about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Our team over on Zendesk will still be here to help out with any characters stuck in transfer limbo so please continue to reach out to them if you are encountering any issues.

Before reaching out, please make sure you check out our post on how to report character transfer issues: How to report an issue with Character Transfers

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

The feature will be disabled on the 7th of June.
Not sure when and if we will enable transfers again (on official servers) but as always, we will post any additional updates here so keep an eye out for that.

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

The answer for that will be that you can keep the character in limbo until the feature will be turned off.
You will have to choose a server and move the character before the 7th.

If you are experiencing any issues then feel free to poke our team over on Zendesk.

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Yes, you can still transfer between official servers until the 7th of June.

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Hello everyone,

Reminding you that today we will be disabling the character transfers. More info here: Disabling Character Transfers - #4 by Dana

P.S: Our team over on Zendesk is still working on recovering all lost characters so if you are experiencing this issue feel free to reach out to them.

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Hi @AnyaRomanova

If you are still experiencing issues, please make sure you follow up on your original messages to our Zendesk team and tell them about the ongoing issue.

Please refrain from posting further about the status of the issue as we want to keep the thread clean and clear to all.
If you have any questions regarding transfers, feel free to post them here :blush:

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Please be patient with the team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

Again, if you are experiencing any issues feel free to reach out to the team and they will be able to help you out further.

about 2 years ago - Dana - Direct link

Since the discussion is no longer on topic and transfers have now been turned off on both official and unofficial servers (more info here), I will be closing this thread.