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my first official I've played , and I've spent a lot of time on here been in a few clans seen a few wars but this one is like a gamer nightmare people getting from lvl 20 to 60 In less than half a day lag spikes in combat, people being combat specs carrying 6 sets of armor and weapons they took after killing people, having no health and bleed and poison and getting away I dont want to sound like I'm winning or anything it's just recently I came back after a big issue and war and was alone but since I had good history the alpha let me join and we have been at war with griefers people who manipulate low levels to pick on others and just go about killing people and harassing, now I didnt belive it until they had shown a low level clan how to manipulate an exp gain and they boosted to 60 in a really short amount of time. We went today to try and raid them with Gods and found that they were banishing right as we summoned them, they have no bubble I have pictures of proof of that, we tried several times that nobody spawned a bubble but every time we would get close the gods were banished I just wish that there was a more direct line of help for things like this I mean we get close to them and the game acts like you have 1 star internet bouncing around and when it calms down you're dead. We had the server shutdown for what seemed to be everybody but them I asked a few people about it but not a lot of solid evidence only that when we got back on finally they were on and everybody else still had yet to get back. It sucks the fun out of the game and people keep leaving and it seems eventually the server will die because of this, level 60s who are seemingly unstoppable killing everything from tier 1 to whatever seems easy , and its especially difficult when you have people like this who just build to kill. the alphas I joined had shops for low levels and they encouraged leveling and growth never shunning combat or raids if it wasnt griefing we are fighting strong but it seems these guys never die it may be combat prowess but to many people have seen and heard things from them and others I'm not asking for a ban I'm not even asking for direct help I just want to know that you're working to quell things like this and things like hyborean gloves with twice the armor ratings they should have, and exp glitches, and who knows the pictures I have of no bubbles and Gods vanishing may just of been server glitches, lag, and bugs but if that's the case then what's going on, we cant use the player list to see who's on, we cant see who does raiding, stealing, ect.. which doesnt help we have people treating the pvp like they are just supposed to build little huts make bombs and blow up people until they get mad and quit the maps are littered in empty bases and it seems all people want to do is kill servers and move on at least have a more direct line to address all of these issues before more people fall victim to those who just want to kill and no I wont go to pve because level, armor, and what seems to be stat exploiting is there too people who never die considering our multiple boosts , bleed , poison and useless pets and thralls. And I apologize for the not so well put together distress call signed a full time working conan lover who just wants fair play against the people who sit up day and night playing and have attained God status. Ps if anybody has ideas on what we could do let me know I'm open to anything, and don't tell the alphas I came here they are headstrong fighters. Edit took away server number

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over 5 years ago - /u/Funcom_Ignasis - Direct link


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