead of it being like Oh no will I be
1256s purged randomly like now it's like 100
1258s like you have full control of like when
1262s when you want to get attacked so it's
1263s like uh yeah just like pocket encounters
1265s like a little little pocket horde
1266s defense kind of thing this is so wild
1268s too because in chapter one when we did
1270s the stream I I put the information out
1273s there that we were making in an opt-in
1274s system so you wouldn't need to be afraid
1276s of your base getting destroyed or
1278s anything if you weren't asking for it
1280s and what's so funny is in the past like
1283s two weeks I have seen more posts about
1285s The Purge on Reddit than I have ever
1287s seen about The Purge and the history of
1289s Exiles lifespan so it's funny that it
1292s seems like there's a lot of new players
1293s coming in and kind of
1295s interacting with or being afraid of that
1297s system and now whenever we push these
1300s changes out live it'll just be another
1301s thing another system that you can kind
1303s of stumble into and find another corner
1305s of the game that you might find very
1306s enjoyable and replayable
1309s yes so and reading a quick comment in
1311s chat [ __ ] like they can be
1313s disabled so like it's it's 100 opt-in
1314s like uh that means it's 100 consensual
1317s like you own only you like you will only
1319s be purged like your base can only be
1321s purged if you willingly activate it
1323s which we'll show you how to do but yeah
1325s it is 100 in your control now as the
1328s player as the base owner as like you
1330s know the the treasure hoarder I guess uh
1332s but we'll get that into it's like
1333s actually you know what let's just jump
1335s into live gameplay and actually show how
1336s that works so I'm gonna swap over here
1338s so I'm gonna do the sweet reveal of our
1340s our base that our excellent friend in
1343s marketing Tori angle has put yes yes
1345s thank you much appreciate you guys we'll
1347s get a little preview of the new building
1348s set here I don't know if anyone happens
1350s to be catching
1352s down here
1354s yeah and so and uh just as a quick
1356s disclaimer you can see it in the corner
1357s here as well but uh this is all like a
1359s pre-release build I think this is
1361s roughly the same build that should be
1362s available on public beta right now and
1364s so uh you might see a couple uh little
1367s glitches here and there uh again we're
1370s probably aware of it it's probably got a
1371s jira in it somewhere uh so yeah please
1373s excuse any dust or like anything like
1375s wonky that might happen here
1376s we've got some clan members joining us
1379s today as well and a row of decked out uh
1382s Defenders here for us to you know
1385s practice The Purge with or go through
1387s some Purge waves so we actually have a
1389s more uh put together a treasure room
1391s over here
1392s but this one and I'll just show this
1395s first so this one has a ton of treasure
1398s in it someone has spent a lot of time
1399s picking up gold coins and making piles
1401s and you know bringing Treasures oh yeah
1403s yeah
1405s so what we have here on display uh just
1407s to show off some of the new uh goodies
1410s that are coming with the update uh so we
1411s have a full uh new building set uh the
1414s astigian pyramid themed Set uh with
1416s foundations pillars
1418s um different types of uh like different
1420s gradient slopes yeah you can see there's
1422s two slopes there yeah there's yeah
1424s different different slope angles uh
1426s hieroglyphic foundations as well with
1428s four different sides uh so that way uh
1431s you don't get so you can rotate them as
1432s you'd like so that way you don't get
1433s like repetitive
1435s um you know that way like your wall
1437s decorations like don't look repetitive
1438s you can avoid that uh one of the other
1440s place levels that we have also coming up
1441s is uh like a medium bookshelf that can
1444s be attached to the wall actually we have
1445s it on the little side room there is it
1447s uh it's on the other side sorry go
1450s behind that way yeah and then hang a
1452s left at the elephants
1453s oh yeah we also have elephants oh yeah
1456s uh I know that everyone's gonna get
1458s really excited but the elephants are not
1460s a mount they are a follower
1462s um we did have a mount lined up for this
1464s chapter but I believe that did get
1466s pushed off to the next chapter so
1468s unfortunately you'll have to wait a bit
1469s longer for that
1471s yeah and here are the bookshelves
1474s oh oh the smell very excited about the
1476s snake yeah yeah
1477s so yeah
1478s um and yeah these are bookshelves uh
1481s they attach to the wall but they have
1483s um like they cycle through a bunch of
1486s different styles and which you can see
1487s like in the placement preview you have a
1490s long route oh
1492s this one
1493s no go uh copy the bookshelf oh I copied
1496s the wall yeah
1499s so yeah then when you go to the
1500s placement preview like you'll see
1502s uh it Cycles
1504s it's a little I can probably get in
1506s place right now
1508s anyway so like there's like four
1510s different styles of the uh bookshelf so
1513s that way again like it it will randomly
1515s like Place one depending on yeah as you
1518s place the mail so that way again it
1520s doesn't look repetitive it looks like a
1521s full like Library uh we just want to
1523s make it look make sure it looks good
1524s yeah yeah so yeah go ahead and mess with
1527s your gold stuff if you want to uh while
1528s we like talk uh talk about things so
1530s yeah right now we're setting up for like
1531s we're going to be showing a couple uh
1534s examples of purges uh we have
1536s uh we'll start with like a low level
1538s Purge uh and then we're gonna kick it up
1539s several notches and go with a maximum
1542s difficulty Purge uh and just see how we
1545s fare with that yeah I'm just gonna be
1546s the cameraman here like I said we've got
1548s a couple clan members and uh and
1550s thrall's here to fight for a little
1552s while uh we'll see how long they last I
1555s hope that all of our clan members have
1557s placed bed rolls as well or beds oh yeah
1559s that's a good that's a very good call
1561s actually they have a minute to do that
1562s if uh
1564s if they have not done that yet
1566s so
1567s uh I'm gonna show you guys the process
1569s of just going through a purge as well so
1571s the treasure cough roll like now will
1573s unlock at level 20. so once you learn to
1575s make it you can just put it down where
1578s you want the purge to be targeted
1580s The Purge will always come after your
1583s treasure they are no longer here to just
1585s destroy your buildings some building
1587s destruction may happen however their
1589s main goal is to take the money away that
1591s you've put in the chest
1593s so we're gonna need some money
1597s we'll just use some gold coins to make
1599s it quick
1603s and when I open I'll open this UI first
1605s so there's there's actually kind of two
1607s uis associated with this there's the
1608s inventory on the chest itself
1610s and then before you guys could see The
1612s Ledger on the on the uh the treasure
1615s when you speak to them now it'll pop up
1617s like this so there's kind of two new
1619s sections first it'll tell you how much
1620s money is in your Coffer and it'll tell
1623s you how threatening The Purge will be if
1625s you choose to do a purge
1627s so we'll stick all our gold coins in the
1630s chest
1631s and you'll now see that that The Purge
1634s is available and it's Threat Level three
1636s I think I need to take out a
1638s thousand coins or maybe one thousand
1640s yeah so now we're at Threat Level Two
1641s and that goes up to ten right now um we
1644s might make it scale higher later we're
1647s not really sure we kind of need to get
1649s some of that testing in on the on the on
1650s the beta server and see how everyone
1652s fares with the highest difficulty Purge
1654s and how we need to rebalance what we
1656s have now if at all uh level 10 perch is
1659s pretty intense right now I would say
1660s yeah it's pretty wild we've been doing a
1662s lot of like play testing internally to
1664s try to get uh like a squash bugs and
1666s identify like stuff but also like
1668s get the feel for it like yeah we're
1670s fighting a horde of dudes like is it fun
1671s like that's the whole point you know
1672s we've been we've been testing The Purge
1674s together multiple times a week and every
1676s time something new comes together it's
1678s like a totally different experience
1681s um so before I start The Purge two I'm
1683s going to give a couple little um like
1684s disclaimers
1685s the verses that when we intended to
1687s launch this chapter uh initially we were
1691s going to have a lot of Siege equipment
1693s attacking you
1694s um like we wanted to have a lot of
1695s different varied types of attacks that
1697s will come and and knock stuff down we do
1699s still have various different
1701s compositions in the waves and there will
1703s be certain random events that happen so
1705s one that you're likely to see is like a
1706s prisoner wave where a lot of like really
1709s poorly geared ill-equipped enemies will
1711s come and they they're more like a like a
1713s circling Rush of enemies than uh you
1716s know well-trained Fighters and the idea
1718s is just that they're the prisoners that
1720s the stygians have accrued as they've
1721s been passing through the exiled lens
1723s so we do have varied waves like that but
1726s the enemy base won't be spawning Siege
1727s equipment yet we are planning to release
1730s that in chapter three
1732s um so what you get right here isn't
1733s where the purge ends we are going to
1735s continue working on the feature into the
1737s next chapter and release more content
1738s with it in chapter three but the
1740s mechanics are here in chapter one
1743s so that being said you've got your
1745s Coffer you've got your money you've got
1747s some walls and some guys to defend it
1748s what we're going to do now is Proclaim
1751s our wealth to the world and when you do
1752s that you'll get some feedback and it's
1754s going to tell you if you do this the
1756s stygian Army is going to come to your
1757s door
1759s so our defenses are ready let's just let
1761s it go and immediately what you'll see is
1764s that the status changed to scouting on
1766s this page this will go through a couple
1768s different states and if for some reason
1770s the purge can't start it'll give you
1771s feedback and tell you what is wrong so
1773s for anyone that's worried about like
1775s what if I build my base in some place
1776s that the The Purge can't attack me or
1778s the enemy is going to spawn inside no it
1780s just will tell you that we cannot do the
1782s purge because of the position and you
1784s need to mix up your base a little bit in
1786s order to get it back
1787s so now as the purge is scouting what
1790s it's doing in the back end is looking
1791s for a place to put a new base for the
1793s stygians to attack from
1794s momentarily here we should see a forward
1796s operating base spawn
1798s and there will be some spawners for
1800s enemies to come out of there there will
1802s be cages and loot
1804s and all that stuff
1807s will just come out of the camp and
1809s attack the base
1812s so now we already have our first waves
1814s of enemies coming in
1817s they will try to beat down and get
1819s through the doors if there are doors
1821s that they can't pass through but they're
1822s kind of trying to find a path through
1824s through doorways to get to where they
1825s need to get to
1827s and one other disclaimer in this build
1830s we have a few too many of the Demolisher
1833s characters and if you see these stydians
1835s that have like the old metcumosis
1836s stygian kind of religious stuff on those
1839s are demolishers and whenever they get to
1841s the door they will pull out a battering
1843s ram
1844s and now they're going to take a few
1846s whacks at the door and try to knock the
1848s door down to get through it
1851s unless they get stunned if you actually
1853s hit them
1854s they won't be able to get through
1858s and because this is a level two or yeah
1860s level two Purge Threat Level Two and our
1863s our team here is pretty geared up
1864s they're just gonna start uh you know
1867s mowing these guys down it's going to be
1868s a little harder for them to get through
1869s to the end especially when we've got
1871s those Berserkers uh in in God breaker
1874s waiting on the other side
1879s but if you don't pay attention and they
1881s do get through they'll actually come to
1883s the chest and take the coins out of the
1885s chest
1886s and then try to carry the treasure back
1888s to their base if you stop them like you
1891s interrupt them if you deal some damage
1892s to them they'll drop it and try to fight
1894s back so you have a chance to pick it up
1896s and take it back
1898s yeah some folks in chat are noting the
1900s door went down pretty fast the
1901s demolishers are no joke like they are
1904s they're like basically like Melee Siege
1907s specials with a bunch of extra health so
1908s like they're a little slower once they
1910s have like their battering ram out but
1911s like vacant knock down tier one
1914s foundations and tier one stuff like
1916s within like two hits yeah and you'll see
1919s some behavior and stuff like that that
1921s we're still working on in the server uh
1923s on this build I believe this is also an
1925s EU server so we probably actually have a
1927s little bit higher latency uh this should
1929s be this should be this is the play test
1931s server yeah yeah okay okay then never
1933s mind that
1937s another change of The Purge is like
1939s we'll be able to uh run multiple purges
1942s on any server right now so
1945s currently
1947s on live you can only have one purge
1949s active at a time it wouldn't be possible
1950s for two to be run at once but we've
1952s lifted that restriction so people can do
1955s purges at their own basis simultaneously
1957s on the same server
1960s there's a quick question about Purge
1961s location can you enable a purge by like
1964s Noob River you can do the purge anywhere
1966s now there's no restriction it's wherever
1968s you want it to be because you're asking
1969s for it to come to you you can put it
1971s wherever you want and that's kind of a
1973s similar a similar thing I should also
1974s mention is that they
1978s they don't spawn different types of
1980s Purge based on where you are now
1982s it's just randomized whenever The Purge
1984s starts so if you're going after like a
1986s certain kind of fall or something it'll
1988s be randomized but we did make an effort
1990s to make sure that all of the unique like
1992s named thralls that you could get
1993s previously from the old Purge you can
1995s still get from the new one and some of
1998s them will come in waves and some of them
1999s will come in cages at the end as well
2003s um the purges are stygians at their core
2006s and that's like the framework for The
2007s Purge the whole idea is that the stygian
2009s Army is moving through the Exile lands
2011s and along the way they collect some
2013s people as well so they might have some
2015s Acer that come in or you know
2017s nordheimers that fight by their side
2018s they might have those prisoners that
2020s they took they might have Catan with
2022s them things like that
2023s um just kind of stragglers that they've
2024s picked up along the way
2026s but at their core it's always stygen the
2028s further and further you go into
2029s difficulty the more stitching it becomes
2031s actually so in the very beginning it's
2033s less stygians there's a rule for design
2036s and Exiles that there are no levels so a
2039s stygian fighter is a stygian fighter and
2042s we have to have less of them in the
2043s early waves because they would utterly
2046s demolish you they just have too much
2047s health and deal too much damage so we
2049s did a little bit of magic with their
2051s weapons to try to make them scale a
2052s little better so it's a little more
2053s friendly at the lower levels
2055s and now here this is essentially
2057s signaling the finale
2059s uh where the commander will come out of
2061s the tent
2062s there's a unique NPC here
2064s and he still has waves that come with
2066s him as well and once um
2069s once that character comes out I'm just
2071s realizing that pop-up has the wrong text
2072s but once that character comes out the
2075s hand of War
2076s it's a two skull boss you fight him get
2079s some extra loot from him and then you
2080s can start to pillage this camp
2085s monsters or animals in The Purge is an
2088s option for us I don't think that we have
2090s any coming out with it right now but
2092s they should be a lot less in general
2093s like I think we actually might have like
2096s the Beast there's like a Beastmaster or
2097s a Hound Master character that has uh one
2100s of the special encounters that can occur
2102s is that they spawn and have a lot of
2104s like wolves that will fight with them
2107s um so they'll come but it won't be like
2109s a full-on like alligator Purge or
2111s anything like that
2112s it's all kind of smaller encounters uh
2115s alongside that stygian skeleton
2117s uh one of the other questions that I saw
2119s just really quick was um you know what
2121s if I make a base with no doors well the
2122s so The Purge is like what they want is
2125s your treasure and they'll take the
2126s quickest path to your treasure so like
2128s if you don't have doors they'll just go
2129s through the doorways and try to make a
2132s beeline towards your Coffer basically to
2134s then steal treasure and then try to loot
2136s it and then walk back to the forward
2138s operating base here with your loot
2139s here's a little Loop preview as well
2141s some of the stuff that's in here and
2142s we'll talk more about the loot a little
2144s bit later as well but we've done a
2145s really big update to the distribution of
2148s loot so the things that you find are
2151s more appropriate for the things that
2153s you're defeating or interacting with or
2154s looting is typically more more aimed at
2158s their culture or
2160s the equipment that they actually have on
2162s things like that
2164s yeah and then we'll go more into overall
2167s loot stuff in a bit later this stream as
2169s well the the loot in the end here is
2171s kind of intended to help you kind of try
2173s to recover a little bit from any damage
2175s that might have been done it might have
2176s some food in it for you to be able to
2178s feed your thralls so you've got some
2180s some easier upkeep on them
2182s it has some equipment yeah there's a lot
2185s of stuff that you can get just from The
2186s Purge that will help you keep purging
2188s again uh yeah but the thing Andy just
2191s asked about too if there's no doors one
2194s of the points of feedback that you'll
2195s get is that there's no path to the
2197s Coffer so you do actually have to have a
2199s set of doorways that can be you know you
2202s can actually have lead to the Coffer
2204s that you could follow that path and get
2206s there otherwise The Purge will pull out
2208s yeah if it's blocked completely then
2210s yeah they'll just be like we can't get
2211s to it
2213s people are also asking like during the
2214s purge like oh what if I just remove the
2216s doors and build a wall instead like can
2217s I just do that it'll cancel yeah and
2220s it'll tell you to it'll say that there's
2221s no path to the coffer and
2225s similarly like if something happens and
2228s The Siege enemies happen to destroy the
2231s path for some reason because there will
2232s be multiple types of Siege enemies later
2234s on and right now the Demolisher when
2237s they get to the chest they don't loot
2238s stuff they just start smashing uh if
2241s they destroyed the path and they can't
2242s reach the chest it will also pull out
2244s and say that they can't get they can't
2245s get to the loot anymore
2247s uh and yeah The Purge doesn't like
2249s elevators you have to have a grounded
2250s basic none of your like crazy Sky bases
2252s will uh be purgeable I guess yep yeah
2256s and like you know I I see some comments
2258s here like you know what if I do this
2259s what if I do that like you know you can
2261s if you want like uh you're just kind of
2265s I guess it's like
2268s if you want to cancel The Purge early
2269s you can it's just your your
2271s shortchanging yourself of the rewards I
2274s guess so like yeah like if you if you
2276s want to block a doorway or just like put
2277s up a bunch of stuff
2279s to prevent them from coming after you
2281s yeah I mean you can't build during a
2283s purge anyway but like yeah if you block
2284s the if you block the entrance way and
2286s The Purge cancels yeah that's we're okay
2288s with that
2289s and here we happen to get one of the
2291s well currently the only unique NPC
2293s coming in the end of the age of uh War
2296s chapter two as well
2298s um whenever you free these these uh
2301s followers from cages so just to
2303s backtrack a little bit when you kill
2304s that that character the hand of war that
2306s has keys uh he has keys on his chest
2308s called Commander's keys and you can use
2311s that to loot all the stuff that's in
2312s this Camp so you need a key to open the
2313s chest you need a key to open the cages
2316s and one of the fault throwers or
2319s throwers one of the followers you can
2321s release is uh eastgard the sell sword
2324s and
2326s we've actually made an entirely new
2327s trade system for this as well
2329s so this character is a mercenary they
2333s have resources that you can use to fuel
2335s your War Machine more so you can take
2337s some of that gold you had bring it back
2339s to this character and you know buy buy
2342s some more stuff to keep pushing forward
2344s and there's a lot of you know
2345s siege-oriented stuff in here we're still
2348s working on this stuff as well too so
2350s some stuff might get removed or added in
2352s the process
2353s but it also brings us to this uh new
2356s mechanic the mercenary banners
2357s and I'll just get like one of these out
2360s because they're all kind of the same but
2362s in the trade menu you can see what
2363s something costs and how much you have
2365s we've set this up in such a way that you
2367s could add any item to that to be the the
2370s requirement to trade so if I wanted that
2372s to cost hearts of a hero to trade it
2374s could cost 10 hearts of a hero if we
2375s wanted it to be glowing goop we could
2377s put glowing goop in there whatever but
2380s after you trade for that thing you get
2381s the item in your inventory
2383s um and this is something that is made to
2385s be used with the purge
2387s so uh if you are having trouble pushing
2391s into those higher difficulties of The
2393s Purge and you've got a lot of followers
2395s and you've got friends and you're having
2396s trouble getting up in the difficulty in
2398s waves and you want to go higher uh one
2400s of the options is to buy these banners
2403s and when you place one of these banners
2404s down it will give you additional
2406s Fighters that will fight until they run
2408s out of health or until some period of
2410s time
2412s expires
2414s and you can place those you know pretty
2416s much anywhere on land claim is the idea
2418s so more guys to fight in your War
2421s now what I'm gonna do is I'm just going
2423s to dismantle this guy
2425s and I'm gonna go start another Purge
2427s that's the higher level one so
2430s our our clan here is going to have a
2432s harder time
2434s beating through this yeah no they're
2437s lovely thrallowers
2438s yeah I see chat pictures yeah they they
2441s uh they will not interfere with the
2444s thrall cap I believe that you should be
2446s able to just spawn them no matter what
2447s so here we'll Proclaim our wealth to the
2450s world again and get another Purge oh and
2453s then for uh for a point of reference
2454s also Threat Level X or ten is the
2457s current maximum level that The Purge
2459s supports
2461s yeah if you don't have any treasure or
2463s never put a dress down chest down you'll
2464s never get a purge that little dialogue
2466s system I just went through you have to
2469s do that to start The Purge otherwise it
2470s will never come for your base
2473s and then the um the camps themselves are
2476s built dynamically based on your base
2478s location or more accurately your Coffer
2480s location I guess so uh it it shouldn't
2483s really matter where geographically in
2485s the map or which map you're on like
2486s it'll just try to pick a valid location
2488s near your base uh and then start sending
2490s enemies uh that way uh there might be a
2493s couple select locations where a base
2495s might not want to spawn even if uh if it
2497s seems like flat land uh and that's those
2500s are areas that we're trying to identify
2501s uh during the beta period so please let
2503s us know uh I've heard you know stuff
2506s like the aqueducts for example where no
2508s build areas could cause things so we
2510s just want to make sure uh that stuff's
2513s all working so please let us know but
2514s otherwise yeah it's all dynamic
2516s yeah there's there's no current Banner
2518s cap but there is an exclusion radius on
2520s them similar to like a religious altar
2522s so you can't put too many of them too
2523s close together
2530s go ahead Nicole uh people are asking if
2533s you can knock these guys out or if you
2534s have to oh are they throwable they are
2536s throwable yep every single uh is there a
2539s limit to which ones you can or can't
2541s throw or if all of them it's the same as
2542s the old Purge I could knock out anyone
2544s from it you wanted to that's awesome me
2546s I guess the commander probably can't be
2548s thrown I think that would be the only
2549s restriction uh that character that boss
2551s character at the end
2553s uh we've got a guy going through the
2554s door here
2555s oh show off the The Cauldron oh yeah uh
2559s there's new cauldrons so here I guess we
2561s have fire cauldrons here we have new
2563s fire and oil cauldrons
2566s uh it's gonna be hard for me to hit
2567s because our Crosshair is turned off oh
2568s you can zoom in if you want to try oh
2571s nice yeah
2572s that's you know some new defenses
2576s um we also have a new way that you can
2577s place uh guards at doorways and I'll
2579s show you guys that after this as well
2582s um we're working on some more stuff too
2583s in in the next chapter
2586s we're we're almost done with the thing
2588s that'll let you place archers
2589s essentially as turrets so when you put
2591s them down they will not move uh from
2593s where they're at they will just shoot
2594s their arrows but again not in chapter
2597s two and that will come later
2600s yeah that's that's going to be a really
2602s nice quality of life uh update also yes
2604s getting archers that don't just like
2606s Frolic off to try to fight some
2608s something off in the distance yeah we've
2610s lost a buddy oh no no my goon
2616s my guy
2620s one of the big things we're working on
2621s in the beta period too is that uh some
2624s stuff right now is getting stuck in
2625s walls like this like yeah yeah they get
2628s knocked into it and then they fail to
2630s act so you'd have to open the doors or
2631s have the doors destroyed for him to be
2633s able to go further but uh that's a thing
2635s that we're actively working on
2643s yeah people are people will be excited
2644s for that so yeah the uh the update
2648s itself is currently in beta testing
2650s right now on the public beta uh I posted
2653s the um patch notes in chat right now uh
2656s if you want to play on the public beta
2657s all you got to do is open your steam
2659s client and go look for Conan Exiles
2661s public beta
2663s uh it's just like a separate uh install
2665s that you make basically just like
2667s installing the game a second time and
2669s then you can uh that'll give you direct
2671s access to the new build uh and you can
2674s you can play from there and then you can
2675s uh hit us up on the forums and let us
2677s know uh what your feedback is what your
2679s thoughts are leave any bugs uh I have to
2681s make some updates to the forums actually
2682s to try and split up uh public test
2685s comments and also patch or bug reports
2688s but I'll see if I can do that this week
2690s they got through wave one but there has
2692s certainly been some casualties yeah I
2694s know my guy
2696s CSU yeah this is a level 10 Purge
2699s um a lot of dudes come so uh not only
2702s are there just like regular I guess
2705s regular dudes uh with with uh various
2709s weapons there's there's waves of Pike
2710s man like Catan head Headhunters come at
2713s you I think there's the four mentioned
2715s prisoner Rush where they're just like
2717s uh it's just a
2720s a bunch of fodder just like rushes your
2722s base and it's awesome to just like cut
2724s slots through them so that's a lot of
2725s fun and of course the bosses and the
2726s demolishers come through too
2728s uh but it's it's quite a few waves in uh
2731s a lot of enemies pop up and they hit
2733s pretty hard especially the Pikeman
2735s because they have the the uh they calls
2738s headston and so you can get you can get
2740s cornered really easily if you're not
2741s careful
2747s that's a lot of Pikes there's a snake
2751s Here Comes there's the snake yeah
2753s someone's asking fervently in chat like
2755s oh my God is the snake a pet the snake
2757s yes it is a pet yeah
2760s what's the benefit of a higher level
2762s Purge well a it's the challenge like
2764s some people want to play a game for the
2765s challenge and so uh it's just it's just
2768s more dudes that are harder to fight and
2770s so if you want to like really test your
2771s medal or if you have like really good
2773s gear or some really good thralls you
2774s just want to like Hack and Slash and
2777s spill some blood that's the point also
2778s the rewards are better yep
2781s so there yeah like with with higher
2784s level purges like you you get better
2785s rewards at the end or like higher level
2786s uh like followers to rescue uh and of
2789s course there's unique items that you can
2791s only get through the purge as well just
2793s the um so is the mercenary Captain
2795s that's not a guaranteed spawn is it
2798s no he's not guaranteed it is a pretty
2800s high chance so you'll probably see it
2802s however in chapter three however there
2805s will be sorry uh again another another
2809s system no I know Ryan Hollinger fans in
2811s here just me
2813s so
2814s I don't know I'm sorry there's that that
2816s Captain that you can rescue from the the
2818s camp in chapter three we'll have another
2820s system coming that you will have a way
2823s to call them to your base at will so I'm
2826s not going to give any details on that
2827s now I don't think we've talked about it
2829s much yet uh but that's coming in chapter
2831s three I don't want to get anyone
2832s confused about what's in this patch and
2834s what's not
2838s very prudent so how we doing how's how's
2840s our
2842s how's our followers and our and our
2843s helpers doing here
2846s no puppy
2850s yeah they're brutal
2854s and those big guys are those are those
2856s demolishers okay cool gotcha you can
2859s tell they're they're a lot beefier than
2861s the other guys so yeah they carry the
2862s killer big guy yeah
2866s um
2867s I'd like to get to the point where they
2868s always have the ram out so you can
2870s always see that they're a guy from even
2872s far away if there's no scale reference
2873s or anything uh Demolisher from far away
2877s but yeah our uh our godbreaker thralls
2880s are following uh following falling uh
2884s their defenses are waning and
2886s the stygians are making it to the
2888s treasure room now
2889s and then you can see them actually like
2891s making out with the loot so you'll see
2892s them actually like physically like
2893s they'll be like yeah we got to the loot
2895s and then they'll start like carrying
2896s around yeah either bet like they'll
2898s stuff as much gold into their bags as
2899s they can or like if you have like a
2901s heroic treasure for example like the big
2902s lemarine statues they'll start carrying
2904s that around too yeah so these
2906s demolishers are
2908s they won't steal like I said the
2910s demolishers will just start to try to
2911s destroy stuff once they get there
2914s um so
2915s you know if a normal guy gets through
2917s he'll pick up the treasure and take it
2919s away but the demolishers are just going
2920s to try to smash stuff
2926s here we go this update's gonna be coming
2928s out like at the same time it's I write
2931s the same day as in sorry PC Xbox and
2934s Playstation are all gonna get it
2936s at the same time that's the that's the
2938s plan yeah yeah I mean unless there's
2940s like some freak unforeseen I mean knock
2942s on wood unless there's some issue like
2943s with cert or something like that that
2944s prevents us from deploying on consoles
2946s the the intent is that it should release
2948s on all available platforms at the same
2950s time yes yeah so you can see I hear the
2953s demolishers are uh
2955s uh they're just blowing [ __ ] up now
2957s they're just in they're having a good
2958s time like they're like nah we're not
2959s here for gold they just want to smash
2960s stuff which honestly I uh yeah big mood
2963s like I I really uh
2966s uh that that's
2968s mine
2969s uh
2970s plot pattern just angabunga destroy
2973s everything whack had Aston chat uh if
2975s what happens if they destroy the copper
2976s it will cause The Purge to end so we're
2979s gonna be trying to avoid it and you know
2981s try to make sure they don't destroy it
2983s but you can see like in this case they
2984s destroyed the foundation that it was
2985s sitting on so in about in about 30
2988s seconds or so it'll actually cancel and
2990s say that they couldn't find their way to
2991s the treasure anymore or that the copper
2993s was destroyed so
2995s so now the perch will pull out but
2997s you've effectively lost at this point
2999s yeah they just want to get the loot from
3000s the camp you know you've only lost yeah
3003s yeah they just yeah they'll murder the
3005s guy if uh if given the opportunity to so
3007s you definitely want to make sure that
3008s you keep him protected as best as you
3010s can
3011s uh another thing that we're working on
3013s is the like all the characters that
3015s we're adding in this chapter are are
3016s eventually going to be fully voice acted
3018s like we unfortunately had an issue in
3021s our our La uh Studio where we do voice
3023s recording where we weren't able to get
3025s people in for a week and it made us miss
3026s the deadline so I think that we'll
3028s probably have some voice coming out in a
3030s hotfix uh for all the dialogue that
3032s comes with all the new NPCs as well yeah
3034s that's a bummer oh well
3036s uh the Guard Station well since we've
3038s lost our Purge now uh you know I really
3040s would I would love to see someone carry
3042s away the treasure
3044s um maybe our clan can start a new Purge
3046s and just get rid of all of our followers
3048s and let them Waltz in and carry the
3049s treasure out sure you can see what it
3050s looks like
3051s uh if you just get rid of all the guards
3053s and start a purge of whatever yeah let
3055s them walk in pick the treasure up and
3056s carry it out while I show off the uh the
3059s guard placement over here
3061s one sec sorry I mean you're fine um you
3063s should open your inventory to show
3064s there's no Purge meter anymore oh yeah
3066s true
3068s so it's just literally not there just
3070s took it off
3071s it's gone same way yeah any references
3075s to it that would have been relevant
3076s before that stuff is just all gone so uh
3079s so this is the way
3081s the new
3082s um guard stations will work and and this
3084s will be the same for The Archers when
3086s they come out you'll have a certain
3088s building type or item that you can place
3090s down and you can kind of designate it as
3092s a point to guard for a follower so now
3095s if we come down to this doorway we can
3097s see there's kind of this ghost image on
3099s here and we can snap the follower into
3101s those ghost images so now he will stand
3103s and guard to this door and he will only
3106s stray a certain distance from it before
3107s coming back to continue guarding that
3109s doorway
3111s um
3111s and that that'll be that'll kind of
3113s override like thrall nearness placement
3115s as well so you won't have to worry about
3118s them being too close together if you've
3119s got the door frames together like that
3122s um and like I said we have one coming
3124s for Archers for that later on
3127s um I think that that's like the thing
3129s I'm waiting for most because it kind of
3131s turns the The Purge into a little bit
3132s more of a tower defense where you can
3134s put a big row of archers up and just you
3136s know smack stuff from the bottom
3141s AO
3144s but yeah that's uh just just to clarify
3146s also the Archer replacement thing is not
3147s uh that won't be uh in time for uh
3150s shipping chapter two
3153s someone asked if they can emote and chat
3154s so yes they can yes
3157s and uh if they get attacked they'll exit
3159s the emo just fight and then come back
3163s um
3164s what else am I missing about this uh
3166s anything I think let me let's check the
3168s thing I mean yeah we yeah basically like
3171s the main points that we went we wanted
3172s to cover with like the big perjury work
3174s is that uh a the big points are fully
3177s opt-in no longer a random thing you have
3180s total control over
3181s when you want to activate the purge and
3185s then it scales up with like your your
3186s Coffer value and also uh I think also
3188s with like number of like players in
3190s vicinity or other people have been
3191s active in in the encounter so there's a
3194s lot of rules in the background but yeah
3195s The Purge will be difficult the more
3196s players you have it will be more
3198s difficult the more followers you have as
3200s well so if you've got it really stacked
3202s base with 10 people and a bunch of
3203s followers it's going to spawn more
3205s enemies to try to match that up as well
3208s yeah eventually and then these uh these
3210s NPCs will actually uh try to path all
3213s the way back to their base and then once
3214s uh once that's done then yeah the the uh
3217s well had a bad day yeah not not having a
3220s great day
3221s uh yeah yeah then the the value is
3223s deducted from your uh Coffer totals and
3226s uh you can't recover it
3230s can yeah but you can kill them so like
3232s while they're while they're walking
3233s around they are obviously very
3234s vulnerable and so you can like if you
3237s have the breathing room or time like you
3238s can you can definitely uh chase after
3241s them and kill them and they'll drop the
3243s they'll drop the treasures and then you
3245s can pick it up again if it's uh if it's
3247s just like a treasure bag that they're
3248s holding with like gold coins or or gold
3249s bars that'll go straight to your
3250s inventory but any of like the big
3252s Treasures like the Lemurian statue or
3254s that Treasure Chest that you saw uh will
3256s have to be manually uh carried back to
3258s your base uh
3262s the lands IRS oh God yeah yeah it's time
3266s to pay your taxes yeah yeah
3268s I'm kind of bummed we didn't see it here
3270s yet but uh yeah like Andy said if they
3272s pick up loot from inside your chest it
3274s turns into one of those big treasure
3275s bags that we put in the teasers and
3276s stuff like that
3278s uh that they carry out in their hands
3281s does The Purge notify the whole server
3284s or just the clan just the clan
3287s and uh you can like
3289s if you're on a PVE server and you want
3291s to do a purge with people that are in a
3293s claim and not have to join their Clan it
3295s will still continue to scale on your
3298s engagement with it so as long as you
3300s come in and you actually participate in
3302s The Purge it will scale with you but if
3303s you're just observing you're not an
3305s active participant or something it won't
3306s scale um
3309s do we need to move on a hurry with time
3311s uh I think we're I think we're doing
3313s fine I mean it's 11 40 right now so
3315s we're running a little bit low on time
3317s so I think it might be a good time to go
3320s over some of the uh additional like
3322s gameplay changes that are coming uh with
3324s the update and then
3325s uh
3326s uh hopefully we can show off some of the
3328s cool visual stuff as well and I guess
3329s like
3330s um like if you if you need the jet then
3332s we can we can just like take over for a
3334s little while and show off a couple extra
3336s things and answer questions if we need
3337s uh with what time that we have we can't
3339s stay too long but
3341s um I think we'll be fine with like
3342s writing running a few minutes after it
3344s if you're okay with that Nicole like if
3345s Dennis you need to get going no problem
3347s yeah
3349s all right then on to the loot stuff
3351s probably yeah yes yeah let's talk about
3353s that yeah so
3354s um we have a kind of set of
3357s issues that we wanted to address with
3359s Luke
3360s um the first was just that Luke's kind
3362s of boring like when we go into camps and
3365s loot the chest in there we're getting
3366s like a lot of plant fiber and you know
3369s like really boring like Stone materials
3371s that aren't very helpful from like high
3372s level like I go to the volcanoes yeah
3374s yeah why do I need this yeah so that was
3376s an issue
3377s um it doesn't always make sense either
3378s like why does a Sumerian drop a bone
3380s club and uh the camps on exiled lands
3385s because they were made first are
3387s generally a little more boring compared
3389s to the ones on Septa
3391s um where in SEPTA you can find like an
3393s ax leaning up against a stone bench and
3396s take the ax and that can be your weapon
3398s now so
3400s um we also had an issue with legendary
3402s chest breaking progression so
3404s if you're really you know you kill a
3406s world boss early on you get that key
3408s from it and then you loot it you get
3410s some really crazy loot that you
3412s shouldn't have at a lower level
3414s so with all that in mind uh we wanted to
3417s make loot actually worthwhile
3419s so now
3421s uh you can dismantle things a lot of
3423s stuff for a higher return rate than you
3425s would have gotten previously and rating
3427s camps is more rewarding from the
3429s materials that you get as a result
3431s and those materials that you get from
3433s reading the camps is more on par
3435s um with you know Gathering them from the
3437s world using tools as well
3439s so
3441s um
3443s let me just go check I want to make sure
3444s I hit all my bullet points yeah yeah no
3446s worries no worries um NPC drops now have
3448s a chance of dropping their actual worn
3450s equipment so if you see a weapon or
3452s armor on a character there's a chance it
3453s will actually drop it
3456s camps have better more interesting and
3458s usable loot so you'll never find those
3461s the the plant fiber or stone in a chest
3463s ever again they'll be much more
3465s contextualized for instance like if you
3467s rated darfuri Camp you will get darfuri
3469s loot from those chests
3471s we're also working on adding new visuals
3473s for the chest that will show the
3475s potential quality of the items inside
3478s there so those won't be in the public
3480s way to build if you get them today we're
3481s still receiving those final assets still
3483s so you'll see some shinier chests in the
3485s future and I think it'll be included in
3486s some of our marketing material coming
3488s forth before the update as well
3490s and various interactables can now be
3492s found in some of the camps and like I
3494s said it was already the case in SEPTA
3496s but now you can find those things in
3497s exiled lands as well so if you see a
3499s neat helmet sitting on a bench you can
3500s probably pick that helmet up and take it
3505s all right just real quick about the The
3507s Purge it works whether you're Clan or
3509s solo I saw some questions about that the
3511s second thing was that um the value of
3513s carry treasures and placehars has been
3515s rebalanced that's true yes
3518s um it didn't didn't make a lot of sense
3520s to carry carry Treasures before because
3521s of how difficult a task it was
3524s um and with this change actually coming
3525s in a lot of the intention of The Purge
3528s is that you complete the purge and the
3531s rewards that you get can fuel The Purge
3533s further so you get stuff to do more war
3536s right and that includes carry treasure
3538s being dropped in that forward operating
3540s base so whenever you get the the chest
3543s that you can open or the
3545s um
3546s the cages that you can open for for
3548s followers there may also be some very
3550s heavy carry treasure in that camp that
3552s will push you up toward the next tier of
3554s difficulty and I think all the carry
3556s Treasures now are worth five thousand
3558s gold where before they were worth like
3559s 400 500 and we also actually bumped the
3563s mid-tier uh treasure up in value as well
3566s to kind of help you grind out those
3568s difficulty tiers a little easier so
3570s that'll be things like um
3573s the the things the the lootable objects
3575s you could find in world and put down in
3577s your chest
3578s um that kind of stuff will be worth more
3580s in general inventory lootable I mean
3584s um back to the rest of the loot though
3587s um dungeons have also been updated a bit
3589s to fit this new paradigm so the loot in
3591s the dungeons is now more exciting and
3593s the dungeons have had several tweaks
3596s in order to make them more interesting
3597s you'll find some more optional bosses uh
3601s the loot drops have been adjusted from
3603s the bosses there are some new traps and
3606s new content to find in those dungeons as
3608s well and
3610s it is different than what was there
3612s before in a lot of cases and the intent
3614s really is for those dungeons to feel
3616s more replayable as well new things to
3618s experience new things to find
3620s and a little quality of life change that
3623s we made as well is that the library of
3625s isoteric uh artifacts and the void Forge
3628s no longer give you completely random
3631s recipes they all come in order so if
3633s you're taking those
3634s um those fragments to those places to
3636s unlock those recipes you'll know what
3639s you're going to get if you happen to
3640s have a list of it or if your friend
3642s tells you I got this thing when I turned
3644s in my second one you will also get that
3645s when you turn in your second one
3648s uh let's see
3651s I'm gonna jump out here yeah yeah sorry
3654s I just realized my screen wasn't sharing
3655s so I could have done this the whole time
3657s oh well yeah that's funny I guess we
3659s could have done that oh well okay real
3662s quick let's cut back in game yeah and I
3664s want to show you guys my favorite part
3666s of the whole update
3668s um and for our clan mate friends that
3671s are nearby uh maybe I should I'm not
3674s gonna wait for them I'm gonna slow the
3676s server down so I can show something
3678s um which may may mess up our friends a
3681s little bit oh there's Victory excellent
3683s okay
3684s so I'll just come down here and do it
3686s and it's easiest to see with a big
3688s weapon like this so
3690s on live right now whenever you do an
3692s attack like this
3694s you're kind of you do that attack and
3696s you're locked in that direction
3698s so if you want to do an attack this way
3700s and then you want to do an attack that
3701s way it'll you know instantly rotate and
3703s let you switch between attacks but this
3705s means you have to guess the trajectory
3706s of the enemy and the timing of your
3708s attack to be able to hit them whenever
3710s they're moving and you're trying to
3712s swing at a moving Target for instance
3714s so now I'm going to slow the server down
3716s and show you what we've done in this
3717s update
3720s so it's very hard to read
3722s so now whenever you do one of these
3724s attacks you can actually hold forward
3726s and redirect and change the direction of
3729s the attack
3729s and I cannot state
3732s I like it can't be understated how much
3734s better this makes the game feel
3737s because now if someone's moving in front
3740s of you even just a little bit you're not
3741s going to miss with that short sword
3743s attack it's very straightforward you
3745s have the ability for a short period of
3747s time during that wind up in the attack
3749s to actually change your direction so
3751s I'll do one more like slow motion one
3753s here so you can see with most attacks
3755s you can get about 90 degrees of rotation
3757s before that damage box becomes active
3760s and the point where damage starts to
3762s happen is where we cut off the ability
3765s to rotate
3767s um so going back to normal speed
3770s you'll see here
3772s you know it's a very short period of
3774s time but in that short period of time
3777s I can I can definitely Orient the
3779s direction of my attack a bit better yeah
3781s just being able to adjust like mid-swing
3783s even just like a little bit in that
3785s windows it's really big it's really nice
3788s yeah the way one of the designers put it
3790s which I thought was really eloquent oh I
3792s put a long short by accident whatever
3794s was that the game just does what you
3796s wanted to do now it does what you expect
3798s it to do so it's a lot harder to miss
3800s with attacks uh whenever you're playing
3803s properly now if you're still missing
3805s things out right you're not going to hit
3806s it you still have to aim at the thing
3808s you want to hit but now if I start
3810s attacking this way and I want to hit my
3811s friend with the shield I can actually
3813s you know re-aim it and hit them
3816s if I am used to this mouse sensitivity
3818s it's a little high for me
3822s there we go and no yeah so I saw in chat
3826s also yeah the I mean Target lock is
3828s still going to be a Thing If this just
3830s helps you a little bit more for example
3832s if you don't have a Target locked enemy
3834s you're like need to like adjust on the
3836s Fly especially like
3838s in The Purge for example when you have
3839s tons of dudes coming at you you may not
3841s necessarily have time to do a lot of
3843s Target Lop changes or anything like this
3846s you just turn you can just turn off
3847s Target log and then try to like adjust
3848s uh as you as you need to if you're
3850s playing um normal controls or sorry it's
3853s on like controller sound movement but if
3855s you're playing mouse and keyboard you
3856s have to hold forward to be able to turn
3858s that with this controller method
3860s if you're playing with a Gamepad it'll
3861s just automatically work because trying
3863s like moving to face a direction
3865s automatically kind of pushes you in that
3867s direction so it'll just always rotate
3869s toward what you're getting to
3870s does this affect NPCs also it does yeah
3873s yeah so that also means you know they
3876s will have an easier time hitting you as
3877s well we might run into some balance
3879s issues there where we need to tone some
3881s stuff down uh we actually found that the
3883s the undead bosses and The Wine Cellar
3885s were using the wrong weapon
3887s uh and only when they could hit us
3889s because we added this update like they
3891s could hit us very consistently did we
3893s realize because they were just doing
3894s truckloads of damage and it was like
3896s impossible to fight them
3899s so yeah
3902s uh let's see
3905s what's the armor we're wearing this is
3907s the intricate spite armor yeah that's
3908s one of the new uh battle pass armors
3910s now we can go we can go show off some of
3912s the new stuff in uh just a little bit uh
3914s since since you're on a tight schedule
3916s and we're we're uh running out of
3918s dentist time I just wanted to try so
3920s quick I know right I just wanted to just
3922s really quick uh uh get a couple uh
3925s questions in from chat and then uh we
3928s can let you go do what you need to do I
3930s should probably talk about this stuff
3931s real quick yeah yeah yeah yes and then
3933s uh we'll try to collect questions and
3935s then yes if we have some time for a few
3937s we'll have Dennis answer and then I'll
3938s try to answer uh whatever else we can
3940s I'm gonna rattle off a few PVP or not
3942s PVP but just like balance changes we
3944s made that we'll probably have good
3946s effect on PVP hopefully in a positive
3948s way in a lot of uh situations
3951s um we've reduced the effectiveness of
3952s Steel food instead of being 33 so you
3955s can only take a third of your health and
3957s damage uh it's 25 now or sorry it was
3960s 25.
3962s now you can die in four hits instead of
3964s three which is backwards
3968s sorry this is really hard for me to read
3971s okay okay yeah sorry it was 25 so you
3975s died in four hits now it's 33 so you can
3978s die in three
3981s um the duration of Last Stand has been
3983s reduced as well from six seconds to
3985s three
3986s we have added a float curve to
3990s bows and what this means is we can
3992s reduce Arrow damage over the distance
3994s they've traveled so right now it's it's
3996s pretty uh forgiving in there like you
3999s can shoot very far with an arrow but
4001s that's a knob that we're looking to be
4002s able to turn is to make the bow
4004s effective range a bit lower because
4006s right now there is no control over it
4008s throwing orbs detonate immediately now
4011s so no matter if you use heavier light it
4013s will just blow up as soon as it hits the
4015s ground
4016s we've added a little bit more throwing
4018s damage to javelins it says throwing
4021s weapon on here too but I actually can't
4022s remember if we did throwing weapons for
4024s sure so you'll just have to check the
4025s patch notes but the throw on a javelin
4027s should be a lot more damaging now
4029s uh this is a really big one God bubbles
4032s are gone no more God bubbles if you're
4034s playing on a PVP server and you'll need
4036s your base to be protected you need to be
4037s there to protect it if you or your
4040s friends can't protect it you you may
4042s risk losing that base
4045s the thrall you know the the thralls that
4047s you put up the defenses that you have is
4049s going to have to be what stops the the
4051s base from being destroyed
4053s um
4053s Siege damage we took avatars and made
4056s them last 10 times longer and reduce
4057s their damage 10 times as much so it's a
4060s lot more defensible you know with the
4062s removal of God bubbles we had to also
4063s reduce the effectiveness of the Gods
4065s themselves
4067s uh let's see you can also cancel that
4070s control so you don't have to sit in it
4071s for the full uh 10 minutes and we've
4075s also made trebuchets easier to build so
4077s instead of taking like what is it like
4079s 30 minutes or something like that right
4081s now per piece it's like five minutes per
4083s piece and you can build uh trebuchets as
4085s a offensive weapon a lot easier
4091s let's see
4097s oh my God Basco is silly
4101s sorry I'm just reading Chad a little bit
4103s right now
4105s so yeah I did notice a bunch of comments
4107s about like oh look what uh what's up
4109s with the god bubbles
4110s uh let's see oh uh do we need does
4113s building damage need to be enabled uh
4115s does that matter for Purge stuff sorry
4118s oh no it'll all it'll always damage okay
4120s yeah we added a new check-in to make
4122s sure those NPCs if they are purging if
4124s anyone's familiar with the dev kit if
4125s they are purging they can always damage
4126s buildings gotcha okay cool someone else
4129s had a question in regards to
4131s um can they swim
4132s they're the same NPCs as always
4135s oh uh are there any changes to the
4137s conversions trap convergence trap um I
4141s was supposed to meet with someone about
4142s that at the end of last week but I uh
4144s don't think we finished talking about it
4145s uh its functionality is going to go away
4148s for sure we're just trying to decide if
4149s we want to make it just a decoration now
4151s or if we want to keep the the effects in
4153s that it has so there will be some change
4155s there okay effectively the the treasurer
4157s is now your convergence trap
4159s I see okay
4163s all right
4164s so let's see here uh let's see if we can
4167s get a couple
4168s thingies from chat really quick a couple
4170s questions
4173s um let's see oh gosh there's a lot
4176s coming in right now
4178s uh can players or Thrills use the
4180s battery Rams I do I believe not not in
4183s chapter two not in chapter two okay yeah
4184s I think that in chapter three
4186s um you know we've already told everyone
4187s what's going to happen in chapter three
4189s so there's going to be PVE raid and what
4191s that really means is that you know you
4193s will be the purge right so you're not
4195s being purged you are the purger you'll
4197s go to a base and you'll be able to get
4199s some of that equipment similar like from
4201s that similar NPC uh you know the the
4204s sell sword and you but battering rams is
4207s the thing that you'll be able to get and
4208s knock down doors enemy doors
4211s testicle um I've got word about the
4213s convergence trap okay
4215s um so it's just visual uh the items
4217s inside of it from before the patch will
4218s be removable but you won't be able to
4219s store anything in it so it's like just
4220s like a piece of Decor cosmetic okay cool
4224s thank you you're welcome
4227s all right uh oh and then uh how do you
4230s how do you get the stink pet
4232s sneak so uh well there should be a base
4234s game Snake now
4236s um
4237s I can't remember I think that we might
4238s have made a reskin for that yeah well
4240s there is there is a new like giant snake
4242s pet skin like in the battle pass yeah
4244s there's some folks were wondering like
4245s how do I actually get it as a pet snake
4247s okay yeah there's snake eggs all over
4249s the place that you can pick up all right
4250s sweet
4252s thank you
4255s okay uh and then uh let's see
4259s um so with the with the PV well okay uh
4262s I don't want to get to her ahead of
4263s yourself all this stuff also that we're
4264s demonstrating today like all the purge
4265s stuff that's all also available on Septa
4267s like it's just yeah yeah like that's all
4269s that's all like map agnostic like
4271s everything we've talked about is
4273s everywhere yeah it's a base Game feature
4274s that everyone will have access to you
4276s don't need to like buy the battle pass
4278s or do anything special like it's just
4279s gonna be a base Game feature for free
4281s um
4282s and will be available on all maps
4284s because it's it's just like it's it's
4286s tied to your base like it's tied to your
4288s base's location in your coffers location
4289s so it doesn't care as long as there's
4290s like a valid place for like the fob like
4293s the Ford operating base the spawn then
4295s you'll be able to summon the purge so
4296s like yeah exot land SEPTA whatever
4298s custom map you might be running if
4299s you're running a modded thing that
4300s should work yeah it's not it's not map
4302s specific content it can work anywhere
4304s and uh for modders out there too it
4306s should all be like totally modable the
4308s content of the Waves the frequency of
4309s the Waves the difficulty of you know
4311s who's in them
4313s um even the forward operating base
4314s itself should be modable so you can
4315s change the composition of that what's in
4317s it what kind of reward do you get
4318s whatever
4319s sweet okay I think we have time for one
4322s more question before you got a jet and
4323s then we're gonna jump into showing off
4325s some of the new uh Cosmetics featured in
4328s the bizarre and battle pass and then
4329s we'll wrap it up
4331s uh so let's see how long will the new
4333s Purge run for so it's it's just like
4335s it's wave based I believe and then like
4337s it it ends when either you lose or like
4340s they can't access the call for anymore
4342s or when the final guy dies yeah there's
4344s no there's no time restriction it's all
4346s event restricted yeah and then it's like
4348s I I guess on average like do you have an
4350s estimate on like how long each like a
4352s full Purge encounter will take like
4353s maybe like a regular group it's gonna
4356s yeah it's gonna vary a lot based on your
4358s composition so depending on how many
4359s followers you have or how many friends
4361s you have with you what I'm aiming for is
4363s that in like 15 to 20 minutes you should
4365s be able to finish course purges it might
4368s go a little longer than that but they
4370s should be a pretty quick repeatable
4372s activity that you can do just for fun
4373s right like I said earlier that's the big
4375s point is to have something that you can
4377s just like hey I have 20 minutes I'm
4379s gonna go play some Exiles real quick and
4380s get something that's worthwhile out of
4382s it instead of you know I've I'm I've
4384s been farming iron for the past five
4387s hours so I can play next week right kind
4389s of thing
4390s yep uh and then I guess I guess the
4392s other question of course uh so yeah the
4394s the this update is now currently
4396s available on public beta uh you can
4397s download and test that out now uh the
4399s full drop for chapter two it's currently
4402s slated for September 21st of this year
4405s uh so we'll have a we'll have a a
4407s decently chunky beta period uh and then
4410s the the full release will be on the 21st
4411s of September
4415s okay well with that uh I am going to bid
4419s everyone yeah
4421s oops sorry and he muted me I'm sorry I
4424s hit the wrong button rude I'm the worst
4427s anyway yeah uh thanks everyone for
4429s joining us uh you know I look forward to
4432s answering all of your lovely questions
4433s and concerns I know that change is scary
4437s um but we don't do things without good
4439s reasons just keep that in mind
4443s all right have a good day everyone and
4444s thanks Dennis great rest of your stream
4447s Nicole and Andy thanks Nicole you could
4449s probably if you wanted to
4452s man the helm come on over here no
4455s pressure come on it's an option
4456s otherwise it's just gonna be all Andy
4458s and frogs and chemtrails over here
4465s yes careful about the lights on your way
4467s oh yeah it's all super cramped over here
4469s bye thank you
4471s all right I'm going to just switch seats
4473s over here
4474s as I mute myself I'm still trying to get
4476s used to this whole uh setup here so
4479s uh
4481s bye all right
4487s all right so now I'm now I'm in the
4490s driver's seat
4494s if you want if you want to swing by here
4496s yeah why not
4498s I mean it's we're never stream ready
4500s Nicole it's fine you know we're all Lucy
4502s goosey here you're totally fine
4504s okay I'm gonna switch back to in-game
4506s view right now
4509s move this aside here
4513s yeah yeah it's uh they they crank the AC
4515s we specifically requested that the ACB
4517s cranked uh in the Stream room because it
4520s gets really warm in here especially with
4521s a bunch of bodies and we have all these
4522s like new lights and all this extra
4524s Hardware now so it's like you might have
4526s noticed uh I saw someone in chat being
4528s like it's time to take a drink every
4529s time and you swipe the sweat off his
4531s brow it's like I'm sorry I'm nervous
4533s so anyway yeah so
4535s um of course with with any major update
4537s uh there's going to be a bunch of uh
4539s like battle pass like new battle pass
4541s and new bizarre items uh one viewer
4544s noted the armor I'm wearing right now is
4546s also one of the new ones so this is uh a
4550s battle pass Set uh I think it's actually
4553s um built off of an age of Conan uh armor
4557s set so it it if you've seen a modded
4559s version of it it stands through
4561s okay
4564s [Music]
4569s Hi friend
4570s so uh you can see one of our one of our
4572s helpful followers uh at the office here
4576s is also wearing a dyed version of the
4578s set
4579s uh and then this is the snake skin and
4581s the snakeskin yeah so yeah I'll um
4584s let me let me just make sure I don't
4585s accidentally show off uh
4592s they did I'm so sorry I was like
4597s that was very good thank you
4601s okay so
4602s um we we you know obviously we want to
4606s spoil too much here so I'm not gonna
4607s like go over to show off too many of the
4610s um like backgrounds or anything like
4611s that but uh here here's like the first
4613s few pages of the battle pass you can see
4614s here uh This Is The Relic Hunter armor
4617s uh this was our the first uh thrall
4620s Casualty that we had when during our
4622s demo uh this is immediately available
4624s when up on uh obtaining the battle pass
4627s uh and then a bunch of a bunch of those
4630s sorts of placeables and things that you
4631s would expect new banners uh coins uh A
4635s Relic country themed Shield at this the
4637s the the Central logo uh updates with
4641s your uh Clan Emblem as well
4644s uh now that we have that Tech like we're
4646s gonna yeah we're trying to add that to
4648s as maybe like new things as we can also
4652s um let's see here
4654s going back to the pass
4656s uh let's see
4659s uh Relic country themed uh
4662s like the the whole a whole gamut of
4665s tools so Hatchet pick sickle there's a
4668s skinning knife in Cleaver as well
4670s uh and a bunch of other stuff uh let's
4672s see in the bizarre you see sorry all the
4674s fpo stuff is all um like placeholder
4676s stuff so I apologize in advance again
4678s this is all like uh beta stuff
4681s um but yeah we'll have a whole bunch of
4682s new uh armor sets uh something oh yeah
4686s we teased on social media also uh one of
4689s the other new building sets uh I'm sorry
4691s for any confusion cause I know some
4692s people might have thought like oh is
4693s this like some new way like buildings
4695s building damage is being shown it's not
4697s uh it's a new uh
4699s uh it's a new separate building set
4701s called the war torn ruins it's based on
4703s the existing new median building set
4708s um but it's it's a whole bunch of uh
4710s separate options let's see here
4712s you can find it
4714s oh wait where is it oops I'm dumb thank
4717s you there it is so yeah this is a it's a
4719s full set of things
4721s um various uh uh various forms of
4724s destroyed wall and rubble and Decay
4725s destroyed foundations if you just for
4728s that extra just destroyed aesthetic
4732s um
4733s and then of course what you saw here is
4736s the full pyramid set so this is also its
4739s own
4740s uh full full set with various types of
4744s foundations of course the the decoration
4746s foundation with the hieroglyphics on
4747s each side that you can cycle around
4749s various pillar types as well as support
4752s for secret passages that we will
4754s uh
4756s yes
4758s that's awesome what's this it's time to
4761s raid something yes
4766s no what's this
4769s oh
4775s widowing prizes yes
4782s I like the walls a lot
4784s yes yeah and then yeah the really nice
4786s thing about the uh again the really nice
4788s thing about the hieroglyphics
4790s um like wall wall slash Foundation block
4792s is that um there's different uh
4795s different art on each side this is a lot
4797s of this is repeated but uh YouTube
4798s Raider armor no God embracer slash idots
4803s please don't come after us yeah
4805s um but yeah so like yeah that way if you
4806s want some variety on your walls you can
4807s you can switch it up if you want to that
4809s way you don't have like the exact same
4810s pattern here this is what we did here so
4812s you can avoid this by uh swapping
4814s through the round
4816s oh yeah new Treasures that's right so
4817s yeah we uh we got a bunch of your
4819s feedback on the existing coin pile so
4821s we're actually doing a bunch of we're
4822s doing another pass on that to make that
4824s look extra pretty and extra glittering
4826s but we do also have new treasure piles
4828s that include
4830s um various other things like
4831s uh
4833s uh you know
4834s gems and other pretty things uh new
4837s tapestry new carpet the
4840s a sarcophagus unfortunately not a bed
4843s this is something that was brought up I
4845s wanted to be a bed but it's not I'd be
4847s sick yeah there is however uh let's see
4850s is there
4853s is the there's also a new emo that kind
4856s of ties into that but yeah mummy
4859s included uh they're oh well actually
4861s wait hold on huh
4864s oh yes
4867s so yeah this is another uh this is
4869s called the embalming wrap set and this
4871s is also going to be uh featured in the
4872s available for people from the battle
4874s pass
4876s so yes you can in fact walk like a mummy
4879s if you want
4880s uh unfortunately yeah you can't get in
4882s these sarcophagus that was the that was
4884s the first thing I I wanted in my wish
4886s list but alas yeah we'll see
4890s let's see uh there is a new gem there is
4893s a new little like cute little gem
4895s placeable as well a little shimmering
4897s Ruby
4898s yeah yeah just a nice little pretty
4900s thing I'm just gonna
4902s write on his face there we go very good
4906s it's got a big old big old Ruby clown
4908s nose now very good that's great
4911s okay
4912s um we'll have a new uh Acer Chieftain
4916s set as well pardon the four placement
4918s only placeholder icons
4921s uh so yeah this is a nice heavy armor
4924s set with a with a cape
4926s uh and also Warhammer and I think also
4929s it I believe so this is the King of the
4931s Hill bundle that'll be on the bazaar and
4933s I think also it comes with a polar bear
4937s all right it's not up on this list yet
4938s let's see here if I can get the chief
4941s boy
4943s yeah no caves no capes
4946s oh I don't remember what it's called Uh
4949s oh here it is
4951s oops well I spawned it as an enemy but
4953s anyway this is what it looks like
4955s it's fine oh no
4957s Okay cool so it's just after your
4959s treasure he wants my treasure yeah so
4960s nope nope no animal purges sorry but
4964s yeah so this will be uh this will be a
4966s new polar bear pet skin uh that'll come
4968s with the bundle as well
4971s okay who tightened up polar bears hey
4976s what a good boy
4977s yeah oh and then I think I think I saw
4979s in chat also I think uh one of the other
4981s bits of feedback that we got was um the
4983s the Perpetual scribbling that you hear
4985s next to the accountant that's something
4986s that that's a that's a that's a the pain
4988s point that we're aware of
4991s um so we'll think so much to write I
4993s know I know I know
4996s god with who who knows because the the
4999s great uh Mecca Moses Conan oh now we're
5003s talking yeah
5005s oh
5007s can I Romance the bear no I'm sorry not
5010s out of a box at least we won't uh if
5012s there's any Intrepid modders that want
5013s to do that we won't I guess we won't
5015s stop you yeah
5019s um
5019s oh yeah there's actually also now a
5021s wearable Bearer pack let's see here do I
5023s have it I don't oh yeah someone was also
5025s asking are those new shock rooms yes
5026s they are
5030s so this will also be I believe in the
5031s battle pass but yeah so this is a whole
5033s like Relic Hunter themed uh like it's
5035s part of the whole like Relic Hunter
5036s themed uh like stuff that we have in the
5038s battle pass as well so uh this is a
5040s shopper that's an agility weapon
5043s um
5043s it's like mostly yeah it's a shotgun has
5045s mostly like punch daggery style move set
5047s applies bleed on heavy attacks the good
5050s stuff and it looks rad
5054s my number seven hop oh yeah this is the
5056s uh mercenary Banner that we purchased
5058s from the uh mercenary Captain When We
5060s rescued him earlier in the purge like
5062s demo so you plop you plonk one down uh
5064s and then it spawns uh
5066s spawns a bunch of helpers the idea here
5069s is yeah it's like extra extra like
5070s on-demand defense is like uh in case
5073s you're getting overrun or something like
5074s that by The Purge uh I'm not off the top
5077s of my head I don't know how strong they
5079s are
5080s uh but they should be consummate with uh
5084s yeah
5086s with uh the difficulty that you get or
5088s uh they should be able to stand their
5090s ground are we showing the whole battle
5092s pass no I don't want to show the entire
5094s battle pass just because like I mean if
5095s it's available on the public beta then
5097s sure I don't think it is but um I I want
5099s to avoid showing the whole thing off
5101s like I'd love to show all the items off
5102s but like I don't want to show all the
5103s backgrounds off or anything like that
5104s just because like
5106s um you know people who really uh like
5109s want to see that for themselves or you
5110s know unlock that for themselves that you
5111s can uh I'd rather save the surprise for
5113s y'all there I don't want to spoil too
5115s much
5116s nice backpack nerd yeah I know yeah just
5119s I I have extremely powerful shove me
5121s into a locker energy right now I
5122s understand I know I know okay so it's
5124s not on beta right now uh I'm reluctant
5127s to do that on stream right now just
5128s because I don't I want to avoid spoilers
5130s and I'd rather yeah I'd rather just be
5132s on the safe side so sorry guys uh you
5134s just have to wait a month
5136s um
5137s see uh I don't think there's a I don't
5140s know if there's a new Mount per se I
5142s have an emblem on it the cape should
5144s have emblem on it I think I think that's
5145s supposed to update to your Clan Emblem
5147s but it doesn't seem to be uh that
5149s doesn't seem to be working right now I'm
5151s not 100 sure I'm pretty sure that's
5152s supposed to be a Clan Emblem
5154s um but that's uh that's not hooked up
5156s currently I think during the beta
5160s okay
5161s um what else did I want to show off okay
5163s yeah there's the
5166s treasure hunter set also
5169s so this is uh I think some of you might
5172s have seen a glimpse of this but this is
5173s a bizarre uh item set
5176s um and uh in addition to this of course
5178s like there'll be new like other new Clan
5180s emblems and tattoo or you know War
5181s paints uh and
5184s um like spray paint sprays that you can
5186s uh lay down as well
5188s chose the mummy armor again yeah sure
5192s yes
5197s oh I want a flying carpet yeah I wish
5201s yeah that sounds like a great mod
5204s [Laughter]
5210s let's see do the signs on the
5211s foundations so uh and then just to
5213s reiterate also we talked about a little
5214s bit in the beginning of the stream and I
5215s appreciate folks in chat um like keeping
5217s people updated but um you know I know uh
5220s we acknowledge like two really hot
5221s issues right now are some creatures like
5223s a lot of large creatures being just
5225s completely invisible especially on like
5226s consoles uh that's like a weird like
5229s texture streaming issue with this like
5230s middleware that we have uh that
5232s unfortunately the company the the
5234s company that created the middleware was
5235s acquired by a different company who
5237s makes a different engine and so now it's
5239s like oh cool
5240s uh
5241s uh so we sometimes run into problems
5243s with that and that's what's causing the
5244s invisible animals those things it's kind
5246s of a pain unfortunately obviously for
5248s you as players it sucks but it's also
5250s pretty
5251s tedious to to try and track down all
5253s that stuff on our end so it takes a
5254s little bit of time to actually like get
5256s that get that all done so thanks for
5257s sticking with us and for your patience
5259s on that but uh we think we've tracked
5261s down most of the issues and that should
5263s be uh fixed in this update when it goes
5265s live uh additionally we know of a client
5268s crash in the southern area of SEPTA that
5270s is also very well known and will also be
5273s fixed uh in the uh Age of War Chapter 2
5276s update when it launches on September
5277s 21st
5280s yeah Dance For Me Andy IRL or my
5283s character don't answer that yeah I'm not
5285s gonna dance for you right now maybe I
5287s will who knows the
5290s okay
5292s um I think that covers most of the
5295s things that we wanted to talk about uh
5298s and show off uh again the public beta
5301s client you can see all this almost all
5303s this stuff for yourself right now uh if
5306s you open up your steam Library go search
5307s for uh Conan excel's public beta it's a
5309s separate uh like a separate like copy of
5312s the game yeah it's a separate client
5313s that you install uh and then that'll
5315s that'll direct you to uh this version
5318s and then
5321s have at it start some purges let us know
5324s what you think uh please please let us
5326s have it because like we're really
5327s excited about this update uh we think
5330s it's really important to have like
5332s repeatable on-demand content like this
5334s that you can do in like smaller
5335s bite-sized chunks for folks uh and so we
5339s just really want this to be as good as
5340s you know as best as it can be so please
5342s let us know how it goes
5345s okay
5347s just reading chat super quick
5351s let's swap back to us so you can see our
5352s our beautiful faces here
5355s uh I'm being photo about yes I was being
5357s photobombed by our by our friends here
5359s yes hello hi hey
5364s very good thank you thank you
5367s um okay
5368s so let's see uh I think I think that
5371s does cover it
5372s um Running Out of Time ourselves here uh
5374s we got to get back to things we have a
5375s play test later today that we want to
5377s also join up also I think about that
5379s yeah yeah so the official forums are
5381s open like if you guys feedback for there
5382s please go there yes uh I think I think
5385s it should still be in the clipboard if
5386s you can we just control V into a chat
5388s there the it should be the URL for the
5391s um for the beta patch notes yeah so one
5394s last time I believe I'm going to be
5395s linking the public beta patch notes uh
5397s in chat both on YouTube and twitch uh go
5400s have a read through those to digest all
5403s the changes that are coming up
5406s um and then yeah just let us know there
5408s just let us know in the Forum just what
5410s you think
5411s so yeah
5413s um if I if we didn't get a chance to
5415s answer your question I'm sorry there's a
5417s lot coming in please yeah please message
5418s us on the forums or anywhere or on
5421s Reddit uh we we do read those
5424s so just let us know what you think
5426s um I can't get all I can't get to
5428s everything here right now but thank you
5430s all so much for joining us
5432s head out to uh our support team yeah
5435s yeah thank you yeah big thanks to to
5437s Valkyrie and Aurora and uh happy
5440s birthday shupa happy birthday
5443s and uh whoever else's birthday is today
5445s there was actually a lot of people that
5447s said today that today was their birthday
5448s so we have a meme in the office also
5451s where every day is Nicole's birthday
5452s yeah yeah so we all I feel really bad
5454s because there's a lot of people who
5455s actually think it's my birthday every
5456s time that joke oh my God happy birthday
5458s it's like no it's a dumb roll with it
5461s and just be like oh thank you
5464s yeah we have we have fun Commerce in
5467s chat uh wishing you a happy birthday
5468s Nicole thank you I appreciate it
5472s all right Fredo's well uh thank you all
5474s for tuning in uh this has been uh and
5477s exciting and also someone like huh it's
5479s I always get a little bit stressed out
5480s for for all the live streams but uh
5482s thank you all for joining us today y'all
5484s have been great uh I hope uh I hope
5485s you're as excited as we are about this
5487s update and we're looking forward to uh
5489s all your feedback and comments and and
5491s uh other ways you can uh
5495s help us make the game better together so
5497s thank you sorry sorry sorry
5499s [Laughter]
5503s um
5504s any closing remarks from you nope those
5506s are mine cool uh well again my name is
5508s Andy I'm Nicole yeah oh sorry the name
5511s yeah the nameplates are gone right now
5512s yeah because they didn't switch it up
5513s from when you came over but yeah so uh
5515s well here
5516s am I to Andy you're you're now you're
5519s now on screen instead of off screen but
5520s that's that's Nicole uh we're Community
5522s managers here at funcom so uh we're
5524s we're at the front lines reading your
5525s comments so
5527s um
5532s okay anyway anyway yeah so uh thank you
5535s all for tuning in uh we really
5536s appreciate it get on the beta uh hack it
5539s apart let us know what you think uh
5541s we're gonna leave you with that
5543s thanks y'all bye
5582s foreign
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